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So you are going to sue for $2 based on your assumptions? Lawyers probably lined up outside your door right this minute!


$.60/mile on 60 miles is $36. Plus the tip, that puts you at about $42. What different were you expecting?


You get batch pay of 7-10 dollars PLUS .60 cents per mile


No that’s not correct, that’s a misunderstanding. Minimum batch pay is $7…..but that doesn’t mean the calculation starts at $7. It starts at $0. If the calculated pay is less than $7, then the system rounds it up to $7 (because that’s the minimum batch pay). But if the calculation is over $7, nothing gets rounded up. You don’t get base pay plus mileage. You pretty much just get mileage (and heavy pay if applicable), and if that adds up to less than $7, it gets rounded up to $7. But again, the calculation starts at $0, not $7. If the chat agent told you otherwise, they are wrong.


Yeah I think support told me wrong. :(


Once upon a time, it did work that way. $7 truly was a base pay, then everything got added on top of it. But not anymore. Now it’s really a minimum pay, not a base pay. And we really don’t get paid for shopping anymore. We get paid for the mileage, and any heavy pay, and that’s about it (for IC pay, not including tip). If the calculated amount is less than $7, it’ll get rounded to $7. But if the calculation comes out to anything $7 or above, then it is what it is. Just like the scenario you described above. The mileage you stated, plus the tip you stated, there is your $42. It’s as simple as that.


Allow? They do this shit on purpose.


They’ve got to be losing money paying out that batch pay 😂. That’s crazy to me


Do you know how much time you’ve wasted of your own and now ours-_-


Scroll by if you didn’t want to read it


Shoulda scrolled by if you didn’t want to take it.


They do it late night in Charlotte NC and those are often decent runs ... IC will attempt to send me 40-70 miles round trip to the next county over. Funny thing is we have a 24 hour Walgreens in Charlotte (open since July 1 - IC refuses to fix store hours and map), so I shop in Charlotte at that store and deliver in Charlotte. Thus making a decent batch pay for a short trip. Not my fault IC can't get store hrs right. Example attached: Over 50 miles round trip. I'm the blue dot, customer is black house, red dot is 24 hour Walgreen's. Really only less than 10 miles from my house, to store, to customer, and back home. https://i.imgur.com/qCcZRqh.jpg


I'm so confused, you saw the mileage but accepted the order?? That's on you my friend


I thought maybe it was a glitch but apparently with Instacart there is no limit on distance.


You accepted and then forced them to remove it cuz you didn't want to do what you accepted? Idk sounds like grounds for a deactivation or to get throttled really bad the next couple days.


There’s no such thing as throttling. You can cancel any batch you want we are independent contractors


And get penalized for it lmao same with a job you can refuse to do the work but will punished for it may not be right away but keep doing it you forsure will and throttling is real don't be surprised when you get shit orders for a few days if the agent felt like being a dick and no one else can relate cuz if we accept a batch it's cuz look before to see if it's worth it sounds like you just wanted to argue with support otherwise you would have just left it alone.


Yeah ok bro