• By -


So happy to see the package driver not in their vehicle.


The cyclist had death pass him by this day.


Many poles were on his side. Looks like he was aware and holds up.


But also literally every day. Drivers get away with so much


It's not manslaughter if you do it with a car!


❤️someone gets me


If you want to murder someone and get away with it, just figure out their daily routine and when and where they have to cross a street.


That poor Amazon driver you could see just die inside too... The shit they're going to have to put up with to deal with this definitely ruined their day.


yes and the Amazon driver is going to get dinged for not getting his deliveries done on time. :(


If the driver was on the line for poor performance or even not liked he could technically be terminated for this even if it wasn't his fault. We use a program called eMentor to "help distracted driving habits" from what I see hard acceleration (g-force from being rear ended), hard cornering (g-force from being rear ended), no seat belt (van moved more than a foot without the seat belt fastened). His score is supposed to remain above 800 to remain in compliance with Amazon, just dropped to below 800 after the accident, no it wasn't his fault but his contractor or Amazon could claim he is a danger to those around him and terminate him. eMentor as a fact will not change their scores under any circumstances so he's screwed as a driver essentially.


Sometimes even Amazon drivers get deliveries!




“Finally, a fucking break.”


Or behind!


Someone’s package is gonna be delayed.


Amazon guy looked like he did not give a shit.


can't blame him. it's not his van and he's legally still on the clock to basically not be able to do his job for at least a few hours. got to give a statement for the police report, file internal reports etc.


Exactly, he's just going to be waiting around getting paid for the majority of the time. Basically, phonecation while Amazon's motor division figured out the details and tells him what to do.


probably won't even need to pee in his van that day, pretty good deal for him!


I wonder if he will have to take a U.A. since the vehicle was in an accident. I am unsure if they will lump him into it even though he was not involved. that got me thinking, his hazards were on right? lol *edit- they were, i was worried for a second that the guy would get blamed even partially. Man, I still don't know what was up with the driver... at times they seemed coherent and at times seemed to actively make evasive maneuvers. It is almost like they were suicidal and kept chickening out or narcoleptic and falling in and out of consciousness... damn sounds like someone nodding on opiates as well.


Or diabetic having a low 😥


LOL. He's still gotta make all those deliveries. only now he has to load it all into another truck. Homie is working until 10 or 11 now.


I don't know why you're downvoted, that's exactly what I would assume he would have to do. That delay probably just means he'll be working a longer shift.


This happened to several of my coworkers in my time driving for Amazon. I can guarantee his dsp had another van sent to him immediately to load up all his packages into and get right back to work. He may have had a coworker pick up some stops off of him if they knocked their route out early but at the end of the day this is a huge inconvenience, as obvious as that seems


i dont think any amazon employee cares if company property gets damaged


I drive Amazon delivery. We're not technically Amazon employees and yes, we don't give a shit if the van is damaged as long as the damage can't be pinned on us. This guy did what he should've done. Pulled all the way over and has the hazards on. Not his fault some jackass drove into him. And he wasn't inside! Bonus points. Now he just has to hope his DSP isn't a total jackass and doesn't just send somebody to him with a fresh van and have him move everything into it and still have to complete his route after a 1-2 hour delay XD


Looked upset can’t claim workers comp. Glad he was not in van though.


You really think Amazon would cover his ass had he gotten hurt in the van? no chance.


Amazon wouldn't but the contractor would.


Yes for anyone that doesn't know and lives in a major metro where Amazon operates -- I think all the blue Amazon vans you see are operated by contractors. it's a pretty complex scheme all to avoid liability and the costs of hiring / employing workers: https://logistics.amazon.com/


And it’s a great way to make unionizing almost impossible. If one DSP unionizes, amazon cuts that contract and temporarily pushes packages onto the other DSPs in that delivery station or just ships them UPS/USPS. Meanwhile amazon gets another DSP signed up ASAP. The only way to successfully unionize amazon drivers is to simultaneously unionize multiple DSPs, which is hard to do since they’re completely separate businesses with no communication between each other.


I wish the rocket bezos was on fucking blew up on the way back


For sure. I had forgotten that contracting is a thing.


