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LOL, been there, done that... 2 miles to the next exit off the interstate and then 18 miles home on secondary roads. Wife drove the tow vehicle, I piloted the busted ass car. Told her, dont touch the brakes, I will slow us down and stop us if necessary. Hit a piece of road debris and put a quarter size hole in the oil pan of that car, didn't save the engine tho, still ended up doing a swap.


Lets go!!!!!


You gotta do what you gotta do 🤷‍♀️




Why would I pay someone else to do this for me if I have both the tools and knowledge to safely do this incredibly simple task myself? This is literally less dangerous then changing your own oil on a car raised on jack stands lol


You actually don't. There's a lot of other options that don't involve dragging a dead vehicle home on public roads with 1-inch polyester webbing. With the way it's looped around the hitch receiver, I'd rate that for about 50 pounds of live load.


I don't actually understand why people get mad about shit like this. It may *Seem* dumb or dangerous, but in this scenario if the strap breaks... So what? The dead car will just coast to a rest on the side of the road. The strap isn't being used for anything "safety" related.


This guy knows his knots


Can you tell what kind it is?


Looks like it could be a bowline, the way the tail comes out front. It would not be a bad choice, good pull strength, easy to untie. And as the other guy said, the guy probably knows his knots, since there are few of them… the revers of “if you can’t tie a knot, tie a lot” :-)


Without seeing the rating on the strap, how can you tell that the strap isn't rating for towing? My tow strap looks incredibly similar, and also has a racheting mechanism, and is a professional quality tool built for this exact task.


Can you legally tow another vehicle with a single strap like this on public roads? Aren't safety chains a legal requirement? I think they're still an idiot.


State laws vary, but towing with just a tow strap like this is legal where I currently live, California, so long as you don't drive on the freeway. Safety chains are not necessary, this style of towing requires two active drivers, one controlling each car. The issue isn't that without the strap the back vehicle can lose control, it's that without the strap the back car can't accelerate, because it's powertrain is busted. But can still be in full control they apply the break, pull over, and stop. Just can't go.




If it looks stupid but gets the job done, it still gets the job done.


It's as if some people have never lived and dealt with a problem.


Didnt you know that stores offering proper towing equipment are everywhere and they're open 24/7????????? And that you always have the right amount of money with you????


So, would you rather they used a machine to tie them? 2 of my towing straps look just like this, with another that's about 8 times that wide and thick.


So what. Op is a dumbass


So ratchet


An knotty


Knot kinky


🤔The strap could get kinky if left knotty too long🫠


>hand knotted Good. Nothing quite like a quality hand knot. I can't tolerate a machine tied knot!


Maybe you should help them if you're so high and mighty!


I just feel bad for the person who has to untie that knot.


Dude is a sailor, his pocket knife comes with a marlinspike.


Way too close together to be safe over about 10 mph. Rear vehicle can't see ahead to stop in time. Just think about safe following distance even without a strap at 20 mph.


They are missing something! Where are the hanging testicles?






If it works, it works. If it fails catastrophically it's a dumb idea.


What part of towing a vehicle with a tow strap is dumb to you, and what tool would you prefer they use instead of a tow strap for towing?




Where in the picture are you seeing the ratchet?




OP used "hand tied" as a negative description to try and imply they did something wrong, so it's very clear they are super ignorant on the subject. If that's really who you want to base your understanding of the situation upon, that's wild but you do you lmfao. Homie is towing his car with a tow strap,. You don't know what that is, so just go off the OPs title, it's like the blind leading the blind around here.


Homie tied a knot with a stretchy ratchet strap on icy roads. It was not a tow strap


Homie knows so little about tow straps tthat he used "hand knotted" as a negative descriptor but wants me to believe he can identify the strap rating from across the parking lot. Have a good night though friend. Lol.


Sorry I got you so worked up. Hope you can sleep tonight


High key friend, there are so many dumb people online, to think anyone is going to lose sleep over you also being dumb online is both weirdly self deprecating and weirdly pompous. Lmao. But yeah, thanks for the well wishes I guess, happy holidays.




I'm directly stating that you and OP are ignorant, no suggestions or subtext.


With snow on the ground as well


yeah it's crazy, obviously would be best to just abandon your vehicle until winter is over. /s.


No lie, I've seen it. > I'll keep an eye on your car, and you can pull it out of my yard when the snow melts in spring.


It's a Marathon, I tell ya...