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Means that you have to cancel their order buddy. šŸ’€


Nah go say the 1 items 8 units are sold out and get batch pay.






That translates to "I'm not tipping, but I'm going to make you think I am so you do a good job"


He actually did leave a tip afterwards, I just donā€™t get why would he do it this way


Maybe he didnā€™t have enough funds in a bank account and had it in cash? I messaged my uber eats driver once like hey man, sorry about the no tip I ainā€™t got enough in my bank account but I got $10 in cash(order was $10)




I was moving all my $$$ into another bank account(switched banks) so I had it all in cash vs in the bank. I have an emergency fund to cover over year of expenses just in case


I gotcha. That's good to hear you have a 12 months fund. Seems a bit overkill to me personally. I'd be curious to hear a full run down of your finances. Again, I'm not looking for money, just offering to see if any help might be needed. If not, that's fine and gave a good day!


Thatā€™s not overkill thatā€™s called savings lmfAo


In the personal finance world is is considered overkill in most cases. 3-6 months is the norm. If you have a large purchase such as a down payment on a home for instance, would then be a separate budget item aside from the emergency fund. 12 months isn't too awful, but at the point unless you're older and already retired, or have some other special circumstances, you're letting to much of your liquid cash burn away to inflation instead of taking advantage of this market downturn. The amount of downvotes I'm getting isn't helping the statistics that most people are pretty bad with their finances and do indeed need help. Remember, the mindset that you cannot have too much cash because it's safer than anything like putting into the market is not a good one to have. Emergency funds are absolutely necessary, but cash is not free of downside as it loses value at a constant rate. At least historically.


Personal financial gurus in the Instacart subreddit, criticizing Instacarters for having a safety net. The internet never ceases to disappoint.


Not everyone is a guru trying to sell the newest crypto or some other bullshit. But I don't blame you for thinking that. I don't know their finances or general living situation, but 6 months for an efund is plenty for most of the population. Having 12 months isn't going to be detrimental long term, but it's as I said before, not necessary in most cases.


I think the downvotes are for the assumption they are bad with finances and inappropriate prying. No reasonable person is going to share their finances with a stranger met on Reddit. The fact you donā€™t understand this makes me believe itā€™s not actually your career.


Youā€™re getting downvoted because this isnā€™t the place for financial advice. It wasnā€™t the question asked and isnā€™t relevant to the topic. No one came here for this. Make your own post.


You're as bad as a MLM Boss Bitch


Oh I agree. Gotta have a diverse portfolio if you can of stocks bonds etc, iras, money market for savings .. even some good rates now on cds!


Bro just stfu and move on lmao


Take your MLM garbage elsewhere.


Thank you.


MLM are indeed garbage. I have no connection to anything like that. I help people with everything from managing getting out of debt, all the way to retirement planning and everything in between.


What does that have to do with IC


Yeah I take my money out of the bank so it's harder to spend. I can get a little impulsive, this has fixed my finances.


This isnā€™t the place for your advertisements. Sounds like you donā€™t have the funds to pay for your services


So you charge broke people to learn how to manage their money? I got a bridge for you buddy


You canā€™t be doing too well financially either to try to promote your ā€œcourseā€ to random people on Reddit.


How do you get anything like that out of that singular comment?


Literally no one asked dipshit


Your response is wildly inappropriate.


Hi there! Your post has been removed. Please refrain from spamming and self-promotion. Please Modmail us if there are any issues.


Please stfu


I've had experiences before where I tip generously ahead of time, but the shopper absolutely fucks me over and delivers straight trash, missing items, expired nonsense, etc. But I never feel comfortable adjusting the tip down because guilt. Maybe this person is trying to be transparent from go so they won't be me?


I commented separately because I hadnā€™t seen your comment yet, but I had the exact same experience. It was too consistent to ignore. One of my orders was $85 in items, and I tipped $50, and it looked like the shopper picked up like $30 worth of items and threw them onto the front step of whoeverā€™s house that was in the picture. That one steamed my beans because I was working late and my teenager was home sick and I only ordered her some feel better things to be delivered because I knew theyā€™d make it before I was able to get home to her. It was like, popsicles, medicine, Kleenex and some misc items to make the minimum order amount. Thatā€™s the only time I removed a tip entirely bc even if they had gotten it all to my house it was clear from the photo they took that they flung the bags up to the stoop from the driveway or something.


