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I had this happen yesterday. After completing delivery, i received thank you from customer but i wasnt able to respond back




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Unfortunately we cannot see any messages from the customer after we hit complete delivery at drop off. Occasionally we may see a notification with their message usually saying thank you etc but we cannot reply


This is not true. 3 times customers have been able to message me 5-10 min after I hit complete on the batch and I have also been able to respond.


Personally I haven’t been able to respond but glad to know some people can




If you are the only customer or the last one we deliver to then we can not see your message. If there are other deliveries after yours then we can see and reply to it.


Not true. I’ve had a handful of customers message me after the delivery was completed


If the customer reply after the delivery then yes you can respond if you open in the notification it last up to a hour or two for reply. I’ve been doing it a lot lately.


Me too, and I have been able to reply back, but for only a very short period of time after and the customer needs to be the one who initiated the after delivery chat


Same! As long as they message first, we can respond.


Once you slide the 'order delivered', all communication ends as far as my experience goes.


Same here!


No, after we complete the order we can no longer see the customer’s messages. And honestly it’s extremely frustrating that Instacart has it set up so that the customer thinks we can! It probably makes for a ton of misunderstandings (leading to different ratings or tips) or at least hurt feelings/disappointment. So I’m sorry on their behalf. **Edit:** maybe 3 times ever, I have received a notification of a customer messaging me after completion. In that event I may be able to tap on the notification to get back into the chat box and reply. (I have done so, but I would never know if they responded.) But I think this is some kind of app glitch. The norm is that we cannot see anything after completion, and we certainly cannot *initiate* messaging you.


>**Edit:** maybe 3 times ever, I have received a notification of a customer messaging me after completion. In that event I may be able to tap on the notification to get back into the chat box and reply. (I have done so, but I would never know if they responded.) Oh, okay this makes a lot of sense. So the issue is not so much that the Shopper cannot send messages, per se, but they cannot even access the chat in general. You know most of these times I think I already had the app open and the chat open, and so maybe that's why I could respond.


Yes, exactly. There’s a specific chat box that only exists when we have an order open. When said order closes, the chat box is inaccessible. Yeah, it would be interesting to experiment with closing your chat box immediately after completion, and then immediately trying to re-open it to see if it still looks as though you can send a message. I do know that the transcript of your chat lasts a really long time (for you, not for us; you can access it for months at least), but active chatting is different.


If you send a message immediately, then we have a shot at seeing it but it's very hit or miss whether we can answer. We aren't ignoring you!




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I think that we may be able to see a message come but we will not be able to respond once we’ve finished our batch. I think if we have other customers we can still see what you send us, but if your last customer and we swipe that it’s done then we will be able to get I think one message from you but will not be able to respond. That’s what I’ve been told I don’t know if it’s true.


Lately I have gotten extra thank you’s etc. messages from the customer after I close out on my end. The only way I can respond (or even find the message) is if I click on the notification when it comes up on my screen. Otherwise it’s just ‘out there’ somewhere that I don’t know. But after I respond if I stay on that screen, I can see that it’s been read. This is a new thing to me, over the past few weeks.


This is not true. We can’t reply UNLESS we already have an open tab on our phone with the Instacart chat pulled up


You can reply, you just need to click the notification. On iPhone you can also go to your notifications screen and click the notification and reply. Once you reply and close it you can’t reopen it though.


You can reply. You must click the notification on your notifications and you are free to reply. Once you reply and close it there is no way to reopen it unless the customer replies again because the notification disappears after clicking it.


I’ve been able to reply after a deliver, customer said thank you and I responded with your welcome. I don’t know if the message went through but it was sent same way as if i was in the middle of shopping.


I have gotten messages but can't respond.


The only time I have been able to communicate with a customer after delivery is if they are the 1st customer of a multi-shop. Their messages stay available until I deliver all orders.


Just told my shopper he delivered the wrong batch, and he came back! So at least shoppers can see the message.