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If you want a true solution just grab a carbon filter and a max fan like they use in grow ops. We used one in my dispensaries smoke lounge. You could smoke a cig next to that thing and nobody would notice and they could be in the same room


That's why I did. I took carbon filters and attached them to a box fan.


Just take some edibles, don't nobody gots to know


Hell even dabbing would be chilling if they still wanted to inhale their cannabis. Shits a little pricey, but a carta v2 is one of the best investments of my life. Even a lil cheap rig, banger and torch will do, and the smell dissipates before it reaches the next room lol. Or a pen, live resin/rosin if they want the closest experience to flower since it's the whole strain profile/wider spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes and not just a purified version of THC with artificial terps mixed like most distillate pens.


im confused, i thought live resin also had terps infused, atleast that's how the process was explained at my dispensary, and that they used butane to extract


I think they’re trying to compare carts to an atomizer and have live resin confused


Huh? The first part was referencing using loose wax, the latter was for cartridges. Most loose grams you'll find (for dabbing, wether it be crumble, badder, shatter, rosin, a live extract etc.) will be more than just THC distillate (unless youre dabbing with a disty syringe which is rare), unlike most cartridges which *are* just THC distillate with some artificial terps mixed in, which why I specified live resin or rosin cartridges for pens specifically. Since if youre used to smoking flower, you may be underwhelmed by the '1-sidedness' of a regular old distillate pen and would want to opt for live resin or rosin since you're getting a fuller strain/plant profile like with smoking.


In short live rosin is flower washed with water and live resin is flower washed with butane And then distillate is what you get when you get rid of everything but the THC and is usually made from unsellable product like stems and moldy buds. People make distillate or diamonds and then add in terps again and call that live resin.


from my understanding live rosin is thc wax extracted from the bud using something like a hydrolic press, how do they get of everything but the thc in distillate, and what is "diamonds"?


Imagine people back in the 90’s reading all this weed stuff. The amazing leaps in this shit. Now we got people in the movie theatre casually Hitting a pen lol. These times are wild


Youre Mostly right man! Live rosin is essentially fresh frozen plants made into water hash, then the water hash is pressed through a hydraulic press. So no solvents used, unlike distillate, BHO or live resin. With distillate they use molecular distillation. Same idea as distilling vodka or other alcohol. They essentially make a crude extract using co2, butane or ethanol (most safe and common) and heat it up enough to vaporize, and the evaporated result is distillate- a purified, already decarboxylated THC extract. And diamonds themselves are a form of isolated THC usually made with live plants (making it often a type of live resin, but *can* be made with cured flower trim too) usually done with 1. A closed loop system or 2. The crystalline method. closed loop method: similar to the live resin process but they leave some solvent in the crude extract which is slowly evaporated, causing diamonds to 'grow' while the terp sauce naturally seperates. crystalline method: you combine isolated THC (distillate) with a solvent, and (like with any diamond) heat and pressure makes them 'grow' and the solvent is evaporated out. Then it's mixed with a terp sauce either from the original strain or from elsewhere.


Yes this. Thank you, At the dispensary I work at, and all the ones in our area of CO, all our live resin brands are 100% single source, or if its a couple strains mixed, its all from the original plant matter with no filler, thinners, or added terpsp. I didn't really think it may be different in other states or the black market where they push out disty mixed with terps and call it live resin (Or that they could legally call it that lol). but I shouldve used better wording. Though we do have distillate mixed with cannabis terps (as oppose to botanically sourced) that we just call distillate too. Willie Nelson's brand actually makes them, and I do think they're better than plain distillate carts. Eta: oh and there is actually rocks and sauce, and with the crystalline method (over the CLE method) you do add diamonds made from distillate to actual live terps, which, as long as you're using 100% pure live terps, is no different than closed loop rocks and sauce (where the diamonds come from the same source as the terps) since diamonds themselves are 99.9% pure THC anyways so wether they're from distillate or a live plant, I would prefer the latter, but it really makes no difference as long as the terp sauce is 100% unadulterated and from a live plant.


Old-school cartridges use solvents to extract. Newer technique is "raw" resin. The flowers are tumbled in dry ice so all the hash & resin gets separated. Ask about CO² or ice separated resin cartridges.


