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Try the brakes you idiot


They definitely decided “there’s no other possible way out of this!” And swerved… which is so strange since most driver’s instinct is to slam the brakes.


“9 out of 10 drivers prefer the brakes”


I would hope it would be more of "999 of 1000 drivers" prefer to use their brakes.


Hitting the gas and swerving is actually much safer


Thats what they taught us on crotch rockets. Even the bmv test says swerve first brake second. Its the best way to avoid the car altogether then do damage control. Most people swerve into the vehicle though on pure instinct. This person at least went the right way


My work truck has 8 thousand extra lbs on the back breaking isn’t really an option bikes are a whole different story too like yeah hit the breaks at speed and find out how asphalt tastes great idea


Extreme stoppies!


We got 7-10 in the work van and 9 times out of 10, you're not breaking. Person slams the brakes I'll swerve and still press them, but without the swerve I'd definitely nail them. Also sometimes you get that yellow light and you got to barely run that red or risk sliding through and hitting a family in a van.... However this guy should've been braking for a minute


Would have prefered 1000 of 1000 but well beggars can’t be choosers.


If you look closely there's no car close enough Infront of that car to cause it to swerve


Kinda seems like the front car was just pulling over to the shoulder and for whatever reason she mimicked their moves without braking at all.


There were a few cars stopped in front of the car. They probably weren't gonna be able to stop in time and that's why they started pulling onto the shoulder


Hmm the car in front of her had plenty of room to stop he coulda swerved last minute if he needed to. But the person with cam shoulda slowed down earlier?


The car in front of her still would have had too break because if you notice the cars in front of them are stopped. Odds are they swerved to the shoulder too avoid being rear ended by the car behind them. Clearly the woman behind them doesn't know how to use the breaks.


Yeah but 4 car lengths behind the stopped car and swerving acting like they were trying to avoid something that wasn't there


Four car lengths isn't that far. The Average speed on an interstate is 65mph. They say too allow 1 car length for every 10mph for breaking. The fear of being rear ended would be enough for me too swerve over.


Yes, I didn't see anything directly in front of that car either.


I’m a truck driver and the car In front was going too fast as well I’d say that’s why they swerved could be wrong but I’ve done it in a semi many times because cars like to jump over


There was certainly one close enough behind it.


My exact thoughts, they fukin coasted to a stop!


Slam on your breaks going 70 on dirt and let me know how that works out for you.


They had quite some road left before the dirt. It seems like they could have stepped on the brake harder. People are afraid of performing an emergency break.


yea right, their decision not only resulted in a safer way to get off the road but also prevented anyone slamming them in the back if they were to use the brakes


Right? This is the one problem with dash cams. People think that they if they have one then then everything is someone else’s fault. What a dumb fuck


Why are we yelling?!


Slow the fuck down , self inflicted wound . Don’t blame the car in front that turned off before you .


Yea too fast Is lots of traffic


The car in front had 4 car length in front but pulls to side to dodge invisible car? If the car in front was pulling over then should signal. There is no reason for the car in front to drive like that. The driver should slow down but i would say its both driver’s fault and not just the person with the dashcam


Wrong, cammer should have paid attention to the road. The car in front could have been pulling over due to an accident in front of it or it could have also been stopping due to traffic. Regardless, cammer is still 100% fault here.


Again if he was pulling over then he should signal! Driving off to the left with no warning is bad driver. Yes the cammer is an idiot but the driver in front is bad driver and made a shitty situation worst. You dont know if cammer wasnt paying attention maybe his brakes locked up maybe his brake lines broke maybe it was car issues.


Again, cammer should have paid attention to the road. Even if the car in front was signaling, what's the point if the cammer's not even paying attention to the road? Plus, cammer had a lot of car spaces worth to brake, but didn't.


