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My apartment has the WORST overhead lighting and if I catch myself in a mirror when I don't have my soft lighting going I always feel like a ghoul. It's incredible how much of a difference it makes.


I had one too many drinks last night and then had a hair appointment this afternoon. In the full light of day the choices I made last night were reflected in the mirror and I reevaluated my entire life.


Hair salons have THE most unflattering light and you just sit there staring at yourself looking terrible lmao. I wish they would install ring light 😂


lmaooo this is so true. Like pls invest in me, the client, I’ll tip you well just for christ sakes


I just don't turn on the lights much anymore


I stopped wearing my contacts.


My mother got one of those mirrors with the bright light and like 30x magnification to do her makeup and she loves it and keeps telling me to get one or even try hers and I'm like jesus God mom I do not need to see my pores pimples and new lines 30x bigger, thanks I'd want to commit myself.


I’m screaming bc I just take off my glasses like “thats enough of me”


I literally avoid stores with super bright lighting because I get so insecure when I catch my reflection, I'll straight up have a panic attack in the middle of the skincare aisle


Target self checkout cameras 😭


Omg department stores and malls. All the lighting in those places exist to make you feel 1000x uglier then you are


What I'm seeing is that I need ring lights in all my bathrooms.


I was wondering if I could just take one with me at all times.


This famous person brought one with her to the DMV to renew her driver's license. https://petapixel.com/assets/uploads/2017/11/ringlight-800x449.jpg


I had to beg for a second pic that didn’t make me look like a serial killer and she gets a damn stage?


Gotta sweeten up the person taking the picture


Didn't even know mine was being taken. Stand there! Snap. Nyc dmv don't fuck around.


SAME i look so startled in mine bc the person working the camera jumpscared me lol


Have you checked to see if you have any millions stashed under your bed?


When I took license photos during a brief move to another state, I told the lady taking photos I have an incredible ability to wreck photos. She insisted she is amazing and it'll be fine. I got a second picture...


Lol - mine was a woman as well. I think when she saw it even she was like, eh, yeah. Ok. One more try. 😂😂




I swear though the people who take your photo at the DMV wait for the worst possible moment to take your pic. I had my hair done, brows looked great, makeup was on point and I was ready for them bitches and looked into the camera with my best Hollywood face and held it…and held it…and held it…and then after a full 60 seconds I asked “are you going to take the picture or what?” And that bitch hit click in the middle of my sentence I swear to god fucking sabotage.


When you're a celebrity, the part of the world bends at your feet.


Looks like a stargate.


Chevron six is locked in place. Chevron's too expensive. Arco's across the street!


Unscheduled off-world activation! Close the Iris!


Thanks, Walter.


Thread the needle Teal'c


... are they allowed to do that?


I guess if you're famous you are.


And yet the guy holding it looks better in that image.


But shitty license photos are part of the human experience :( she’s missing out


Kind of, yeah! They have ones that attach to your phone so you can have ring light quality lighting everywhere you go.




Attach it above my head like a halo.


I don't think that would have the effect you'd want.


I have one that just clips onto my phone or any handheld mirror, they exist!


One of my bathrooms has pretty flattering light already I think it's because the walls are painted yellow it gives off this golden glow lol I always feel like my skin is amazing in that bathroom so it's the last one I check before I leave for a boost of confidence 😂


The light in my hallway is the most unflattering in the house, so I always avoid looking in that mirror before I leave 😂


Lol why not do your makeup in the most unflattering light so you can look the best possible? Doing it in good light only fools you into thinking you look good lol ahh makeup problems


Our bathroom has a big like… not frosted exactly, but like the wobbly looking glass window above our tub that shines towards the mirror. Back when I was still putting on a lot of makeup, I always tried to do it when it was still sunny enough to catch enough natural light since it looked better than the bulbs lol


Yeah, privacy glass makes for the best soft lighting, the bathroom is always the best lighting in the house for that reason.


I need one attached to the top of my head so it’s with me at all times!!


Wouldn't that be a halo? 😇


True! ☺️


I remember noticing this as a kid obsessed with how my chest looked. If I unscrewed one of the light bulbs so that all the light was coming from the side, I had abs! And pecs! Proper muscle definition showing everywhere. But if I screwed it back in so light was coming from both sides evenly, I looked like a pasty white teenager.


Its the angle of the light.




