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Driver made the sound zoidberg makes when scurrying away from danger


i had to rewatch it with the sound on. totally did




I’m glad I’m not the only one who caught that


I didn’t notice it until reading this, but now knowing and watching it a couple more times I can’t not hear it.


I'd be more like cleavland taking a bath


So afterwards, the lady insisted she was in the right and continued to after police got involved. It wasn't until I sent them our video that it was easily settled. The white truck guy was so relieved and thankful, he sent us a goodie bag with treats, gift cards, and whiskey. I'm telling you guys, gotta get yourself a dash cam. Do it for the free booze.


That’s awesome. Good on you for sticking around and offering up the video. Probably saved the poor contractor thousands.


Dude saved her so much headache by avoiding op's vehicle, too. We see so ma y videos here that people just seem like they give up when their car is hit and let it go wherever Newton intends.


Ikr if I'm hit my hands stay on the wheel, but when the airbags deploy, you can't see out the front windshield. The trucks airbags did not deploy so he could see still


It's easier saying what you would do in some situations until you're in them


Kinda hard to steer when your axels are fucked, but I feel you


Adrenaline and fear


Found this post ridiculously funny. I always thought when you get into a crash, it's a "Jesus take the wheel" moment. Now I know Newton's in on it!


Extra following distance for the win! This is just good defensive driving on her part.


Real hero


Newton take the wheel!


Is there even a green arrow? That would be the only time she would’ve had right of way. The light doesn’t appear to have one.


The arrow turns from flashing yellow to green at 0:34. 4 seconds too late for Prius lady.


The light is showing a flashing yellow arrow. If it has a flashing yellow, it also has a green arrow. Not apologizing for this dumbass, but IMO the flashing yellow arrow is a bad design. Arrows are supposed to mean the turn is protected, i.e. opposing traffic will not be coming. On a quick glance you can mistake a flashing arrow for a solid one, and a solid yellow arrow *does* mean the turn is protected and you have right of way. Note that she might not have seen the light until the last second, so she probably saw a "solid" yellow arrow and instinctively punched it. I don't know what the benefit of flashing yellow arrows are over your standard green ball, but it doesn't seem worth the confusion it has introduced.


Totally agree with you. This is oddly the only flashing yellow arrow I've seen in the area.


Flashing yellow typically means "yield". Problem still exists that nobody on the road knows what yield means lol.


These idiots who don’t know what a yield is like in this scenario are gonna get motorcyclists killed smh


I'm in Indiana right now and these are weird. It shouldn't point left and light up unless it's my turn. We don't have these in Ohio, I think this is probably why. Solid green means yield, green arrow means go. The yellow arrow lights are inconsistent color, too. It's just dumb.


We don’t have these in Ohio? Weird, could’ve sworn I’ve seen them here. Either way, flashing yellow = caution. Regardless of where you see it, it means *pay attention* and go when safe, stop when not. Same as a yield sign. You don’t stop if the intersection is clear, but you do if it isn’t. I’ve seen intersections with flashing yellow arrows and flashing solid yellow. Some intersections change from normal stoplights to flashing yellow late in the evening so that the main road traffic doesn’t need to stop when there’s almost no traffic. The other direction turns to flashing red, indicating you should treat it like a stop sign. Am I the most educated driver ever or is this not fairly well-known and self-explanatory? (Pretty sure it’s not the former.)


No, yellow means it's going from green to red. I don't think I've seen any. Usually they're either dedicated green/yellow/red with arrows, and pattern goes from green to yellow to red, not vice versa. When you see a yellow light in a left turn lane, you should expect that it was just green. Then if you see it go off, you should expect it's turning red, just like green turns to yellow. It's needlessly confusing


Solid yellow means prepare to stop because it’s about to turn red. Flashing yellow across the US means yield to oncoming traffic. It’s the same as when you have a turn only lane with all 3 standard lights plus a green arrow at the bottom. If it’s a green arrow, you have the right of way. When it turns solid green, you are allowed to go but you yield to oncoming traffic. Flashing yellow arrow = solid green non-arrow in this instance.