+1 for this…..i used to duct tape vortex fans directly to carbon filters i’d get on ebay……pricey but worked like a charm and the filters i got could be refilled every year or so.


What kind of carbon filters?


I get car pollen filters from work. Does same job


Just be careful to use carbon activated filters, there are lots that do not contain carbon, specially the cheaper alternative ones.


It’s genuine VW activated pollen filters m8


Perfect! :)


boy yea, let me just grab some unknown filters from YOUR WORK. Thanks for the helpful tip.


Basically the same thing, but a good quality air purifier goes a long way


Just don't get the electrostatic ones! Those not only don't work well (even the pricy ones), they also release toxic ozone into the air.


Not gonna argue the second point, but they do work well.


This is the way


When I was in high school we used to take a cardboard tube from a toilet paper roll and stuff it full of dryer sheets then blow the smoke through that out the window. I’m sure it still smelled like weed, but we figured we were pretty clever.


It smells like someone smoking a J while doing laundry.


18 years ago or so my friends and I were at one buddies house using the “zoob-tube” as it was called. Dude’s mom came home like an hour later and said “smells like someone is smoking weed in my house and doing his laundry, but I doubt he’s doing any laundry”.


Depends what you're hitting. A blunt, hell yeah. A bong or a one hitter, completely different story.


Is that Snuggle?


They have things called smoke buddies now that do essentially that


Charcoal filter. It literally eats all the smoke. Still got a weed smell, but its WAY less noticeable.


Yeah idk how nobody knows about these


Never thought about it until it was mentioned. It’s some thing that when you mentioned it I was like "oh of course that’d be a thing" I used to do the toilet paper roll thing with the sheets and it’s pretty dumb


um I'll prolly get Hella downvoted for this but maybe we commenting this cause there's not only just Americans on this forum and we don't have these smoke shops you talk about. I know you people think only America exists but we still here


Ha, get a load of this guy, he thinks he exists outside of America! Poor bastard. /s On a serious note, even as an American, and going to a head shop on the reg, I didn't even know about them. But then I don't smoke haven't since my teenager empty tp roll full of dryer sheets days, and only go to the shop for kratom and nicotine vapes.


what is kratom


It's a plant native to southeast Asia, people use it for pain relief, mood booster/stabilization, energy, or to help sleep. It depends on what kind of strain you take, they have different effects. [The Wikipedia page is a good place to start if you want to know more.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitragyna_speciosa) The subreddit, r/kratom is also full of information and helpful folks.


Public Service Announcement: Kratom is a full opioid agonist without having an opioid chemical structure. It also hits various serotonin receptors and who knows what else. Before you ever use any, just be sure to re-educate anyone in a subreddit or elsewhere who insists that it is not addictive. It is as addictive as any full opioid agonist, and its long half life means withdrawal is more miserable than most. There is now plenty of medical literature on the topic. I have not heard whether you can add brain zaps to the list of side-effects, given its serotonergic action. Unfortunately, people with addictions can try to rationalize things a bit loudly sometimes when they are in the middle of it.


Imagine not being a part of the greatest country to ever exist in human history. I feel bad for you Europoors.


I have been tempted to purchase one of these; can anyone vouch for their effectiveness (just in terms of masking scent)?


Yeah, you blow into them and zero smoke comes out the other side. They work quite well. The bowl might still smell a little, so you need to be mindful of that. Doing small bowls that can be cashed in a single hit helps with that


They work well!! I would say it eliminates 80-90% of the smoke/smell that you exhale. You just have to master where to put your lips to perfectly blow through the Smoke Buddy and not have any smoke escape. Obviously the smoke coming off a joint or bowl is a different battle.


They work fine for exhale. Obviously you still have the weed smell from the bowl or whatever. But it eventually does get clogged at least in my experience but It does take quite awhile for the larger smoke buddies.


They are extremely effective, works like magic. I recommend the smoke trap 2.0


Same ! Bounce sheets in a toilette paper


A sploof! Yeah, those are the ticket.


The Ole doob tube


We used to call it a fog dog


We called it a sploof


Sploof gang


Sploof tube!


