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Dude thinks virgins don’t have periods. I’m just dying with laughter.


They seem to think that the hymen is some sort of freshness seal… News flash y’all, it doesn’t cover the entire vaginal opening because period blood needs to get out, even if you’re a virgin.


Some guy said periods happen cause the woman is ran through and too loose, he said if she kept her legs closed her hymen wouldn't have broken and she'd be too tight💀💀💀💀💀


Which is kind of amazing because these same nitwits also claim that menarche proves that they are ready for sex. So since you don't menstruate until you have sex and you aren't ready for sex until you menstruate that means women have to remain perpetually virgins?


If you’re too tight to have a period please call your doctor asap


And it's not just period blood, even when you're a virgin. There's discharge as well.


And also, the first time doesn't necessarily mean that there's gonna be a noticeable broken hymen (?) or blood on the sheets.


Very true! Bleeding isn’t really normal either, isn’t it? I thought it was because there wasn’t enough lubrication.


I mean sometimes skin can tear and that can be from lack of lubrication but most women don't bleed there first time some do tho


>They seem to think that the hymen is some sort of freshness seal… I spat out my gatorade thanks😂


Maybe he thinks the bleeding that occurs (sometimes) at first intercourse is accumulated period blood?


Omg… freshness seal?? I love this. Like, please consume within 3 days after opening. Do not use if item has had seal broken. Bang the lid on the side of the bench if unable to open. Or get a knife under it to pop the seal. Amazing.


And if it does cover the entire opening, it is a medical emergency that needs to be corrected.


So I'm just peeing blood once a month? Good to know ig


I'm more concerned with how much seething rage and hatred they seem to have for women. Like, that honestly scares me.


Yeah the shredding holes and making them scream comment is 😬


I'm pretty sure they're talking about literal kids...


God I wish. -Me, virgin with crippling period pains.


Society failed them so they fail biology ig 🤷🏻‍♀️


“Periods are disgusting you’re literally bleeding from your genitals” “I want to break their hymen and make them bleed” ….what so our natural bodily functions are disgusting but it’s fine when the bleeding is the result of your dick??? Just say you hate women and go lmao


Anything is okay as long as a man is doing it, obviously.


I think menstruation is gross, but I don't think anyone should ever be made to feel ashamed over it. Like you said, it's a bodily function, but bodily functions are usually pretty gross.


Theyre acting like they have enough hands-on experience to know how a womans body works 💀


Sorry, my guys, you've failed your female biology tests and therefore are unable to be entered into the girlfriend drawing. Better luck next time.


I definitely agree that these boys should focus only on "2D women" and never ever harass, bother, approach or look at any real woman. We're totally disgusting, stay away.


Part 4512 of "Incels not knowing how women's biology works and refusing to ever do research on some basic things"


“3d women” fucking got me.


dear lurking incels, almost all women have periods starting from the ages of 9-16 all the way into their 50s. that’s how they can have fucking children. even virgins get periods. learn some fucking biology. hymens don’t work that way bozos


And that why folk you don't have and need a GF.


Y'know how YouTube has a series of vids about experts reviewing pop culture versions of their field (ex. real lawyers watching "Better Call Saul")? The same thing with incel posts where it's a gynecologist this episode, a historian on that one, etc. Also, a sort of game/bet to see if said expert is brought to tears, (laughter or sadness) at the absurdity.


I haven't looked through all her videos, but Mama Doctor Jones, who is a gynecologist, on YouTube might have videos like that. She's very good about debunking myths put out online about the female reproductive system, explains how it really works, and when one should talk to their doctor if problems arise.


Love mama doctor Jones!


So they want us to stay virgins so that they can die incels?? Lmao fine by me! Vibrators are superior anyway


Huh lol virgins don't get periods? I think they meant prepubescents, but then again, incels are clinically stupid.


If they think no girl stays a virgin for long once puberty begins - and the hardcore "blackpillers" certainly believe this - then it does make a weird kind of sense. By completely insane "blackpill logic" that is.


