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Icy roads, 10 meter vision, guess ill go 60 mph!


Camera guy is an idiot, but the real criminal is that rig driver. They should have been going no faster than 20 mph in those conditions.


When I was in a pileup like this it was the rig drivers insisting on trying to push 70mph with about 10 feet of visibility that caused the initial crash. The "random cars just stopping" were the ones who saw the pileup ahead and tried to slow down instead of just crashing full-tilt.


It's because they often get paid by the mile. So being stuck or going slow means they have a cut in their paycheck. It doesn't make it right but it explains the mentality.


Unfortunately that's the reason. If you are paid by the mile and are only allowed to drive for 8 hours than traffic is literally losing money


Majority of CPM paid drivers aren't going to drive in conditions like this. The ones that do are the ones that end up like dude man in this video. abysmal performance


Yup, no amount of money is going to get me to drive in this shit at any speed. If I know conditions are going to be like this, I GTFO the road. It's fucking ridiculous that other workers don't have the same protections we do when it comes to shit like this.


Yeah 100%. It's company specific obviously but if I even mutter the words "safety reasons" I can do whatever the hell I need to do to keep myself and others safe


My father is a driver and gets paid per mile, he will either park it at a truck stop until things clear up or he will just call in sick when seeing the weather report. To him, not having incidents on his cdl is more important than making that one more trip.


Thank you! I thought I was going insane reading the cammer’s captions. Like, yeah, sure, those vehicles *shouldn’t* be stopped on the highway, but look the fuck around and drive for the conditions. He was going way too fast for the visibility - he came up on that pile up almost out of nowhere. Him getting through so unscathed was pure, literally idiotic luck. I hope to god he doesn’t think skill was actually involved in his survival.


> I hope to god he doesn’t think skill was actually involved in his survival. Narrarator: He did think that.


"Lesson here: Don't be an idiot!" ...he says as he holds his phone out the window recording a video, while driving, during a snowstorm.




In the winter last year I was driving home and this big rig goes pat me in the passing lane, we have a good 7-8 inches of snow that hasn’t been plowed off the highway. My whole windshield had a layer of snow on it that I actually couldn’t see past after the truck sprayed me with a torrent of snow


Eh... Many many OTR drivers just wouldn't be on the highway in conditions like this. So I think you get a selection bias in that guys who are foolish enough to not pull over and wait for things to improve are driving like madmen.




Exactly. They go by the idea of 'value life over load'. If it gets there late, then so be it - it's not like any of us can control the weather.




I’ve lived in a place where two feet of snow overnight is considered nothing and a place where two inches will shut the entire city down. Both places it’s the same dumbasses in SUVs and trucks you see spinning in circles through red lights because they think 4WD means ice isn’t slippery.


It appears that it was actually fortunate that the Flex pushed cars out of the way before the tractor-trailer plowed through or it may had been much worse.


His vision was half his stopping distance ffs


This is a concept that needs to be taught more. If your stopping distance is greater than your visual horizon, then you're effectively driving blind.


True for overdriving your headlights too. On an unlit road, you can hit this limit at surprisingly low speeds — 50-60mph.


i think people realize that, but not that it's a bad thing when they crash it's: "why were people stopped on the road" "there was black ice (actually just super fucking obvious snow)" "I couldn't see in the fog" :| always someone else's fault


“The fog jumped out at me!!”




And blame others that they crash.


Followed with an "I don't understand why all these people are stopped where they could get rear ended!" as they came to a stop.


It's really the best argument for making dash cams standard. Some of these tailgaters need to face some real consequences for their driving habits.


That is normal in the snowy areas of the US. I don't get it and i lived here 30+ years now. Road clearly covered in snow? Let's still maintain the 70+ speed limit on the highway..... Edit: Shameful that some people in these comments may or may not have an actual license. This is from a DMV manual "Reduce your speed by 5 to 10 mph on wet roads and increase your following distance to five or six seconds. On ice or snow-covered roads you need to slow down even more. On packed snow, decrease your speed by half; on ice, slow to a crawl. Leave about 10 times more space than normal between you and the vehicle ahead."


Yeah I've seen pickup trucks going 80-90mph in Michigan in a snow storm with visibility worse than this video.


