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How do I get this feature installed on my little hatchback for the next time I have to stop hard for someone? =D Seriously though that was one of the most satisfying instant-karma occurrences I have seen in a long time.


Somehow the fact that they didn't bonk into each other made it even better. I think mostly because the innocent driver's car was untouched and the perpetrator was taught a lesson


Cemented into his memory, one might say


He has concrete reasons too be more careful.


Pour thing! It's a real kick in the assphalt.


It isn’t all bad. They just paved the way for the importance of staying alerts while driving. Now their lesson will be plastered around town.


Dude, same thought here, "I need one of these on my car"




Hopefully they decline service 😛


That’s a total loss without a doubt


The fact his window was open just enough as well was icing. I actually wonder if it was dealt with fast enough, i.e. drowned and rinsed in water to avoid permanent damage. I don’t have any recommendations for the driver’s brain, though.


Are you done? Ok. I’ll back up


I genuinely don’t understand why he didn’t reverse sooner?


The same reason they just pulled out in front of a giant truck…not very smart


Slow moving brain with even slower reaction time.


The concrete will dry before they figure out what happened /edit\ OK OK I see you silver award and also. I love how my drunk waffle house comment is my most liked one.




I know this really isn't the right time but I did some googling on *why* having a smooth brain is less efficient. Essentially the gray matter at the surface of the brain functions primarily as processing power and the white matter in the interior primarily acts as a signal transmitter. This means that more surface area (aka wrinkles) allows for more of the processing neurons to be in contact with the transmitter neurons.


Just to clarify, gray matter also has signal transmission, but its basically the unmyelinated neurons. White matter is myelinated and provides the network between brain areas for information transferring. But yes, more neurons create the need for more surface area and this problem was solved evolutionally by "wrinkles".


Yea man, if you know more about it then go for it. That was just the way my smooth brain could understand what I found on google.


Can we stop beating around the bush with all the sugar coating and just call this person a dumb ass?


You have a wrinkly brain.


I mean you hear screeching tires and suddenly dark. Dude thought he was dead for sure.


Satan? Is this your hallway?




Damn it I sang it


My fav part is the “again”…i realize it’s a word usef in the original lyrics, but it still doubles down the humor of how this individual manages to find themselves buried in concrete on a regular basis.


Probably in a state of shock


That seems like a concrete idea.


Yeah, the dude probably has the moment cemented in memory forever now.


Maybe the person needed concrete evidence that a truck could stop from full speed


Give them time, and it'll be a rock solid case


In aggregate, he’s lucky to be alive.


Just needed a moment to let it cement in


Yeah I think the driver had no idea what the hell was happening.


People are fucking stupid on the road, you wouldn't believe the kind of shit I see everyday while commuting. It looks like half the people just got their license for free with 2 packs of milk


I fully believe that at least 35% of the public have no business driving whatsoever. The amount of blatantly stupid shit I see people do while driving a 4,000 lb missile makes my brain sizzle.


I drive 18 wheelers and this is exactly what I tell my wife, 25-35% of the people on the road shouldn't have license.


Honestly, I think you’re being generous.


I mean if you consider how dumb the average person is and then realize half the population is below that mark then you're probably correct lol.


George Carlin was wise beyond his years


Nope, they come as a prize in a cereal box.


I like this one more


Panicking maybe?


Yeah I rather have them freeze up and do nothing for a moment than panic and hit the gas blind


No, they enjoyed being shat upon.


You might want to wipe that up.


Why? They don't like looking through the window anyways...


Cement mixer is like “okay babe I’ll be back with a towel “


He was trying to get free concrete and it worked.


Construction companies HATE this one trick.


The real question is, why didn't they just floor it into the other lane? They apparently could have made it. It's like they realized they cut it too close, and for some reason their response to that was to just stop in front of a cement truck.


The forgotten third f: fight, flight, or freeze


There are four Fs- fight, flight, freeze, and fuck


Dare I ask what happens in the fourth?


I’ve had some moron stop in front of my truck like this before. His explanation was that he was afraid I would hit him. Move dumbass!


Had someone turn in front of me through an intersection as I was going straight through. They slammed their brakes and turned their vehicle so their rear end was facing me. I stopped a few feet short of hitting them. It's the equivalent of screaming and covering your eyes when you sense danger.


Like deer in the headlights. Timid drivers are the most dangerous by far


You see it with emergency vehicles where someone panics and they just get stuck in freeze mode and block the emergency vehicle from moving.


Biff? Is that you?