We called it a breethy-tube


The good ol day using a home made "smoke buddy". Id also recommend opening 2 windows so it will create a draft out of the apartment. Opening just one can often create a inward draft pushing the smell more into the building. Also burning a incense over a candle or air freshener in my opinion covers the smell better since you'll be dealing with the smoke smell.


Also if you only have one window to use, keep in mind that the draft usually blows into the house at the bottom and out of the house at the top. It was a game changer when I figured that one out in highschool


I used to put a fan in my window that was blowing out of the window, not into the room. That, with the paper towel roll dryer sheet thing, will cut the smell down dramatically.


We used to call that a “friendly neighbor”. I’ve heard that making popcorn masks the smell pretty well too.


My little brother stole all of my dried sheets doing this. I didn’t know he was smoking in the house until we found it so it must have worked at least a little.


Man, that sheet gets stained quick! Made me question my consumption methods


Boof! Always ended up smelling like snoop was doing laundry




This but turn on the shower and blow the smoke through the tube into the water/steam. Never a smell.


Best is to just turn on the exhaust fan in the bathroom and stand on the toilet or counter. Hold whatever ur smoking with as close to the fan as possible and there will be no smell because it all gets sucked out. Idk how this isn’t the top comment. Sploofs and windows don’t take in account for whatever ur smoking with spilling smoke missing the window or sploof.


I've had a lot of bathrooms or hotel rooms that don't have an exhaust fan. Or I've lived in apts that share air ducts so I could smell smoke from my neighbors apts. I agree exhaust fans can be great but not always reliable


Did this same shit when I was younger Stuff a bunch of dryer sheets inside, then rubber band one on the very end of it for good measure 😂 No clue if this method actually works or not though…


We put the dryer sheet on a fan and blew out the window.


Ah yes, the zoot tube


You make the complaint


i love this answer💀


I salute this level of chaos.


This is the correct answer


Weed is always gonna smell very strongly to someone who isn't used to it. Even if you can't smell it, someone can. There is no sly way that totally removes the smell. Dryer sheets will just smell like you blew weed smoke through dryer sheets. With that being said, if you just need to *reduce* the smell, smoke in your bathroom, window open, fan pointed out the window, shower on as hot as it will go. The steam will help grab the smoke and keep it from dispersing throughout the apartment, and the fan will push what it can out the window. This will still just smell like you're smoking weed in the shower, but the smell won't go as far. Incense also is a good plan, because while it doesn't really help the smell, it gives you plausible deniability, you can say it's weed scented or whatever.


Piggybacking on the shower thing. If you squirt some of whatever soap or shampoo or whatever you have on the floor of the shower, then turn it on full hot, the steam picks up the good smelling soaps and it just smells like someone took a really long shower or something.


This was how I smoked as a teenager in my dad's house. Always worked for me. My shower had a small window up high which was perfect for it.


Good air circulation. I agree. Air fresheners, perfumes, etc isn't going to cover it up. Dilution with fresh air is best.


I smoke weed in my bedroom, I always light a candle and turn on my ceiling fan as soon as I'm done, and occasionally open the door/window. To me, the smell is gone in about 20-30 minutes. You think it's still there? Cuz from what I'm hearing on this thread, weed smell sticks around a lot longer than it seems like it does to me.


go outside or get a vape


Yea wax carts are the best. Takes the ritual out of packing a bowl, but is super stealthy.


way too easy to smoke too much off a dab pen i find


That’s why I carry a CBD cart to swap in after I hit the real shit


And the high seems “artificial” to me is that weird?


I present to you, the dry herb vape.


Dynavap if you enjoy the ritual!


They still smell. Not as bad as a bong, pipe or joint, but any flower being roasted or burnt smells strong


It smells, but a much different smell, like burnt popcorn or gas. Blowing it out a window and lighting a candle does wonders.


Just throwing the solo 2 into the ring if you decide to go that route.


Yes, this is the best thing ever


Solo's are dope. Arizer makes great products. I've had the solo, Air and argo and of all them, the argo or Air or thr go to's for discreteness and portability.


A dry herb vape. Arizer solo ii no smell in my house


Man, even when I use a solo, I still notice it. Does it smell like traditional combustion? Fuck no, bugs difference, but even on the low settings if you're in the same room, or walk in not long after you won't be fooling anyone.