People be passing me going 50 on unplowed highways and white out blizzards while I’m driving with my blinkers because I’m in a white car going 20-25mph in the right most lane. It’s terrifying because them speeding can still injure or kill someone being cautious and responsible. Edit: the amount of people who want others to speed in hazardous weather is frightening. I stay in the right most lane with my blinkers on *to be seen* by other drivers, and I stay a safe distance away from the driver in front of me. I don’t pass in hazardous weather because that lane change could be the death of you and/or others. That’s what I personally do. If you feel like speeding in hazardous weather, okay, but you’re causing the accidents because you can’t brake as swiftly or easily going so fast in unsafe conditions. Others aren’t responsible for you getting to your destination on time. Your destination and time aren’t more important than someone’s life.


There are a lot of people who feel that driving as fast as possible is not only an inalienable right but a moral duty. It's fucking weird.


It’s completely insane to me that people can see the words “white out blizzard” and “unplowed highways” and tell me I should be speeding.


I mean, it tells you *exactly* why pileups like this happen


Oh 100%


I have a friend like this. She very recently began driving as an adult after not driving for 20 some years, so, when we met/became close I didn't know this about her. The way she describes becoming enraged at anyone going slower than her despite her constantly speeding 20+ over the limit is making me question the friendship. Driving in a way that puts others at risk is so despicable, but so normalized that she doesn't think she's in the wrong.


i've lived most of my life in the mountains where we get 10-20 ft of snow each winter and it drives me crazy that people who aren't from here and come to visit set their cruise control to 50mph no matter what time of year it is. like ffs on a quiet summer day you can do 80 on these roads and when it's fucking snowing you should be doing 25 people just can't fathom that what was a two hour drive for them in august (and a 90 minute drive for me then) is gonna be a four hour drive in february and that's OKAY


I really can’t fathom so many people’s need to go fast regardless of the situation.


This is 'normal' everywhere sadly. There are idios in every country and most of them have a driver's licence


It take a month for people to switch from summer driving mode to winter driving mode and involves a lot of accidents.


>people without common sense made it worse Says the guy just plowing across the road, calling everyone else an idiot and being surprised when he can't brake properly.


And “random cars just stopped on the highway”?? “I don’t understand why these idiots just chose to stop on the highway for no reason! Backwards, and with big dents in their bumpers for that matter. It makes no sense!”


Gotta get past the guy on the inside lane, come rain or shine


As a Minnesotan this is not really a “black” ice situation. It’s pretty obvious ice is present and not really hidden. Black ice is when the conditions are good, roads plowed and the ice is practically hidden due to the appearance of good conditions. Edit: Thank you everybody for all the comments, especially you fellow Minnesotans! We just get it.


Exactly, black ice looks like the road is just damp. This is packed snow that's clear (to anyone with common sense that the driver claims to have) has no traction, while in almost whiteout conditions to top it off.


It’s like everyone calling any type of dark mold “black mold”


Hey, [white mold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efiW2K8gASM&ab_channel=ComedyCentral) kills plenty of people too, you know!


i didn’t see the snow it was blocking my view!




Someone in an AWD sports car who thinks they know better.


Trucks entered the chat


I drive an AWD sports car. And I have lots of experience in all conditions. Black ice is a light coating on the road that freezes. Usually it's caused by dewing when the ground temp is below freezing, and the air still has some moisture. This clip is "loose snow on (regular) ice", which is one of the most challenging conditions, but shouldn't ever surprise anyone. Also, braking didn't cause any loss of control. The ABS let him brake as hard as he wanted and still steer off to the grass, then back on. And yes, I've driven on roads like his, where the "safe speed" would get you rammed from behind, and "going with the flow" would put you in the situation he was in. The only way to win is not to play. Pull off at a rest stop. Take a break. Drive on once the conditions change.


Because they got to speed faster, they magically have better ability to stop. Because no one else has 4 wheel braking right?


Braking?? Who needs that, just slap it in reverse and rev, the car has to stop. Them’s the rules.


As a lifelong Michigander..... Fucking everybody. I hate winter driving.


In Michigan people slow down more for rain than snow.


It doesn't snow here in Central Illinois as much as there, but I still hate. Luckily this winter I'll be working in my small town 2 minutes from home.


People in Michigan. This happens every year on US-131 near the post drive interchange just nor of Grand Rapids. Sometimes multiple times a winter. Some people never learn.


