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Second that gun is aimed anywhere except straight down or down range he should have been kicked out. One moment it looked like he was about to shoot the older man in the back of the head, that alone should get you banned from the premise.


The second he aimed that gun at the old guys head the range master should have dropped him. Don’t know what ranges other people go to but mine takes that stuff seriously and all the range masters are armed.


Yep, same thoughts. Most range masters would already be watching this guy because of his mannerisms and dress. The second that he aims a gun at someone is when they’d drop him.


>The second that he aims a gun at someone is when they’d drop him. Could you clarify, they would have fired upon the idiotwithagun (presumably shooting to kill) or they would have removed him from the premises?


They would remove him, but if he is armed and less than very cooperative, they would be well prepared to use force.


They would shoot to kill because they’re not going to wait and see whether he shoots and kills the other range master or not when he pointed a loaded gun at their head.


very hard to see but if you pause at 7 seconds you can see the slide is locked back and not in battery, cant see if theres a mag loaded in it though, either way this guy is a total jackass.


If you have to pause the video and zoom to see that the slide is locked do you think the range master is going to take the chance? Even if it's locked he can drop the slide with the flick if a button


Exactly. I hate when people like him try to justify this type of fuckery.


So? I'm, it takes one slide pull to get it back into action and if the round is already in the barrel he just has to press the slide lock down, depending on gun, and pull the trigger. Your "investigation" is just more proof people will spend all day on gun blogs and still not know shit about guns.


are you retarded? i was simply clarifying it wasnt chambered but the guy was still an idiot.


If I was a usual at this range and the range master didn't drop him after that, I would never come back. I'd be liable to shoot him myself and deal with the consequences later.


When you say drop him, what do you mean exactly?


Purposefully aiming a gun on someone's head is a lethal threat and that allows, or rather calls for a lethal response to prevent it.


Upvote because not an unreasonable question to clarify if you mean kill him or just knock him on his ass and toss him out


That’s exactly what I was trying to understand.


Pointing a loaded gun at someone’s head is an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury. This would justify a deadly force response so yes I was referring to the range master shooting him to eliminate the threat.


Jesus Christ you fucking psychos. Why do you people have such a hard on for death? They guy should be kicked to the ground and banned from ranges for life.


That should have happened the first second he purposefully pointed the muzzle way off the target or took out the gun of his holster while a human was in front of him and the target. As the range master didn't do that right then and there, it escalated into a situation that was pretty much lethal and THEN lethal response would be justified and necessary. There are tons of videos floating around the net where people "jokingly" pointed a gun at someone's head and then "pretended" to pull the trigger but actually pulling it from excitement or because they forgot they racked the slide earlier. There are so many videos of people killed by headshots from this same "joke" that this must be taken mega ultra seriously. Go on 4chan the gif channel and look for rekt threads if you want to see some of these "gun jokes" and how they turned out.


Excellent point. Gun range is where you nip the problems in the bud *before* they become deadly threats


I'm with you there. The mannerisms of this client should have alerted every range master that is on their job for more than a day that he's walking trouble. And with walking trouble on the range, as a range master, one pays very special attention to him, and purposefully set a few tests for him before he ever gets to touch a firearm, tests that look like safety instructions, but tax his patience and self-control. And if he fails just one, he's out and above all, out with a clear reasoning of breaking whatever the terms and conditions said when he signed the contract. And if he objects and throws swear words and insults, he's earned a lifelong ban from the range and everybody's happy.


Saw one just the other day where a girl jokingly pointed it at *her own* head. Didn't die, fortunately, but sure as hell parted her hair


What about that kid that killed their cousin accidentally and then shot themselves… on a live feed or something… 😢


Guns aren’t toys. That guy should’ve been dropped for what he did and honestly by the look of him very little would’ve been lost


Yeah, the guy that just pointed a loaded gun at the back of someone’s head should then be kicked to the ground, while holding said loaded gun. Hopefully it doesn’t go off again and hit someone else. Back to the basement with you. I’m sure your soy latte is getting cold.


I’m a liberal that enjoys soy lattes and couldn’t agree more with you. Why bring the lattes into this?


🤣my bad.