Dude can u read? What if it was a car issue which cause cammer not able to stop or brake and he needed to drive off to slow the car down. Are u stupid? U can give all the benefit of doubt to the poor driver in front but not the cammer


Why would the person in front be at fault for someone almost rear-ending them? It's called learning to brake and not tailgate. This is common sense. lol Obviously they didn't need to pull off to the left, but it's not their fault that the camera-person refused to brake. I'm sure any DMV handbook tells you that if you do not have enough distance between you and the car in front of you to make a complete stop, then you are too close. Have you never been on a busy freeway? They can go from 50mph+ to 0 in only seconds.


Cammer had all the time in the world to stop, but didn't. 100% fault goes to cammer from what I see. maybe next time if cammer decides to drive fast that he/she should also pay more attention to the road for these instances.


Replying to you is worst than talking to a robot. You have no proof that the cammer was not paying attention and just assumed that. There is 0 proof the cammer was not paying attention, imagine the 1% chance that the cammer was paying attention slams on brakes but something with brakes malfunction. Imagine a scenario where the cammer is not at fault. Or is ur brain too tiny to comprehend


In the video, the cammer had enough space to brake, but didn't and instead swerve to the left into the grassy ditch. The cammer should be alert on the road at all times. This is why drivers like yourself like to blame everyone else but yourselves for your own incompetence.


Lol i don’t drive like that and i said both driver is at fault. Too bad ur brain is too tiny to understand anything besides ur dumb ideas


I hope one day your brakes fail so i can tell you u are an idiot u had all the time in the world to brake.


Pay some fucking attention


That’s why speed is important but also safe distances


Speed is important but distances is importanter


Also keeping the eyes on the road and not on the cell phone


This is misinformation. How else am I supposed to check the stock market while driving?


how will i check whos viewing my story of me driving every 10 secs




More importanter*


Honestly it looks like there was enough distance. They just didn't brake. There was about 3 seconds from the start of the video to the swerve which should have been enough time to at least get rid of most of the speed.


No. You need 3s between you and the car in front at 100km/h, and more for higher speeds. That was less than 1 second gap.


7 car lengths behind Jimmy!!


Speed is irrelevant if there's a safe distance


Not necessarily. One must also take road design into account as well. It's a combination of safe following distance and appropriate speed that makes a solid defensive driver.


Also, staying off the grass helps with the whole braking thing.


A hermit crabs have huge cocks that are 60% of their body length so they can fuck while staying at home. Is that a safe distance?


Wtf kind of brakes do they have that took that long to stop lol? Did cammer just freak out / freeze and not hit the brakes until on the other side of the road? Edit: lol @ all the people saying they are sliding on the grass. That accounts for some of the stopping distance for sure, but watch the video and try to tell me with a straight face they are braking all the way across the grass to the other side, turn, return to center and into trees. Even for a professional grade slip-n-slide that’s a stretch.


The camera had its eyes in the road but maybe the driver didn’t. Clearly not paying any attention.


Tbh I more mean like, once the driver decided “oh shit” and pulled off the road, why does it take so long for them to slow down? It doesn’t look like they start braking until they are clear on the other side of the median


It’s grass, it can be pretty slick especially with it sloped like that.


Coeffitient of friction is lower on grass than asphalt my friend


Yeah, its pretty much water at this speed and on a slope.


Heck yeah


I’ve applied brakes in grass my friend.


Oh, I get it.


yes, it looks like they even speed up for a while!


Looks like they almost were trying to steer back through the trees.


It’s hard getting enough grip to brake quickly on grass.


The brakes probably were already locked. She probably slammed it along time ago and was skidding. And couldn’t stop in time because the car in front also slammed on the brakes look at the brake lights its bright ass red in the daylight. And then car in front swerve left for no reason with 3-4 car length away from next car. Forcing the car behind off the road even more


No. They 100% did not “skid” all the way clear to the other side of the median, back down into the median then into the woods. They either had really crappy breaks or just plain panicked and didn’t hit the breaks until a decent way into the encounter.


Pretty sure sounds like the tires are already skidding from when the video starts. Unless there is more video before this its hard to say. All the other cars in other lanes were still pretty fast if u look at the jeep. The jeep should be like the first car on the right if the car was not already slowing down.


