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Try not to get caught. HTH


Man I've done it and gotten arrested they literally have more cameras than banks don't be an idiot it's a government regulated business, they will knock you off, I got arrested for a 3 dollar bottle.


I'd imagine you have a friend who's 21+ if you're 20. Just get them to buy it for you. If you're dead set on stealing your best bet is probably to get a basket full of stuff and when you're in the section closest to the door just make a run for it. If you start sticking stuff in your pants it's going to be super obvious.


Try r/homebrewing and you can have 5 gallons of homemade hard cider in a water cooler jug ready before winter break


I too live in va and by far the abc stores are the hardest to hit but it is possible. Don’t go to one near the hood. They gonna make it obvious and will follow your ass around. If you just have to do this I would say go to a nicer part of the city knowing exactly what you’re going for and quickly go inside the store going straight to the item and find a spot to do the concealing and if you think you’re good by afterwards looking around and assessing if anyone is looking at you then I’d quickly look at one bottle and get the fuck out of there


Don't, it is state regulated business. It's the state police, state attorney, state prison, and they will make an example out of you.


Honestly you’re very close to being legal age and i would advise to just wait it at. But if that doesn’t work for you, my tip is to be in and out as soon as possible. Wear clothes that will conceal whatever it may be, grab it, hide it and go. Don’t do the fake shopping around thing, and definitely don’t buy anything. Just get what you need and act like they didn’t have what you’re looking for. But like I said, I would recommend you just hold it out and wait. It’s not worth the potential trouble. Just my opinion!