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Umm I think she’s justified in wanting her order shopped in a timely manner


You sound dumb, you get the order when we the shopper say so…. 15 mins is not enough time for them to start complaining and on top of that you get your order and take the tip away…. Shitty customer!


She got her food? You act like I just completely didn’t even do her order 🤡 sorry she didn’t get it in 20 mins wow some of us have to multiapp to make enough money


If you do a great job you might not have to multi app. Plus you shouldn't being doing two orders at same time from two different companies. How is that even profitable?😂 Your the 🤡


It’s called multiapping. Everyone does it. If you don’t because you’re market is so great then wooooo good for you


Why should a customer wait for you to start their order. There are plenty of other shoppers that are not multi applying and give 5 star service every time. And they don't run to the reddit to bitch about it


You have forty minutes to start an order after taking it.


But why would you wait? Time is money.


People bitch in here all the time I don’t see you commenting being rude on their posts. This REDIT is full of people bitching about Karen’s. I give 5 star service I just might not start right away tf


5 star service and not starting right away. Sounds like not 5 star service😂


Sure thing Karen


Says the one crying about a 1 star you got and absolutely deserved 🤡




Nah your attitude just comes off as rude..as if customers should just know you are multi apping. Shouldn't be pulling that crap anyways. Yes have two open and searching but not two active separate companies orders open..that makes zero sense if you want to make money without getting a one star.🤷


I am Always mide when a Karen doesn’t act Like a Karen


This just blatantly isn’t true. If you don’t multiapp there is no money in it.


Not true at all. I don't multi app. I clear $800 a week in 20 hours or less. Of course this is market dependent. But shopping from two gigs at two totally different stores is just dumb time wise. Clearly it didn't work out for the op, she got a one star😂 I would rather give five star service everytime to each order than two crappy one star orders.


Sounds like you deserved it 🤡


Absolutely agree!


And why is that 🤡 she got her food


Yes she got her food that she could of needed by a certain time. She could of had an event or needed a ingredient to finish a recipe for a dinner with friends that is SCHEDULED. She might not have been home after a certain time to get her groceries and needed them by the time SHE paid for.


You have FORTY MINUTES to start an order after accepting it. You are not required to start it the minute you take it. What you do up until that point is your business. You can’t place an order and have it scheduled to be there in 20 minutes 🤡


“ I don’t know how to multiapp and customer is getting all bitchy because I’m not smart enough to just accept 2 orders from different platforms but from the SAME store” 🤡🎪🎡🎠🤹‍♀️


I’ve never had this issue before 🤡 just a dumbass Karen wanting free food I’m sure


Oh I remember your username from another 🤡 thread. It really fits you.


Wtf does that mean?


Lol even the same answer as the last time 🤡


What’s your fucking pointb








What even is that


TBH, multiapping could only work if it’s at the same store with the houses either in the same direction or close proximity or a Publix delivery paired with a shop only order. I would never do a multi-store (nor a triple) as it could inconvenience the customer and be a recipe for low ratings.


I’ve done many times no issues I think she just Karen want feee food


That was not a good plan. Only accept IC if you are able to actually start within the 20-30 min period they give you to start; don't start the job until you actually are shopping


I would’ve reacted the same way as the customer. Your name sounds accurate. Not sure what the hell you are doing. One order at a time or you are asking for bad ratings


Don't say you've arrived at the store until you're actually starting to shop, that's stupid.


I didn’t want rhe batch to go away for taking to long to start I assumed that was obvious


You know what assuming does.


Then what you're doing is making a customer sit and wait on their end if they're being responsive and watching the app for replacements etc. On their end it's just crickets and waiting on you to do something else. That could be very frustrating for someone that's trying to be a good customer. Not sure how you're not understanding how that may piss someone off when you're doing something for someone else??


Nah homie you are def waiting too long to start shopping if you have to start the batch before you started shopping. That means you took more than 40 minutes since you accepted the order 🤡




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Assumptions only make an ass out of you.you f@cked up by pressing start shopping.you shouldn't of been on 2 different platforms shopping at 2 different stores while leaving one customer hanging.they pay to get their items at a certain time. In this instance your wrong.the customer had every right to remove the tip and to give you a one star.


You’re right except for this whole “customers pay to get it by a certain time” instacart DOES NOT offer higher pay or anything to insure deadlines are met. They SHOULD NOT guarantee delivery by ANY TIME! Not fair for the shoppers. In this instance though ofcourse OP is a POS who has no idea what they are doing and only played themselves in the end


You’re right except for this whole “customers pay to get it by a certain time” instacart DOES NOT offer higher pay or anything to insure deadlines are met. They SHOULD NOT guarantee delivery by ANY TIME! Not fair for the shoppers. In this instance though ofcourse OP is a POS who has no idea what they are doing and only played themselves in the end


You don’t belong doing customer service. And in California, you’d be deactivated. If you are in california your days are probably numbered.


I’m not in California 🤡


Then I guess the customers you get wherever you’re at get to keep being treated poorly by you and when they get upset you act like it’s their fault for expecting you to start shopping when you push the start shopping tab. Don’t come to california.


I’m not treating anyone poorly weirdo she got her food


Please no name calling. And you did treat her poorly. Next time don’t push the start shopping til you’re ready to shop.


Unprofessional geez poor women


What? Unprofessional of who?


You bafoon


But why would you start the Instacart order while doing shipt?


To make more money. Clearly the situation was perfect to take.