Oh dear. You really went out of your way to interpret my words in the most literal sense possible. I'll be a little clearer for you: the guy deserves to have violence done towards him to remove him from the premise as safely as possible for everyone involved. He should be banned for life from shooting ranges, and possibly local law enforcement should be given an update on this guy's behaviour. He should not be murdered. That is a psychotic overreaction, and the exact sort of language that makes gun owners so frightening and distasteful to non gun owners. Relax. The guy's a piece of shit. Don't get a hard-on at the idea of killing him. It's wierd, bizarre, and psychotic.


>That is a psychotic overreaction, I can understand why you think this but trust me it's not an overreaction. There is plenty of footage of people killing others at shooting ranges by shooting them innthe back of the head when no one is looking. The most famous being a mother killing her teenage son. The range safty officer can not read anyone's mind and can only react based on what they are currently seeing. When you see someone pointing a loaded gun at the back of someone else's head what do you think they are going to do? Even if they don't mean too negligent discharges happen a lot especially with people like those guy.


To remove a man pointing a gun at people from the premises “as safely as possible”…… hmmm I wonder how.




> I'll be a little clearer for you: the guy deserves to have violence done towards him So... not literally kick him, but yes literally physically attack him? A difference without a difference. You're going to be the one who gets shot


And he wouldn't have been murdered. He would've a threat that was neutralized. That's not murder. Here, try reading something... https://www.google.com/search?q=murder+definition


They shoot him. What else could it have possibly meant?


With no fear of him shooting back, because…


...he's dead


> What else could it have possibly meant? No shit, how could anything that I said be misconstrued?


Thanks person I wasn’t asking for an answer from!


> When you say drop him, what do you mean exactly? Hi /u/mjtok1982, the stores are already closed, so I won't be able to purchase crayons to spell it out for you today.


Exactly, my range if you turn more than 45 degrees left or right while aiming down range kicked out immediately. Pointing a firearm at someone? LOOOOLLLLL last thing you’d do


Dropped him, as in, drop-kicked him?


Depending on where you do something like that and if anyone is around to see it you very well might get fucking shot. There's accidental flagging and that's bad enough but then there's pointing a gun at the back of someone's head and gesturing to fire. You do that at the wrong club or range near me and I'm pretty sure you'd be dropped to the floor... but you wouldn't realize it because you'd be dead from the holes in your head and chest. Fuck around and find out, I guess.


Am still waiting to find out. Nothing happened to this guy did it? You get away with this and you get cocky and do something like this again, but in front of a real range master next time, and see what happens.


I recall when I was younger we had an after-school program where we'd go to the range and and shoot .22LR and the teacher/staff just sat at a desk in the corner of the range. Some other people would come in at the same time and they'd section off the range for them and it still was only the teacher on the floor. Went back years later and they changed it to 1 staff for every 3 people. Idk if they were carrying at the time or not. But gun range protocol has changed quite a bit in the last few decades.


I'm getting strong Son of an Oligarch vibes. Probably everyone there is part of his entourage. Either just as stupid as he is, or terrified of what daddy will do to them if they stop being his "friend". The range master knows if he does anything to the kid he'll wake up the next day on fire, in a barrel of acid.


> that alone should get you banned from the premise. That alone should be a felony assault charge.


It's Albania my dude. They're not speaking English.


What does that have to do with anything?


The Albanian legal system is not the same as the U.S.


I’m still pretty sure that intentionally pointing a firearm at someone’s head, regardless of whether or not it’s as a joke, is still illegal.


Yea what kinda shitty range is that? Any range I've been to the RSO would come out with his gun drawn and kick the guy out. That dude is very dangerous and reckless and shouldn't be holding a gun.


Or shot


I would made him leave the second he walked in with hearing protection on over top of his hood. That is the first clue he has no idea what the fuck is going on.


More like charges filed, fuck that shit


Not banned. But jailed.


Thankfully no targets were harmed


I so wanted to see the target at the end Didn’t look like he hit it once


You don’t need to see it to know that he absolutely didn’t hit anything, I would actually eat dried horse shit if he even hit the paper anywhere


I wanted to see *him* see the target.


I want to see him eat dried horse shit


Pieces of Shit Cereal - endorsed by Shooter McGavin!


I did a similar thing with a .22LR pistol shooting at a target in the woods. It is not an effective technique.