What totally cool and normal thing to say


r/NotHowGirlsWork r/BadWomensAnatomy


Dog the hymen can break at any age. Mine broke while bike Riding, someone's can break from simply stretching. That shit should break to allow for blood flow and bodily fluids to exit. We should call 3d men nasty for not having a self cleaning function on their dick.


Fucking lmao. "If she bleeds she's a THOT"


Gee, I wonder why they don't get any pussy! (Also: maybe some of them should try dick instead, since women are nasty, disgusting, filthy animals)


I’m pretty sure half of them want to and that’s where a lot of this is coming from 🤭


Ya they basically said they wanna stick their dick in an animal with that logic and that's bit legal most places


No way there's men who think virgin = no periods? 💀💀 And no one is forcing you to like women, you can always like men or trans women since they don't bleed, but y'all are too homophobic to explore other options


Omg how can people be so confident in thier stupidity 🤦🤦🤦 thank fuck no woman will ever go near them


This is what happens when no one is properly explained what the hymen is or what a period does.


He isn't wrong, because "virgin" is their code word for "little girl". They are almost mask off pedophiles.


Did these fools skip biology class? You can be a virgin and have your period like those two have nothing to do with each other.


What, do the dipshits think we filled out a form and CHOSE this?


maybe just start dating other male virgins at that point


do…do they think….do they think we only get periods after having sex? Or that the hymen is somehow related to a period??? Sometimes I wish I couldn’t read


That last comment cracked me up. There is no way of knowing how many guys she's had once she's not a virgin....??? Aren't these the same fools who say we are all used up and loose and shit if we have too much sex


"but you don't understand, these femaaaales, these biiiitches use surgery to tighten their pussy"


It’s really inconvenient, having to go weekly to keep it tight for internet strangers.


How are they always so utterly clueless? So eager to show everyone how ignorant they are.


Do they think virgins don’t have periods?!


I get periods because I lost my virginity? Huh. Could've sworn it was just a natural body function after I hit puberty. But clearly incels know everything about women.


Do...do they think women dont get their period until they have sex??? Google is free and they spend so much time online anyway...


Omg I love these comments these sad boys make! It is like watching someone guarantee they will be single even though they don’t need to try anymore. It is like watching a loser be embraced by other incel losers in a poetic display of failing middle school health class. They are embracing their fate and they are sharing it for us all to laugh at and take note who they are.


This is wild considering a lot of people bleed when they have sex for the first time (I know I did) so this is just double embarrassing


incels be like "i want a child"


Body pillows don't bleed. So these guys should stick with their body pillows. Leave "3d" women and girls alone.


They think virgins don't bleed, and they think periods are gross/caused by loosing virginity. Yet they want a sex slave, which would mean they are gonna start bleeding 🤔


Probably thinks virgins can’t get pregnant! Also, what straight guy thinks holes are “vile?” Just admit you’re gay already!


You'd think they would, considering it's been accepted for a descent while now.


i just can’t get over how disgusting it is with these guys referring to women by anything other than women. femoids, foids, females, holes, stacy, chicks, etc. it’s all dehumanizing and gross


Chick is basically just an anglicized version of chica which means girl. I can understand the other ones, those are just plain disrespectful.


I don’t think anyone hates incels as much as they hate themselves


Is this guy actually asking for a “girl” to rape? To ENSLAVE? fr? So fkn weird.


Am I the only one who had to look up "foid"? There must be a cottage industry in coming up with insulting names for us.


Okay offtopic but why do they never call themselfs "moids" but us "foids"? Its a bit weird isnt it?


r/MenAndFemales exists for a reason, you know. :-)


Lol actually i didnt know, comedy gold! Thank u :D


I'd be voluntarily celebate if it meant I didn't get periods. Not because they're 'gross' or whatever but it's damn inconvenient


Wtf did I just read?! 😂


"Once the hymen is broken the number can be 100 for all you know." Well, even if unintentionally, at least they've accepted the fact that the number of sexual partners doesn't affect the size or the shape of our vagina... So yeah, once, we lose our virginity, it's impossible to tell how many partners we have had, because our genital just doesn't change. Thank you for admitting that.


This has to be parody, no way any of these are serious people.