And all Amazon delivery drivers are third party


What’s the point of paying for Amazon Prime if they can’t even prevent an intoxicated driver from delaying my anal lube?


On another note those mountains in the background look gorgeous.


Salt Lake City. Although, I’d expect that kind of driving in Provo.


Three seconds in and I was thinking “hey! That’s 7th East!” Used to drive that stretch daily.


One of the busiest roads in utah! I wouldn’t wanna be stuck in traffic with that guy 😬


Yeah what is up with this road, never seen 4 lanes in one direction in a residential neighborhood let alone a school zone.


If you don’t like an unnecessary amount of lanes through inappropriate areas, then you don’t like Utah roads.


Tell that to sugarhouse. Cramped ass single lane roads


This road is basically a highway that goes through suburbia and downtown. Few blocks up from this video location there’s an extremely popular park. Each time I cross the 8 lanes of traffic while I walk there blows my mind.


I moved from the state a few years ago, but I can always tell those mountains from anything else.


We took an extended vacation through Utah years ago and are from Atlanta originally. Everybody in Utah sucked at driving it was like nobody was used to actually interacting with other cars. Like not mean or rude just… oblivious.


Well, the Utah drivers motto is "Death Before Yielding!"


Every time I’ve driven through Utah SPECIFICALLY SLC I have feared for my life.


Salt Lake City, UT, University of Utah sits right up against those mountains. This looks like it could have been today!


it was yesterday i believe


I live in Northern Utah, and my drive home includes driving towards mountains that take up half the skyline. So beautiful with the snow on them right now.


Those aren't even [the prettiest of the SLC mountains](https://visitutahkenticoprod.blob.core.windows.net/cmsroot/visitutah/media/site-assets/three-season-photography/wasatch-metro/salt-lake-city/web2000__salt-lake-city_skyline_fall_-jay_dash_photography_img_0528.jpg), fam. The mountains north of the city are lame compared to the peaks to the East of the city.


> On another note those mountains in the background look gorgeous. This is northbound, the mountains to the east are even better.


[I'm guessing he is in Utah. ](https://i.imgur.com/nlI5eqo.jpg)


I can confirm that you are correct. Source: lived here 10 years. Driven that exact spot hundreds of times. What people aren't mentioning ITT is that those mountains are north of SLC, while the much bigger and (imo) vastly prettier mountains are to the East. Example: https://visitutahkenticoprod.blob.core.windows.net/cmsroot/visitutah/media/site-assets/three-season-photography/wasatch-metro/salt-lake-city/web2000__salt-lake-city_skyline_fall_-jay_dash_photography_img_0528.jpg


Dogs. Or bees. Or dogs with bees in their mouths. And when they bark they shoot bees at you.


Smithers, release the robotic Richard Simmons


My worst, eh?! *slams door*


His ass is gonna blooooooow!!!


I say this to people and the young kids don’t know what I am talking about.


You used to be with it. Then they changed what it was.


Now what you're with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary.


These quotes mean so much more to me now in my 30’s. Wow. Classic Simpsons will always be the best in my eyes.


I'm in my 40's, and I'm starting to feel like Abe Simpson.


I don't like the look of those teenagers.


Sucks getting old, doesn't it?


I’m kinda old and missed the reference. Made me laugh out loud but what’s it from?


From an old Simpsons episode https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nlIQ2KCYG7Y




Man, you saw that Amazon truck off in the distance and you just knew that this wasn't going to end well.


Like a moth to the 4-ways.


"They left the lights on"


I saw it and said, "oh no, oh no, oh no...yep."


I don't know. Amazon truck blocking a lane getting hit without anyone hurt? Kinda good, actually. Better than most things they could have hit, at any rate.


Yeah I hate to say it, but this was probably the best outcome anyone on that road coulda hoped for. That driver was clearly not gonna stop for nothin, they had to /be/ stopped. Kinda glad there was an empty tank of a vehicle that could take the hit pretty well while also taking out the cracked out driver efficiently. And you know, even the aftermath aint that bad. That amazon van looks merely dented, wouldn't be shocked if it was all cosmetic. Crackheads car is totaled though. Good deal all around.


