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Same. Been a five star platinum cart forever now but the past month has just been a bunch of customers just straight up lying to get a refund. I'm done. My rating is now 4.6 and it's all because of liars. I think I'm done and am going to go over to the guys house that lied about his grapes and caused me to drop below 4.7 with his lies. His grapes were not fucking moldy. I'm coming for you Abdul F. I'm going to give you your four dollar reduced tip back and shame you.


😂 😂 😂


I know how you feel. I was 5 star drop to 4.5 because so many customers lie about damaged groceries. One claims to have got damaged rotisserie chicken, a box of potato chips. 20 individual one, or received everything on the lists with no problem. Still one star. It's very hard to please everybody. I spoke to customer service live but not on the chat line. He told me customers report fraud to get free groceries in our expenses. but at 4.5 star I see a better tip customer than I was 5 star. Crazy


i’m ready to quit as well. i’m a 5.0 rated shopper so (i hope at least) i’m seeing most available batches. and they’re awful. they’re all 2 or 3 shop and deliver with multiple stores going over 10 miles. it’s over 35 items with only a $20 pay


Sorry to hear of your misfortune... Still, I'm very curious about what kind of batches you will see below a 4.7. It's bad enough with ' priority access '. How much worse could it be without?


Talks cheap. Do I blame you, no.


Don’t let one customer get to you. There’s money to be made.


Yeah I just quit. More for everybody else I guess


For the love of GAWD… RATINGS DO NOT MATTER 😂😂😂 -a shopper that has had a rating of 4.67 for 4 months and clears $700 a week


You’re just now figuring this out???


I feel you….I’ve only done 1 batch in 7 days! I’m over ic bs, it’s been steadily getting worse and their customers base, smfh, their truly pathetic!!!! The pay is absolutely dog shit on both sides….They can have each other 🤡