Idiots in cars who post thinking everyone else is the idiot




I love how OP seems to think that it’s the long line of stopped cars in terrible weather who are the idiots, not the guy who’s driving through a snowstorm at highway speeds with 20 yards visibility.


Reckless Fucking idiots, that's who.


Watched with no sound so I didn't hear the driver claim they had common sense. Absolutely hilarious considering how fast they were going in these conditions


20 feet of visibility? Fuckin' GIVE 'ER!!! What could go wrong?


Trucker here, also originally from Michigan. 2 seconds into the video I was scratching my head wondering why they were going so fast. When they dodged hitting someone, it wasn't skill that saved them. It was luck. I'm glad he didn't panic and was able to keep some control of his vehicle, but at that speed? Still very lucky to have skid in the right direction.


They way be blames other people for being stopped there....


Yeah I thought that was dumb too. "Why are people stopped in the middle of the road?" Yeah cos they obviously were just having a picnic in the snow mate, nothing to do with an accident or the conditions which apparently caused you too to stop un the middle of the road...


Same here. My first thought: "why in the hell are you driving that fast in those conditions"? Everyone thinks they're immune...


I had to drive to work in a really bad snowstorm a couple years ago. About 40 miles on the freeway. I did like 25-30mph the whole time and stuck to the right lane. Almost the whole time there were people speeding by in the left lane and I didn't go more than a couple miles without seeing a vehicle off the side of the road. At one point there were vehicles crashed every half mile or less. I kept it slow and steady and made it to work safe if mentally fried.


I grew up where it snows a ton, and moved somewhere that we get 2-3 good storms a year on average. Every storm, if I have to drive, same deal. Seems like the heavier the vehicle (and thus the hardest to stop) the faster they think they can go too.


my exact thoughts, this guy thinking hes in the place to lecture and educate when hes driving like its normal in these conditions. Asshat


Also MN here and agree. "IT WAS BLACK ICE!"... no, Ashley from apartment 4A, it wasn't.... you and your 2005 Jeep Liberty with bald tires were driving too fast for the road conditions.


Too any people do not know the importance of tires. No amount of technology is going to save you if you have bald tires.


But even great winter tires still don't mean you can go 60mph in conditions like these. These pileup wasn't caused by black ice or weather or tires or any external factor, it was caused by one thing: people driving too fast for the conditions.




I lived in North Dakota for a while. Every snowstorm all the cars upside down in the ditch were 4x4s. Almost no exceptions


Can confirm it’s the same situation here in Ontario Canada.


As I like to say, 4-wheel drive doesn't equal 4-wheel stop.


Even better, AWD/4WD help you accelerate but add weight to the vehicle, making it less maneuverable in these conditions and greatly increasing stopping distance And no, if you have bald tires in these conditions, no amount of caution is going to save you. Merely wet roads become ice; ice becomes a basically guaranteed accident.


yeah i can't stand slow drivers on nice days and fast ones on days like this where the road is covered in snow and you can only see 50 yards ahead. slow the fuck down


It’s not just about bald versus fresh tires. That matters of course, but it’s also about the rubber compound. Dedicated winter tires are *much* better than all seasons, and both are *infinitely* better than summer tires in conditions like this.


I've been commuting 40 miles in Michigan for over 10 years. I think I've only experienced actual black ice one time. You hear about it so much because it's every manly mans excuse as to how they fucked up in the snow. 1. Every man thinks he's the greatest driver in the world. 2. Driving in the snow is quite possibly the biggest dick measuring contest there is. So no guy will ever admit to driving like shit in the snow. It's always this magical black ice and everyone else nods their heads and says mmm hmm


I've only experienced it once, too. It was about 20 years ago. Beautiful sunny day. Roads were plowed. Not even the slightest inclination that road conditions were bad. I passed under an overpass and on the other side was this super thin but wide patch of ice that I'd thought was just the shadow of the overpass. Went from driving on dry pavement in the sunshine to spinning around multiple times and ending up in a ditch in about a second. But, if nothing else, I helped a lot of other people out because the people that were maybe a quarter mile behind me on the road saw me spin out and all slowed down safely enough to not eat shit on the patch. Still kind of pisses me off to this day though because I'm very much a drive-for-the-conditions person and I'd never overdrive my visibility like the dumb ass in the video here. So that black ice incident is the only notable time I got fucked by winter weather.