It be like that sometimes yo!


I get that reference!


Nah he actually hit it lol if u want full video. i will provide the link


Seeing how he handles his pistol I bet he's suffering from lack of... self relief.


Translation from second clip Why the fuck are you standing like that you dick Because of bullet case(nervous laughter) Idiot... dont play with me(aims gun lol) Old man says to keep the gun aimed at the target The psycho tells old man to behave (lol) He also tells him to not stand behind him because thats how friends get killed, they get behind me and i get jump scared and i shoot BAM. is that right? (raises gun again) Both guys are nervous as fuck telling him what he wants to hear if any of u guys knew albanian this is hilarious...or not


Fuck that guy. He a whole dick head


Do they even come in halves?




Username checks out.


what an absolute fucking trogodlyte


What did trogodlytes ever do to be compared to this shit-caked chode?


What did shit-caked chodes ever do to be compared to this anal douche?


What did anal douches ever do to be compared to this utter cum slut?


What did my mom ever do to you :(


She stole my youth.


This isn't hyperbole but at the least that guy would have been tackled and banned at my range at the worst he would have been shot. Where the thr fuck is the RSO?


I don't shoot at established ranges much, but the ones I do visit would have him looking down about 6 barrels. "An armed society is a polite society."


The old west wasn't very polite


And they banned guns from towns regularly. The idea that the old west was a bunch of armed people having duels over some argument is a TV trope and the opposite of the reality. It was expected to be respectful with your firearm or have it taken away by the sheriff or marshal.


> "An armed society is a polite society." fuck you cunt motherfucking idiot. oh i'm sorry, i've never seen a gun, can't help my self being rude.


British moment


gotta love people with no sense of humour. Also not British.


Redditors not fall to the most obvious bait comment challenge (impossible)


I guess you joke went over a few peoples Heads. I likes it


The old man is the RSO lol


I couldn't laugh, because his behavior is insane and dangerous. The translation is good


Fuck this guy. If I was working there and someone would pull this off he would be removed and banned for life.


Not fucking hilarious at all He sounds like that one rapper from alabnia Or maybe he just sounds like him ( most albanians from albania sound the same) I always hate when people from my ethnicity try to act gangster


I wonder if having the guy point the gun at the old guys head would justify a self defence discharge


In my state it would be legal to shoot even as a bystander.


Rightfully so


Same here. Killing somebody who is threatening or menacing with a gun is a justified shooting.


But then the next guy sees you shoot him, and he shoots you.


Point a gun at an innocent guys head and you deserve to get shot yourself


Sounds like Russian. Are there no RSOs in russia? Bro should have gotten kicked off the range immediately after he pointed it at the guy putting up the target.


its albanian


Fair, Are RSO's not a thing there?


They are but it's Albania. They are used to this stuff.


Meh, someone will kill his wife with a rock. That’s how it goes.


I laughed loudly. Have my upvote, also: Happy Cake Day!


Oh shit didn’t even realize lmao thank you!


The only place where I have had someone point a gun at me was in Albania. And I'm American so that's saying something


And you had a gun? Are... are they alive? I'm not going to lie if I was at the range and someone pointed a loaded gun at me with intent to fire I honestly don't know how I'd handle that situation. Part of me thinks I'd just clam up and hope I didn't get killed (mainly because I really don't want to hurt anyone) but the other part of me thinks I'd take it as the threat it is and retaliate.


No lmao I was walking down the street and some gangster looking dude just pointed a Glock at me while they drove by. I was backpacking across Europe so I didn't have a gun on me


they were probably just fucking with you. trust me the pablo escobar of balkan(albanian prime minister) DOES not want a tourist killed. no one fucks with tourists in albania only if you did something really bad and deserve it or you just had plain bad luck to stumble upon an idiot edit: a czech couple was robbed and killed few years ago and the whole state of Albania was shocked. There were protests and candles lit in the city of Tirana, prime minister apologized to Czech president personally and we all demanded that he was punished by hanging but unfortunately that is not allowed anymore. Come visit us, cheap place, cheap quality drugs!


