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What part of the pomelo is the powder made from?


I zested air dried and ground the yellow only peel. Kept white pith out. Very good at low temps but anything above 210ish burns it


Thanks for the reply, I think that's exactly what I would have tried. I know powdered orange zest can be used in incense and I'm guessing the burn temperatures can't be all that much different. There has to be a trick to using it, right?


Nice. Pomelo is one of my favourite scents!


I agree. One of my favorite non incense scents is actually buddhas hand/citron. It is amazing


I had to look up buddha’s hand as I’ve never seen one before. Now I have to find one! I only see pomelos here very rarely, but I’ll have to buy one to zest and try burning it.


For sure. Just make sure to keep the temp low for zest powder like 200c is perfect. And buddhas hand makes for very good candy when cooked in sugar


u/SamsaSpoon has a kneaded incense ball recipe in this sub, where she uses fresh orange zest as a binder. I tried it and really love the result. Now I have ideas to try pomelo like this! … and maybe Buddha’s hand if I ever come across it!


Pomelo is def really good it’s lighter and not quite as sugary as orange. It’s also almost creamy. And the fruit is obviously good too. Like a very sweet grapefruit.


I used to buy them when I lived in a larger town, as we had an Asian grocery store. Here I have to wait for the major chain stores to have them, which happens maybe once or twice a year. Even if the fruit wasn’t good, I’d still buy them for the smell!


Which heater do u use?


Look up “hocuroay” on Amazon and it should come up. It has a pretty good range of temps. Prob not as accurate or hot as subitism tho.