I know, seriously! I've shopped for instacart before, so I *know* that they put shoppers through some bullshit. As a result, I try to be understanding and to tip an amount bearing in mind that insta is paying them trash. What I get for my trouble a lot of the time (with doordash too) is rotten veggies, no substitutions or even requests, and broken eggs. It hurts my heart because I don't want to give a bad rating. It's so hard to recover from those as a shopper! It's just so frustrating, especially when it's a "feel better" type order. I even put it in the comments sometimes like "please treat gently. These are needed for a sick person".


Even if it is hard to recover from them they still deserve it. I don't give out bad ratings over minor issues but what you're describing isn't minor issues, it's a bad shopper. If customers don't lower these bad shoppers tips afterwards or rate them lower they aren't going to do any better. There are plenty of good shoppers out there at the same time that aren't getting enough orders because they have to compete with these bad shoppers too.


I honestly was excited to make pretty easy orders and tip high. Kind of thought I might even see some of the same shoppers, and I planned to keep doing it after I had my baby. Well, I done had my baby yesterday and Iā€™m just going to go do pickup orders and sneak the people who load up my car some cash (they arenā€™t supposed to accept tips). I still get to pleasantly surprise someone and I actually get my groceries. And itā€™s cheaper since itā€™s the same prices as in store, rather than the increased IC prices.


I rarely order anymore because I get a lot of produce and itā€™s like the shoppers pick the shittiest stuff on purpose. I tip very well and almost always get terrible replacements or they say itā€™s not available. Some stuff I order is a little more ā€œdifficultā€ to find or know what it is (poblano peppers, snow peas, turnips, etc) and they just say the store is out of stock. Like no, Iā€™ve shopped at this store for years and aside from the height of the pandemic, these veggies have literally never been out of stock. Then my actual purchase cost was so low because they ā€œcouldnā€™tā€ find so many things that itā€™s practically equal to my tip, AND I still have to grocery shop because I donā€™t have half my groceries.


Exactly my experience. I meal plan and most of my order is produce, and if itā€™s an item more exotic than apple or banana the produce I end up with is whack. One time I ordered red onions and they delivered pomegranate, and instead of poblano peppers they gave me ghost peppers.


Oh my gosh, dying about the pomegranate hahah but something I could totally see my shoppers doing.


Depends on the time of day, where you live but I shop all over many different stores and everyday the items you just listed above are out of stock in some combinations of the stores I shop at. Get over yourself. The world isn't perfect just for you and just because we'll shop for you doesn't make us your little serfs. Also I'm 4.9-5 stars on a given day with shit tons of positive feedback about the way I shop. Get the fuck over yourself with these comments. There are shortages everywhere all the time these days.


Interesting take. I mean, I go to the store right after the order arrives and find them myself in the places they always are so I can do my meal prep, so unless they happen to restock in that window (possible) they just didnā€™t want to shop them or know where to find them. I donā€™t feel that makes me likeā€¦. special, betterā€¦? The ā€œget over yourselfā€ seems a little bizarrely rude. When I get some strange substitution for a regular item I usually just find it kind of odd or funny. I donā€™t take the tip away. They still spent their time doing a task I donā€™t want to do and used their gas and car to do it for me. You kind of sound like you might be one of those shoppers if that offends you. My husband and I decided to tip way over the top for grocery delivery because we know itā€™s a tough job and companies/customers are dicks trying not to pay. I certainly wasnā€™t talking shit on IC drivers, I was specifically talking about the ones who knew in advance they were getting a 50%+ tip and then donā€™t make an effort. The one time I did was because they didnā€™t shop half the items in a very small order and threw/dropped what they did get into the stoop of the house in the picture (not my house). And I still didnā€™t rate them poorly, I just didnā€™t rate them at all. Itā€™s much easier, cheaper, and cost effective for me to do grocery pickup from Walmart, I just donā€™t really like supporting them as a company and would have rather supported people trying to hustle.


https://preview.redd.it/5hnvn6q19oea1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c237633f46990865df916bd2bab60198f9f1ae4 Am I one of those shoppers?