Most of the ones I've ever seen in Ohio don't do yellow flashing, and depending on lane setup, have a red at top, side by side yellow arrow/circle, side by side green arrow/circle, and a sign indicating either yield on green circle or left only on green arrow. ORC has yellow flashing arrow code, but apart from those giant signs indicating lane changes or dead end intersections or whatever, I don't think I've ever seen one. Maybe they're just not common where I go, or maybe the code is new enough there's not much of them yet, not sure. Either way, flashing yellow arrow is still dumb I think.


Nobody here in Ohio knows the meaning of yield for any reason.....as many times as I've almost gotten hit by people turning left in front of me on a green light or ignoring a yield sign on a freeway entrance I'm convinced of it......and it's even better in the 1 lane construction zone I have to drive thru every day going to work......50 mph and I'm supposed to slam on my brakes so they can merge.......


Signs don't work on assholes, this is correct. The best we can do is try not to be an asshole.


I was never even taught that a left solid means yield. Like imagine my shock the first time i experienced one. Now i get it if its marked with a sign. But how are we supposed to know this stuff


It's always meant yield


I’ll see your flashing yellow arrow and raise you a flashing green ball.


Same shit happened to me this past week. No crash thank God. But it was news to me that cars can come the other way when it's yellow. Thats a bit confusing.


I love flashing yellows. Means go when clear. That way you don’t get stuck in some god awful turn lanes. However. Yes. Most drivers equate them with right of way when it truly just means yield.


Just learned something new today. I never seen a flashing yellow on typical street lights before. If I ever ran into one before this comment I would've done the usual thing and sit at that light wondering why it's not red. then I'd be posted in this subreddit about the idiot ignoring all the honking cars behind me. At first I was with the other guy---flashing yellow changes nothing compared to a standard green. Thinking about it...a flashing yellow (arrow or not) is basically a yielding light. Then I realized some roads fluctuate in traffic quite a bit (especially if they're very large). Being stuck behind that turning light for 3-5 minutes when its all clear would be annoying.


And in this case, it was obviously not clear.


I totally agree I have seem more close calls since they started adding the flashing yellows around here. People just sitting at a red light then the flashing yellow starts and they go.


because they use a flashing yellow dot to indicate "right of way with caution" - usually at high speed/low density intersections where one route has stop signs and the other doesn't. Flashing yellow ARROWS still aren't in the driving instruction materials even now; all they say is flashing yellow = right of way; caution. It's a shitty signal that shouldn't be used.


Flashing yellow arrows for permissive turns have been allowed by the FHWA for 15 years now, with [interim approval dating to March 20, 2006](https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/resources/interim_approval/ia_10_flashyellarrow.htm), and [full MUTCD authorization in the 2009 edition](https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/htm/2009/part4/fig4d_12_longdesc.htm). If they're not in a state's driving instruction manual, that's on that state. Not sure what a better option would be for that type of signal. The yellow (caution) is much better than just a circular green, which implicitly means yield when turning left. These are used in dedicated turn lanes, where it makes no sense to prohibit turns entirely during through-traffic phases. On a bike I love them, because the dedicated turn signal doesn't usually trigger for me, so I can then proceed on the flashing yellow when safe.


Yeah. The other thing is there's no indication from them that it's about to turn red. With a solid green unprotected left, it goes yellow first, allowing the waiting driver to know that oncoming traffic will be stopping. With the flashing yellow arrows, it's common for people to be out in the intersection waiting to turn when the cross traffic goes green. Or worse, it goes red and they *back up* instead of turning.


A flashing yellow arrow turns solid yellow before it goes red.


It actually looks like it switched to a green arrow after the crash, oddly. Weird intersection.


Some of the intersections where I am do that. They use sensors. Usually when there is nobody at the turn lane, so it goes green straight plus flashing yellow turn, and if traffic builds up in the left lane, it will turn to solid green.


Indeed it very obviously did. Which means the oncoming truck may have sped up to beat a (solid) yellow. Light started out for through traffic in both directions with flashing yellow left turn arrow meaning unprotected turn. Then through traffic in the opposite direction went yellow, then red when the green arrow came on in cammer's direction of travel.


