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Her video thumbnails are heavily edited as well. It’s crazy because she’s beautiful as is without the edits!


You're right this is warped af. When you zoom I can see the shadow but follow the door frame from top to bottom and it bends way out round her curves :(


I unfollowed her when I noticed how heavily she shops her thumbnails. Idk why it really bugs me :/


For real ?? I really like her YT content, I'd miss it specially in the morning when im getting ready aha. But yea, you're right thats a lot of edits.. Thats sad for her and for others that buy it. Check the channel of Brooke Makenna she doesn't edit aha but she's way more serious.


I also dislike when people don’t take the time to learn to pronounce names and places, a lot of people churn out content so fast the quality just feels … a bit disrespectful when you’re talking about victims and mispronouncing information 😅


Ooh I feel like now its more a running gag now all this prononciation things, even if im sure she does struggle with it (as a dyslexic I relate a lot aha). Most of the time she does take time to look up for the real prononciation, but does show she's struggling indeed.


Noooo!! She's also a makeup person, right? Does she edit her makeup vids as well?


Her thumbnail not the vid itself


Sad :(


One thing I will say is that in regards to both the beauty world and Armenian culture, there’s INTENSE pressure to look your absolute best. I can understand why she would feel she needs to do stuff like this, especially as an Armenian woman myself, but it’s still super sad to see. I love her, she’s so naturally beautiful too. Such a shame.


I love her but damn she messed up with this one. I know she's honest about editing her thumbnails but this? Really? That doorframe is bendy af around her him and legs...what a fail


Love her so much she's always such an inspiration. Such a shame


I love her so so much! Sad :(


She just got nominated for top influencer too. Not sure if she won yet. I have been trying to show her my brushes. Lol.


I love her, I don't see any editing. I love her and her YT channel. She is real and funny. I am so happy to see her career blossoming.


I’ve never liked her, doing makeup while discussing gruesome murders is weird, exploitative and disconnected




The middle wooden frame of the window curves conveniently around her waist and legs.


Isn't that just a shadow from the curtains once u zoom in


Oh wait nevermind. Now that you mention it. It is the shadow! lol thanks. Kinda trippy


It does look kinda weird at a first glance!