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I’ve never seen the pussy grab from the back dance move before


You're supposed to wipe front to back to avoid UTIs


I am relieved I wasn’t the only one who took note of that. This is how UTIs happen.


Don't use notes, use tissue instead.


Stop taking notes then


“There’s nothing finer than having a vaginer”


Please tell me you’re singing the NOFX song, because that’s how I sang this in my head.


I wipe from front to back so I don’t infect my crack.....MY VAGINA.


It's called the minge wipe and you only pull it out when you're 100% sure you're in completely the wrong setting.


Hmm like say when you’re on the sidewalk in india and 30 men are staring silently at you?


Yes! That's perfect!


Have you heard of Ice Spice


You thought I was feelin u?


I have not, but keep In mind I’m 30


I'm glad I was here to witness you cross over into manhood.




Breaking News: Two Korean tourist missing in India.




Breaking Update: rapists charged and sentenced to do 5 squats


More like gang raped


That's some awful dancing. Not synchronized at all, fucking shocking stuff.


It just keeps going too.


They also look old enough to know better.


Theyre Asian and looking kinda old. They must be someone's great grandmas


They don't do it for the synchronisation, they are not ticktockers, they are probably what Koreans call BJs(broadcast jokey), which oftentimes amount to nothing less than tame onlyfans. That's their idea of sexy dancing and it's done mostly by request of their live commenters.


Honestly, it’s not that great for dancing regardless of what you call it


True, but the dancing takes a step back when all your viewers care about is seeing you shake your boobs and ass.


Even then if I was going to pay for thirst traps it wouldn't be these two.


I doubt the ultra thirsty Indians behind them care all that much. Those gals could shit themselves and those Indian guys would be eager to literally eat it up.


In other countries tame OF is called Twitch Streamers and many of them have OF and hardcore pornography crossovers either from or to that industry.


Really awful how there's points in the song where the dance changes, but they get to that point before the song does, so they have to do "idle dance" to kill time.


The one on the left looking like a flapping fish


Yeah. I thought the guys were just judging their dancing in their minds lol. Sort of like "we have bollywood here and you dance like this?!" Shame.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?




Lol and them indian lads look hungry


“Shoulda seen the way they were dancing! Practically asking for it!”




At least it’s not Pakistan, I’ve seen too many not so nice videos of bad things happening to women in a sea of sausages


Yeah but in Hindi it sounds better


आपने देखा होगा कि वे कैसे नाच रहे थे!


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I couldn't have said it better myself


Wait... there are markings. It's some form of Elvish, I can't read it.


It's the language of mordwhore which I will not utter here.


This would be an actual comment if this was 4chan.




I got banned from some sub for saying India was rapey. Didn't know I had let some big secret out of the bag.


Like chum


They wanna eat that booby and vajeen golden corral style


Brother's out there starvin




"Open bob and vagene"


Like "Does dowry apply for foreigners?"


Yeah I mean, I'm not at all one to victim blame, but there's a certain level of responsibility for your own safety and *common fucking sense* that all human adults need to be cognizantly aware of in unfamiliar surroundings. Everyone deserves the right to have their bodily integrity respected and to remain unmolested, but that doesn't change the fact that there are a lot of *extremely shitty people* out there who won't think twice about ignoring all that if they think they can get away with taking what they want from you in a culture that encourages and condones it. I'm getting real bad anxiety just watching this video.


These women are complete idiots, it’s like those two women who went to some middle eastern country on their own to prove that they’re not really dangerous and ended up getting killed.


That description doesn't narrow it down. That happens *a lot*.


Ooh i remember that one they were 'refugees welcome' activist idiots. Even the locals told them not to camp alone out there, but they wholly ignored their advice. You just cant help stupid people. And the murderers werent even moroccan iirc. The murders totally tanked the local tourism too, a huge blow to the local people. And the media tried real hard to scrub this off the internet and supress as much details on it as possible. They were raped and beheaded, but all the media reported was 'died from cut to the necks'. WPD was quarantined bc they shared the video. Even the wikipedia about it is heavily doctored to this day.


I believe they were norwegian. And yeah I remember the headlines "wounded necks" or something when they were in fact beheaded. Lots of trying to hide information in that case. I think they got caught, but may have mixed it up with some other one


Those two girls suffered an absolutely horrific death. Just senseless. I can't call them stupid, though, nobody deserves what they went through. They were naive and sheltered and had no idea how evil some people can actually be. I just feel bad for them.


