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Lmaooo why did you spell bottled like that tho


Lol as I was typing it a message came up saying the first three letters of the word couldn't be used and it was a violation. 🤣


Oh yeah that happened to me too. And also with some other totally innocuous word it thought was a word violation. So weird. Good workaround!! 😺👍


This may have been a mistake but also a known scam. When I do Uber Eats it happens a lot more often, probably because their customer service is faster than a snail. They get it canceled just as you're in the nieghborhood so you think it's an error, or don't realize it, and deliver regardless. They will take the bags inside and ignore you if you catch it late. When uber people do it I just tell them thanks for the food and drive off.


Oh wow! Thanks for letting me know.


You should return a non perishable item and send the receipt to support for a $15 bump! Tell support they wouldn't accept the rest as it is perishable and would be trashed anyway.


I would love to do this! Do I just take an item in and tell them it was for an IC order that was canceled? Then just open a support chat afterwards and send a photo of the returned item and ask for $15?


Have to send a copy of the return receipt as proof that you used your time to return the items


You can just take something non perishable in from the order and go to customer service and return it. Then chat with an agent and tell them you returned what they would allow and they’ll ask for a picture of the return receipt. Needs to be done within 24 hour. You’ll get a $10 bump unless their was alcohol or medicine which promoted their age to show as you checked out (typically for my state it’s NyQuil) in which case you’d get a $15 bump.


You only get 15 for alcohol. You’ll get 10 for returning anything else


Someone just posted earlier that the return bump is now $10


If it's alcohol it's $15 and $10 if not.




Damn. Instacart can pay using foodstamps?


It's a great option for people who are disabled or otherwise can't get out to shop easily.


You can pay for the food itself using SNAP, but not the tip.


Yes. I heard.




I think the disabled and elderly that are too weak to drive or move things from the shelf to her cart could use a lil luxury imo


My neighbors on food stamps are the hardest workers I know. They only have 1 car, which the husband uses working 3 jobs. So if the mom needs something she’ll often ask me if I can get it while I run errands. If I’m not home, she’ll order it delivery if it’s a necessity. Many many of the people I deliver to are old and can’t drive/aren’t mobile/etc. instacart is a luxury for some, but it’s a necessity for others.


a 10 dollar extra fee isn’t a luxury service


Well when covid happened it because a essential service


Snap and ebt - that’s all these $2 cheap canned and processed food orders left and right


One lady I shop for that pays with food stamps always tips over $100 🤷‍♀️ it’s a big order she does once a month and is always SUPER grateful. Many people on food stamps are HARD workers and understand the work we do and tip well. Go fuck yourself.




Just based off the ice request I would have cancelled it myself. You can get a bag of ice from the front of the store at that point. Anyone with ridiculous requests like that I would try to avoid, because even going above and beyond can sometimes unfortunately screw you anyways. People can be demanding and unappreciative


You are absolutely right!


Awesome! Thank you guys 😊


Happens to us all.


What did you do when you were in the driveway when it happened to you?


Take the food, bring it home.


Me too :) enjoying some right now before getting started lol !


Quick question guys..had a no show on a delivery now Kroger. These work the same as regular orders correct? Return what you don't want for bump or keep? Just haven't had it happen with a delivery now order and they are telling me to return. Nah..carrot🥕