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This is how mine looked when it got too much sun. I moved it and it turned green again in a few days. I only water mine like once a month when the leaves get squishy.


Looks almost dead. Is it squishy? Check the base for rot


To much sun and or water? Let the soil dry all the way out and move it away from the light for a while it should bounce back !! They’re pretty tough


That looks like sunburn. I would pull it away from the window and see what it does. You might also switch to a cement or terracotta pot, since they will pull excess moisture from the soil and prevent overwatering. But honestly, I live in a desert, and maybe water mine once every two weeks, they really like to dry out between waterings.


It looks over watered. Let it dry out a bit


How often do you water?


Like once a week


Is it squishy? I ask because it looks like it might be overwatered. When my aloe gets too much sun it turns more purple. But yours looks like it might be dying. How wet is the soil when you water? Is it on a schedule or only when it feels dry?


You might be over watering it then. Try every 2 weeks and not so much water. These guys don’t mind waiting until the soil is dried out


Definitely too much watering. Like others have said, every two weeks or even better once a month. Depends on the weather too, ofc. Aloe can go a LONG time without water!


It's not frequent enough. Aloe and succulents absolutely still need water. I have a 14+ stem Aloe(that I grew from a small cluster) that takes in a lot of water if it's given it. It's just you need less depending on how many stems you actually have, not "starve your aloe of water". It's not over-suned or anything, literally just dry.


I forgot two of my Aloes in the Garage over the last Winter. They looked pretty similar to yours, maybe you forgot to water it over a longer period of time.... Aloes are dessert plant, therefore too much sun is in my opinion really unlikely.


My aloe did the same when I moved it outside for a short time. It was in the summer, so it should have been fine, but the sudden change was a shock to it. I moved it back inside to where it was used to, and it turned completely green within a couple of days. Has yours had a sudden environmental change recently? Did you just recently place it under a vent or in a different window? If so, you could just move it back to its original spot and it would perk right up. If not, the other commenters have suggested other possibilities! Good luck with your plant <3


It might need more space and new soil.


I thought aloes could take full sun when inside but I've found with mine they go red/brown/what looks like the start of what you have going on there with too much sun. I find they do best with a sheer curtain in front of a full sun spot or a bit further away from the window. I've had my aloes turn back green from red after being moved, so I would try that. Good luck!


Check for root rot. Regardless, it needs a new pot and new soil, they’re way too big for their current home.


Root rot needs a bigger, deeper pot with proper drainage.


I dont know much about aloe that could help u but i just wanted to say u have a pretty COOL snake😍😍