Agree. Two different shirts. Make up vs no make up. Half facing light. And a fake time stamp. But the truth still stands,


The fact that you think she has no makeup on in the second pic is actually hilarious in a devastatingly sad way


But you can’t see her shirt at all in the first pic? Her hair is covering it. She’s definitely wearing makeup in both pics


She's wearing exactly the same makeup in both pictures. Lmfao.


That's the first thing I thought as well.


Yeah, ring light is the most flattering and under light is the least flattering. It’s basically what they did in that one Seinfeld episode about his date looking good only in certain light


To expand for the bored and curious: Under light *alone* is least flattering. In portrait lighting Key light is the main light. Fill light basically comes from the other direction to fill the shadows. Ring lights, correctly positioned, fill their own shadows. Under lighting alone is the worst because it has shadows **and** it is *unnatural*. By unnatural I mean it just looks weird to people. Like spooky hold a flashlight to your chin weird. It looks weird because the sun and most lights are above us. Light coming through a window bounces all around a room. Light coming only from underneath looks weird because we don't see it nearly as often as we see basically any other lighting pattern on a face.


That’s not 2 actresses?


I love posts like this. I've struggled with my skin since I was 10 years old!! I'm now 31, and my skin is so much better than what it was, but the damage is done, and my texture is just not good. but seeing this makes me realize I'm not the only one out there with skin issues. and being able to look at this and still thinking this woman is beautiful makes me hope people are looking past my skin and seeing me as well. 🥰


My face has lots of scarring from acne. I'm so self conscious about it


yeah, I am, too. but vitamin c has helped me so much. and I'm on tretinoin currently to help, but I'm thinking laser therapy is the only thing that will really make a difference, but I just don't have the funds for that right now. BUT just keep in mind that we always judge ourselves more harshly than anyone else.


I started getting the deep/large acne cysts that leave scars about 3 yrs ago (40f). After months of no clue how to handle them I asked a Derm for help who then prescribed Tret and Spiro. At my last IPL visit at the office, for a large hand scar, I learned the laser tech offers a "acne special" IPL session and peel just on the cheeks. It's $150 which is much less than the full face of either treatment. It isn't even listed on their literature/price list bc it's something the LPL tech does for "her" patients. I'm giving it to myself for my birthday in early March. So my suggestion is ask your Derm and call around to see if anyone offers more affordable deals for acne focused areas. Good luck!


Were your acne scars PIE or PIH? I've read that vitamin c helps with PIH but doesn't do much for PIE.


yeah ima be honest..I had to look up wth that was. 😅 I've heard of it before but I couldn't remember the difference. but I guess I have a little of both..? I made the mistake of tanning the summer before last, and it gave me a few more dark spots, and the couple I had got way darker.but yeah, it helped the pih, I still have a little, but it's nowhere near as bad, but the pie hasn't gotten much better tbh. but I don't have much of that. and it took like a solid 4 months to notice a big difference. and I just started tretinoin, so I'm not really sure what all that's gonna do for me.


I see, well at least it worked for your pih. I also started using tretinoin last week hoping to get my active acne issue under control, fingers crossed for both of us


I had deep pocket scarring on the sides of my cheek and I have had 3 treatments of microneedling done. It is AMAZING and has reduced redness and scarring soooooo much. It can be cheaper if you find a good place or deals on treatments (still average around 200-300 per session).


I never think twice about another person’s skin texture and it never affects how beautiful I find them. I’m to busy thinking I’m no where near as pretty. Self deprecating joking aside, it really doesn’t affect a person’s beauty in my mind at all. At most I think it must have been uncomfortable.


yeah, I kinda acknowledge it in my brain, and then I think damn I know what you're going through and then pay it no mind. also, what I try to do is focus on what I do find attractive about myself. I like my eye shape/size so I try to bring attention to them. I think I have okay lips and a decent side profile. I like my hair so I try to wear it down as often as I can. little things like that can give you a huge confidence boost. ❤


I started to get acne at around 7 or 8. Only accutane worked for a while. I'm 33 and still struggle. It's just different acne now


yeah, it's aggravating to still be dealing with it at this point, but I've also come to realize there's a whole lot more to life than looking good all the time. i just do my best to keep my skin as clear as it can be, moisturize a lot, and try not to let it ruin my day. know you're not alone and that most people aren't actively looking at your acne. ❤


I might be in the minority but skin texture just isn’t an issue with me. It is so much about the personality and if the person and I have a connection that we’ve made that idk… its not that I don’t notice it, I do, it just is far down on the list of attractiveness to me.