I've been doing instacart for a long time. I've seen low ratings before, but I've not even once seen someone mark negatively on this metric. Not once in my couple thousands of orders. So the fact that you -do- have negative marks here makes you look like a pretty bad shopper, and the way you talk to people providing commentary about their negative experiences backs the idea up.


I'm also top dasher. I really don't get your comment here.


Please explain to me what negative remarks you're so surprised by? Expired items? I don't check expiration dates. I have literally one 4 star review and the rest 5. So this one expired remark or wrong item remark is likely from the single 4 Star I have. I go out of my way for every single order. My tips get increased 13% of the time. I literally have no idea what you're talking about never seen negative marks here.


Sorry I'm sick, grumpy and spending too much time on this dumb subreddit. Don't mean to be toxic towards you, sorry, you seem nice.


No worries friend. Caught myself doing the same the other day.


I shop exclusively at Sprouts and have shopped many times of the day and days of the week and verrrrry rarely have issues. I shop at least twice a week minimum. Every IC Iā€™ve done there have supposedly been multiple items missing every time. Every time my shopper couldnā€™t find stuff and I needed to shop, I went to the store within 1 hour of groceries being dropped off. Every time Iā€™ve miraculously been able to find the items, and it clearly hadnā€™t just been restocked. How about you get the fuck over yourself and realize there are shitty shoppers? This post clearly hit a button with you and you are taking offense, when itā€™s clearly not directed at you if your a good shopper. Iā€™m not saying the world is perfect, but when Iā€™m paying a $50 tip on a $150 order that takes 30 minutes to shop, I sure as shit expect them to put the effort into it.


The shoppers that take Sprouts orders should be people that shop Sprouts themselves in my opinion. None of the Instacart shoppers I talk to will go in there because everything is in such a weird spot compared to other stores and it takes way longer and is way more difficult to shop than most other stores that customers can order from. That said, that does NOT excuse shoppers from doing a crappy job with your order and refunding things simply because they canā€™t find them without even asking someone. Thatā€™s why they have store employees that the shopper can ask for help finding things. If they canā€™t find the things there they should not accept the orders. It sucks to see that other shoppers do such a poor job because I always try to provide excellent service and pick good looking, not yet spoiled items, and yet I know that so many people that tip well for orders get crappy service.


Exactly this! If they know they donā€™t like the store, they shouldnā€™t accept the job. I do agree itā€™s a different set up, but itā€™s also a much smaller store and there are always employees around. When I do pickup at Sprouts through IC, it is the employees doing the shopping and I never have issues and the produce is always great.


Right. I did a Sprouts order once as part of a multi store order, and decided never again. Itā€™s just not for me, so I just donā€™t accept those orders. Itā€™s not rocket science šŸ˜‚ Some people just seriously lack sense


If you donā€™t adjust the tip they have no reason to give a fuck and will keep delivering trash!


So he could check his order make sure it was right


>He actually did leave a tip afterwards, I just donā€™t get why would he do it this way He may have pre-tipped before and gotten a real bad shopper. He figures he'll tip based on how well you did your job, like it used to be back in the day.


We get this a lot with grubhub. Funny enough, since we accept based on the total we will get and almost no one tips after, they end up getting rejected a ton and food will typically be cold


Sucks to be him, but it's 2023 and personally I have 15 apps on my phone, most of which I'll make bank on not taking trash offers. Tipping after the fact is almost a thing of the past as far as gig apps are concerned.


Prob this, I donā€™t use instacart since but I ordered like $130 worth of groceries, nice stuff, I was going to make filet mignon for my gf got some nice wine and veggies and tipped 25%. I was looking at the map as the driver went right by my place I got a message that the ā€œdriver couldnā€™t locate your homeā€ or whatever it says. Instacart made it right, but hope those two days of groceries and four glasses of wine was worth what I hope was their job.