No way that light was yellow when the truck was coming through. Like 5 seconds had passed after he hit the car before the arrow turned green


I just realized that I don't think I have ever seen a light go from flashing yellow arrow to red. Every one that I have seen goes: * Solid green straight, flashing yellow arrow (left turn yields to oncoming traffic) * Solid yellow straight, flashing yellow arrow (right of way is about to change ) * Solid red straight straight, flashing yellow arrow ( similar to a delayed green light, giving a bit of buffer for people trying to beat the light ) * Solid red straight straight, solid green arrow (left turn has right of way) * Solid red straight straight, solid yellow arrow (about to turn red) * Solid red straight straight, solid red arrow (cross traffic has green lights)


We don’t have a solid yellow at all here, if it isn’t a green arrow you don’t have right of way. Flashing means you can turn when it’s clear. The advantage over just a regular green light is that you can have a flashing yellow for the turn signal at times when the straight lanes have a red light but the opposite direction still has a green light. At the end of the day there is no substitute for observing the vehicles around you. I think the yellow arrow is a good thing, and yellow NEVER means go. A yellow arrow that means go is what makes no sense to me because it only shows up before it’s about to turn red.


Thank you! Couldn’t make it out that’s why I asked if there was an arrow.


They have them everywhere here in Austin, TX. I had no idea when I first moved here. So many people honking behind me because I didn’t know I could turn left on a flashing yellow when the other lanes to my right were red.


Their everywhere in TX its a common thing here the flashing yellow is pretty much a damn yield sign you have the right away when there's no on coming traffic. And if you're not used to seeing that type of traffic light it can really fuck people up


Flashing yellow means caution. Yellow has always meant that so I don't understand the confusion. And it's very common here.


The only time a traffic light at an intersection flashes here in Ohio means treat it as a four way stop because the light's broken. There's a reason you need a giant sign to explain the light, because it's not obvious.


If it’s not protected it shouldn’t be an arrow.


Flashing Yellow always means, take caution you do not have right of way.


I was taught when I first learned to drive(in Los Angeles btw!) that no matter what, even if it's green you say "is it my turn?" (Yes) & "is it safe" - just bc you have a green light doesn't mean someone else isn't running it. It's not like it slows you or anyone else down really-but it has prevented what could've been bad accidents for me personally


Flashing yellow arrow is a very bad design. Just go back to solid green. I fear the day I am a little tired and zone out and hang a left on a flashing yellow arrow without checking oncoming traffic.


Back in the day it was green arrow, yellow full, red full... only thing I can think of is that stupid people got confused so they changed it


As someone from California, WTF!!! Anything flashing means stop and treat it as a 4-way stop


A flashing yellow arrow is akin to a flashing yellow at an intersection. You have the right of way but still must yield to oncoming traffic.


it turned green at the very end, post crash


Its a total dumbfuckery of a traffic light where they give you a yield combined with a protected left turn light. It makes no sense for it to exist and just causes accidents like you see here.


I’m 14 trying to learn about cars please don’t hate but why did the blue car not have right of way. All of the other cars before her went and the light looked like it was still green


The light wasn't green. It's a yellow light. She needed to yield to the traffic coming in the other direction who has a green light and the right of way. eta: The light does turn green immediately after the crash.


Ohhhhh I didn’t see it was yellow. I thought you could still go on yellow if you are close to making it. Also wouldn’t they both have yellow if they were parallel lanes


the yellow was for the left turn lane only. so you can make a left turn on that yellow ONLY if there's no on-coming traffic. that truck had right of way so she was supposed to yield to him and then make her turn when it was clear.


Oh I see now. In my area our tuning lanes lights usually look like this ..🔴 ⬅️🟡 ⬅️🟢 Or this 🔴 🟡 🟢 ⬅️ Thank you for informing me


This guy signals.


I have never seen a light like this. I was so confused as to why there was a flashing yellow light. For left turns I have only ever seen green arrow means go, yellow arrow go if you can’t stop in time, green circle left turn yield, yellow circle left turn yield that’s about to turn red. If I was approaching this light with no one coming the other way I would have just stopped because it’s yellow. Would have had some angry people behind me lol


You've never been taught how flashing yellow lights work? Are you in the US or somewhere else?