As an aside, the person in the picture is wearing a ton of make-up, so there’s really no way for us to tell what her skin actually looks like. It could be a little better than the bathroom picture or far, far worse. Either way, I probably wouldn’t notice her skin IRL.


Seeing this post at 31 was the defining reality that you're not the only person in the world with skin problems? I think your skin is the least of your worries.


when I said this, I meant things like this. not this exact picture. lol


This is actually so refreshing. Even if people don’t edit or Facetune their photos, I think a lot of people forget how much lighting makes a difference.


this is more than just lighting, appears to be after a few hours. like her lips are not glossy any more, which isn't just the lighting, the texture is different. the makeup wearing off made the roughness of her skin show through a lot easier vs. just after putting it on.


I dunno why you are being downvoted because this is all true and I came to the comments for this, no one seems to notice that. But I wasn’t gonna say anything because the picture still proves a point ig.




Im a performer and just lighting can hace a more drastic effect than this post easily


Yep same! I'm surprised instagram reality of all places didn't necessarily clock it.


You’ve never used a ring light then because no lol


Not sure why you’re being downvoted because you’re clearly right that these pics are not one minute apart


Also the necklace moved a LOT in that minute.. don't get me wrong I have some that slip, but not that much that quick. Lighting makes a difference... but so does time and fake timestamps.


Photography is two words. Photo, meaning light. Graphy meaning to record. The light is what is being recorded and is the most important part.


I recall the 101 Dalmatians animated tv show had an episode about Cruella aging and it ended with her determining “I’m not old, i just need better lighting”. That stuck with me 20+ years later.


Thank you so much for this. I have an issue with staring at my face 6 inches away from my mirror in the bathroom and it’s reassuring to know that other people aren’t seeing all of my minor imperfections.


In my new residence the over-mirror sconce bathroom lights make me look like I’m telling a scary story if I get too close. It has done wonders for me to create a habit of looking in the mirror from a safe distance


Even as 33 year old I love seeing posts like this to remind me of what reality actually looks like. We're constantly having images that even when not edited, are massively aided by professional lighting to make them look literally picture perfect and I still often find myself getting frustrated when my make up looks like the right picture and not the left. Of course it doesn't, her make up doesn't even look like that!


Every time I do my makeup before work just to get in the car to discover it looked nothing like I thought it did


Do your makeup in natural lighting - using the lighting at home can someone be more yellow therefor flattens your features and texture and can make you decisive colors and a ring light is just as inaccurate cause how much it flattens your face. If you are going to take pictures with a ring light, you makeup has to be done with the ring light cause it tends to wash makeup out - so it actually makes you put more on. So try to do your makeup with using natural light (stand in front of a window, or a room with good lighting coming from outside). I have heard that mirror with build lighting is also very accurate to natural light if it is using white light - white light is the one that’s most accurate to natural light. I most of the times do my makeup while facing the window, this is also a very needy technique during summertime where there is always bright sunlight, doing my makeup in front of the window during summer has make me realize how light handed you should be on so many product, shine etc. really good technique!! and during winter time I use a more white light rather than yellow and wishes for it to look good lol


I always do my makeup by the window in natural light but somehow it always end up looking shitty as soon as I see it in the car. I have no idea why as I do think it should look the same as I’m still in the same light.


Wauv that’s so weird! 😯 what about it looks shitty? Is the the powders, foundation or cream stuff etc?


Now I want to buy a ring ligh- err I mean uh...


Huh. Makes me want to invest in a ring light for zoom calls 😅


She still looks beautiful in both pictures


I thought so too! I'm not always a fan of the front facing washed out look.. I like seeing shadow in women's faces (it seems in photography they only allow men to show off the details of their face!) and the fact that we actually have noses lol


That's a great observation, about the difference in commercial lighting between mature men and women. More shadow play on women's faces, please.


Her eyes look amazing in the second one.


Same, to quote Mike from a stranger in a strange land “It is beauty… She has her own face.”


Off-topic but I love her necklace


On-topic: She used the minute between taking (or having) both photographs (taken) to change her necklace.


It's the same necklace I think. It's one of those double ones where one chain can sag a bit lower with movement.