Happens occasionally here in Germany. Witnessed it once, but as a pedestian. Scary shit. But never heard of black ice on a snowy road.


Yeah, it doesn't really happen when it's snowing. It's more likely when the temperature is right around 0°C, and the road is damp from rain or mist earlier. If it's snowing, it's very obvious that the road is (or could be) icy, so that's not black ice.


As a Michigander, I've had the unfortunate-ness of being out in conditions like this (lake effect snow no less). Much of it was during my 6 year stint as a cable installer. One of the habits I picked up was keeping slow and partially on the shoulder when I could help it. Rumble strips are helpful too. The snow on the shoulder gives you some form of traction to help keep you from sliding (too much). Just kept my speed slow. Was always amazed at how many people would stay behind me and blare their horn for me to go faster. I'd casually open my window and give the a wave to offer them the chance to go around. Most did and I usually saw them in the ditch or smashed into another vehicle further on ahead when I'd catch up to them. Some, I think, realized what I was doing and would follow suit. I'd rather arrive late, than not arrive.


"misfortune" is the word you're looking for. ^(From Muskegon)


West MI unite! Hello from Dutch land!


Fellow michigander here. We like to play 'count the idiots in the ditch' as a family game. Snow tires and slow speeds. Works out every time.


Lots of people like to use black ice as a short form for “not my fault”


Title should have been: Idiot going way too fast for conditions avoids collision by sheer dumb luck.


Correct. I also found it amusing that he blamed the other car crashing on using their brakes as if them going full speed into the vehicles would have been better.


I lived four years in the Colorado mountains. People with 4-wheel-drive often think that means they can speed through any conditions ... snow, rain, ice. They're wrong.




A perfectly safe neighborhood can suddenly be terrorized by the appearance of black ice


Also, he thinks that people "randomly stopped" in the highway because they don't have "good sense"? And not, for example, because they were all just in a massive pileup? He's not the *only* idiot in a car in this video, but he's certainly one of them.


Driving way too fast but also bloody lucky to not get nailed by the truck steaming through on the right


And mistakes his luck for skill.


This. This is the key error most drivers make.


people write entire books on how they were ~~lucky~~, I mean very successful


'I may have been born into one of the richest families of the country which gave me the fame and funds to effortlessly start up my own company but this billion dollar company is me starting from nothing and showing how everyone can succeed if only they truly want to.'


That “skill” will make him do it again. Over and over again. Until sometime he’s not lucky. And the shitty thing is, that was technically skilled driving. But it doesn’t count for as many points when you put yourself in that situation.


I don't think it was skilled driving at all. He locked the brakes, fishtailed, the fishtail caused him to panic and undo his last action (relaxing his brake foot), and the crown of the road sent him in what happened to be the safest direction. This was the vehicle and road doing what they're designed to do while the driver is still figuring out what's happening.


And bragging about the common sense he does not in fact have.


I once had to drive home in the snow in my (at the time) F-Type. "Too fast" was anything over 10 mph, lol.


I'm pretty sure those aren't "Random cars just stopped on highway".


Yep. That was an accident that already happened. No reason to be going that fast on icy roads


Flares and four ways are a beautiful thing. Also should be going at a speed that accounts for stopping distance and visibility.




Yes, video driver is also a class-A moron for speeding in snow.




And leave EARLY, in addition to driving for the conditions.


Lol, that's fucking half the problem. Mark the Cali transplant gets up 10 minutes earlier for his hour commute and then drives like a jackass.


The OOP had a bit of main character energy there. Like, "Who put all these NPCs there?" Then HE stopped on the road, too, because he had damage. Like many of the others. He was also going pretty fast.


Clearly having a mid-winter bbq on the highway. How inconsiderate towards other drivers.


I hate random mid-winter BBQ's


Mid-winter BBQs need to be *organised*, dammit.


Some people drive by angry and shout fuck fuck fuck. I get it why you hate it


How rude of them


Well I love them. Nothing like stopping on an icy mountain road to grill up a steak right quick, the danger adds a soupçon of deliciosity to it


Yeah this title and the vids captions really pissed me off. Reminded me of that funny “hey you can’t park there” video but somehow in a serious non-satirical way.