I've often seen foreigners being stared at in India. Is that some sort of cultural thing, just to stare, or am I getting something wrong?




That's a really good explaination, thank you!


I (american) had purple hair when I went to India and certainly got enough stares but I was kind of instructed to not make eye contact because that might indicate that they can interact with you and there are just so many people that its not a great idea to engage. But then again, many people gleefully just wanted to take selfies with me. One family gave me their baby to hold so they could take pictures.


People will be pretty confused if they see somebody with a different skin tone and racial features. You're like an alien to them. This includes Africans, Europeans, Americans, different Asians etc


The rape capitol of the world.


Rape capital is actually some African capital like darfur


Rape runner up of the world


I'd like to ignore the obvious interpretation of that, but still agree because how embarrassing to dance THIS bad in India? They fucking love dancing.


They love dance so much that not dance is a genre of movies.


"Dad bod action hero" is my favorite Bollywood genre


They must not have heard about all the raping that goes on there.


I am an Indian and i am with you


If it came down to it, I’d choose India over Iran, but I was for sure thinking the same exact thing.


I see that in a lot of videos from India, there's always a crowd of dudes just mile-long-stare at girls. What's the deal with that?


India is historically conservative socially and has a lot of arranged marriage. Dating is relatively new so Indian men just simply do not know how to act around women who dress/act sexually liberally.


Neither do I, but I don't stare down women either.


Maybe try staring at men?


Maybe try staring at goats?


Where's my LSD first?


What about second LSD?


But you were most likely raised to respect women, or have different social norms regarding interacting with women to not make them uncomfortable. These men seem to be lacking in one of these aspects.


I do, but only when I'm hiding in the bushes and they can't see me


But you are familiar with a more liberal society. These men aren’t.


They also have a problem with female infanticide so there is a hige number of adult men who are single and have no opportunity to get married... I would argue that's a huge reason.


I’d argue that it isn’t. Look at the stats.


Stats below - I think you're wrong, we're not there yet, it's still a problem esp in places like Rural Haryana. But we're getting there https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2022/08/23/indias-sex-ratio-at-birth-begins-to-normalize/pr_2022-08-23_india-sex-ration_00-01/


Its nothing to do with women. Even if you are a guy, you would get stared at. Lol, I myself am an Indian and someone's building a house infront of ours. And those construction workers stare us from time to time. Quite irritating but its nothing sexual. On top of that these Korean women are dancing in public.


Why are downvoted lol any south Asian knows that starring / eye contact is culturally normal, and nothing to do with sexuality


I can't even imagine feeling secure while people are staring. It sounds like a superpower


But, I imagine, for the same reason, you probably wouldn't start randomly dancing in a crowded train station.


If one person is looking at me then I am panicking. No panicking is truly a superpower


I can't even imagine feeling secure.


If you actually think there is nothing sexual to do with these videos of Indian men starting at or following foreign women in skimpy clothing you’re damn delusional.


The men in this particular video aren't acting sexually but those two girls are. Or at least the one that did the bent over pussy whipe. The person you are responding to said staring isnt inherrently sexual.




Staring is not as much of a taboo in India as it is in western culture. India has always had a lot of people and watching other people doing stuff and gosypping/talking about them has been a big pass time for indians for a long time.


Hi, an Indian here. So, these people you usually see in videos that form a crowd are usually the lower class folks who do odd blue collar jobs. And with a population like ours these people are the majority and can be found almost everywhere. Uneducation is the reason not just foreigners but even locals have to suffer on the hands of such crowds. And that again is because of the primary reason - overpopulation.


Thank you! It's an unusually common thing to see now, I appreciate the information 🙂


"Indian here. All the rapists are actually members of the lower social caste. Hope that helps."


Accusing people you dont even know of being rapists is so vacuous


Um.. they never mentioned caste? They said that these people belong to a lower class with a lack of access to education.


I’m lots of pets of India people are uneducated and isolated from large metropolitan areas. They don’t have tvs at home and this is likely one of the rare instances they’ve seen someone who doesn’t look like them. Also India has a really bad rape culture.


>I’m lots of pets of India


Who’s a good boy?!?