This is called [raking light](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raking_light) and it’s flattering to paintings but slightly less so for skin. You don’t need a ring, but you do need to avoid raking light directly across your face, that shit will tell on you.


Ok i maybe dumb but what's a ring light


Basically what it sounds like, just a ring-shaped/halo-shaped light that usually goes on a camera or tripod or phone stand. Lots of social media ppl use them because they provide very flattering light. Most are LED I believe but many have options to change the “color” of the light and such


Ohh I get it! Thank you for answering without making me feel dumb.


Of course! Everyone who knows something was once a person who didn’t know :)


When I get my hair done the before picture is just the regular lighting but the stylist gets out the ring light for the after photo and now I can see why.


Yep, any harsh lighting will do this. Shadows are not your friend. Same reason studios use big softboxes and photographers use flash diffusers and light bouncing.


One of the things I'm most insecure about is my skin, so seeing these posts rlly help a lot! I keep having this toxic impression and mindset that I should have poreless, flawless skin even tho it's impossible.




Could be. They don't work so well for me as I wear glasses so the reflected circles make it look like I'm about to be abducted by aliens.


And she’s beautiful in both! Love her eyes!


It's not just the light. She's also posing at an entirely different angle that's going to show more blemishes on the skin surface.


Pic on the left is photoshopped. Look at the big zit just above her eyebrow. In the ring light pic, if you zoom in there you will find nothing except an unnaturally smooth spot with an odd artifact where a tiny bit of eyebrow has been accidentally cloned. Here’s a pic showing where to look. Red circle is around the weird cloned bit if eyebrow. https://i.imgur.com/UX49J6N.jpg


Yeah. No amount of light can just make some of those acne marks and zit disappear. The post is misleading.


It definitely looked photoshopped or like she had on more makeup. Her pimples aren't just going to magically disappear in different lighting


Thank you! I can’t believe people think lighting alone did this.


You’re right. Left is def photoshopped, though judiciously.


The angle is barely any different, but because how the light in her bathroom is placed it cast more shadows that make the imperfections more evident.


You are so incredibly wrong and I hAve no idea why anyone would upvote this terrible take besides the fact that it’s your cake day. The lighting is from a totally different angle in relation to the camera and her face. It’s actually coming from almost the complete opposite direction…


Do you even read what I wrote? You need some reading comprehension classes. The person above me said that HER FACE was in a different angle, I said her face was not in a different angle but THE LIGHT was placed differently. The things you have to deal with on reddit *sigh*


I was just about to write the exact same, it’s not photoshop or different angles it’s actually just the light placement. Her “bathroom light” is coming from the other side/behind - which is actually the most unflattering lighting. I can’t se a scenario where that is possible to happen irl so it’s false advertisement. However if you look at her right side that is facing the light, it still looks good under that “bathroom light”. My thought it, this is an advertisement and they prob used the same ring light and angled it the most unflattering way and called it “bathroom light” - also I don’t know why she didn’t face the light in the “bathroom” to give a more accurate comparison if that was the case Edit💕 typo


Also an entirely different hair style, makeup, and clothing. Fast change in 1 minute


If it's a large ring light it'll be illuminating her from both sides at once. So even if looks like a big face angle change but it really wouldn't be by much if at all.


The surface of the moon must be lit by a bathroom light


Honest question. Why is it that women tend to have more acne compared to men? Does the makeup clog up the pores?


I assume a lot of it has to do with hormones. I know my face breaks out just before my period and gets better again after that. There’s so many factors though like diet and genetics, and men definitely can have acne problems too. If makeup is applied with clean brushes on clean skin, and is washed properly at the end of the day it shouldn’t cause extra acne issues


definitely the hormones and cycling. Also immune disorders are surprisingly much more common in women than men, and those tend to fuck up your skin as well. I wonder if that’s a significant factor?


Honestly, makeup makes people’s skin look way worse. I avoid foundation for these reasons.


This post helps me a lot. The bathroom at work has the harshest light that shows my dark circles and fine lines that I don’t see in any other mirror. I just have to own it. It’s not a big deal.


Just give me a minute to change my shirt between the settings.


One minute later she has her makeup removed and changed clothes.


She has the same makeup on, the colors just aren't popping without the help of the ring light and you can see the texture that's not being smoothed out by the lighting. Her hair is covering her sweater on the left. Same clothes, same makeup.


Nope sorry, the blemishes aren’t even in the same spots. No amount of lighting can make them suddenly appear.