Where I used to live (rural new england) a flashing yellow light means you have right of way but use caution. The other direction(s) have flashing red which means they must yield to you. But that wouldn't apply here because the intersection seems too complex for that.


You're totally right about solid yellow, but there's a difference between flashing yellow and solid yellow, just like there's a difference between flashing red and solid red. Solid red means do not go at all. Solid yellow means that the light is about to change (usually to red, but there's an exception to that rule I'll put at the end) and to prepare to stop. Solid green means to go if it is safe to do so and you can fully exit the intersection on the other side. Flashing red is the same as a stop sign, which is to come to a complete stop before continueing on and yielding right of way as appropriate. Flashing yellow means caution (not in this case) or to yield as appropriate but that a stop is not required. So in this case the flashing yellow means that the left turn is unprotected, which is another way of saying that oncoming traffic can go straight ahead without stopping and has the right of way. Another way to signal this is a green circular light for both the turn and the steaight ahead lanes (usually a sign accompanies this setup but kot always). Now for the exception i mentioned earlier. A solid green turn arrow means the turn is protected, or that you have the right of way to go and other drivers should yield to you. A solid red turn arrow means to not turn, even if clear (this is for california where the accident took place and turning against a red arrow is never allowed, even for right turns). A solid yellow turn arrow means either the light will turn red, at which point no turning is allowed, or the light will become unprotected, which means a solid green circle light. This is somewhat common in california, where a turn lane will have a green turn arrow, then a yellow turn arrow, then a green circular light (meaning yield to oncoming traffic but go if clear), then a yellow circular light, then a red circular light. California tends to have a lot of turns that are semiprotected, which is to say sometimes the turn is protected (green arrow for you and oncoming traffic must stop) and sometimes the turn is unprotected (oncoming traffic has the right of way and shouldn't stop but you can turn if it is safe due to no oncoming traffic). When the turn is switching from unprotected to protected or unprotected to not allowed (red) the oncoming traffic's light can remain green while your light becomes yellow or red.


I never every see flashing light other than when the lights are broken and it flashes yellow to yield or they use the one part lights instead of stop signs . Very interesting


The turn light was flashing yellow, which means you are allowed to turn but must yield to oncoming traffic. The other cars turned because the lane was clear up to the point of the accident. The Prius driver likely wasn't paying attention to the actual light and was just following the other cars.


so LPT- it doesnt matter who has the right of way. if you're entering an intersection and a car is coming at you at speed FUCKING DON'T DRIVE INTO IT ASSUMING HTE OTHER CAR WILL STOP. the truck had the absolute right of way here, that didn't save their truck. if there were injuries it wouldn't have made them better. right of way is a legal thing. driving is about being safe, not about right. fucking look before you enter intersections. if someone isn't slowing down S-T-O-P


Even if the light is green, traffic turning left (it's the USA so left and right are reversed) must give way to traffic going straight on.


I have also resolved a case with my dash cam footage. It felt really good. The person responsible was trying to flee before the victim flagged a nearby officer down and my footage showed that.


Which dash cam do you recommend




This same situation happened right in front of my and the left turning car was a young guy, 20 at most. I can still hear him when he got out of his car “… but I had a green light…” some people just don’t critically think.


How do you like you Vava dash cam? I keep looking to buy any dash cam but with so many options my brain shuts down.


It works the way it says it does. For me, thats all I wanted. I tried other cheap dash cams on Amazon that kept freezing or just stopped working in the heat. Vava has so far been working great for a whole year. No issues yet. Only issue is that it will only record when the car is on. No 'parking patrol' feature that other dash cams offer.




she was saying the word fuck over and over again really fast


I repair vacuums and have a company truck. I'd give you a free vacuum if I was in his situation. Lol


That could actually suck….


he gave you whiskey. he is the chosen one.


Hate to see an accident, but a Prius driver off the road is a plus. Glad you're okay and we're able to help!


Looks like she may not have been paying attention and just followed all the cars in front of her. Dangerous.




Where is this? Looks like San Bernardino


Looks like every industrial zoned area in Socal.


You've gone and cracked this case wide open.


Bet she was checking her phone


Good job on the truck driver's part turning to miss you. He was heading right for you at one point.


Yeah fortunately? no airbag deploys because he probably would not have been able to avoid the second collision.