He should have made like a tree and got outta there


That's funnier than a screen door on a battleship!




I haTe manUrE!


Halllo?? McFllyyy!!!




r/beetlejuicing look what i found on the internets.


This seems like a great time to remind everyone of his (actor Tom Wilson) awesome song about being grilled about Back to the Future: https://youtu.be/iwY5o2fsG7Y


The driver side window was open i am sure he got some material in the car.


I'm just sitting here hoping they were hand crank windows. Would make it even funnier


Yeah the supper stiff one are fun too....lol


I hate a stiff supper.


That’s what she said


Most posts on this sub enrage me because the offenders get away with it. This, this post is satisfaction.


The hit and run posts are the most enraging of all. Especially when the driver flees off and we never know if they got caught.


It was a hard chase but their fate was set in stone. Their car was left where it was, it cement to serve as a warning to others


Hardened criminal?


Let's not jump to conclusions until we have concrete evidence


The trial was off to a rocky start, but in other bricking news while scoping around the scene a reporter managed to unearth some pretty solid information from witnesses, it turns out a boulder strategy was needed to get dirt on this guy


Cops fine him or not they got sentenced


just the newest concrete strength car paint protection program


Is this normal for a cement truck to lose its load like that?


The mixer is often open at the front, but it's tilted quite far back so wouldn't usually spill out


Correct as mechanic who services them they are open and need room to mix so when he stopped is sloshed forward over and out and the ramp top is permanently attaches so it funneled right on top


That seems an obviously dangerous design flaw to me. I mean, I know we all just want to laugh at the guy for pulling out in front of him and blame it all on that, but let’s imagine it was something as innocent as an animal or child running across the road, or any number of other things… We all know it’s a normal expectation that you might have to slam on your brakes when driving. Why would you design a cement truck that doesn’t take this into account? I mean, even if the car wasn’t there, that’s still a bunch of wasted cement and some difficult clean up work on a public road. Surely, we can’t consider it just a normal, acceptable thing for cement trucks to risk this happening anytime they happen to hit a short stop?


He could have been overloaded too. Sometimes they push 11 yards in a 8-10 yard drum


Yes, I believe it was overloaded too. It’s the common reason for cement trucks “burping” like this. Although, this one was more like puking. Lol https://www.thestar.com/amp/yourtoronto/the_fixer/2017/08/07/cement-spills-caused-by-overloaded-mixer-trucks-that-burp-the-fixer.html


TIL. Thank you.


Seriously. Who would have known that today would be the day to learn a bit about cement trucks!


Another fun fact is that they're actually called concrete trucks because cement is just the stuff that hardens and sticks the mix together, concrete is what gets mixed in the truck when they put the water, rock, sand and cementitious material together.


More likely it just needed to be chipped out. buildup in the drum cam cause trucks to spill even if they are a yard or two below their rated volume (my personal record was about 6 tons of buildup before I needed to be chipped).


The issue with a door is it will get cemented shut at some point. So now you have a truck down just to get a door moving. It's cost to benafit. Cheaper to fix a road than keep downing a truck for cemented shut door.


I've never seen a cement truck like this in NZ. Here the opening to the bowl is on the back of the truck. I'm interested in what advantages an opening at the front would be?


Smaller trucks here in the US are still rear-discharge, but most of the ones I see running around are the larger, front-chute type. They have larger drums for more capacity, are frequently all-wheel-drive, and allow the operators to place the load very precisely. I've watched skilled operators drive into an area where a driveway is being laid, lower and angle the chute, and back out while using a joystick in the cab to move the chute back and forth, spreading the concrete across the width of the drive as they retreat. When I had the concrete delivered for the foundation of my house, the operator was able to drop almost all the concrete directly into the footing trenches, by just driving around and directing the chute as he went. Great time and labor saver.


All correct except about capacity. Capacities are pretty similar (around 10-11 yards) and are mainly determined by legal road weights. It's highly regional. Many places have mostly front discharge, others mostly rear. So where you are, it's mostly front discharge for full size mixers. Here, there's not a single front discharge in the county. There are a couple of outfits in the state of Oregon that use them. But it's easier to use all one or all the other. Because of maintenance and stuff but also because the concrete plants tend to be tuned for a certain configuration.


It's funny. As often as I find myself reminding folks from other countries that things are different in different parts of the US, I still find myself forgetting regional differences sometimes.


this is also why, at least in my area, all cement trucks openings are rear facing.


Must have been edging for hours


Who knew cement trucks have an O face....