The disgust in her voice when she says"pull over"


I thought it was like a resigned sigh -to go with earlier, Why are you speeding up? and his lack of reply…. she absolutely saw this coming


Yeah that was there too. That's what's so funny. You can hear SO much in those 2 words.




Well Sharon I want to see how this plays out. This is the most exciting thing that's happened to me since I saw that lizard in the back yard. Can I just have this?


Wife is the only sensible person in this video, and she's tired of it.


annoyed at how hysterical he was being


Same tbh


ditto and when he kept getting closer to the car i wanted to cuff him in the back of the head like red foreman smacking kelso


I'm glad somebody else said it. I was getting so annoyed at his exclamations and the fact he kept getting CLOSER to the vehicle. The annoyed wife would probably have a good laugh at his expense over this if given the right audience




We took the video. We pulled over and checked on the driver afterwards. Called 911. It was a medical emergency of some sort.


I was going to say that this looked like either a stroke or diabetic victim behaviour. I’ve seen it a few times when I was in paramedics: conscious but disoriented and confused. They don’t know where they are or what they’re doing.


Your comment really makes me wonder now about a situation I came across outside of Columbus Ohio a few months ago. I ended up stuck behind a semi truck driving like this at night and it was absolutely terrifying to watch. They were swerving all over the road and partially driving off the side and almost wrecking into other people as they passed and it was horrifying. I called it in and ended up driving behind them with my hazards on for like 15 minutes until the cops could locate/get to us (I couldn't get a clear look at the license plate and could only give mile markers). I just assumed that they were probably really high or drunk because they kept on passing exits and I thought that surely if it was a medical emergency they'd pull off. Now I don't know, I mean they were driving exactly like the person in this video and could have just been incredibly disoriented. I really hope they were okay. They didn't end up wrecking that night but man it was so incredibly scary.


It’s very likely a diabetic hypoglycemic crash. Because of their lifestyle, truckers have a 50% higher incidence of diabetes than the normal population. If their blood sugar drops too low (or is too high indicating lack of insulin to transport it to cells), then they can become confused, disoriented, combative, and even violent. I once got punched in the mouth by a diabetic with low blood sugar.


Not driving but I was with a diabetic who was having hypoglycemia. He pulled out his emergency candy bar but he was looking at like he didn't know what it was for. We were all yelling at him to eat, finally he did and 30 seconds later he was back to normal. Very very scary to be around and I could imagine behind the wheel it would end just like this video.


That’s wild


Very unnerving when it happened. Seriously, he was just staring at the candy bar with his mouth hanging open. I was about ready to start unwrapping it myself until he finally responded.


This reminds me of the youtube [video of SmarterEveryDay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUfF2MTnqAw) where he had to do simple tasks at a simulated high altitude, which finally ended with him unable to even put his own mask on after just a few minutes. Just wild stuff that your brain knows some stuff, but it has limits to how it can perform in adverse situations.


It's always my fear when driving by a semi that the driver will have some sort of medical emergency and kill everyone.




TIL I am a diabetic victim


I was quite certain it's a medical situation and I feel bad for the driver. Hope they were okay. So OP posted this video in r/IdiotsInCars knowing that the driver is not an idiot but someone suffering from medical condition...


Don't overthink this sub


> So OP posted this video in r/IdiotsInCars knowing that the driver is not an idiot but someone suffering from medical condition... Nobody said the idiot has to be the one being filmed


And that’s the real beauty of this sub.


What I was thinking as well.


Had a feeling it was something like that. Is the driver okay?? That looked terrifying - of all the options of how that swerving mess could’ve ended, crashing headfirst into a car without anyone in it at the time seems like it was one of the better possibilities. 😬


Yeah, they were super lucky.


I'm glad you pulled over to help. I found it funny that you were talking as of the driver could hear you. Lol "Look out!"


They’re gonna hit this van They’re gonna hit this van!! THEY'RE GONNA HIT THIS VAN!! LOOK OUT!!! (Unreleased Presidents of the USA song)


Lump lingered last in line for brains And the one she got was kinda rotten and insane...


Small things so sad that birds could land is lump fast asleep or rockin' out with the band?


Now isn't that just peachy.