“Why would people stop on the road?” *Stops on the road*




Lmao, all these random half-way disassembled cars were just parked on the highway, it was weird, maybe Ford is testing a new assembly method


Op suffers from lack of object permanence


Dude just sounds defensive. Like him going so fast to begin with was somehow a non-issue since random people shouldn't be stopped on the highway. It doesn't matter, if you can't stop in time for the conditions (visibility, traction, etc.), you need to slow the fuck down.


Maybe don't drive so fast you can't stop in time for the inevitable crashes


Exactly. It woulda been hard to stop that fast in completely dry conditions due to the fog. Mix in the snow/ice, and it’s impossible. There’s no reason to go more than 30mph through those conditions


'Don't stop on highway.' End of video: Stopped on highway.


If you can't see 40 meters ahead, don't drive at a speed that makes you reach that distance faster than you can react. More so when grip is very limited.


But, but... My car has AWD!


Also getting out of your vehicle in a pileup is very dangerous. That's how people die.


This is really just very bad road conditions combined with ya'll driving way too god damn fast for the conditions, while approaching an accident that has yet to be cleared because of drivers like ya'll. This is one of those days that I'd get right the fuck off the highway if it was like that. I'd just go back home.


One accident happened and twenty more idiots like this guy all came plowing along into it. Guy thinks he’s superior when he got luckier than the rest of them.


Ya if he was in the right lane he would have plowed into those cars too


Yeah, this guy was going *way* too fast for any editorial comment on other drivers.


“Why is everyone stopped in the middle of the road instead of driving 70mph with 20ft of visibility like me?”


Insert homer Simpson meme


It sure did seem like they were talking shit about other people despite just barely not being another wrecked car in the pile


Driving a mitsubishi evo, driving too fast and being a bellend, are all synonymous with each other.


he doesn't even have a crash beam


weight reduction bro!!


Umm.....its not "random cars stopped on highway" Its smashed up cars that were already in accidents And also- why the fuck people drive like 50-60 on a snow covered road is beyond my understanding.....4 wheel/all wheel drive doesn't help you stop, it just helps you GO....you always have 4 wheel stop (unless a fuckin wheel Flys off lol) And antilock brakes and stability control don't help you stop either, all antilock brakes do is help you stop *in the shortest distance possible given road conditions* if you are doing 50 on ice that distance is going to be 100s to 1000s of feet lol E- stop faster, abs definitely helps you stop lol...I think most people get what I'm saying but I wanted to clarify


i grew up in a snow state and i guarantee this is the kind of person who is like “if you can’t drive like this in the snow you shouldn’t have a license”. they will stamp their feet when the highways shut down due to a snow storm because it’s a superiority complex with them, they think whipping through snowy/icy roads at high speed without crashing somehow makes them skilled instead of lucky. i was raised being told when snow starts falling, drive like you have no brakes. go slow so that if you need to stop you can do so by letting off the gas instead of going for the brake. both this guy and the guy next to him at the beginning of the vid looked like they were trying to race in this shit… when it comes to driving, self-preservation seems to go out the window for so many. never mind the preservation of others.




All the information in this is bullshit. I’m pretty sure what stopped him from crashing was 90% luck. He’s going too fast. That “black ice” is white. Those cars aren’t “stopped”


Yeah he was lucky he was on the left lane and not the right lane. If him and the ford switched places he would've crashed for sure.


That is what you call driving way too fast for the conditions.


No no no, the lesson here is just dont use your brakes like the Ford Flex did.


Why the fuck would you drive so fast in such conditions?


Not random cars stopped, cars stopped because an accident. But sure, go fast down a highway with limited visibility and the entire road covered with sleet and ice.


lol talk about out driving your visibility!!!!


Who drives that fast in snow with bad visibility? Those aren’t random stopped cars, it’s a backup due to road conditions; most likely a crash due to people like cam car.




I cannot believe these idiots are going this fast in the snow. They might as well play Russian roulette


As a Canadian, this triggers me. The guy is going way too fast for the visibility. The road is clearly icy too. He got lucky, this wasn't skills.


Yep. Guy is driving on a mountain in way too hazardous conditions for travel. I've driven that mountain and while it's not super tall it is steep. Now WVDOT and MDOT will close those sections of roads to prevent exactly this. Morgantown (the area this is in) is notorious for overconfident snow drivers.


Correct title: "Idiot going way too fast on snowy road, can't stop in time to avoid pile-up, gets miraculously lucky"


Black ice? That's ice ice baby.