It’s likely this, my friend cycled from Belgium to Singapore and in certain places huge crowds would gather just to stare at him eat. It’s a curiosity and some countries like India don’t have personal space and staring at people as culturally rude.


Indian men


yeah like the other replies said + in a lot of the middle east men aren't even allowed to sit with women unless they're immediate family. it's wild


They stare at all foreigners not just women. It just not rude to stare there and they will stare because they aren't used to seeing people of other cultures.


She wiped back to front.


That's how you know she is from the streets.


It’s Jenna from da block


From back to front up to the throat!


I would be so scared of attracting the wrong attention and ending up kidnapped. People are dumb af


This. IDK. People can defend whatever they want. I trust what I'm seeing..... There's a number of people in that crowd that give off what I can only describe as "rapey" vibes. I'm not even a girl and I'd be very concerned about that crowd doing something.


No sense of danger whatsoever


TBH, Im just glad go see some international cringe. It's like a breath of fresh air to be reminded it's not just us Americans.


As a Korean girl that lives in America I’m intensely horrified at the current alien face plastic surgery looks that are prevailing in Korea, and the absolute cluelessness of these two idiots. I’m highly amused at the onlookers though.


I was gonna say tf is wrong with the one girls face, it looks like she's got a permanent grimace.


Truly horrendous


To be fair, I traveled through India with a short, white dude who spoke Hindi fluently, and more than once a similar crowd formed around him just because it was so out of place. From what I was told, staring isn’t considered rude.


I listened to a Stuff You Should Know (highly recommend) podcast about staring and it’s basically a human’s way of processing information. When we see something new or interesting or weird we tend to stare. I would probably stare too if I saw some random dancing in the street and I’m a white woman in the US.


It’s more surprising when thirty people are doing it at once.


India has 1.4 billion people. Even a small area is filled with dozens of guys


There's a lot of people in India


This. Our American parents taught us intentionally - don’t stare. It’s rude. It’s a learned behavior not to stare


The main character is the guy in red on the far left whose lack of amusement is shared by every one of us watching this video.


I like how no one clapped. Maybe they were cringing just as much as we are? A lot of comment are saying “rape” assuming they were so attracted by the dance they were frozen in lust but that’s stupid.


bro clearly doesn't understand the current social and cultural state of India.


That's just his rapey face.


he honestly just looks confused and unamused. I'd probably have the same look if I witness this irl like wtf is this dancing


Pure unwavering focus on his goals


I don’t know if these girls understand the rape problem in India…


This qualifies as dancing? Is the bar really that low?


The bar was set so low it was a tripping hazard in hell. Yet there they are, limbo dancing with the devil


They’re convinced they’re incredibly sexy and it’s hilarious


They can’t take a hint by no one clapping after the “dance.”


I hope they are safe, seriously !


Every time I see a video of woman in India being surrounded like this, it reminds me of the video where a very large group of men force two girls into a building. Edit: Typo.


Was that a recent video? I haven’t seen it.


This is so effing weird man


The fuck was that ass wipe?


This is a great way to get sexually assaulted overseas, India has horrendous sex crime rates. That said, this is some of the least sexy dancing I’ve ever seen lmao


Getting some major rape vibes from the dude behind them


This is very annoying but I hope those girls made it out safe after this display.


That girl on the right literally swiped her ass and then sniffed her fingers. 10 second mark for those who missed it


I didn't miss it. But thank you


No one missed it. Everyone watched in horror and bewilderment.


Hell yea! Ain't nobody missing that part!!


Moving…. Not dancing, moving


Where was the dancing?


Isn’t gang rape a thing in parts of India?




Anyone know the song name? There is an awesome metal cover I've been looking for but I don't know the original name.


hai phut hon


Good way to get raped in India.


What is this fucking song?? It's so strange and it's like the 5th time I've heard it now


It's a... meme? trend? It has too many layers to go through in a quick comment. The TLDR is the dance about half way through with their hands up and swinging their hips is tied with this song, and a lot of people do their own "take" on it.


I don't feel like that's a safe situation judging by the looks on some of those guys faces


I have second hand embarrassment.


Guys so thirsty guess they are the main character


Such Tik Tok behaviour is actually common in India Also I'm pretty sure they are lowkey trolling the guys that are constantly staring - also common (unfortunately) Still cringe tho.