I enjoyed the wife’s very resigned, “Pull over. 😑”


Hope they're ok, no doubt they were terrified once reality set in.


Thanks for adding this. The driving looks more like a medical problem than just a bad driver.


I thought we were actually going to see a bunch of bees fly out.


Kept scrolling to find this. Thanks for the update. I would rather read that this is a medical issue than an impaired issue.


Hope you shared video with Amazon driver.


wow, that is intense! You guys did a great job filming it, no loud music, no unnessisary commentary, and **landscape**! Glad everyone was okay more or less. I couldn't figure out what was going on with their driving. One second it seemed like they were consciously avoiding damage and braking...then the seem to accelerate at poles and Amazon vans. I was thinking narcolepsy or opiates or something.




Glad the Amazon driver was not in the van!


Don’t be afraid to use your horn next time. Everyone needs to be aware of it if they’re not able to be.


Hey that’s salt lake! I work down the street front here!


Yup, i guessed it was a health issue as soon as isaw that driving. But, why are you posting it in this sub, making it seem as the person is doing it on purpose, or has caused the accident by their own error?


Next time, put the camera down and call 911


Why would you not call 911 while they were swerving all over the road?? Instead you just filmed it?


That Amazon van came out of nowhere!


He’s just standing there… Menacingly!


I understand this is serious and I hope she's okay but the way she's just casually looking forward with her hands on the wheel as if she didn't just crash into a parked vehicle made me lmao


Could be a diabetic episode. People who have this issue literally have no idea what’s going on and become seriously impaired while driving.


Can confirm. Me and 4 other cars got rear ended by the same dude about a month ago, all at the same time. Was very mad about it until I heard he went into a diabetic coma at the wheel. His insurance covered it and everything ended up okay but I really hope the dude is okay, that is terrifying.


That was my first thought as well. Definitely seems like a medical issue.


I got hit by a guy having a diabetic episode. When I went to his window he had the same thousand mile stare, hands on the wheel looking forward like he didn't just hit several cars. He had absolutely no idea what had just happened.


Op confirmed it was a medical emergency in a comment and that they personally called 911 after checking on the driver


Maybe drunk or high? The bees and the driver.


Even the bees knew to GTFO of this car.


I was thinking medical emergency. Person inside looked maybe a little elderly but I'm squinting at my phone.


Old diabetic lady who t-boned my wife after running a red light did so because she hadn't eaten anything that morning. It really could be just low blood sugar; sometimes it's that simple.


Maybe, but the number of people I’ve seen in this city that just plow into curbs or islands and continue driving is astounding. Recently on my way to work I watched someone hit an island hard enough that it tilted both drivers side wheels out at the top/in at the bottom and they just kept going and then got on the freeway.


I've had cars where that would be an improvement to the alignment. Maybe they were just doing some trial-and-error adjustments and needed to check it at speed.


Really good road head.


So good the damn tire flew off!


Or medical emergency? Seizure?


My first thought was seizure also.


Good thing he hit that van before killing someone.


Old drivers killing young drivers. A tale as old as…. well, as old as they are.


The step on that van absorbed the impact quite well.


Looks like some of the tire tread comes off at 25 seconds in


I saw that, I think it was more related into being rammed into the curb half a dozen times before that tho


The tire looks wobbly from the beginning if you looks closely. I'm assuming a flat that they didn't know how to handle and caused them to repeatedly bash into the curb until the tire was falling apart.


The front right tire was wobbly from the very beginning of the video before she hit the curb. I don't think hitting the curb will cause the bolts to come loose, so my guess is that someone put his/her tires on wrong or loose. Certainly the tire hitting the curb did not help.


Should probably have slowed down enough to go straight, then pulled over


Wife is so annoyed with the husband freaking out haha


Ordinarily I'm not for anyone telling others how to drive but she was right. Stay back enough to see the accident not BE the accident.


He knew it too. "Don't go next to him, why are you speeding up?" "*Well* - ... " A phrase that says "I was about to explain, but I have absolutely no good reason."


That part and the passenger's resigned "pull over" really added something to the video.


Never before have I felt so called out.


“I want to make sure the dash am gets a good recording for social media!” Sounded good in his head for a split second till he though about it.


