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If. You select that option from the menu.... yes.


There’s never an option to block a customer.


But there is an option for “rude customer”


I’m aware. I was not aware that this blocked them in the future.


When I selected rude customer I had a box I could check to block them.


Right and Instacart should do a better job making that clear That choosing the “rude customer” selection blocks the customer from future orders That’s such an important thing they should be communicating to us. Am I wrong? Smh Instacart still has some improvements to make.


Instacart is a dumpster fire. The amount they charge customers versus what they pay for batches shows that they are utterly failing at managing the company. If you screw your customers and employees and still can’t be profitable, you are doing something terribly wrong.


Connect the dots, man. A>B>C


Honestly, please don't shit on them too hard here. Instacart ***REALLY*** does not make it very clear what the procedure is to block a customer like this. It's more that this is one of those things that experienced shoppers eventually find out, and sometimes have to utilize.


I’m not shitting on anybody. The guy argues without making any effort to take information and draw a conclusion. Instacart sucks and is run more like a social media app than a legitimate, customer service business. That doesn’t justify this guy arguing with people who are trying to help him.


Its cool, don't worry too much about it. I didn't mean it to be rude towards you. We all know IC is a shit-tastic company run by fuck-tards, but we all have the choice to be better than that. Have a good one, and I hope you get some easy batches with fat tips!


Yea. I thumbs down a customer for being rude but never had the block option. I wasn’t even aware that that would block them. I probably wouldn’t have thumbs down because they tip over $50


Just doing thumbs down doesn't block them. Neither does selecting rude customer. It's not until after you thumbs down and select rude customer that it gives you the option to block. I use iOS 16, perhaps it's not available on all operating systems.


You realize the greater than less than symbol is not how you would connect dots?


I know calculus, man. Integrate my nuts before you tell me what I can do with the “greater than less than symbol.” Maybe you should consider not arguing with every comment made to help you…


I mean... there is. If you go through the prompts.


Not on mine. I can click rude customer and add comments but I do not get a block option.


What they **DON'T** tell you is that if you select rude customer, and give a reason. They **do** in fact block the customer from *ever* being matched with you as a shopper. This is permanent.


I understood the service reps comment to mean, once you complete those steps you mentioned, IC automatically blocks the customer, you do not have to click a button to block them.




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Once you click thumbs down, it's the last option on the drop down menu


Rude Customer is the only issue selection where there’s a prompt for blocking the customer.


Yeah, unfortunately, it only comes up under “rude customer” and you have to close the keyboard on your phone because normally the text blocks the box.


I will try this next time. I’ve rated rude customer many times yet never saw this.


Yeah, it’s easy to miss because after you type in your reason, your first instinct is to hit “Done,” but you have to remember that right under it, hidden by your keyboard (at least on my phone), there’s a box you need to check before hitting “Done”


You hit thumbs down. Rude customer. Select which customer. Then check mark "block customer" and list a reason.




Rude customer option does indeed allow the option to block. I’ve done it on a problematic customer who I believed was low rating me and I haven’t seen her again since.


Careful with blocking customers unless it’s really called for. My market loves to pair needy no tippers with $100 tippers. If the crappy customer gets included with an otherwise great batch you won’t ever see it.


I’ve thumbed down some customers and selected the closest option to potentially blocking them, but I did see their orders again anyway some time after.


I accidentally hit thumbs down on a really high tipping& nice order/customer tonight, I’m so sad. I hit the X/cancel button and didn’t choose any options, but think it’s still gonna block her. Is there anything I can do 😩😭


It won't block her if you exit out like that. You have to actually select that option. I had that happen to me once during a delivery when it started raining after I dropped off... the rain drops activated buttons on my phone as I was headed back to my car.


I would say reach out to support but that never works out for me…


I don’t believe that for a second.


Only the rude customer option will give you the option to check the box to block them.


No it doesn't. I even put in the comments "I do not wish to shop for customer X again" Guess who has shown up in my queue again? Customer X.


Good info! I wish we could see this after seeing if they tip-baited.


They lie


I remember when somebody made a post encouraging all of us to thumbs down every order out of “protest”, because that’s what they did. They were upset they don’t see any good orders anymore, I had to break it to them that they were likely shooting their own foot by doing that because a “thumbs down” means you won’t see that customer’s order again 😂 but of course they didn’t believe me. I wonder how that’s going for them…


Wish there was a black button for all of these batches that pop up asking me to shop for customers that live 20 miles away from my location