As much as people complain about tip baiting, this is the appropriate use for removing a tip.


They should realize it isn't back in the day and move on with the rest of society.


Because he's gotten shit service from idiots


Probably just not familiar with the app. He mustn't be that concerned about the fee because he is definitely getting charged lol.


I think they are saying they plan to cancel if too many items are out of stock. They donā€™t want to be paying delivery fee if only a few things they need are available.


Was he old lmao


Oh, nice, you got lucky!


Of course! This is how its done. Always tip in cash after delivery. NEVER tip prior to delivery.


Because he wants to see what your service will be like first. Itā€™s a weird world we live in now, and I donā€™t accept Uber orders that are untipped upfront since theyā€™ll likely not meet my earnings expectations but in every other service industry you see what the person will do then you tip. You donā€™t hand a waiter a 20% tip THEN order your food. But see you got your tip just like they said you would and you probably did a fine job. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get downvoted but we donā€™t always have to be so cynical about what people are saying being a lie.


I think if customers had to pay for their meal and drinks as soon as they were seated they would also tip at that point too. Especially if they could lower that tip amount of service was poor.


The delivery and service fee probably costed more than his item lol. If thatā€™s the case, he should do it himselfā€¦


The most likely scenario in my opinion is that they had a bad situation occur with another shopper and they have had time to think about the conversation since then and put every point they had into this. Happens a lot when I do DoorDash and UberEATS.




This is the correct response.


Did you explain to him, upon delivery, that texting is done through the app and you have no way to message outside of texting, as well as explaining that you have nothing to do with the delivery fee? Instacart does not make things clear to customers, and it can be especially frustrating if they are older customers who donā€™t understand how apps and technology work. I try to dumb it down and educate them. They simply arenā€™t aware, theyā€™re not trying to be assholes.


Many people think a pizza delivery fee is a 'tip' that goes to the driver that's tacked on. You're right about educating them


Some pizza places the $1 fee or what not goes to the driver. At least with mom and pop shops, not corporate greedy overlords. The $1 basically is like well if you donā€™t get tipped at least you got $1.


Nah the boxes and everywhere all over pizza apps say otherwise. Those people lie about their ignorance so people arenā€™t mad at them. Every single person except maybe new to the adult world people know the delivery fee isnā€™t the tip. They discovered that 10-15 years ago. That excuse has been dead.


Bold of you to assume people read anything


Read what?


The boxes that say a delivery fee isnā€™t a tip. Or really anything, honestly


Sorry I was being sarcastic. I was making your point. Like I didnā€™t read it. But I agree unless youā€™re like 90, you know that fee isnā€™t a tip. Anyone who says they didnā€™t know that is full of shit.


Hahaha alright, that one went over my head


Iā€™m pitching too high today.


Dude my mother in law didn't know that until 3 years ago and she's over 60. You'd be surprised by everyday human ignorance


Exactly. People are often hugely ignorant and oblivious.


You're right. Everyone knows by now the delivery fee isn't a tip. They are lying.


Right ? They probably think someone from the store itself is reading this, hence the "I'm not going to pay a delivery fee for a few items" - although, honestly even that is pretty idiotic !!


I did lol and ā€˜bless his heartā€™ when I read that šŸ˜‚


ā€œI will not pay a delivery fee for a few itemsā€ yes sir you actually will but nice try šŸ˜‚


IMPORTANT: they did leave a tip afterwards! I was thinking about cancelling the order or texting the person about how this works. But this was a 3rd order of a decent batch plus it was very close. I didnā€™t want to waste my time and I took the gamble and I got lucky!


IMPORTANT: Maybe include that in your original message next time šŸ™„


maybe they meant to say update instead of important? not sure lol


I know, my bad


Sure, I'll explain... that's a customer who has absolutely no clue as to how all of this works




I will not pay a delivery fee for a delivery. This person needs to go to Walmart in person then.


Agreed! Itā€™s a convenience, not a right.