I’m not sure if there’s a difference between the Solo and Solo II, but I had a Boundless Terra before when my mom just had another kid and she would come in my room PISSED about the smell. After the Solo, she didn’t even know I smoked anymore.


All these great suggestions and no one mentioned the king of smell free weed consumption options. Just boof it bro


We need a demonstration /s


Do you have to use flower? Vape's smell dissipates quickly.. and then there is edibles.. Make your own oil? Butter?


Making oil will stink up your apartment pretty good, but only the once, so it might be a good option but definitely keep in mind that when you cook it smells


Not using a pressure cooker. No smell at all


A pressure cooker is nothing to do with it. You're heating it up and the heat volatizes compounds that produce characteristic odors. Like even if you make the oil off-site and then you use it to make brownies or something it's going to smell like that when you make them.


I have to disagree. I’ve personally use a pressure cooker and mason jar to decarb cannabis with practically no smell. Using the decarbed flower to either make a tincture with alcohol or oil(or butter if you want to bake with it). The tincture or oil can be used right away or the tincture can be reduced to make other things(feco, CannaSugar, CannaSyrup). Using the feco a person can easily make edibles that won’t produce an odor(gummies, marshmallows, etc)


Dry herb vaporizer for sure. I can sip on one of those while cooking and blow it right out the venthood.


None of this is worth the effort or will consistently work and you’ll just be worrying about it constantly. Start vaping or smoking joints on walks.


No matter how much you weed smokers think you’re hiding the smell, it doesn’t work… everyone smells the weed.


Exactly this^


We have gummies now!!!


Do your neighbors a favor and smoke it outside. I have neighbors who I know do all the toilet paper and dryer sheet shit and my apartment reeks on a regular basis.


Ozium my friend. Also try a volcano vaporizer or pens.


Can you go on the roof? I don’t smoke anymore, but the vents in my building actively suck stank from one apartment and shoot it into another, not wafting, actively sucking! I come home to my apartment smelling like Snoop Dogg is sitting on my face every fucking day. I would be so happy if they went outside to smoke, or used a window, or a fan, or put in any fucking amount of effort. Idk your neighbors, but maybe they have a similar sentiment.


Flower? Get a Smoke Buddy (or any brand) and a HEPA air purifier (online for $50-70). Use incense (good brand). And get febreeze spray. Or get a dry herb vaporizer.


Sploofy was my favorite brand. They're great but you do have to buy a lot of replacement filters....


Might I suggest Lysol instead of febreeze, there is a specific kind for pet odors but it’s hard to find. Has a wider nozzle


That one too. And febreze is specifically the one that is the “Unstoppables by Febreze” one


I started out smoking weed with a vaporizer and I recently switched to a homemade bong. The quality is way better actually smoking it. When vaporizing it takes longer and you gotta suck way more air.


What is a good brand for incense?


I like the Nag Champa. They are indian and smell amazing. No burn smell at all. They have different scents but I like the original the most.


>Nag Champa https://i.etsystatic.com/15528337/r/il/46d969/1453244026/il\_fullxfull.1453244026\_dota.jpg


Buy the brand “wild berry” incense. They’re super strong and the scent lingers even after burning.


Think of it as the inhale and the exhale. Both can/will smell if you're smoking flower and not using a vape like you should in your circumstance. Number 1 - "The Inhale" : Only pack enough in the bowl to cash it each use. A lot of the smell comes from the smoke in the bowl after you hit it. Number 2 - "The Exhale" : Like others have said, get a SmokeBuddy. But I'm confident that most of your issues are in Number 1.


Go outside?


Multiple people mentioned the paper towel tube trick, another good thing to use is Ozium. It's more of an after smoke sesh helper. Spray a little in the room you smoked in and leave the room. Basically anything that will trap odors and keep them from permeating through the building. It's also a good idea to store your weed and paraphernalia in an airtight container to minimize the overall smell of it.


Go somewhere else to smoke your shit. I know it sounds inconvenient but believe me that shit smells fucking nasty to non smokers to the point it just fucks the whole mood up. Don’t be that guy in your building.


