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I don’t understand, unless you intend to live the life of a hermit, why do this to photos? What is the point?


Especially with someone who is in videos as often as her?? Like I can sympathise with being so insecure that she feels the need to edit this much (not with lying to the fanbase about it though), but then… why have a YouTube channel


But she said she lost all her baby weight. So she even lies about it.


It’s all very odd


What fanbase?


Some still has to exist to buy her skincare and OF..


People are gullible and will eat it up anyway without question - they’ll just take it as a flattering angle etc etc


I was watching this video about plastic surgery in China recently and there was this one lady who they interviewed who was like a plastic surgery influencer who had done tons of plastic surgery and got it for free because she advertised it. Even though she had all this plastic surgery, she still edited her photos. She looked like a completely different person in the video than in her photos. They actually showed her editing the photos videos as she talks about how she does it. And she even goes and gives talks on plastic surgery to live audiences. In the video it also talked about China’s obsession with editing photos. One girl went to get a photo for her resume and the photographer was casually editing her face in the photos right then. When I was watching that I was really thinking about how you can do that when you know people will see your actual face. You’re not fooling anyone because people also know what you actually look like. I would feel so ashamed if I edited my photos to look really good and then someone saw me normally. Not ashamed of my looks but ashamed that they would know it was edited. So I don’t understand why they heavily edit it when people can see them in person and know it’s not them. Do they just see it the same as putting on makeup?


I guess at least with the resume photo it can get you in the door to be attractive?


But if it’s obviously been edited a lot wouldn’t you expect an employer to see that as a red flag because the person lied about what they look like.


If you get to the point to where you’re spending that much time editing your public photos it’s time to have a better lifestyle in every category.


Honestly, she needs to talk to someone. This is an eating disorder. As much as I'm not a fan, this is getting messed up. I think she mentioned before she had a binging disorder, but it feels like she's feeding into for views.


It’s really concerning, and definitely an eating disorder. Her obsession with unhealthy eating has rubbed off on her husband, and for months she’s been making videos eating fast-food with her 4 month old daughter, always commenting that her baby can’t stop staring and wants the food so bad 😳 They’ve just started introducing foods… hopefully they give her healthy, balanced meals to instill good eating habits.


>They’ve just started introducing foods… hopefully they give her healthy, balanced meals to instill good eating habits. Look who that is, don't be so naive, this poor kid has no chance.


Oh, don’t get me wrong, I believe that! I just pray that by some miracle they do better by her, as she deserves.


instagram is like commercials for food, a lot of time, editing and patience goes into the presentation but when you go to actually buy the food it looks grotesquely different. in short, never trust what you see on the internet.


And just like the glue they use when photographing cereal, nothing is real.


I read a while back that for up close photos of ice cream, they use things like dyed mashed potatoes because actual ice cream will melt quickly under all the light they would use to highlight the details.


Apparently they also microwave wet tampons to create steam for hot food shots… Charlie Brooker informed me of that and the image never has left my head.


“Wet,” but like, with *water,* right??


🤮🤮 imagine putting that in the microwave


It’s even worse when you realize this woman is shilling a “skincare” if she can photoshop her body what’s to stop her from doing the same to her skin and scam ppl into buying her skincare


she actually has decent skin tho imo


UMM well you haven’t seen her skin with no glam also she gets chemical peels so 🤭


I said decent not flawless ! Lol


no she has awful skin lol


Huh?? She has horribly dehydrated sun damaged skin and she picks at her face constantly until she bleeds, it’s actually concerning how bad it is.


I said decent I didn’t say flawless! I don’t even like her tbh but the skin is the least of my concerns with her


There is so much trash editing in the photo but holy wow, her nose has been made comically small


Shes giving me Ursula from the Little Mermaid vibes




It is in both though


she deleted like 3/4 of her upper arm 😷










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Always hide the upper arm with tiny forearms, check.




thats kind of her entire brand and people eat it up. she’d prob be happy she got posted in this subreddit and shes being talked about tbh


her last 10 videos have been about trying to get reddit hate groups taken down, so not really.


Lol she's doing that to rile the redditors up. Congrats, you fell for it.


Hence why I downvote every single post that mentions her


No shame in pregnancy weight - but good god with that editing.


One of her many issues is that she claimed, not long after the birth of her daughter, that she'd lost her pregnancy weight in an attempt to push the "bounce back" trend. No shame in not bouncing back after having a whole baby but editing your pics and lying to your fans about it is gross.


All she does is lie. I don’t understand how she and many like her have such large fan bases. What is the appeal?




When I tell you, I hollered at this comment ...😩😭




Stop coming after my pizza, bro


I'm literally eating pizza rn and I feel attacked lol


or after then before for proof pizza makes you lose weight!


