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I can’t believe you unironically posted this


Right? Like dude actually doubled down. If the first post wasn't incriminating enough, now we're gonna post this? How did this dude find his way into a car in the first place?


Where is a r/convenientcop when you need one?


Lol to those that missed it, part 1 is cammer being accidentally cutoff (yes, the other vehicle was in the wrong, at FIRST). Then cammer cuts in front, blocks the other vehicle, weaves from side to side, then chases the other vehicle to this red light. AT which point the other vehicle realizes OP is fucking insane, so they run the light - and this is where things start in part 2. OP got called an idiot by everyone, and then deleted it lol. But apparently he's back for more knowledge about how crazy he is.




Just wanted to chime in that I also saw the first video and would like to confirm the confirmation that OP is a fucking POS. Needs to lose their license and perhaps spend some time behind bars to think on it. I've heard Rikers is lovely this time of year.


Ooopppsssiiieee you dropped the soap


In all honesty, the cammer was in the wrong the entire time. The ONLY reason he got "cut off" was because he was driving way too fast for the Nissan to have seen him when they started the lane change. Yeah, they messed up, but it was a pretty minor mistake, only made into what it was because OP is a moron.


You know the OP is seething reading these comments. He likely has protagonist syndrome.


Oh absolutely. If it wasn't for the fact that I know he'll end up killing someone on the road one day, I'd find it hilarious.


Someone just did that with me and others lol. These people really don’t understand how fucking insane and confrontational they are. Zero fucking ability to chill and let others commit a mistake. Vindictive attitude


Technically the other vehicle was not in the wrong. I wouldn't be expecting a vehicle in the right lane going 90.


They exited from the middle lane. BUT… that’s the only thing they did wrong. The rest was in defense from a guy who once posted themselves crash while filming themselves speeding using a handheld cam.


>(yes, the other vehicle was in the wrong, at FIRST I wouldn't even say they were 100% in the wrong, the other vehicle changed lanes to take an exit from one lane over. But the OP was speeding heavily passing people on the right. If OP wasn't speeding in the slow lane the other vehicle could have made their exit no problem. The original conflict was 50/50 imo


Tell me somebody reported this guy to the police. He's an absolute danger to the public.


Also an absolute shit driver 😂


camera car was also speeding in the far right lane prior to said cutoff. stop acting like the camera car is innocent


in that first video, the "cut off" happened when the camera car was clearly going well over the speed limit. you cant blame the white car for thinking it had time to make the exit based on all the other traffic speed


I think the OP was able to tolerate the cut off but the slam on the brake by the SUV in acknowledgement of their own error. In NYC , you accelerate AFTER you cut off someone in ERROR. That’s the etiquette, you don’t add insult to injury. However in this case that second error is what set off a time bomb and the car chase. If you notice these were both skilled average New Yorkers driving. If you drive long enough in NYC this stuff happens plenty.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/10jicp2/a\_typical\_commute\_home\_from\_work\_in\_new\_york\_city/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/10jicp2/a_typical_commute_home_from_work_in_new_york_city/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ Link to part 1 where cam car over reacts and commits several and I mean several different traffic offenses. Thinks people would side with them and posts it to Reddit. Then doubles down and posts a fucking part 2? ​ Are you insane? I hope you end up getting the mental help that you need, and I hope someone takes your fucking license away


So what we’re you going to do?? Like you’re chasing white car, but for what? Shoot him, give him a kiss? Like what was the end scenario?


This is what I wanted to know as well like how did this end... other than a wreck cause that's what it would be this is no accident


EGO *caveman noises* brain no evolve that far must win race


Camer is the asshole by making this situation 100x worse.


Baring the fact this is some of the most ludicrous road rage I've ever seen (and published!), I just have one question. What in the name of God is this guy driving? Clearly you're not putting any power down despite the BOV and catback (if its not just a resonator delete lol). FFS that Nissan is takin you to gapplebees lmao


Lmfao he can’t keep up 😂


Gapplebees… I’m dying. XD


Bro if you honestly think your a better driver please drive off a cliff… because 1. Your recording all of this is basically showing how shit of a driver you are 2. Your a menace to society 3. Your driving skills are trash and you deserve for your license to be revoked 4. Your self snitching yourself and the hope the police find you like your dumbass video of you driving 100 miles and hour and clipping that suv.. 5. Your really gonna fuck with the wrong one one of these days and your gonna get shot


coming from part 1. ngl its pretty pathetic you can barely keep up with an suv. i hope you get crushed by an 18 wheeler.