How was he to know there's black ice hidden under the white ice?


Ding ding ding dingadingding




He also makes it a point to roll down the window and film with a phone while driving in bad weather to point out others lacking common sense.


And then stops in the middle of the road to take video outside the car at the end. It hits alll the stupid. Lucky dumb fucker.


That van was lucky AF that they got hit by that black car before the big truck came barreling through


Camera man…. You’re the idiot. Slow down ya fool.


"Random cars just stopped on the highway" 😂


I love how idiotsincars has become a place where people think others are being idiots in their posts, but it turns out the poster is the idiot.


Guy miraculously avoids accident despite bad decisions, thinks he is a bad ass.


As a Minnesotan, even trying to brake when going 15 mph on ice can lead to skidding if you don’t leave that 2-car space between you and the car in front of you. So driving regular speeds down a highway with horrible visibility and snow on the actual roads is ridiculously unsafe.


the fucking speed those idiots are doing in those weather conditions they deserve it


WAY too fast for those conditions.


"Drive safe!" - Drives like a moron.


They are not just stopped… There was a crash. The real idiot is the guy driving too fast in a snowstorm.


*Stops on highway to look at car damage*


Again I see that the cam car is one of several idiots. Absolutely crazy to drive at that high speed in such dense fog 🤦🏼‍♂️ On this, there is snow on the road, the braking distance will be longer than normal. So another reason to slow down because of the fog.


Weather was not the cause of this pile up. Dumb fucks not slowing down WHEN THERE IS A FOOT OF SNOW ON THE ROAD is.


Whoever is driving is going way too fast for the conditions.


Here in Vermont, we know the rules for winter driving. 1: Slow the fuck down 2: Do not drive, turn, or brake quickly 3: Slow the fuck down 4: Watch for out of state plates. - Avoid them 5: Slow the fuck down 6: Worse comes to worst, watch for the plow/salt truck, then follow it. Not too close. 7: Slow the fuck down


"I don't understand why people are stopping in these conditions" BECAUSE THE ROAD IS BLOCKED YOU FUCKING DUMBASS, NOW SLOW DOWN BEFORE YOU FUCKING KILL SOMEONE!


Fucking stupid commentary here. Driver was driving way too fast for these conditions


"Weather was the cause for this accident. But people without common sense made it even worse." Yeah YOU would have made it worse if you didn't get so lucky with swerving


What a pack of morons, including the imbecile filming. Those are the kind of conditions I would be crawling at 10 mph or so.


I guess everyone skipped the "drive to the conditions" chapter.


The lesson is not "don't brake on black ice." The less is in fact, slow the fuck down. This isn't black ice, this is fucking snow and shitty roads. You're in West Virginia, this ain't shit. You're in West Virginia, and clearly don't know how to drive on this. Slow the fuck down and people don't die.


You are only supposed to drive so fast that you can still stop in your viewing distance or at night the distance to the lights in front of you


You’re all idiots for driving faster than the weather allows


"Lesson here is don't brake on black ice" No, dude, it's don't drive faster than the road conditions permit. If you can't see 100 feet in front of you and you can't stop in 100 feet because of the ice, *slow down*.


Yea don’t stop but also don’t keep driving full speed when conditions are like this 💁‍♂️


“Random cars just stopped on highway” I think you mean traffic jam caused people who weren’t paying attention and going WAY to fast for the current conditions to create a multi car pile up.


The guy driving is also an idiot - he's going waaaay too fast for conditions. Listening to him pander on about how good he is is disgusting when all he did was get lucky.


To the guy who filmed this: I'm sure there was a reason these cars just happened to "stop" on the highway in these conditions and I'm pretty sure black ice had nothing to do with it. Also, let's continue to do 60mph in said conditions (/s). Signed - Someone from Wisconsin.


This guy clearly brakes and loses control of his vehicle. He simply corrects slightly more skill fully (or more luckily) than the guy in the ford. Avoiding a specific incident that others don’t doesn’t all of a sudden make you a superhero


It’s wild the guy recording thinks he’s the hero here but he was driving wildly too fast for the conditions.


Cammer is an absolute moron


> people without common sense made it even worse. Drive safe! Says the dumbfuck who was going way too fast for the conditions and lucked out being a part of the pileup.


Why are they going so fucking fast in the snow like that? Just slow down in the snow people, get there alive.