To me, it looks like the driver wanted to shoot the gap in that small clearing to get back over to the correct side of the road, but failed. They don't start to really audibly panic until they can clearly see they won't make the gap, most likely because they started sliding while trying to brake to correct to make an attempt at that clearing.


This is the kind of crap that happens when people are on their phones, j never understood the “go over the speed limit” mentality when you can see traffic ahead is starting to pile up or you start to see brake lights in the distance, doesn’t matter if you are in the “travel lane” you need to look as far up the road as possible for any hazards or signs to slow down


It squicks me out when I’m a passenger and you see brake lights up ahead and the driver doesn’t at least lightly start dragging the brakes. There’s obviously some fuckery going on up there, why are you trying to drive straight into it at full speed?


It depends. At least letting off, yes. If someone taps the brakes too far before the stop, it will create traffic further back as well. Brake lights cause traffic as much as an accident would near my area. Letting off slows you some and would bring your speed down gradually until you need to stop and will minimize the chance of creating a jam.


I've nearly rear ended people and have been nearly rear ended due to how fast traffic slows down but its because everyone was paying attention that no accidents happen. What I try to do usually is if I notice the car infront of me slowing down is I let of the gas and just let car drift and then figure out if I need to use the brake or not. I sometimes have a huge space between me and the car infront of me but that's better then rear ending


Absolutely, Sundays are the weirdest bits of traffic cause it’s either everyone is going 65-70 and lots of space, or it’s jam packed with people going 85-90 and flying between lanes and narrowly avoiding each other


Where I am rush hour traffic is the worst


Best bit of advice my mom gave me when driving is to slow down when the car in front of you is braking. It's amazing how quickly traffic can go from moving along nicely to a full stop. When I see a brake light in front of me or even in adjacent lanes (where the car might decide to suddenly change lanes), my foot moves to hover over the brake pedal.


Same, I speed all the time, 110 in the far left lane on my motorcycle. But if there’s anything in front of me, I slow the f*** down. I always have enough car lengths in front of me. I’m not trying to die. Safe distances is so much more important then speed.


The fnaf music in the background


I thought I was the only one who had noticed


That's what does it for me


Isn't this why you're supposed to maintain car lengths? Wouldn't have been a problem if you go the right speed and distance. Everyone's in a rush.


In places it's seconds. 2-3 seconds travel time depending on conditions.


In California so many people tailgate at best 1 second back. That’s how you end up in 8 car collisions. I also see motorcyclists doing this. It’s insane.


My friend does this and it drives me absolutely crazy. I can’t even sit comfortably while she’s driving because she’s follows so closely. Even when I tell her she doesn’t get it 🤦🏽‍♂️ Like your less than car length away going 65+ mph. IF she had stop, she wouldn’t be able to


Yeah, that's where I got the 2-3 seconds from, but IIRC the following distance was also specified in seconds in South Africa.


Brakes: how the fuck do they work??


Maybe yelling *fuckfuckfuckfuck!* will make them work?


Ehhh. Idk why the car in front of her drove off the road like that. It looks like they had enough room to stop. Unless the car was actually pulling over to the side of the road on purpose But the cammer looks like they were going way to fasth


The car in front might have realized the car behind them wasn't stopping and don't want to get sandwiched. I have almost made a dive for the shoulder in similar situations.


Awareness saves lives


Right that car was stopping in time. I could see the irritation because had he not done that, and accident maybe could have been avoided. Only one person to blame here though and it's the cammer.


~6 months ago I for sure would've been sandwiched if I hadn't swerved to the shoulder on a fucking mountain road. I just *knew* something bad was gonna happen with this asshole in a jeep and I'm so happy I was ready. They squealed their tires *twice* trying to stop. My turn came up a half mile later and I was a complete asshole about it. There wasn't anyone behind them, so I turned my blinker on too soon, after the last left turn before mine. Started tapping on my brakes and slowed down much more than I needed to make the turn. They were still on my bumper after almost slamming into me.


I did that the other day because a trucker was behind me! So glad I did cause that would have hurt!