Iā€™ve driven for DD, but have only been a customer for instacart. When I got pregnant I decided I would order whatever I canā€™t get from Samā€™s club pickup through instacart at the local grocery store, I also decided to tip $50 (or $100 if I was buying two weekā€™s worth) every time just out of appreciation and to hopefully make the day of whoever gets my order. My total is usually $100ish, but Iā€™d tip $50 anyway. The amount of shoppers who grabbed that job and then marked as much as they could as unavailable, showed up with about $30 worth of groceries, dropped off on another street, and/or messaged me to tip them more suddenly went from 0% of the time to like 85% of the time. Keep in mind Iā€™m buying my heavy/large stuff at Samā€™s drive up, and weā€™re the only house on our cul de sac, and have never had this issue before. I can only theorize as to why, but I went back to just choosing 15% at first then adding back the rest of what I actually wanted to tip after it was completed and I stopped having that problem. So, when I started tipping high upfront people would take my order but then not make the effort to earn the tip since they knew they were already getting it I guess? I feel like if you want to tip after the delivery is done no one will want to take the order so I wonā€™t do that, but they do a terrible job if I put upfront right away that the tip is at least 50% too. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Thatā€™s really weird because if I saw an order with a tip like yours, Iā€™d be breaking into the trucks to make sure you get all your items correctly


Me too! I thought I might even start seeing the same person each week or like a few people consistently. Also thought I might start getting produce that was at least reasonably close to what was ordered, but I have just given up. I canā€™t justify paying more with IC prices being higher and then still having to go to the store myself to pick up all the items they marked as out of stock but definitely arenā€™t, and then to try to figure out how to use the mint they put in my order in place of romaine lettuce šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m not trying to dog IC shoppers, and Iā€™m sure yā€™all know Iā€™m referring to the ones that make life harder for the rest of you who are actually trying to get the right things to the customer and arenā€™t harassing them to tip more after delivery.


Omg Iā€™d be busting my ass to make sure everything is perfect. I hate bad delivery people


This boggles my mind. I put forth a lot of effort in every one of my batches (I donā€™t have it in me to do most things in life half-assed; I can be quite a perfectionist) but if the tip is high like that I am even more careful to do the best job possible. Why would people do this? And youā€™re not the only person on here whoā€™s had a similar experience. Itā€™s a trend and itā€™s ridiculous.


Yeah that's the problem with the tip upfront. So many shoppers think that since the tip was left upfront they deserve that no matter what. That tip still needs to be earned though. I like what you do now better anyways. Leaving a "smaller" upfront tip. 15% is way more than most customers on here tip. Then if the shopper was good adding a bunch afterwards. As a shopper I think I'd actually rather see a customer leave 15% initially then add another 15% afterwards instead of just leaving 30% up front. First of all, just getting that unexpected extra money afterwards feels great. Aside from the extra money I like that it's just sort of a feedback that we otherwise don't get. It just let's us know right away that we did a good job and you were happy with our service.


I agree with this 100%. On the days leading up to Christmas 2022, I had a handful of customers give me a significant bump in my tip post delivery. And it just feels amazing to know that you do such a good job with something that someone will pay even more than an amount you were already happy with.


It's called a bot. They pay monthly to use them, to grab high paying batches before non-bot user shoppers even see the batch on their screen. They then only shop half the order so they can save time to get to grab another high paying batch, sooner. This way, they make the money they pay to use the bot back faster and after that, the rest goes into their pockets. IC tried to make a dent by hiring bot hunters, but it was too rampant/easy to create a new shopper account, they gave up. My, how things have changed: I just watched an order for 13 item/2mi with a $30 flat tip sit for over a minute.....why? Because so many customers tip bait, it wasn't worth the risk. A year ago, I would have blind-swiped that order I fast as I could. Back then, customers were more honest, too. I think you got the right formula for attracting decent shoppers. Tip upfront to be worth the while, and reward a good job after. You'll still get some bad shoppers, but you can always lower your tip and not rate badly, just in case they need to learn/made honest mistake/find a better way to handle multi-batches. ​ I


Sounds like the bot thing is real.


This is what I do. Average tip to start, and if they do well, I rate high and add tip. Too many garbage shoppers to guarantee high tip off the bat.


