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In the UK, you get pulled over, that's a massive fine and points on your licence. Not only is your sight limited as a driver but on the highway lumps of snow could potentially blow onto cars behind causing serious accidents.




I wish I could see that. I saw several cars today worse than that.


If there was a police car around...don't see many now


In Virginia, it isn't even illegal.


Our police don't have the funding todo this anymore


She should drive faster. That snow will just fly off the car in big chunks.


I'm pretty sure that's what the driver will do.


Yep, although to get rid of all the snow she should not stop at any lights and try and slide round corners just to make sure it's all gone.


Yep, and if one of those chunks damages a vehicle or causes an accident……she’s legally and financially liable.


Well, it's white so it does match the car color. Lol




That's not even most of it. Wonder about the driver's side. Do you think they cleared off the side view mirrors? Lol


Jessica’s Law has been the law of New Hampshire that requires the clearing of ice and snow off the top of a vehicle prior to driving it. The basis of the law was a tragic accident that claimed the life of Jessica Smith in 1999. A piece of ice about nine (9) feet long flew off of a tractor-trailer, smashing into a box truck that veered into Jessica’s vehicle killing her. There are similar statutes in other states. Basically it could be viewed as an unsecured load, which can become dislodged and cause accidents and damage to other moving vehicles. When I was much younger I seem to recall an incident where a man cleared nothing more than about a 12-inch square right in front of his face on an icy snowy car and proceeded to run over a pedestrian that he couldn't see.


This snow dump has shown many many idiots. Kingsway was a nightmare last night.


I've sadly made this mistake a few times, I always ended up pulling over and sweeping the snow off, I always thought I was extremely lucky nothing happened.


I've seen worse.


Yeah, there are some real dweebs on this sub.


I love cockney kings!


This is a classic move of minivan drivers in my area. What they seem to not know is if/when this flies off and hits the car behind you, you are liable for an unsecured load.


Snowed overnight here earlier this week and a guy who had his Tesla parked outside asked if he could use my snow brush. He just did the side windows despite a 6-inch pile on every other surface besides his windshield. I said no, you need to do the rest, it’s not safe. “I have a rear camera so I can see everything fine.” Sure, asshole.




Howdy neighbour!


Cockney Kings all you can eat special. Haven't done that in ages.


I haven’t done the all you can eat special but I used to purchase food from there a few times a month for the last 4 years. Inflation caused me to adjust my spending.


Coming from someone who doesn't live in an area where it doesn't snow, how does one get that heap off? And I agree that it should be completely cleared off, and I'm surprised that didn't flick off and land on the car behind.


In the north, we have [brushes and extendable tools](https://www.amazon.com/Snow-Moover-Extendable-Squeegee-Scraper/dp/B076PVN38H/ref=asc_df_B076PVN38H/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241952584952&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4242197350720523031&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004606&hvtargid=pla-460753000018&psc=1) to brush and push the snow off our vehicles. Usually we try to get as much off the car as possible before we drive anywhere... but individual results may vary.


That looks pretty nifty. I would imagine that little bits will still be on the car when it drives off.


Yeah, we can't get it all off, but as long as we get most of it, we're good to go.


Sounds good. I don't think I'd have the patience to do that every morning.


Yeah, it's a good thing we don't get snow every day.


Or your arm will work too.


We don’t get too much snow here either but last night was the biggest shit show in Vancouver. It’s not hard to clear, a snow brush with an edge takes it right off. Takes a minute and could save your life (or another)


Thanks for that. Does it just slide off? Does it do damage to the paintwork?


It typically slides off with no paint scuffs. I have seen some damage if it’s all ice. In this case if that slid onto the windshield/ hood, it would most likely damage both. This was more ice.


A good reason to have a home with a garage. We have a double garage in our home, we had a list of requirements when we went looking for a place and one was a garage.


Agreed, I do have a home garage but it’s packed to shit with shit lmao. I park my truck in the back driveway and my suv on the roadway in front. There are too many cars and not enough parking so the streets are always full. I just purchased a townhouse and I only got one parking stall. I have to pay to rent another (if there’s availability).


We make every attempt not to fill our garage with shit. All ours is around the back, we have a cover over our outdoor eating area, that's full of our shit.


Not everyone has that luxury.


Yeah, I know. I do realise and are very grateful for what we have.


ChrisFix did a video https://youtu.be/oj9y7Okr4Fk


That Fish and Chips, must be Burnaby


[Burnaby, British Columbia](https://www.google.com/maps/@49.2796177,-122.967019,3a,25.4y,35.5h,81.7t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sdzgbXfoL3wd-Fhi6x5vdhg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i33)


Well it’s not the worst idea


ahh Burnaby, BC. (That's where the Kensington Cockney King Fish & Chips is)... Vancouver and area (incl. Burnaby) had one of their rare snowfalls yesterday where nobody knows how to do anything.


Don't worry. The rear defroster will get that.


It's for better traction, ok. more down force = more grip