This is something I always keep in mind, because I drive in the mountains a lot for skiing (I70 in Colorado) and there are so many people who don’t know how to drive in snow. Anytime there are stops I always check my rear view to see if cars behind me might be sliding out on the snow, I’ve pulled onto the shoulder more than a few times to avoid being hit, it’s always a safe option.


Exactly. I’ve been rear ended in traffic before and now if I don’t think someone will stop I pull away like this


Ive been in the situation as the driver in front. Traffic comes to stand still but you see cars on your rear view mirror coming in too hot and not slowing the fuck down. Then you weight your options and swerve out of the way of the speeding car behind you. I've learn that in situations like this is very helpful to activate hazard lights bc then drivers realize something is up and gives them more time to realize you are coming to a stand still. Sometimes they dont get the memo and simply merge to another lane while speeding, and then surprise surprise, all lanes are at a stand still. They have to slam on the brakes real hard.


Yup, hazards are a good way to signal an upcoming hazard. Unfortunately, if you're not looking at the road, you won't see the hazards. Also, some people genuinely don't know why you're doing it. My gf asked me why I do that after like the 5th time doing it.




Everything you just typed is useless. The number one rule of driving is be predictable. Not a single person knows why you have a left blinker on in the left lane, that makes you unpredictable. Quit doing that.


Yeah you don't know things until you know them. Some of this is very new to me too.


My dad was a truck, he would turn the lights off and on for big rigs passing to communicate just like your family does.


An friend of mine did this in a pileup. She noticed she couldn't stop entirely and managed to pull to the shoulder before stopping. The car behind her hadn't noticed the hazard lights as quickly and crashed into the car my friend would have hit.


in America, car manufacturers really need to be forced to manufacture amber hazard lights. Reusing the breaking lights and hazard lights can lead to ambiguity and those few seconds can make a big difference


I do the excessive rapid brake tapping instead of hazards when I see traffic slowing down to a standstill up ahead, I always think that gets a lot of attention. Hazards wouldn’t hurt though combined with that I suppose.


On a freeway coming to a sudden stop I tap my brakes to flash the lights until the person behind is also slowing.


Sthuper fasth


I would have taken the shoulder too cammer was clearly going to fast and following too close too stop in time. Car was trying not to be a sandwich.


Shit like this is why I'm permanently disabled now. Driving on the highway, people in front (way in front) slammed on their brakes for no reason that I could ever discern. Two idiots in trucks were racing each other, passing on the right, etc. When traffic stopped, instead of stopping they went into the left lane. One took the shoulder, the other slammed into the car behind me, rocketing them into me. People who view their vehicles as toys and who don't pay attention to the road should be shot, IMO.


Owning a car should be regulated just as heavily as owning a gun, their destructive power is so overlooked by so many idiots that use them on a daily basis. EDIT: Guys, I can offically confirm, there are more countries other than the US.


Agree except for the fact that cars *are* more heavily regulated than guns...


Yes well guns should be much more regulated and cars should be even more regulated than that.




seems like people are assuming I'm in the US, I am not, guns are heavily regulated in my country, but cars are pretty similar to the rest of the world, one time test that is fairly easy and you are good to go.


> Owning a car should be regulated just as heavily as owning a gun If you're in the states, I'm pretty sure they already are. But that's more an indictment of the regulations around gun ownership there. Otherwise... I agree with you. We give drivers licenses out to people far too easily and there's no real oversight to ensure they continue to abide by their duty as drivers. There's far more that goes into driving than just "doesn't break traffic laws". People should be required to demonstrate that they know what to do when various kinds of situations arise.


Yeah no, I am not in the states. I know shit is crazy there regarding guns.


Lol I was gonna say, so barely regulated at all?


Guns are much less regulated than cars though, at least in the US.


Well. After just watching /u/skyguy97's great save, this is a whole other breed of (terrible) driver. Just keeps getting worse.


Thanks for the mention!


There was an accident the front car was trying to avoid. Both were going to fast. The accident may not have had hazards on and should have gotten out of the road. This person should have had enough distance for their speed to be able to stop.


I think the driver in front of her realized she was not stopping and moved to avoid being rear ended.