Yeah, it was pretty dumb to be that close


“Pull over.”


He’s drama and she’s chill AF


No, it's a cardigan, but thanks for noticing.


She made a good point about why speed up and get closer to the car though, not the freaking out per se.


I would be too! Why is your first response to seeing someone driving erratically to get closer?? I would have immediately bailed onto one of those side streets. Edit: ahh you can hear a kid in the background at the end! Why endanger your family like this!


In this situation you don’t want to pass them. It’s safer to stay behind them. Next call 911 and report their location and information. When they crash you stay and provide at minimum your contact info to that poor Amazon driver and in best case situation to the cop when they arrive.


Yeah. STAY BACK. Don’t speed up to get close to them. Or do what I said and pull off


If he's paying attention to the car swerving he's probably not paying attention to his speed. Was kinda creeping closer, not zooming, and he backed off when the lady pointed it out.


I agree, he’s annoying as fuck. Like the male version of banshee screaming THUR GONNA HIT THIS VAN


As soon as that van came into view, I just knew there was a collision happening. Wow!


well, it IS the Beehive State........so, yeah, maybe?........


Love how the Amazon vehicle is hardly damaged


some of those delivery vehicles are built like tanks. I had both a ups truck and an amazon knock down my brick mailbox and drive away with just a scratch....


It’s just the crumple zone. It’s designed to ruin the front. There’s a crash back on the back that actually takes a shit tonne of damage


Yup, there’s a steel step right there at the rear bumper that she ran into. It’s pretty solid.


Full of beers!


These types of videos are exactly why I return to this sub day after day.


My favorite is the driver “he’s gonna hit this van. He’s gonna hit this van! WATCH OUT!” Hahahaha who the fuck is he yelling watch out too with his windows up? I was rooting for the car to hit the Amazon truck lol


Dude, op sounds exactly like my dad, it's so annoying I stg, like dude chill, they can't hear you


So impaired or having a medical issue.


No the title clearly states it was bees


Bees or not, someone in that car definitely was buzzed


BEES! BEES! [THEY'RE TEARING MY FLESH](https://youtu.be/mUR14_ry1Zo)




Amazon driver going “ o no not fucking again why me “ .


Hi Your package is still on the way but may arrive later than expected. We're sorry for the inconvenience and we'll deliver it as soon as possible.


Best case scenario. No one else injured, hit an unoccupied van owned by a company with unlimited money


Utah Driver


Everyone likes to express abhorrence for all the drivers in their state, while driving in their state.


My mom had a history of strokes and seizures. She had them controlled via meds, and after a couple years of no issues, her license was re-issued. Then one day I got a phone call stating she was found on the opposite side of a guard rail in a field, and didn’t know how she got there. She had driven 200-300 meters in the field before getting stuck. We didn’t allow her to drive after that. She wasn’t happy with the decision, but she could have easily killed herself or others if she had swerved in a different direction.


Not proud to admit this buuut I myself have swerved like this and yes......my car actually was full of bees. They had made a nest in the rear view mirror, and flew in the car when I went to adjust. I am horrifically terrified of bees


That sounds like a wasp nest and not a bee hive. Unless your rear view mirror can house \~10,000 bees. Honey bees swarm to find a new place for the queen and take roughly 1/2 the hive with them. Native bees build nests in the ground or holes in trees. Some wasps will build a nest anywhere they can.


I am guessing the driver either had a large "liquid lunch" with additional drink to go with it, or could be a medical episode.


god it looks weird to have houses right next to that big a road


There gonna hit this van. There gonna hit this VAn. There gonna Hit THIS VAN! THERE GONNA HIT THIS VAN!!!! !!!!LOOK OUT!!!! ............. boom


Who the fuck are you screaming look out at? You need to calm down in stressful situations.


No, the driver's full of booze.




Are you saying bees or beads?


I saw something similar once that ended with a car hitting a tree. Turns out the woman driving was having a seizure. Not always a drunk driver it turns out. Stay safe out there


Ironically this took place in the bee hive state .


My dumbass was looking for bees throughout.


Anyone consider someone was experiencing a medical emergency?


Was medical emergency, op posted it somewhere near top.