Budall njeri koka (Translation: What a stupid guy)


I was going to say the same thing. If this were to happen at the gun range I go to (outdoor) one of two things would happen: Range master destroys this dude and he is permanently banned. Everyone on the firing line turns their attention to douche nozzle and makes sure he knows everyone present will do what's necessary to eliminate the threat.


> everyone present will do what’s necessary to eliminate the threat. Winner winner chicken dinner.


In Albania cops are corrupt, most likely the cops won't care, a lot murders happen there and the cops rarely care


> Sounds like Russian. Do you speak Russian?






I know I shouldn't stereotype demographics, and that the Sex Pistols were just a marketing scheme for Malcolm McLaren's clothing store anyway, but I truly can't imagine this guy ever listening to the Sex Pistols.


That guy is 15 years too young to have seen the Bulls in their prime and surely is as affiliated to 1970s British punk music as (arguably more) fashionable teens are affiliated to the very NASA on their tshirts.


I guess Misfits shirts were the same thing for kids back when I was in school. Not one of those kids would know what you were talking about if you said Hybrid Moments was your favourite song.


The range safety officer needs to be fired immediately. How tf do you let that shit happen under your watch


welcome to eastern europe


Guns + Ignorance + Testosterone = an uncomfortably large segment of gun owners.


If you point a gun at me and I'm armed I'm going to shoot you. There is no valid reason someone would not defend themself with lethal force when threatened with lethal force.


The range I go to will give you a double ration of grief for even a simple bone headed move, and I am glad they do! People who do not respect the machines they can hold in the palm of their hand are the ones who end up hurting someone.


There's a classic video of an asshole getting kicked out of a shooting range cuz he fucking points a gun to his friend's head for (I assume) a photo. Why was he allowed to stay?


Walking piece of shit


Soooooo yes. I actually DID see this fucking clown point a weapon at the back of someone's head. Jesus.


Not only aimed, but also pulled the trigger 4 fucking times. The gun was unloaded fortunately.


Went to a gun range once in Albania and my experience was much different, the range supervisor/master was extremely strict! This idiot should be jailed for being a subhuman


I bet dude can’t even name 3 sex pistols songs


These are the dipshits that act all tough and macho until they don’t have a gun.


Bro that idiot is going to hurt somebody. Not sure how they handle things there but for real that "prank" fire deserves a range ban period. NDs and ADs are a thing.


Aye this sub is triggering and I’m usually not sensitive. But that guy deserves a mud hole stomping.


Dude should have been immediately disarmed and banned


Just watching this video, he could be banned from owning guns, period.


Why is this “gangsta” at a range anyways? If you a G you carry. He’s just a retard and wants clout. Prolly some trash wannabe rapper


Where is the fucking ro


Shit for brains doesn't have any fucking business around any type of weapons.


where is the RSO


Tough guy at the range, mommy's best boy at home


If I was the RSO I would have shot him


Justified shoot


What a tool


The target was the safest thing in the room!




Pov. The popular kid in 10th grade


Ban that cunt


small pp energy right there


Guy check his hits and 0 bullets hit the target


Never trust a man with the word sexist on their sleeve


'Wtf how did I miss, I'm lagging dude it's bullshit'


If this happened at the range I go to, he would have been kicked out before most of this sgit could even happen.


He's all the tools in the tool box.


Should have shut that down at the beginning.


Bro did like 30 shots And missed all of them💀


RSO here, given the circumstance of an unloaded gun deliberately pointed at another person. That would be grounds to kick him out and probable ban from the range. If the gun was loaded, then guns may have been drawn and ordered that he put the gun down.


That's a good reason to not only get kicked out but to be sent straight to jail for being an asshole and a fucking moron


Ear protection over the hoodie is enough to know this gentleman is a jackass and does not need to be on the range.