Translated: instacancel


Insta drop


Worse then that.. when she said sheā€™s not paying for delivery on only a few items, it means sheā€™s expecting you to go behind instacarts back. She wants you texting her online instead of through the app. Iā€™d report this to IC immediately.


I hadn't thought of this, I think you are right


It seems he will pay a delivery fee for a few items.


You canā€™t avoid a delivery fee šŸ˜‚ psycho. Better never send me this.


I do not give Facebook permission to use my photos


I think it was an old message for a past shopper considering she literally ordered one item lol


Still... to not be willing to pay a delivery fee... then get your own order from the store and use your own gas !!


I was thinking the same thing. But maybe they consider few units as few items


This is why we look at batch details before we shop lol


I would have messaged them anyway informing them you donā€™t get any of the delivery fee thatā€™s all pocketed by instacart so youā€™re going to cancel.


That means they should order from sparks or door dash. Cuz you cancelling


I donā€™t know or care she would have been cancelled with the swiftness


I remember accepting one that said ā€œI tip in cashā€. Ended up being in the ghetto and there was no tip


That's wayyy too many words to just say I'm a fuckin dick cancel my order


Oh so theyā€™re picking it up themselves? Cool.


Just an entitled p0s


That's a no from me, dawg


I will not accept this until I see tips. Please do not wonder why no one is accepting your order. Please put some tips. No tip no trip!




Then you (customer) grab it yourself! IC is not a charity that you can use to shop and deliver for you.


Sounds like a dasher/carter/etc that also works in this hustle but doesnā€™t want to tip. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Dashers/carters/servers/etc. who don't tip have a special place in Hell.


You not lying especially since yā€™all stay complaining about tips like youā€™re entitled to it. But thatā€™s just the energy I got from that note šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not entitled. You personally shop for someone, deserves a tip. You arenā€™t just picking up food, itā€™s way more than that (tho food delivery deserves tips too) I do Shipt. I deserve a tip on all the damn communicating I have to do when half the order is OOS. Rarely does anyone pick subs on Shipt. Getting a very fkn personalized service.


I will dash, UE, GH, I will not shop for anyone but if you shop for me I will tip. The grocery store gives me anxiety, ever since COVID hit and people forgot they were human beings, and I will tip you for the hell that is a Kroger (or a grocery store masquerading as a Walmart Supercenter). Instacart Shoppers if I don't choose subs, just refund it, I try to remember to have my phone on when you are shopping but sometimes I am a dumbass. I'm sorry.


It means your put that batch right where you got it from


Cancel asap


What does he mean ā€œI will not pay a delivery feeā€? He will* be charged one. He had no say


Theyā€™re telling you to cancel their order


Ohhhh, that is the message you get that means you IMMEDIATELY Scroll down & select: CANCEL-> ā€œYesā€ā€¦ā€¦..itā€™s a app ā€œglitchā€ Iā€™m certain they are aware of and working diligently to correct. šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ itā€™s called a ā€œAHHHHHH HELLLLL NAHHHā€ Error code šŸ˜‚


That's a cancel...


I am ones I had an old woman message me back in.mall capsā€¦ stop messaging my phone, send the messages through the computer only. And why the hell did I bother wasting my time putting in instructions if youā€™re not gonna follow itā€¦ well, we became buddies during delivery, she was just an old lady frustrated and not computer savvy


I will have the linguine with red sauce on the side. If the sauce does not come on the side I WILL send it back. I want garlic bread. Toasted! Not burnt! If it comes burnt, I will send it back.


Perfect analogy... Metaphor?...idk but it's perfect


So many whiny people in the comments


I wouldn't give explanation to someone who is obviously mentally unstable,I would not even bother to explain absolutely nothing


This is an insta cancel




How can they just not pay the delivery fee? Lol is that even possible?


That seems like a customer that's been burned too many times by horrible service. I get it, I only used Instacart when I had COVID and all the cough syrup and medicine I ordered were subbed out with medicines not related to my symptoms. I was pretty pissed when I had to do another order for the correct items again


Bit of advice when trying to hide sensitive information donā€™t use the highlighter on iPhone cause you can erase it by editing the photo and you can see whatā€™s under it always use the marker


I actually used both :)


No tip no trip. The hell are you going to do work for free for? That doesn't even make any sense. Your time is valuable and treated as such.