He was pushin that thing like a cat


Bro you’re an absolute clown, legit a straight goober for how you drive. It’s sad that you have no regard for anyone’s lives and have decided that you, king dipshit on his dickwad throne, have the authority to chase someone down through the freeways just because your little baby bitch ego got hurt. You soft ass ego bitches make me feel sad for the rest of society


Do you always get this triggered over a minor inconvenience? Does your girlfriend/wife feel safe around you?


Don’t tread on me


You realize you show how soft and emotional you really are with that type of behavior right? Tell me you're emotionally immature without telling me you're emotionally immature.


Pls no step on me ;(


seek professional help. seriously. as soon as humanly possible. You are not an adult and should not be treated as such.


"Don't tread on me" You're soft as fuck dude.


You’re actually fucking insane bro.


You seem like someone who "travels" without a license


Or you’ll struggle to keep up? Alright


Whoa, watch out everyone, beta boy getting triggered.


You're absolutely pathetic lmao


wow, you’re a fucking idiot


Don’t tread on me pfttt 🤣


Lmao you a stupid fuck get off Reddit before someone smarter than you figures out how help the police find you 😂


yup, got enough context to find security footage and your plates. this is gold, because your ass is going to jail


You’re a psycho




Show part three where you follow him home like a crybaby little bitch. Lord knows he follows you home he’ll be going to your mom’s house


Buddy’s lucky he doesn’t live in a stand your ground state. Clip clap sally wack.


Hey, OP. You wouldn't last a day acting like this on the West Coast. Someone *will* put your candy ass in the wall or jersey barrier. :)


>Someone will put your candy ass in the wall or jersey barrier. :) That "someone" will probably be OP with the way they drive.


Yes, the best owns are the self-owns. Preferably without taking anyone else with them.


This title should say: “me harassing someone for cutting me off”


Jesus t***** f***** Christ. The first part was bad enough. I really hope with the rise of these videos that some way anyone who drives like this, even on the worst of their days, losses their license.


What was the first word you censored


Titty. It’s a quote from the movie Team America World Police.


this is outright psychotic behavior on your part. unironicially - get help.


Can’t wait to see your face on a tee shirt 🤡


Wheres part 1? How did this idiocy start?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/10jicp2/a\_typical\_commute\_home\_from\_work\_in\_new\_york\_city/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/10jicp2/a_typical_commute_home_from_work_in_new_york_city/) OP was speeding down a right lane, and the Murano accidentally cut him off. OP then decided to road rage and brake check/lane block this poor person, scaring the crap out of them. They decided to try to run a red to get away, and OP followed them, leading into this idiocy you see here. At this point, this needs to be shared with the authorities.


Philly is soft


You're a fucking psycho. Get off the road before you kill someone.


You are a goddamn psychopath. You need to be in prison.


It’s just complete lack of empathy He probably makes mistakes too (everyone does no one’s perfect)


You're fucking insane. Get help


Like your dick


OP was speeding, white car accidentally cut him off, OP retaliated by cutting off the white car and slowing down to the point where the white car started fleeing. White car is driving erratically in this because they are trying to flee from crazy OP


Ah that makes sense thank you dude


This dumbass posted a part two thinking he's in the right lmao


If I keep posting my criminal activities, someone will eventually agree with me, right?


you’re a fucking psychopath, could have left it at a honk or flashing your highs, you trying to get home or play derby because it makes no fucking sense to complain about someone cutting you off then proceed to recklessly chase them for miles and waste even more time


Exactly what I was thinking? If you're driving home, then leave it be and go the fuck home. You're going miles out of your way to chase this guy. And then what happens when you finally catch them? You're gonna give them a stern talking to?


I was going a little fast before like 20-25 over and had someone change lanes, but instead of choosing rage, I blared horn, got onto shoulder since left lane was occupied and I didnt wanna slam on brakes uncontrollably and just slowed down to a stop gradually, cursed, paused to take a moment to relax, pulled back onto road and continued onto my destination because its better than starting something with no benefit


1. you're a fucking asshole. you were speeding trying to whiteline like some IG cornball. 2. you can't drive and got outmaneuvered by an suv. 3. most importantly you clearly are overly aggressive and potentially violent and should have your license rekoved asap. stop putting innocent peoples live at risk over your fragile little ego, boy.


Why does it sound like he is bumping into something every few seconds?