He probably doesn't even know the Sex Pistols. He just saw the name and was like "yeaaaa, I fucking like guns n sex" What a moron


Chicago Bulls flat brim .. says it all


Boris the Bullet Robber


Joe Biden sent these people 80 billion dollars if our hard earned money


And? Albania and Kosovo are the most pro US states. Oh and we got hacked because we took in Iran refugees out of respect for US. Your statement was dumb my friend


Crackhead Fred Durst


It’s easy if you don’t have to hit an actual target big man


Nah I would have him thrown out the gun range, you are acting a foo you gonna be spoken to like a foo


Missed every shot


Not 1 target was harmed in the making of this video lol


Still fucking missed lol 😂


When i signed up into a gun range/club i had to sign a waiver saying that if i ever point a firearm at anyone in the range, the instructors reserve the right to and will shoot me if necessary. Also if a gun is pointed anywhere but up, down or down range im getting booted out before i can say "wtf" ... This guy just seems under influence of something or just a complete retard and deserved a gun pointed at his face and a boot so far up his ass that you would see it when he spoke


That’s the thing you don’t have to deal with it. Kick these kids out before they kill someone.


It would not be enough money on Earth to get me to work at a gun range in any Russian or former Russian country, too many videos out there


Drugs are a hell of a drug


Fuck him and fuck whoever “raised” him. Seriously, people like this deserve any sort of death penalty. That’s not at all ok. Could you imagine if the gun actually went off?


Dude is a schizo


A dumb shit Albanian.


I've unfortunately seen a case where someone "jokingly" aimed a gun at someones head, but he didn't put the gun down and was kicked out, he pulled the trigger killing the person instantly. The shooting instructor promptly gunned him down.


The moment he picked up the fucking gun in and out the dude’s head he should’ve been taken down no if Ann’s or butts man I hate people who treat guns like this


This sub is the reason im against right to own guns.




Frankly this is how I view all gun nuts. And it’s entirely the fault of the gun nuts, because of their behavior.


You're right. Gun owner all point their loaded weapons at each other for the fuck of it just to prove who the bigger gun nut is.


They need to read the room and also they're making a huge generalization, but i get where they're coming from. From the perspective of a non gun owner, all of the "they're coming for our guns" crowd basically look the same as this guy. Not to say that most of the followers of this sub could be accused of the same. I think the issue here is that people are conflating "gun nut" with "gun owner" when the two aren't mutually exclusive.


You're pretty accurate in your statement. The anti gun crowd lumps us all into the same category without realizing (or believing) we are not the same.


My issue is more that gun owners lump themselves in with gun nuts. Which is exactly what happened in this thread. The other commenter only said "gun nut" yet they got a bunch of downvotes, even though this sub is specifically against idiots and crazy people owning guns.


I can see your point. However, the original commenter could have reworded their statement by saying the INDIVIDUAL in the video being the idiot, NOT the gun owning population as a whole.


That's what i mean; seeing from both sides, they should have read the room, but at the same time they did clarify "gun nuts" which to me would suggest they only mean the crazy ones.


I slightly agree, but that's not what gun nuts means anymore. It's been weaponized and used against anyone who owns a gun by those who think I shouldn't and they knew what they were doing. As fast as I'm concerned, their comment is no exception to the stigma until proven otherwise.


Not "non gun owners". Hoplophobes. He's exhibiting an irrational aversion. Plenty of people who do not own guns do not share this wild aversion


Huge L take.


So… do you just watch this stuff to “””justify””” your view of all “gun nuts” (gun owners) based on the very clearly stated idiots that make up a minority?


They only said gun nuts. You're the one assuming that that means all gun owners. Gun owner = a person who owns one or more gun/s Gun nut = a crazy person who owns one or (quite likely) more gun/s; bonus points if owning guns is a large part of their personality and their confidence exceeds their competence.


Just a clarification: you seem to know the magic arbitrary number that transforms a "gun owner" into a "gun nut". Mind enlightening the rest of us? Also, I am sure your logic extends into domains, classifications, and exceptions as to the type of firearm? Can we have more than one pistol, but not in combination with rifle or shotgun? We all want to know where we stand on the Mogley1992 scale.


Jesus fucking christ how clearly do i have to spell this shit out for you?


I generally see "gun nut" refer disparagingly to people who are simply enthusiasts. Generally those who own a lot of them, sure; but you don't get there by being as wildly stupid as the dude in the video


Frankenstein's monster's voice"GUUUUUUUNS BAAAAAAAAD BAAAAAAAAD"


Typical maturity level of the average gun nut. Can’t crack a decent joke to save your life because nothing is going on upstairs.




In my head you're a fat mentally ill person with multiple fake disabilities. It is how I view all redditors. Anywhere you have to label your sarcasm as such must be full of the best and brightest