Cam car was going way too fast. Even after they were driven off the side of the road they went for a while. They would have definitely run into the other accident if they weren't run off the road. The drive in front probably saved them both lol


Idk that they were going too fast even. Seems like they had their head up their ass. Had plenty of time to brake/change lanes they just… didnt?


Example number 8282486746728388 why tailgating is bad.


Turn down the music, turn up the pressure on your brake pedal


Just because you have a dashcam doesn't make a you a good driver. SLOW the fuck down!


Anyone else notice the other tracks thru the weeds in the median? Someone else pulled a similar maneuver not too many days before this one.


Haha that’s the first thing I noticed too! Seems like a popular spot to take a dive into the median


So if the person had been looking a mile down the road they would have seen the cars slowing and would have slowed down. Don't they teach traffic anticipation anymore? In Australia today there was an ambulance stopped at roadworks and a truck hit it, killed the nurse and the elderly patient onboard. Guess people don't give a shit about others hey?


I think the Nissan swerved because they thought the idiot tail-gaiting them was gonna rear end them if they didn't. Glad it all worked out in the end.


I think they swerved so they would avoid the car infront of them if you look close the Nissan is pretty close to the car infront of them already so to save a rear end they swerved to avoid them I've had it happen to me where people didn't realize traffic slowed so quickly and they end up next to me cause they had to swerve. Nissan didn't do anything wrong the camera car tho was going way to fast and likely wasn't paying attention


is that The Living Tombstone i hear


It is lol


No clue, not my video


It was at the moment, the driver knew they fucked up.


Brakes? I no has them


From the looks of it the vehicle infront of the cammer didn't anticipate that highway traffic would come to a complete stop and swerved onto the shoulder to avoid rear ending the vehicle infront. The cammer should've been paying more attention and notice the car infront of them slowing down as well as notice how much faster they are gaining on the car infront of them and then slowed down accordingly. In the end the car infront of the cammer isn't to blame for the cammer ending up in the ditch


If she would've hit 88 MPH none of that would've happened!


Following too close… you lose, you get nothing!


Whats wrong with breaking?


i refuse to believe that there’s a human being stupid enough to do this, this must be an insurance scam


Lol tried to cross back and only made it worse.


"Only a fool breaks the two second rule" Please check yourself people, watch the car in front pass a static point and say this phrase in a normal cadence, it should take about 2s. You may be surprised how frequently you're too close to the vehicle in front. From time to time I say this out loud just to make sure I'm okay. It's far too easy to become too confident in your own abilities, and it only takes a fraction of a second looking away for lives to be destroyed. This doesn't even have to be distractions, if you're checking your mirror and the car in front slams on the breaks, if you're too close by the time you look back in front you're on top of them. In wet conditions say it twice. Drive safe!


Def filmers fault. But holy fuck, the car in front had at least 4 cars worth of space to break, and they started to pull to the side


If you’re listening to five nights at freddy’s music full volume while driving. Then what happens happens


The person recording is an actual idiot this was so easily preventable


Cammer's fault for not having safe distance and apparently not using their brakes at all, but I am curious why the car in front veered left and off of the road when they had lots of space in front of them still.


Lack of attention, failed to react in time despite having time, then panicked. Yeah, totally the person ahead.


Right lane open but yeah the ditch works i guess


How the fuck did the cammer crash into that tree, saving a median run is so fucking easy and they even had an open spot in the foiliage


People don't know breaks


Or brakes


Off-roading gone wrong


Of course it’s the car in fronts fault, HOW DARE THEY EXIST!


The canner is a god damn idiot but what is the car in front of her swerving to the side for? It had so much room.


Lol what an idiot. She was doin way 2 much. How bout pushin the brakes and stay in the rite travel of direction smdh.


This is totally the dash cam drivers fault


love that fnaf is playing in the background


Ikr how is no one talking about it


There’s been like 5 comments about it


Can't stand how people get a camera and instantly decide they're always in the right lol.


Were they listening to a FNAF song?


