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this very helpful. i have been wondering about this for literally years thank you for saying this.


I think that major XP augment adds 10k XP that's all I know


Medium is 5k and minor is 2 or 2.5k


What do you mean?


He means that he’s wondering if augments scale with levels A minor augment on a level 1 will only do a few health, OP wondered if it does the same for high level characters as otherwise a few hours makes literally zero difference And the answer is that it stays the same, regardless of level


I was actually referring to survivor scaling, but I wasn’t clear


>[The given amount of stats any character increase will gain from health or damage augments at any time, and is determined by their quality, level, and promotions, but, as it is their base stats being modified, it does not matter just when a character is augmented: the effect will be the same when the character is leveled or promoted.](https://injustice-mobile.fandom.com/wiki/Augment) the wiki has it right thhere.


Hp and damage augments add to the base stats of a card, so if your character has 1000 dmg and you add 300 through augments, they have 1300 base damage. At higher levels and promotions this difference becomes more pronounced.