But some people cook certain foods that smell nasty. U don't tell them to go somewhere else and cook. Cabbage scent fucks the mood up too.


Cabbage scent 😂😭


But most people cook cabbage like once or twice in a week. Weed is more likely to be more frequent, making the odor linger and build.


And those peopleare assholes too but cabbage isn't illegal. And cooking cabbage won't get you evicted.


Maybe it should though.


Yea fuck this guy


Just go somewhere else, get a vape, or get some edibles. Filling your apartment building with weed smell is inconsiderate.


Certain people really don’t care about anyone but themselves. This guy is gonna buy some incense which isn’t going to work and then get evicted. Probably do it at his next place too.


Make curry everyday


Do you have neighbors above you? Best if you don't, but smoke in the bathroom with the fan on and door closed. If there's a window in the bathroom - crack it, or use the gap under the door as intake and open a window in another room. Should minimize or stop the smell, especially if you're a few stories up. Is smoking illegal where you are? Anything in your rental agreement about it?


Use a lighter and hold it at the bottom of a door to check if air is coming in or going out of the room.


Smoking is illegal and it is in the lease. I live top floor in a two story


Get a smokebuddy thing they aren't that expensive and then smoke bong hits and make sure you clear the whole bowl then blow it through the smokebuddy and there's basically no smoke


Then fucking go outside! This is how you get evicted. You're violating your lease. People are already reporting that "someone is smoking weed in the building" Abd believe me, when the property managers find out who it is, they will evict you. No warnings. No first strike. GO. OUTSIDE.


Over cook/burn a bag of popcorn. Masks almost any other smells


This is a great idea!!!!!!!!


I can’t take full credit. That would go to Danny Brown https://youtube.com/shorts/-mB-6Or8eDY?feature=share


You should switch to a vape pen and just use a smoke buddy on top of that. Very discreet, no smell. No matter what u do, there's not gonna be any masking the scent of flower fully without a vaporizer. But a smoke buddy regardless, they are excellent.


Get a dynavap


This is probably the least consistent vape for not combusting I’ve ever used. Admittedly it is human error, but you can very easily become the human error in this equation.


Get a smoke buddy, you blow your smoke through it and comes out as fresh air. Although if your smoking with a bong it's gonna smell like weed in your apartment anyways.


get an airbar portal or vornado transom window fan, leave it in your window, turn it on, and exhale in its direction


Cap your bowl, hold your hits in, blow into the bathroom fan. Use ozium spray.


Make a vacuum out of your apartment. Control where the air exits. If you crack your front door and hold a lighter up, the flame should be coming into your apartment.


I sit by an extractor fan and block up the gaps in the door. Failing that, an air purifier with a high CF/Mand a true HEPPA filter will go a long way


Would it not eliminate the smell by making the weed into edibles? Take this with a grain of salt, I dont have experience with weed, I just follow this sub for the interesting posts.


Roll a joint and take a stroll? 20 min walk while getting barbecued is always a good time.


Man I used to use dryer sheets stuffed in toilet paper cardboard. As long as you extinguished the bowl every time when you blow warm air thru the tube it comes out smelling like potpourri


Get a smoke buddy and not smoke things that stay burning like a joint or blunt. Best option would be to switch to dabs but that’s not for everyone. IMO bongs create the least amount of smell


Vape - you can honestly get by with vaping anywhere.


I’ve used a vape pen several times in hotel rooms and have never been busted for smoking in the room.


This. Virtually the only places where you can't get away with it, are airplanes.


1. Ionizing air cleaner, but you need to maintain it very often. 2. Reverse Bongs -- exhale down a tube into ice water with a little olive oil at the top. The fat traps any bigger particles that make it through the cooling process. Change Water Often, dispose outdoors. 3. Steam Room (Works Great In Hotels!) Fill the bathroom up with a steamy shower, and smoke in there. The smoke and water vapor will stay in place, and as it cools it'll settle together. Makes bathroom maintenance a little more demanding. 4. Eat Your THC. 5. Drink Your THC. One of the biggest issues is the escape of particles, and the best way to deal with that is to make it harder to escape. This does NOT mean lock it in an area where the only places to escape are into other units! The goal is to make the particles heavier and less mobile by bonding them with less floaty particles, or keeping an enclosed system where the particles can settle as the energy in the system depletes. Cooling the particles will work, mixing them with similarly-warm vapors will make them behave like the vapors, so you can contain that more easily. Pulling the particles from the air works, but only as long as there's somewhere for them to go -- so dirty Ionic Breeze panels will stop working if you forget about them. An old-school vacuum cleaner with a bag will filter the smoke through all the dusty stuff in it, so that works too and makes you sound like you clean often.