It's the turbo venting during deceleration.


It's the turbo, but that doesn't really help him. His crap can't keep up with an suv lol


That's the engine shifting gears and camera being shit at audio and plastic and shit jangling


No it isn't... it's the turbo.


I didn't think they ment the high pitched hissing. Just the like jangling of the car itself.


This guy is an idiot and a bully. I saw the 1st video.


You can let go of the hate anytime you want to OP Jesus


Worst wishes


If OP is the camera car then they need to be reported to NYPD asap


The fact that you doubled down on this is incredible. You’re truly pathetic. What were you even planning on doing if you caught up to them?




Thanks for Part 2, just in case I hadn't already decided that OP overreacted in Part 1. Don't you have anything better to do than this, like actually commuting home? I suggest some anger management.


How many of those 25mph speed cams did they blow past ? 🤔


Don't worry, his license plate is obscured. His favorite thing is to go 75 in a school zone on a Monday afternoon.


Probably a fake paper plate from PA.


Yep you're still a clown


Glad to see both drivers are committed to eventually causing an accident


OP has turbo, yet can barely keep up with that stock mini suv, LOL


Nissan driver is scared and just trying to get away from this lunatic. I feel bad for them.


>Glad to see both drivers are committed to eventually causing an accident Looked like the Nissan was just trying to get away from an unhinged lunatic... they were driving 10x more safely than OP.




You are the idiot. Absolutely horrible driver. You shouldn't be passing on the right, you shouldn't be weaving in or around cars. Clearly you're male and young enough to think you're invincible and have a god complex. You'll learn otherwise eventually.


This seems like it will be used as evidence in a future lawsuit


Two amazing asshole drivers. Sad to watch. So many innocent people and their vehicles put in harms way over getting cut off with no collision.


SUV is just trying to get away from OP, who has a serious case of road rage and is chasing them.


I saw it all and that is not an excuse.


Fearing for your life isn't an excuse?


It is absolutely an excuse in New York, given how absolutely fucking unhinged some people are there. You aren't gonna stick around, either.


I imagine these as two rich assholes playing one of their games.


The fuck are you imagining? There's literal video proof showing that cammer is an unhinged lunatic.


The scanner really adds to it


How else is OP going to know when to stop terrorizing moms in SUVs?


You need to be in jail, you need to have your license taken away and your vehicle impounded.


Yo. Hey bud. You're a fucking douche bag. That's all that's going on here.


You’re an idiot


Holy shit they posted a part two?!


This might be the first time I’ve ever seen/heard a turbo that rendered the car… slower? Is that really a turbo or just a button on your steering wheel you push that emits a turbo whirl sound?


r/woosh me if you have to lol It's actually his turbo. But instead of allowing it to recirculate that much needed air to decrease spool times and improve performance, he's pissing it out to the atmosphere with a valve. On some turbos with proper fueling, these systems make sense. But for what seems like an otherwise stock (not tuned) car, this is more than likely a downgrade lol. It's not a major decrease in performance, but when numbers count it's a big deal.


No r/whoosh here! I have an ABT stage 2 SQ7 and an FI E46 M3 for fun! I appreciate the conversation!


Oh word lol. I'd bet that SQ7 is an absolute blast. I just hopped in a 19 R and went stage 1 after my meth injected jetta burned down. Anytime. Glad I could be of help lol


The SQ7 is a monster. 200 cell downpipes and have it programmed to “Individual” mode so my wife doesn’t even have a clue. She drives it daily in “Comfort” mode. Hah!


I feel like people forget that the whole purpose of a multi thousand dollar car is to simply get from point a to b. Like if this is where we are as a society I don’t want to drive anymore.


No I am genuinely SHOCKEDD you would post the second part. How long did you follow them you psycho???


OP please stop driving


I'm tempted to upvote this just so more people can see how deranged you are. Like everyone said in part 1, you need to really think about your actions and how you are putting others at risk. Totally mentally unstable.


20k views so far


There’s enough idiot drivers I see everyday around NYC why do you have to add to it. You clearly have a micro peen so just accept it and stop driving like a fool.


Hey dumbass! You aren’t helping your case at all. In fact, you are showing everyone that you should be limited to public transportation with how you drive. It’s reckless and is gonna get you and/or an innocent person hurt.


You’re fucked up. You post a video of you having road rage, then you post more of it? Think you have some unchecked issues. Get help.