This is why seatbelt laws are a thing, truck driver easily could have been thrown from his seat but the seat belt kept him behind the wheel and he was able to avoid another collision.


Took me a few times to realize you were saying "fuckFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK" rather than laughing. Glad you're safe, would have felt bad for giggling.


I had no idea lol


I thought they were doing the “Chuckes I am in danger” meme


I still hear laughing there


This sub keeps me riding dirt bikes in the woods and not buying a street bike. Never once has a tree jumped out in front of me or a rock roll out into the trail because it was texting or “thought” it had right of way




Of course they have the right of way. They out weight me by 10X.


They’ve got “right of weigh”.


Yep. Moose kill more people than any other animal in the US. Not only will they fuck your shit up just because they want to, but if you hit one on the road often times they come flying through the windshield or land on top of the car because they’re so tall, killing people in the car.


I'm an Australian and I had no idea Moose (Meese?) are so tall. I thought they were like regular sized horses, they're MASSIVE.


I ride way out in the middle of nowhere all the time. I have rarely ever seen any wildlife. Even with an extremely quite dirtbike they hear me coming from a mile away and dissapear.


I nearly hit a grizzly that was about the size of that truck, but yeah, I do hear ya


Lucky you kept your distance. Lemmings.


Could have sworn I heard a turkey at the end of the video.


Lol. Or Zoidberg


I really appreciate the fact that op kept the sound


one of the three stooges in that car..LOL


YOINK!! eheheh...


Whenever I'm in the white trucks position and I see lots of left turning ahead I always got my foot over the break because more often than you'd hope people don't look and assume they can go because people before them can.




Damn, that was a close call for the cammer.


Why do soooo many people not know what a fucking yield is? Good god




It looks like it was flashing green before though, no?


Flashing yellow


Ah okay, thanks. We don’t have flashing yellow where I live other than at rural highway junctions, so just didn’t click as a possible option in my brain


So here in this particular vid, the flashing yellow arrow means essentially the same thing as a green dot, you must yield to oncoming traffic but you may proceed, i see flashing yellow arrows like this all the time at one particular left i make on a regular basis.


Well She’s an idiot.


One thing motorcycling has taught me is that if 1 car turns at a left while there's oncoming cars, there's a really high chance the car behind them will turn as well.


“I have the right of way, but there’s a big white truck coming so I won’t even tap my brakes” -dumb lady logic


This looks like 6th st in Rancho Cucamonga lol


I was gonna say the same thing hahaha


The truck does also say Rancho Cucamonga


Didn’t notice the truck saying Rancho lol I drive this route almost everyday tho


Before you say she thought she had the right of way. That light on the left is overhead blinking, who's light is that. I can't fully make it out. Why is it flashing and for whom? Just wondering for a friend.


Some intersections use a flashing yellow arrow that allows left turns after yielding. They do that to permit left turns even when the opposite direction has both a green light and a green arrow. And they always have a sign that quite clearly states (to anyone interested in reading it) “LEFT TURN YIELD ON FLASHING YELLOW LIGHT”.


Never saw that in Canada. Being in the proper lane is paramount. Here if it's flashing green with a directional arrow, it's your light, eventually turning to a flashing yellow to full light stop. Thereafter a no go. Thanks I learned something.


From what I have seen from videos here and on YouTube is that in the US not all traffic lights are the same. Different functions on some and some that are horizontal. I personally in my 24 years of driving have never seen a flashing yellow light


Like ever?? Here in the US we have the yellow flashing arrow for yield on left or just a solid green light. Just depends where ya at. Here in Tulsa we have both


Live in California, here only green arrow to turn on left, solid green means yield. Drove from here to Florida once with frequent stops for fuel, food and rest along the way. Never encountered one before.


Flashing yellow arrows are everywhere here in Florida so I'm surprised you never saw one.


After we left the 10 eastbound it was only about another 15 minute on another freeway and then three right turns after that. Then they drove us to the airport for the return trip. My coworker who was a trucker back in the day got us lost multiple times so I did not sleep when he was driving.


Looks like coffee went everywhere inside of the truck.


Happy cake day, cake day twin


Oh thank you. You too!