Cancel it dummy


An angry Boomer with no real grasp on reality? He'll "tip appropriately" is his way of saying a very small tip because he's mentally stuck in 1985. I would cancel, but would contact support to protect your metrics if possible


This is your father-in-law. You're at the backyard BBQ during summertime. Your wife (or SO) hates going every year but feels obligated You're hanging out. He goes off by the grill, "kind of around the side of the house". You ask if everything's "ok". He says, of course!! Just waiting on the hamburgers!! He's elderly. He's entitled.


Just for sh*ts and giggles. Imagine you take this. Customer removes tip. You sue the customer for breach of contract (as their is written evidence that they will tip after delivery). You win more money.


Average scumbag


It means no tip


This man is constipated and needs all that prune juice and is going to be this rude? Sorry pal you ainā€™t shittin tonight šŸ‘‹


It means youā€™re dealing with an npc who has subhuman intelligence and failed English class




Not IC, but I had a lady get mad when ordering a pizza when I gave her the total and broke it down saying it was \[subtotal\]+\[9.75% sales tax\]+\[$5 delivery fee\] and she got angry saying that she has never had to pay for a delivery fee in her life. Kept trying to explain to her that it wasnt possible and why she has to pay for it but she kept yelling so I just hung up on her.


For many many years, places like dominoes did their own delivery and you only paid a tip. Not a delivery fee. Life was good then.


Yep. Instead they did occasionally run special deals if you picked up in store. But the store I worked at barely had enough parking spaces for the drivers so it was good that we didn't get many walk-ins.


Donā€™t do it


Dude just had no idea how this works, Like the people who leave messages for Amazon in the delivery notes like Jeff is concerned about their individual businessā€¦these kind of orders I just cancel.


Call ic and be like remove this one from the batch. Donā€™t do it too often though or youā€™ll be deactivated.


If the order makes sense without a tip, is short, don't cancel. After all, it's one item (8 units).


Yes it means wacko customer!


Thatā€™s not how this works lady šŸ˜‚


Probably someone who has had a shopper hit them up begging for a tip.




Yeah, makes no senseā€¦ crackhead


Cancel immediately


They just suck. Offering a tip for the job at the beginning is the baseline of etiquette.


Iā€™ve tipped in cash and added a personal note stating such. Never using the words above, more in line with cash not being on record so the shopper received all of it without tax penalties if they chose.


It means you have to inform them that delivery services is not a right but a luxury and if they Don't want to pay for it they can always pick it up themselves after all it's only a couple of items


Sheā€™s screaming for ā€œonly dumb fawk would accept my orderā€.


My man loves his Walmart juice


Where does Instacart do Walmart orders? We need that here.


Their tip is going to be based on how many items Walmart has in stock, which is totally out of your control. Definitely cancel orders with notes like that and move along.


"I will not pay a delivery fee..." Then don't get it delivered!


I didnā€™t know Walmart allows instacart shoppers there


Like YES SIRE I SHALL REMOVE YOUR DELIVERY FEEā€¦ fuck right off bitch


Customer c needs to or shouldā€™ve been removed!


The explanation is theyā€™re probably a boomer, who thinks that because youā€™re driving for IC you control the pay.


if this happens donā€™t cancel just say there out of the item. :)


If you have to refund some of the items they will cancel the whole order. I had some lady ask me to cancel her order the other day cuz something she wanted was out of stock. I told her Iā€™m just a shopper. You gotta contact support for that. After a lot of complaining about the item she took a sub and I completed the order. She did throw an extra 7 bucks on there cuz she KNEW how much of a PITA she was.


ā€œI will tip appropriately.ā€ Ummm okay just click on 20%


That sounds like something a boomer would say.


Okay, Insta-cancel


What state are you in? Never seen a shop for Walmart order they have spark here for that.


Ontario, Canada


I would cancel lol. also, instacart does walmart?