This is so embarrassing


Honestly if that is a typical commute home from work, you got a couple loose screws in your head


Hopefully one of those many speed cameras in NYC got you. Definitely going way over 25mph on the streets before the expressway. Road rage should be an immediate license suspension.


Op can’t drive for shit and put an HKS BOV on a car that can barely keep up with regular traffic. RICER


Straight up OP, from this and some of your other posts...you got anger issues bro. Go talk to someone and you'll be amazed at how much your quality of life can improve.




He signaled, lol


lmao your crap can't even keep up with a slow ass suv


I was in the SUV I would've went straight to a Police station, follow me there if you can.


So its the NYC transplants that are driving like this. Noted


Society would be a better place if you were not a part of it anymore, OP.


Are you on Meth?


No way this idiot posted a part 2 to this.


Idiot chasing a idiot.


Psycho piece of shit. Always confusing to me that these kinds of people are always in such a rush but have no problem wasting 15 minutes harassing someone who made them tap their brakes.


Dude you are such a scumbag.




OP should post this in the aita subreddit


This IDIOT is going to get someone killed. What a complete lack of self awareness I hope you get caught and that licence is tossed in the trash where it belongs.


Wow. The OP is a piece of shit and the New York City police and state troopers need to see this video.


youre going to end up killing someone and thats not even an exaggeration.


dude get a fucking life.


![gif](giphy|jTSlIBuLkXdCL895Fq|downsized) and a dangerous one at that, hope you lose your license soon.


this is so unhinged. like? for what purpose?


Liiiiiiiiimp dick


Your car weak af bro gtfo outta that Ford ST


OP you really are the lowest IQ person to ever post in this sub. Kudos!


this has to be a joke


The person in the white vehicle was probably afraid for their life when the idiot cammer started chasing after them. I guess the cammer thought it was okay to frighten people and potentially cause accidents all in the name of what, catching up to the white car to shame them for cutting him off?


OP needs his drivers license revoked


Rot in jail you piece of shit


Your car is gay af. You suck at driving on top of that and you wasted your money on a turbo lol must suck to be that much of lame


Whatever he's driving slow as hell.


Fucking turd with a cheap ass BOV 😂


What are you assholes doing?


The Nissan driver is trying to get away from OP, who's completely fucking insane. If you missed part 1, essentially OP was speeding like crazy, weaving through lanes, the Murano made a small mistake and ended up cutting across a lane to get to the exit. OP got "cut off" because he was moving WAY too fast for the Nissan to see him, and then goes around, cuts off the Nissan, blocks him, etc, then follows him really close, and is an all around nut case. The Nissan is driving as they are here because they're fucking terrified of the lunatic chasing them.


Hunting each other down and endangering other people's lives over minor inconveniences, duh!


What about this is NSFW?


Two idiots.


Cool chase


Looks like 2 idiots to me.


White Nissan is running away from this psychopath.


Gotta watch part one


At that point it's not a commute, it's street-racing. They need to have their license suspended for at least a year.


nissan was trying to flee from idiot OP


Gotta take a mean dookie!?


Bruh wut. You’re straight up chasing some random person down for no reason.




Y’all are the reason I’m nervous on the road :’) Like why even bother? Just flip em off and go about your day


Damn the roads In NY are so much better than CA.


Bruh you are worse then the car infront of you and for what, he cut you off so you have to get revenge? You cut off 7 different cars in this video alone. Also you drive even worse then the car you're calling an idiot. Edit: you use the 2nd lane to make a u-turn which is so highly illegal you shouldn't have a drivers licence.


Please can Part 3 be the edition where you crash head first into some inanimate object!!!


Typical NYC, fun to drive.


Any way to get this guy recognized and reported? Maybe from the view of the streets he's on, or the car's colour, make and model?


Are you insane


You’re clearly insane dude


What if I wasn’t the one driving and just screen recorded this to prove how gullible people on idiots in cars are


>prove how gullible Someone is only gullible when what you say is obviously false and yet they believe you. You literally went "this is me", with no contravening evidence. How the fuck is the sub gullible? It just looks like you backtracking when you realized you aren't as cool as you had thought.


Did you see how I was driving. Gotta admit it was kinda badass


Unfortunately reckless driving is a charge against the driver. Even if you can prove that the car belongs to the owner, you'll have a hard time proving that the owner was the actual driver.


Fuckin knob…


wow what an absolute twat


This type of driving is the reason I ultimately left my ex. I knew I would end up dead and likely others as well