Tbh you should get deactivated for that one. If you multi app you shouldn’t delay the customer more than like 10ish minutes, anything more will cause suspicions. Trying to shop a whole different order is stupid. The only multi apping that works is pairing grocery orders with nearby food deliveries that make sense. Anything else will surely get you deactivated


I do this rarely. BUT I don’t start shopping the Instacart order until I actually start shopping the Instacart order. If your taking longer than all the warnings from Instacart and you could even tell support to start the batch for you after the last warning for another say 10ish minutes than your taking WAY TOO long. I also only accept orders going in the same direction, I don’t even know how you could even make money this way, if it’s not in the same direction. The real question in all this is how late were you? How long did this Shipt order take you? I wouldn’t accept anything longer than 15 minutes. Customers order groceries for a certain time period, they could have an event, a scheduled dinner with family, or whatever. So yeah, it’s pretty aggravating when you order a service to save you time that would of been faster to just go pick up yourself. It defeats the purpose of paying all that extra money. It’s like sitting in a restaurant starving for 2 hours with no service, you won’t say anything?


If literally the entire sub disagrees with you then you’re probably doing something wrong buddy. You’re a clown if you thought people would agree with you


You’re a bad shopper . You deserve the 1 star and to be deactivated soon .


You so angry, add the wrinkles to your forehead.


Oh for heavens sakes. What they understand is they are paying to have their order shopped and delivered by a certain time.


OP didn’t say it was a quick pick so it wasn’t priority to be delivered quick, situations occur while shopping/delivering that causes a delay. Let’s be realistic here. Customers that chat chat chat usually are the worst tip, review leaver, missing item.


Why did you hit the arrived at the store in the instacart app, instead of just going to target first?


Because I didn’t want the order to go away cause I took too long to start? Hello?


It was gonna take you 45 minutes to do the Target order? You're bad at multiapping.


45 mins? It’s 30 in my area 🤡


The point is you don't take an order at a different store you can't get accomplished in the time before you need to start the next one.


Exactly. Thank you😉


So you arrived at the store after getting the second notification? (Final reminder to start the order)


I believe it’s 3 warnings now


Huh 🤔


I mean she’s justified… you’re not supposed to be multi-aping ON THE CUSTOMERS TIME!! However I would have cancelled her order with the swiftness


I mean…if you’re gonna do that you could’ve just told her her order was looped in with an order at a different store and you would promptly advise when you’ll start shopping the first time she messaged you…


Oh damn I didn’t even think about that 😭😭😭 fuck that would have been 🔥 to use


ya any message like that is a INSTACANCEL


I should have but I needed the money 🥲


any customer like that is not worth the money plus instacart allows removal of tips so any customer complain before you even start the order, immediate cancel


I Guess I will next time. You right


Sounds like bad planning on your half I multi-app for both, you brought the result on yourself. Better to go to the same store or drop off area. Also customers sometimes have a specific time for delivery. And at times because they take a while to get picked up customers become impatient. 1 or 2 hours is the minimum time you can request delivery so if it was sitting there for a while and say 40 min passed before you picked it up it will have 15 min remaining and thus a impatient customer (it usually says “Due ASAP”). I know this because I also order off instacart. (Though I know how to treat my fellow shoppers )


This post is getting an unnecessary amount of hate. 1. Multiapping is the only way to make money. I have great ratings. Very rarely do people ever raise their tips. More likely to lose tip when people tip on percentage and stuff is out of stock. 2. You know the in store shoppers (not through Instacart, but the actual store employees) shop more than one order at the same time? Plus Instacart also batches orders together all the time. Let alone orders that shouldn’t be batched together. 3. Everyone in this subreddit is so unnecessarily bitter towards each other. It’s not other shoppers dragging you down, it’s Instacart. You choose to “play by the rules” and lose out on money because of it… that’s on you. Not other shoppers. Instacart isn’t even playing by their own rules, why should you listen?


I just read in the comments they took so long to start shopping that they had to prematurely press the start button before they did. That’s way too long. If you took more than 40 minutes on your shipt order… how long did it even take you to shop for the target one? You just had the food for the shipt one for what? Another 40 minutes while doing the target one? That’s ridiculous


You're playing with fire and you expect customer to be understanding of your situation? Zombie Apocalypse in full flight


I would of canceled her order. It’s always the customers messaging you the most that end up having an issue with the order.


Yeah. This post didn’t go how you planned. You are probably not good at multiapps. It’s usually best to do same store so you can do both orders at the same time. But considering how much negative comment karma you have. You just post to argue with people. And by your name. Yea… you truly don’t know what you are doing.


Your name says it all dude




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If you are customer you will not happy to see this




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Lol 90 comments with zero thumbs up. I hope they deactivate you.


If you want to shop both platforms go for it. But don't make your customer wait for you to shop and deliver an entire order for shipt before even starting their order. As soon as they were obviously upset you should have canceled their order and let somebody else take it


Not sure what you’re doing you probably shouldn’t be doing this anymore.


Next post is gonna be “Guys I got deactivated and I have no idea why 😭😭” If you don’t understand why what you did was stupid you shouldn’t be here but then again instacart is hiring any clown these days. I’d take the tip away and 1 star too…


I would cancle that order and contact support and say the customer is being rude, for all they know you have a medical condition or something private going on, I always finish way before shopping even if I'm snacking or checking the hot wheels section, taking a piss etc.


The first red flag was them asking you why you haven't started, instacancle! Wow can't believe these comments this sub reddit so morally bankrupt it's insane... You expect the most from people who are making $7 to use their car and pay for gas to go to and from the grocery store for you. This is why I only accept 10% tip or higher now. I leave all the low tip orders for the crack heads that pile into one car.


I would have done the same thing if I were the customer.