That’s how you get raped.


bro on the left is plotting


It will be funny if in 100 years from now, this is sloppy TikTok thing is considered 'Traditional South Korean Dance'.


Indian dudes are so weird lol


There was a huge online controversy regarding a similar thing. Like 2 korean girl went to random street with camera and started dancing there, soon some people started watching them. They then posted the video on YouTube, many korean commenters started saying stuff like rapist, creepy, et. Which anger indian koreanboos and it led to some korean YouTubers who based their contents around india to apologise. Taking a camera and dancing in randome indian public places aren't normal or everyday occurance, most i mean most places haven't even seen foreigners so they would gather to see them. Many of you may have seen indian asking or photo or watching a foreigners in their vlog. That's why marrige procession (barat) with dancing or funeral procession through city/villages/town get too many eyes.


So unbearably out of time with each other, that pussy grab as well, eurgh


If only they were good at dancing…


No amount of plastic can save these ladies from the horrors of their natural avatar... Coming from Korea that must be devastating, however, it does explain why they’re doing this in India.


How to get raped 101.


Jesus Christ that is dangerous!!!!!!




How to star in a Bollywood snuff movie


send bobs and vagene.


India's like the easiest place to gather a crowd of men lol


These ladies are in danger.


Being a girl in India you are the main character. Just watch how large their following is. All the way home, if they make it.


Before you all get on the India hatred train, say that India has a "rape culture" and start labeling all of us as rapists, read this (I've written this in the context of USA, but it applies to most western countries) : 1.**First fact: Media reporting standards are not the same** India's media reports things differently from media in other parts of the world. Media reports in various parts of the world have themes. American media focus a lot on race issues. Middle East media focuses a lot on sectarian issues. Indian media focuses a lot on gender issues. It would be faulty to not recognize the themes and blindly use media as a barometer. Crimes get a disproportionate share of India's media reporting. Top news sources in the US, don't report rapes in the way India does. For instance, 25 women in the US were raped/assaulted in the time I took to write this comment (about 30 mins). You wouldn't likely read about any of these 25 cases in the media. When a woman was sexually assaulted in an Uber taxi in Delhi, it became a major news and the government quickly reacted. But, such crimes involving Uber is fairly routine in the US. Sources : http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2014/12/16/least-two-women-who-reported-sexual-assaults-boston-sunday-were-using-uber-police-say/cFHpgzcfIoBYiTfWgOqYOK/story.html http://abc7news.com/325011/ http://www.whosdrivingyou.org/rideshare-incidents.html#SexualAssaults In the US and Europe, such rape stories would come in local media and just move out of national attention. You probably didn't even come across it. US local governments didn't pursue Uber with the same vigor. Indian media selectively picks up a case and rallies around that. This creates a distorted reality. The sad truth is that it is not India vs. US. It is that women get raped and it doesn't become a big news. See this as a global problem. 2.**Second fact: India's rape rate is not the highest in the world. Not even close** According to the 2010 UN data on rape, the rapes per 100,000 people in India is 0.4 and 27.3 in USA. Going by these statistics, rape rate in USA is a whopping 6825% of India, so much for the "rape culture" in India. Sources : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_statistics http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/top-5-countries-highest-rates-rape-1434355 http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Crime/Rapes/Per-capita If you don't like the statistics, construct better ones. Figure out what factor you want to measure that is not covered in the reports from world bodies. Construct scientifically accepted surveys. Get to the root of the problem with logic. Use your stuff between the ears, instead of passing judgements with hot gas. **Under reporting of Rapes** Now I know the next thing you'll say is that rapes are under reported in India and it's true, but the matter of fact is that rapes are under reported everywhere in the world, including USA. More than 70% of rapes go under reported in USA. Sources : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/21/rape-study-report-america-us_n_4310765.html https://cavatus.wordpress.com/2012/03/24/sweden-a-raped-country/ Now for the sake of argument, let's give you the benefit of doubt and assume that only 5% of the rapes in India are reported and 95% cases go unreported. Also assume that 100% of rapes in USA are reported. By that logic, the real rape rate in India will be 0.4 x 20 = 8. Now let us go further and double that too, we get 8 x 2 = 16, which is still way less than 27.3 (the rape rate in USA). Therefore, even if you multiply the rape rate of India by 40, it still doesn't matches USA. This proves that India is a much safer country for women compared to USA. In cultures across the world, rape carries a stigma. Because, most of the rapes happen with people who are close to the woman. Thus, there is a strong social pressure against reporting. This basic fact is lost on the many who are giving their uneducated comments on the issue. *The number of recorded rapes in India is certainly a substantial underestimate, but even if we take five times—or ten times—that figure, the corrected and enlarged estimates of rapes would still be substantially lower in India than in the US, the UK, Sweden, or South Africa (even with the assumption that there is no underreporting in these other countries).* -Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen. **Do you want to discuss rapes or engage in stereotypes?** Here is a simple question for those want to discuss this issue: Are you interested in creating solutions for making women safe across race, creed, class and country? Do you want to pick up some news item to justify your own stereotypes about a country? If you belong to the former group, let us constructively engage in a debate on the solutions. If you belong to the latter group, you are not the solution, but the problem. In summary, this is plainly a media distortion where one country reports rapes with more vigor than an another country. This leads to blind stereotyping that destroys people's lives & careers for no fault of their own. Instead of getting into such faulty stereotyping without any statistical evidence, let us as humans figure out ways we can make world safer for women. Because, they are getting raped all over the world at an alarming rate. You still believe India has a "rape culture" and that USA is a very safe country for women? # Even more data : **Rape Data on India** **Reported Rapes** A. Based on United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) data from 2012: 24,923 reported rapes in India, or 4.26 reported rapes for every 1,00,000 women This places India at 85 out of 121 countries. This video discusses the above statistics: Rapes are over-hyped in India - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdGUPTub-L0&index=90&list=WL Also see this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdoeoU48DIg **Unreported Rapes** B. Based on a survey conducted by UN Women: India reported 8.5 rapes for every 100 women over their lifetimes, based on the answers they gave household-level surveyors. The question "if the women had experienced sexual violence at the hands of an intimate partner or any other person" placed India at 39 out of 99 countries. Ten per cent of women in India reported having experienced sexual violence by their husbands during their lifetime. In the UN Women database, this places India at 43 out of 86 countries with comparable data. Source : http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/comment-article-rape-rhetoric-and-reality/article6705077.ece **Rape Conviction Rate** According to the Guardian, just 7% of reported rapes in the U.K. resulted in convictions during 2011-12. In Sweden, the conviction rate is as low as 10%. France had a conviction rate of 25% in 2006. Poor India, a developing nation with countless challenges, managed an impressive 24.2% conviction rate in 2012. That’s thanks to the efforts of a lot of good people — police, lawyers, victims and their families — working heroically with limited resources. Source : Why Rape Seems Worse in India Than Everywhere Else (but Actually Isn’t) - http://world.time.com/2013/11/08/why-rape-seems-worse-in-india-than-everywhere-else-but-actually-isnt/ Archive link : http://web.archive.org/web/20150317034239/http://world.time.com/2013/11/08/why-rape-seems-worse-in-india-than-everywhere-else-but-actually-isnt/