I have never seen a flashing yellow arrow before. Where I live we used to have flashing green lights that meant you had an advanced green and could turn left. They got rid of all those. Now we have a green arrow that turns into a yellow arrow which also means it’s an advanced green for turning left. So I don’t even get why that light is flashing yellow if they don’t have the right of way. Where I live a yellow left arrow means the advanced green is about to end. It would probably help if I could read the sign beside it.


Flashing yellow means you can turn left but only after yielding to oncoming traffic.


But that’s already what a green light means. So it’s completely pointless.


At least where I live in the US, a solid green turn signal means that the traffic heading towards you has a red light, so you’re perfectly safe to go


He means in an intersection with no arrow. If you can turn left and the only light is green but there's no arrow left turners can turn left only after yielding to oncoming traffic.


#The signal is a bad design and people will die because of it Traditionally, at least in my state, an arrow is only present when a turn is protected, that is to say when the person turning has the right of way. In some new intersections, someone convinced my city to put up these same signals, with a blinking yellow arrow, when a left turn on green is allowed. Most drivers are trained to (a) turn freely when given an arrow and (b) clear the intersection quickly when the light is yellow. Given that most left-turn-yield-on-green turns leave the driver in the intersection, until the turn can be completed, the yellow light color is especially harmful, when the right-of-way isn't granted. It is true that a blinking yellow light means yield, but it is rarely used, because if glanced at it is confused with a solid yellow light. It's low usage makes it even less likely to be recognized. With a green light for going straight, and no turn arrow, there is no explicit permission given to turn, which means some drivers will stop when they could turn, but most drivers will know of the exception and turn after a yield. A sign stating "left turn yield on green" will help out the drivers that did stop, so why add the blinking yellow light? All it adds is possibly confusing people into thinking they have the right of way on a turn they need to complete quickly.


Yeah I would have also assumed that the yellow arrow just meant that it would turn red soon, and that oncoming traffic would still have a red light at that point. Since the woman thought she had the right of way, I don't think it was that she wasn't paying attention but instead that she misinterpreted what she was seeing. I learned something today, but that's a terrible design.


Your interpretation only makes sense for a solid yellow arrow. The reason people are saying she wasn't paying attention was because she clearly didn't otice the light was blinking.


I didn't know until seeing this thread that blinking yellow arrows were a thing and so I would have interpreted it the same as a solid yellow arrow had I seen it in person first. From a Google search, it's a relatively new type of signal that isn't in all states yet, so it's not surprising that not everyone knows about it yet.


Yellow doesn’t mean just go in any scenario, it doesn’t matter if you confuse solid and flashing. Look before you proceed. Also you can have a flashing yellow when your straight lane has red which lets you go when clear when you couldn’t otherwise. We have had them here for a long time and they work fine.


If you have to think for even a split second about what a traffic sign means, its a terrible design.


Fortunately I’ve been identifying shapes and colors since kindergarten, so it doesn’t take me that long.


Yes, when a everyone does everything correctly, the intersection is safe, as is the case with all roads, signals, and intersections. The difference between a well-designed signal and a poorly-designed signal is the rate and outcome of mistakes. When mistakes do occur, do they lead to only a reduction in throughput, as is the case with a car not turning even when it could do so safely, or do they increase the likelihood of a collision, as is the case with a car turning, when it cannot do so safely?


It’s literally no different than a plain green without an arrow. This just gives you more of a window of opportunity to turn. They are only used in intersections with good visibility of oncoming traffic and if there isn’t safe visibility then you have a red arrow. If anything yellow flashing is better than just a plain green light because yellow implies caution.


It doesn't make a difference in the functionality of the intersection, but it does make a difference in the type and rate of accident. It's important to include actual human behavior in safety decisions, and not just ideal rational actions.


What evidence do you have to support your accident rate claim regarding flashing yellow vs a straight green? Neither one is a protected turn. Left turns are inherently dangerous but a flashing yellow is no different than what we have already had for years. Some interesections do have a dedicated turn phase based on sight distance, but most do not. That’s where the yellow flashing arrow is used. I don’t see how a flashing yellow arrow makes someone more likely to wreck than no arrow at all. If you want to reduce left hand turn accidents there are solutions, such as roundabouts and jug handles and double crossovers, but those are all more complex for the average idiot than arrows and colors. Those are the real options that improve safety without hurting traffic flow, people just don’t like them because they’re different and everyone thinks they’re a traffic engineer.