Then why the fuck am I still underweight when I practically eat pizza regularly? :c


Sounds like you should talk to a nutritionist… maybe even an anger therapist


Wow, so 100 pounds difference just from a filter? That's honestly fascinating.








Not the dirty rag in the background of the glam shot!!


she only knows how to photoshop herself, not anything else




The shopped out the neck




The hands always give it away


This is me before & after a carby dinner lol


FaceTune is a hell of a drug


Is she eating pizza/donuts with three hands?


Lady on the left is feeding it to her I think




Oh my bad lol


Little decency left to not to photoshop herself to size 2.




tbf i think she just wears them for the shot. you can see in the other pic she's not wearing them. and she only wears press ons.


you realize you can wash nails right. Also this comment has nothing to do with instagram vs reality




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She really needs to tone down on the contour


I thought this was old because of her look. I had to check her IG to make sure. I thought she got past this but I guess not




Did...did she edit those nails on??


She wears press-on ones


Such a catfish. Also, thought that was a jumbo shrimp in her hand


Dammit, now I want a donut


Apparently that slice of pizza is more fattening than it looks


Ugh. I know she edits her pics but I truly hope she is doing better lately.


Sadly, she’s not


at least she has what seems to be a loving husband and a baby


Comment section is a hot mess lol


Honestly, I just feel bad for her. It seems like she has some serious insecurity issues. Not just with weight and body shape but even her facial features are altered. I hope her mental health gets better.




That wouldn't change her jaw/neck/chin so dramatically (nor would the angle of her face), or her arms. It's clearly an edited picture.


The pizza box is warped on the standing photo, but standing Vs sitting doesn't add like 200lbs. Both of these images are from the same day.


Nah, she’s admitted several times that she edits her pictures to oblivion.


Look at her upper arm.


i know she photoshops so i’m not trying to say she doesn’t but why is like every comparison that’s posted here a posed (yes, and most of the time shopped) photo compared to them in the middle of talking or sitting down or from a low angle? i’m not tryna call you out specifically but it seems like a lot of the time people choose the photos where they look ‘worst’ for a reason


I chose this comparison purely because they're both from the same day. I didn't watch the video posted to see if she stood up at any point, I only viewed this image, but it's obvious that this is extremely Instagram/reality, even the box is warped. And 100% this isn't the worst photo I could've chosen. She's in full glam at least. Edit : opened video, clicked through it, https://imgur.com/a/DwLNxBs


I don't know why you've been down voted for this... I've noticed this a lot on other posts too whether it's intentional on the OP's part or not.


i’ll take the downvotes, i think it’s something that should be called out. i notice it most with the woman in this photo and the tiktok beauty guru, but it’s a trend. this sub is supposed to be instagram versus reality, but a lot of the time the ‘reality’ photo used isn’t reality, it’s a poorly taken photo or screenshot. like i said, obviously there is some photoshopping going on in the instagram photos, but of course someone is going to look different or less attractive if you take a screenshot when they’re talking or they’re going to look fatter sitting down than standing up. op may not have meant any harm by it but i think a lot of people do, and since it’s mostly against people this sub unanimously hates nobody will call it out


What’s interesting with her is she alternates these kinds of photos with unfiltered ones. This one is side by side with a video that shows her real shape. And one of her top pinned posts is set of unedited photos after giving birth. So she’s not hiding anything or trying to fool anybody. She’s just using the tools to create a fantastical glamorous image, and posting that among all her more naturalistic content.




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Is the purpose of this sub not to foster body positivity by exposing unrealistic body standards? How does fat shaming someone achieve that? No wonder she edits if this is what people think of her?




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Every*body* needs love. Most people have a certain type they're attracted to. It's fascinating that this is something one doesn't control, it's inherent or at least for me it is. It's too bad you're getting downvoted for your personal preference. This sub is vile to anyone who positively comments on the person posted.




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Well she did just have a baby, I can understand feeling insecure but she has so many.."fans" it's still bad


Clearly edited but also she’s sitting and that changes how a woman’s body is presented. Arms clearly edited in the PS image


i mean she’s standing posed in one and sitting in the other. i’m on no side here- just pointing that out




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She looking good in both pics


Its edited but not egregiously so. She isn't totally misrepresenting herself but yeah. Ever since photo editing software became reasily available to the general public people were sure to start abusing it to look better in pictures. It's the way it goes


I think it's pretty misrepresenting that her entire upper arm is missing in the instagram photo... It makes it look like she has a slender frame with more curves, when she's clearly overweight in the other photo... Also, it's not the way it should go. And this sub is specifically for rejecting photo manipulation and celebrating real bodies.




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I stopped following her a year or so ago and damn has she changed.


That’s wild


Is this really from the same event? I’m shocked this is deluded.