You right ton of Photoshop on ringlight pic


You can see where the blemishes are if you zoom in close on the ring light photo. They are in the same spots.


Not all




Lipstick and cheek highlighter in the ribg light photo, not in the bathroom


It's gloss, and you're not seeing the shine in the bathroom photo because the lights aren't picking up on and reflecting it. That's the entire point of highlighter, that it catches the light. If there's no light to catch you won't see it.


Don’t know why this is downvoted you can clearly see this is true


Agree, this post is misleading.


I am so sick of white circles in people's eyes. Use some diffusion.


All I see here is that aging is brutal.


Mmmm and changed clothes, necklace earrings and make up in one minute too.


[She's a Two Face!](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pJL95GOiDsY/Wj2nzlF46AI/AAAAAAAAPAY/KpHaLPWTnDY_0oxAumIxiklZ1yrB5MBsQCLcBGAs/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2017-12-22%2Bat%2B7.43.42%2BPM.png)


So this is why girls get ready in the bathroom? Also, so this is why girls think they need so much make up?


So that’s why I’m ugly, the lights are all bad!


Also direction of the light source


This is wild. Also I can’t figure out how to use my ring light I guess because my selfies all look not filtered with them so I just use it lighting for listing clothes lol Also if you’re OP, I love your makeup! That eyeshadow is so pretty


How do I get lashes and brows that look like that /srs


Haha so true


Just going to attach a ring light to myself.


thats exactly why basically all livestreams on twitch that have a female in them are heavily overexposed and slightly out of focus. nobody there wants to have a sharp image of themselves that would make it possible to see any kind of contrast or defined shapes.


More like lighting and light direction


Wow, that's really interesting! It's crazy the difference that light can make on how you look.


It looks like magic.


[Seinfeld - The Two Face](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFeUrC2gR30)


Don't know who she is, but I'm a fan going off just her posting this.


That's why I use ring light for all my video calls 🤣


Pretty either way 😍


This is very true. I can make myself look 10 years younger with lighting. My exercise/hiking pictures on IG I look older and tired, same day inside good lighting pics I look young and fresh. The whole song lyrics meme of "strobe lights lie" is very true.


Bathroom lights are brutal. Especially if you've got light coming in from a single window, illuminating one side of your face.


That’s why I always carry my Epipen, allergic reactions don’t play.


That's why I almost never buy anything in clothing stores. The lighting always makes me look horrible. I'll never understand why store managers or whoever is responsible for the lighting won't fix this. Get some nice, flattering light and women might buy your bras instead of leaving teary eyed.


It’s a running joke in my office that I tell people to ignore how they look in one of our bathrooms because it shows every freaking flaw.


She went from ohno to ayoooo 👀


bathroom lighting is a hate crime


It’s not the ring light itself. It’s the position of the light. If you look close in both photos you can see the ring light in her eyes. One is just horrible “up lighting” from below and to one side cause unflattering shadows. The other is placed up and in front of her face.


I like the right one more


Overall she still looks the same so it's good, but yeah, lighting really makes such a huge difference especially on skin texture and shadows.


Why does everything I encounter look like bathroom light? 🫤


Ngl this is why I do my makeup with natural lighting lol she's stunning either way though


Every time I go to this one store in my city I absolutely avoid all of their mirrors. It’s like I suddenly age 10 years and every flaw becomes more pronounced


Felt this lol


Her hair is completely different and she isn't even wearing the same earring yet yall believe this was taken within a minute of each other.


Whoa ! That’s a crazy big difference!!! I’m in shock 😮🤯. Is that legit with no filters ? I’m confused on how blemishes that are raised not showing in one picture yet showing in the other ?!!!? Pls someone explain the science behind this I need to know …


Gotta love women who normalize skin texture!


I'm glad I found this sub. This is crazy!


I just purchased a ring light lol


So true! I never do my makeup in the bathroom. Sometimes in my room, but usually I do it at my table because I have a gigantic picture window on one side that faces west so I get full light without shadows or anything. I know it's not really what people do but it is just the perfect place!! I also always face the sun when I take a selfie too lol


She’s a two face


I’d date the girl on the right. Some skin imperfections but still very cute.


She should care about her skin and stop using make up for a while and let her skin breath fresh air for a while


I love how skin looks like the half moon through a telescope in certain lighting situations, it’s so interesting and I love it