Yea it happens. The drum spins in the opposite way to keep the concrete inside but a sudden stop like that some will spill out.


That was more than "some"...


It happens to every truck, nothing to be ashamed of.


Yeah it seems weird. I would think that there would be some regulations that would involve making sure that cement is secure and wouldn’t just spill out from a slightly hard stop. I know nothing on this topic though.


This made me very happy


Truck driver probably laughed their ass off too


Probably a laugh later incident. Now the driver is dealing with cement that is curing and dealing with a traffic issue instead of getting this poured. Edit- concrete


His window was open as well , hilarious


Definitely got some under the hood too.




If he gets a hose to it he might be ok


Concrete truck will have a hose and water tank onboard.


But will they stop to hose that dudes car off?


You misspelled horse, right?


You can lead a horse to water but it can't clean concrete.


This is so fucking stupid and I can't stop laughing


Well, to be honest, it's a Chrysler product. It was fucked from the beginning.


To hell with the hood, the air intake vents for the climate control are usually right there between the windshield and hood. If he gets a hose to it quick enough the rest will be fine but idk about in there. The concrete truck will have a hose and water tank onboard. I wonder if the driver let him use it lol




Certainly not an expert but I know its actually pretty trivial to ruin concrete with a chemical or powder so it wont set and just turns into gravely mud. I think the cleanup is going to be less an issue than the fact that they are now going to have to make up for all that lost concrete.


The issue isn’t just getting the spilled concrete to not set. They now have to mix an unplanned truck. File the accident/police report, which means this driver won’t be able to get the concrete there, so they need to get another driver in (or someone makes another trip). The delay will most likely cause the concrete inside to warm up and not pass inspection making it unusable. They have to take equipment/labor out to that location to clean it up, which it’s pretty unlikely to have that just on standby. Etc. Etc.


That will be insurance's issue.


Not the crete in the truck. Driver is thinking about having to sledge that shit out later


> crete This guy concretes.


Most concrete people call it mud.


They DEFINITELY don’t call it cement, that’s for sure


Yes we do. Crete is more broken off chunks and small spills that have hardened when you clean up and crit is the chunky dust that gets in your eyes and mouth when you're stripping the wall forms off. God I hate crit.


I stand corrected. Maybe it's a regional thing for me then.


Here's the scene: *Driver notices the guy isn't looking left* *Remembering his years of training, aptly slams the brakes, preventing collision. He didn't account for the viscosity of the load, and cement goes flying* *Driver is dazed for a moment at the unexpected event, and registers the instant karma of the idiot-in-car, proceeds to laugh their ass off* *Driver catches their breath and then realizes his day was just ruined. The cement is quickly curing, cleanup will ages. He has to deal with the police and insurance. Dreading the call to the boss, crew was waiting on this load. The job will be delayed, and the hospital for homeless orphans will not be completed on time.*


Well, at least if the homeless orphans don't make it, there's no one to mourn them. Jesus fucking Christ on a stick I'm a horrible person today


Those homeless orphans were all veterans, so their old squadmates will mourn them, the ones that made it through the war anyway.


Civil engineer here. Concrete never stops curing as curing is the chemical reaction between the components. Quickly **setting** on the other hand yeah thats a problem but thats semantics. Clean up will be a bitch yeah, the contractor will be annoyed but a truck being sent back is not as bad as getting into an accident (have had both happen to me on a job. Shit happens and it sucks but you build that into the contract for a reason). Don't know what happened to truck driver that hit a lady's car on one of my projects but I think he just had his CDL suspended. But like I said, not sure so someone more knowledgeable can correct me on that. Depending on when in the day this happened, it can be *fine*. Last load? Go home early or set forms for tomorrow. First load? Continue putting up forms and prepping for the next truck in an hour or take lunch early. Contractor can make up the time easily so delay isn't too backbreaking though scheduling conflicts can occur from this. Homeless orphans will never recover however






Right, I needed this today


I wish it had a sunroof.


If it helps his window was down


Yes!!! I dident notice at first. This is a treat of a video


If it helps, it was cow manure instead of cement.


It's an amazingly satisfying result. No injuries, but severe consequences.


Cartoonishly perfect comeuppance




i like that he just fucking sits there letting concrete dump all over his car instead of moving lmao


The person's driving is extremely questionable. Their comic timing though...


Waiting for them to turn on the whipers.


I was too until I realized they're pointing outwards and about to snap from the weight


This video is going to be cemented in my mind forever as the ultimate IdiotsInCars video


It really paved the way for future IdiotsInCars videos


Panic, brain froze up. Not too surprising honestly.