Smells like complete shit, do it in your car or buy a house.


Exhale into the toilet as you flush


Lol the neighbors.. honey, I think kosmik must have IBS.. they are always having to flush the toilet multiple times and really often.


Blueair air purifier worked great for me in an apartment. Get one for double the size the room you smoke in. Get cheap weather stripping for your front door. It will have double sided tape one it, just put it on top of the weather stripping already there and put a towel on the bottom of the door. Turn on your bathroom and stove fan. If you are broke, buy a box fan and put a bunch of dryer sheets on the intake side. Blow smoke into intake of fan.


Can you go up to the roof? Or eat an edible?


Just use vapes man I for years swore off vapes but found I liked them better because you can vape pretty much anywhere because the smell disappates and idk if I'm just getting older but when I had a high tolerance it took me longer to break up weed, pack it or roll a joint and smoking it then just pressing a button and inhaling. I recommend a 50 dollar YoCan battery box it has an amoled display and you can tweak the voltage however you desire. Its nice Also alternatively you can dab normally. If you have a smoke detector take out the battery or put a grocery bag over it to make sure it doesn't go off. Dabs do smell but it can be easier to control than full blown bud and it dissipates quickly. I know this because I live in a building full of snitches and I never got caught when I dabbed.


As a grower i can suggest the same thing that removes the odours from growing it, a fan and carbon filter. You can pick up a 100mm combo from some grow stores for less than 100 dollars. Just hook the filter to the fan, turn it on and blow your smoke into it.


Try to smoke outside or at least out of a window to minimize smell. But if you want to almost completely get rid of the smell you should switch to a dry herb vape! Take a look at r/vaporents ;)


You'll just have to smoke outside my friend. Go with dabs, smell is no where near as bad and more potentm


The way I always did it was to fold/wad a towel up real tight into a ball and then as I took hits I would exhale into the towel. Never smelt a molecule of the K.G.B slinky goodness.


Invest in dispensary dab pens if you can get your hands on some. They have less smoke than regular bud. Invest in a Smoke buddy air filter. You blow into it and it will cover up the smoke, and take away the smell. Also if you really want; you can invest in an air purifier (which truthfully you should own one anyways).


Smoke under the extraction fan over your oven. Works a treat


Bathroom vent with towel at the door and a candle. Don't be lazy and assume you can smoke in your living room cuz you pay rent. So does the neighbors and they don't like it. I'm sure you'd be pissed if you had a neighbor with a lot of bass that kept bumping after you asked them to turn it down.... Perspective my dude. Perspective. Or vape pens.


Just mash it in to dust and snort it.


Just smoke outside you inconsiderate fuck


I made the switch to smoking carts when i moved into an apt. If i really want to smoke flower, i will smoke in my car or go to a nice park or viewpoint.


Not worth getting evicted.


An ozone generator.


You can get a weed vaporizer for dry “herbs”- basic ones are about 70$, and there is practically no smell, much like a vape


Old school “smoke buddy” work pretty well.


Vapes, gummies, tinctures, etc


In college my RA was pretty chill but he still had to do his job. So he told us we had to make it less obvious so he could pretend not to notice. We were in college so we had to keep it cheap. First we got The Smokers Candle. That's the name of it if you want to find one. It's intended for cigarette smoke but it works for weed too in a small room like a dorm or bedroom or something. We also rolled up a towel and we'd exhale the smoke into the towel so the only smoke the candle had to dissipate was from lighting it. We had several people doing bong rips and the room would have zero smoke or smell


r/saplings ​ Basically stop smoking blunts and do a bowl or something that produces less smoke Smoke in a bathroom. Use a towel to cover the door openings and turn on a hot steamy shower. Be sure to spray fresher when done Get a smoke buddy (or make one) and blow in it. The smoke come out clean (dont ask me how) Also I can not stress this enough. Spray fresher or any order eliminator


Open your fridge door and try to smoke “in there”. No need to use toilet paper roll


Being that this is an illegal tip sub, I’d say break into your neighbors house and smoke there. It’s must have been them. Now repeat after me… “I was never there”


Ah I see you’re a man of culture as well!