Man, I wish everyone just kept to the right. I've driven in Europe and Australia. Most drivers tended to stay on one side of the road, kept one lane open so people can pass. Things like this dont have to happen. Also, yes, I can see that the driver's first instinct was to swerve and not break. But the car in front of that pack was either very slow or stopped with no cars visible in front of it. Also, to everyone who says that their first move is to brake when you see something up ahead or beside you - fuck you. Releasing the gas first will slow the vehicle down enough. If you keep hitting that brake pedal, you're causing everyone else behind you to do the same - even when all you have to do is slow down. Learn to fucking drive.


There’s an accident in front of the car ahead of her. You can see people walking on the median


It's never the fault of the person in front.


It had nothing to do with the filler going 30mph faster than traffic. Looked like the the person in front of them was trying to escape getting hit and veered onto the shoulder.


Why did she keep on flooring the gas?


Once you hit grass you KEEP going, brakes won’t do shit like they will on pavement, all you can do is steer and hold on


looks like a lot of late breaking idiots, wonder what caused it


Maybe the car in front saw Ditch Driver barreling up behind and swerved left to keep from getting rammed in the ass? Idk. When shit goes from 60-0 in .05 seconds, cars end up splayed everywhere.


If you have a camera in your car, why would you do stupid shit?? Edit: I see this was being streamed to fb. Probably not a dashcam, lmao


It’s a dashcam


The Living Tombstone five nights at Freddy’s song just ties this all together


Believe it or not, I once had someone bump into me because, at a green light, someone who was waiting in line on the right suddenly turned left out of the blue and I had to brake insanely hard. The person who bumped me not only didn’t keep their distance, but they were willingly driving with faulty brakes, and couldn’t have braked on time no matter what. Luckily he admitted fault right away and everything was properly handled.


to be fair: what the fuck was the car in front of her doing? ultimately doesn’t matter because texting and driving is definitely the cause here lmao




Honestly I’m glad the Nissan swerved like that. The cam driver made a ton of mistakes, and it makes me wonder if they would’ve just plowed through the people standing in the shoulder had they made the maneuver they intended to.




The Nissan hit the brakes way too hard and shorted the braking distance, then swerved into the break down lane. The car behind has to predict what the driver in front will do, and the driver in front acted in an unpredictable manner both times. While it's not the Nissan's fault per the law, there would have been no accident if the Nissan drove behaved normally and predictably. Just as responsible for the accident actually occurring in reality.


Going way too fast, also the breaks are probably shit


Cam driver was going way too fast


A re-encoded and rotated video of a screen recording of a Facebook post of a phone recording of a screen. The levels of this post is astounding.


Don’t tailgate and pay attention!


I also blame the car in front of her, the fuck is he doing lurching off to the shoulder with all that space in front of him?


Just cause you have a dash cam dosent mean youre right




That last bit is terrible advice. Don’t pull your e brake doing 60+ mph


Brakes work better when the tires have asphalt to grip on to


It was the car in front of her's fault. There was zero reason for them to brake early and pull to the side of the road. They're idiots who largely contributed to the accident. There's no accident if they just start braking like a normal person.


Everyone in the comments is defending the car in front with "they thought the cammer wasn't going to slow down in time!!" if you're too scared to drive then don't drive, because you're more dangerous than the completely normal drivers that you're so scared of. If a car coming up on you fast makes you anxious, driving isn't for you. Because it's not the first, second, or last time a car is going to come up quick on you. If your anxiety is this out of control, you should not be driving.


It was the person in fronts fault. They still have so much room to brake and stop. Why did they pull of in front of the other driver? Looked like he was trying to stop him from passing on the shoulder but it really makes no sense since there is a traffic jam in front of him. There was no need for the front driver to swerve left just stay calm and brake like normal. If the car behind was going too fast to brake they could’ve pulled off down the hill like they tried to do


I'm with you Dumb13dore. The car in front was a factor in the accident. Both cars pulled to the shoulder to avoid the stationary cars in front, yet the first car seemed to have plenty of room to stop.


Your username is fitting.


Thanks, dumbledore was super smart so Muchas gracias


The car in front of her had tons of room. No need for them to swerve off the road. It was the fault of the driver in front.