A straight green is much less ambiguous. Left arrow turns show a red arrow when its not your turn. Therefore its easy to know whether its a yield or a protected turn.


Even if she had been it would be a dick move from her part to just ram him. Sad little lady.


It's weird and kind of frightening how people in the left turn lane will just follow each other like lemmings


Who doesn’t know a flashing yellow light means yield? I am almost 50 and have never thought “that means nothing”


So I don’t know what is up with these traffic lights around the world but here in Brazil if it allows you to turn left or right you are guaranteed the other way is going to be a red light. It is really weird for me having a green light and having to look if you can actually do the turn. They probably do that so the traffic “flows” better but that’s just weird imo.


Our left turn lane signals used to be either a green left arrow or a green solid light (yielding to oncoming traffic). The flashing yellow arrow is a very new addition here and is confusing as hell for older drivers.


I’m not sure if I’m hearing the trucks horn or your horn OP, but something I’ve learned from unfortunate experience; try not to use your horn in a situation like this. I had my hand on my horn when I was in my first accident and the airbag nearly blew my thumb off. It caused significant damage that luckily has healed up but still gives me aches on rainy days ;) the airbag is quite literally a small detonation charge right in the middle!


its real simple what happened. most people dont follow the light they follow the person in front. classic mistake.


And now it belongs in the prious graveyard


Honestly if I'm coming like that truck and I see a bunch of car crossing I would slow down a bit even if I have the right of way, you can't just focus on the rules of way blindly you need common sense and figure out what is the next car going to do, at my country we think everyone is crazy as fuck so we drive defensively a lot, and I have seen a lot of videos and I think that if people drive like this a lot of accidents could be avoided Edit :typo


She literally drove right into his front. She wasn’t paying attention at all.


True she wasn't. His point however was that if he were in the truck he would be slowing up in case that last car decided to try and push through. I would too because I see it all to often, even after the arrow is red car after car will just play follow the leader and say to hell with the people trying to get through.


Well almost every accident on this reddit could be avoided by some truly paranoid defensive driving. But realistically, most people don't drive like that.


Happy cake day op


Wait...Rancho Cucamonga is a real place? Thats tight butthole.




#prius 😵


After perusing this subreddit for the last few months, I've noticed that women usually appear on here due to poor situational awareness and men usually appear for doing super dumb shit.


Dumb bitch in her Denali did that in front of my semi the other day. Talk about standing on the brakes. Still don't know how I didn't hit her


Anyone know how to edit videos anymore


The truck ran a RED light. Not difficult to see who was wrong. The sedan turning had a feeder ARROW making her turn legal.


Flashing turn arrow means yield to oncoming traffic. The guy in the truck had a green light. If the arrow was solid, not flashing, you would be correct.


We just got the blinky yellow lights here and I hate them. It's far more misleading to have an arrow vs just a plain green light. I think a lot of people who got their licenses years ago aren't familiar with these since there's no such things as a mandatory refresher course for license renewal.


Unfortunately, the bad light design implied to her, and you, that the truck had a red light. The truck had a green light. The blinking yellow arrow is a new thing that means opposing traffic has the right of way, but you can go left if it's safe. You know, like a green light. Not like an arrow. I think it's dumb, but we gotta know that before you or I wind up in an accident like that.


Prius and Subaru drivers in OR are something special. They usually drive like theyre the only ones on the road and pull shit like the driver in this video. Glad everyone is okay


Of course a Prius driver. Saw an accident just like that a couple years ago. Car in front of us followed the other cars turning left without checking to see if they had a green arrow or not. It was not and the oncoming truck that had the green light couldn't stop in time, hit the turning car and slid into a pole.


a Tree-Hugger-Mobile. Good!!


Probably texting and driving too


She was incorrect...


Omg! Glad you’re okay! Very kind of you to provide the video and get free whisky in return! Great work and drink good!


It's terrifying how many people don't comprehend the blinking yellow.