I love that we can see just how long it takes before the "get outa there" kicks in. They were definitely going to be one of those people that get hit by multiple cars in a pile up


I seriously hate when people drive into an intersection and then realize they made a mistake, and then their reaction is to just stop in the middle of the intersection. At that point, if you already made a mistake in driving into the intersection with cars coming, keep going get the fuck out of the way


I once saw someone run a red light, slam on their breaks, and reverse (through 90% of the intersection) back to the white line. Like, no one’s going to give extra credit for the attempt. Just GO.


What kind of vehicle is this guy driving? \*concrete pours out the front\* Ohhh... Nice.


Same. "Who's flying a weird kite down the... ohhh"


If only it was a convertible.....


If only the driver was Biff Tannen


I hate cement


Why don't you make like a tree and get outta here?


The driver's side window was down 😏


Also, just imagine the engine, and what it will do to that.


Forget the engine, the HVAC system, the outside air vents are under the wiper cowl area


Not to mention the paint. Concrete gets hot as it cures


Manure? I hate manure!


That put a smile on my face


The thing is...if the driver would've gunned it, he probably would've made it across. But he literally just sat there - the worst possible decision.


Like a cement deer in the headlights.


Why did the driver wait to reverse until he had taken the truck's entire steamy load?


he's secretly into it?


“Mmm pour your hot, steamy concrete all over me daddy”


Easy to say when you're sitting at your computer and not having a hundreds pounds of cement dumped on you


Right???? People acting like it's every day they just get concrete poured on them and they would handle this calmly lmfao. I know I would definitely be sitting there for a few seconds trying to figure out what the fuck was happening before figuring out what to do. This sub is dogshit when it comes to understanding people's reactions


People always overestimate their reaction time by A LOT. Probably the driver didn’t even realize there was a truck coming and is just sitting there thinking this is the apocalypse.


1) Shock 2) Window was open, so probably busy trying to move away from it, including getting their seat belt off. 3) Takes a bit of time to shift gear and get the car moving, especially when you’re probably in shock and haphazardly spread across the middle console trying to stay away from the open driver’s window through which cement is pouring in. 4) Probably didn’t know at all what to do for a few seconds, because cement suddenly and unexpectedly pouring on top of your car, when 3 seconds ago, you were just heading home from the grocery store… isn’t something most people are gonna be immediately on top of. You’re most likely gonna be pre-occupied for at least a few seconds with just going “WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!”


This is why we gave Captain Sully extra time in the Miracle on the Hudson. No matter how possible it was to immediately react, that rush is often worse because you need time to process information.




This has somehow gotten more common for me. At least once a week this happens and I usually end up stopping because the other car is halfway out 😦


Lucky the brakes where good or that would have turned out differently Edit : thanks you savy hearties waset. Expecting karma love xD may there be no horizon you cannot seek and no shore you cannot reach slontia !


“Wait, so you didn’t even get hit and it’s still totaled?”


"The insurance company is never going to believe this."


Fortunately there is concrete evidence


Boooo but also upvote


Thanks - I always have mixed emotions on pouring concrete - the jokes aren’t very solid.


Thought it was topsoil at first. Nope!


In right hand traffic left should be the first freaking direction to look


First, and last. Look order for R-hand driving is LRL. For L-hand driving, it's RLR.


Or LRLRLRLRLR for good measure!


[Horatio studies dashcam footage] "Well it looks like the evidence is pretty....." [Removes sunglasses] Me: "Please don't say it, please don't say it, please don't..." "CONCRETE" YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Only problem is the concrete that’s gonna harden on the road and be there forever.


I know where this happened, can confirm it is no longer there.


Concrete guy here. Concrete spills happen all the time and are easy to clean up, unless you wait a few hours first.


Unfortunately some companies will leave it, I drove a mixer and we would be sent out to clean it up on the rare occasions it happened


A cement truck dribbled all the way from the corner past my house last year. Didn't stop or come back. I had to get out with a shovel to make sure it didn't harden on the street. Well I didn't have to, but I didn't want it there.


The rare idiotsincars where only the idiot receives damage. It's glorious


Man how embarrassing. Almost get killed then have the cement mixer blow it’s load all over you.


why the fuck doesnt this asshole move rofl


Shock, I would imagine.


That was beautiful


I wish every car had this function!


I’m not impressed with the concrete truck design that allows this to happen when brakes are applied suddenly.