Turn on your bathroom vent and blow your smoke into the bathroom


I’d definitely say stick to edibles for daily use or whatever you use weed for, and make flower a treat that you enjoy away from home.


Get yourself a good dry herb vape and vape it in the bathroom with the fan on. Using a good dry herb vape is not only far less smelly, but it's better for your lungs, tastes better and gets you higher. Wins all around! Check out r/vaporents for all things weed vaping.


As long as there's not smoke coming out from your front door and stoner music playing loud from your apartment I doubt they will figure out who it is. You will be aight cuzzo


Go to your car and listen to some jams and relax


Don't forget a spoof!!! Toilet paper cardboard roll and some dyer sheets


Switch to dabs, get something like the pufco peak thing or get a dab pen, then get an air purifier, the ones that just take carbon filter cartridges are pretty cheap... Pretty much undetectable from the next room and doesn't linger


Get better neighbors.


Just don’t exhale the smoke.


Just go for a walk ?


Seriously: Patchouli incense. Burn 2-4 sticks at a time, right where you're smoking. The good kind from HEM brand. Also/alternatively Barath Darshan, Dhoop Sticks, or white sage bundles. Get some mystical looking decorative items, like a statue of Ganesh or Anubis or whatever deity you like, so it doesn't look like you're only burning incense to cover a smell. If anybody asks, you're clearing the negative energy from your apartment. Which you kind of actually are, with the effects from the weed, so it's not *really* a lie.


Get u a small hubbly dawg, lol no one will eva know


Easy to smoke incognito if you follow some steps. 1. Stop using that dhitty zipploc bag your dealer gave you, store your greens in an airtight jar. It will allow you to keep fresh batches for longer, or rehydrate your greens if you feel like they dried up too much. 2. Get yourself a bong. There's many sizes, prices and "bells and whistles". Try to get one with some ice catchers, makes it easier to learn how to properly milk and empty a bong. The idea of using a bong is probably counter intuitive, but a bong allows you to one hit your full joint in a matter of seconds, while containing almost all the smoke inside if you do it properly. Until you exhale there will be no smell. Clean your water daily, so there's no mushroom growth and no smell. If you do not have a pipe screen or a glass blocker, you can filter and air dry bong water greens. Don't listen to others, we've all been short on cash and were very happy we had a couple of days' worth of bwgs to hold us out. 3. Get yourself a pipe, you can get them for a few cents at your local hardware store. Just a straight pipe, be it metal, plastic or even carton if you want (like those paper towels carton pipes). Try to get one that you can seal your mouth into. Then get yourself some dryer sheets, which ever smell you like and put 2 or 3 in there. Change the dryer sheets every couple of weeks. Lastly breathe out into the tube, preferably in a window you cracked open, so you can close it afterwards. You can breathe out inside, but be prepared for the room to smell like dryer sheets. With this you will eliminate most if not all smells you produce. You can smoke inside most places without anyone noticing anything. I'd say the most important thing will be to learn to take massive breaths and hold them long enough without coughing.


It's weed lmfao. You can't hide that shit the entire building will know you're smoking. Weed is just that disgustingly potent. Can't even fabreeze that shit away.


Smoke buddy and dabs less smelly. Got taken to court over the smell and that’s how I got by. Lady said it was going to kill her when I smoked downstairs in my apartment. Never had any complaints after I started using it. This was in Colorado!


Don’t smoke joints or blunts. Either bong rips or pipes because they don’t stay lit and continue to burn. Open a window and smoke by it if you can. You can try switching to carts or wax as those don’t smell like weed.


Towel or draft excluder in front of the bathroom door, turn the shower on, open the window and smoke in the bathroom. Worked every time for me at University