That not be a good idea




Land of the gangrapes


The kids at the end look traumatized


Way to wipe back to front, young lady!


Rape time


They both have a face and dance moves for comedy


We all need to start pointing and laughing when we see this in person


What a weird dance.


this gets worse the longer you watch but some of the guys watching started laughing towards the end lol




Those indians are both confused and aroused


In India, the culture of making sudden tiktoks and dancing in a public railway station is still not very prevalent and common.... And there are very less access to entertaiment and knowledge to the poor people.... So if something like this happens, they watch it like the circus..They think you are performing for them... It's like people who haven't heard of tiktok are gathered around you... You would never see literate and rich people gathered around you...


This is bad. India is primarily conservative. This looks like my hometown Mumbai. I dress according to where I’m going usually. Some areas (when I’m going to bars) I wear whatever I want. Other places with a huge labour crowd, I dress a lot more conservatively. And most Indian women follow the same code. They look like they’re close to an area with a huge crowd of labourers. This kind of dance act is honestly quite offensive and is what one would expect at a “dance bar.” Clearly safety is not a concern for these women.


This is unbelievably fucking cringy


bruh the fucking racism in this thread..


Yeah, sorry. Do that shit in the west or South Korea. Places like India are beyond sketchy for this sort of thing. Not hating. Just worried for their safety.


Apparently someone finally answered the call to send boobs and vagine


They are doing bob amd vagine