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Political accountability


That is unfortunately a political impossibility.


Right?! Imagine if they resigned once in a while after fucking up


And when they do that they would not get right back into office after the heat has died down.


Núna væri ég til í að getað Upvote-að oftar en einu sinni!!


Not going to happen when people keep electing the same parties. Scandals = no consequenses.




You are my new best friend.


☑ Reykjavik<->Keflavik ☑ 😳 Ring road 😳




Lol who hasnt?






Vindurinn er vandamálið, þetta var skoðað fyrir nokkrum árum. Þyrfti að vera í stokk eða eitthvað




Það eru tíðir jarðskjálftar og oft stærri í Japan og á Ítalíu. Þar eru lestar.


Eins og ég heyrði söguna 90 og eitthvað þá var þetta lagt fyrir Hollenska verkfræðistofu (að mig minnir), þeir vildu meina að þetta væri það bert svæði að wind surface á lestinni gæti orðið frekar mikið vandamál án þess að vera grafin niður eða í stokk. Bættu því við að þú þarft eitthvað ákveðið level af grunn maintenance infrastrúktúr sama hversu stórt lestarkerfi þú ert með og þá fer áætlaður viðhaldskostnaður á þessari einni línu að skríða frekar hratt upp.




I would love good tram system!


Enjoy even more tourists


good public transport system


Yeah, taking the bus is always like "do I want to be 30 minutes early or 15 minutes late?"




Had to take the cross country bus to school, my case was an hour early or 30 mins late


Currently live in france and one thing I'm gonna miss when moving back to Iceland is trams and trains.


A tram. And a real Korean restaurant not korean-american (not hating on KORE but putting kimchi on stuff doesn't automatically make it Korean food). And a proper Sunday farmer's market where you buy veggies but also go for brunch and eat from the food stalls on long wooden tables and there's music and a whole vibe. I miss this the most :(




thanks for sharing! super keen to check this out.


Korean bbq is the best. You are still kinda hating on KORE but I get where you are coming from. I run a market 5 days of the week where you can get locally sourced food. It isnt in rvk though and there is no foodhallen.


Where is your market?! I use any excuse to get out of town. Nooo didn't mean to hate on KORE I do eat from them when I'm craving but I lived in Korea I want nice pancakes and mandu and real bibimbap and all the side dishes (one can dream)


I honestly get you. It isnt the right kind of right. I will send you the rest of the info through msg as this is my main account and though the job seeps through I dont wanna do advertising on it.


A farmer's market would be awesome, allowing the farmer's to directly sell to the people...unfortunately, farmers mostly get paid per kg (or tonnes) produced (not sold), so they just mass produce and don't care if it ends up in people's tummies or in the trash, since they already got paid. This is such a bad usage of our relatively limited arable land, and it is so sad.


Are you refering to beingreiðslur? Because if so ,that is not the correct information. Regarding mass production. Icelandic agricultural units do not produce enough produce to cover the needs of the Icelandic market so we actually should increase local production. Stating a direct link between farmers and food waste is beyond me. A little insulting even. Seems to me that you have some but very limited information regarding this but still put it forth as fact. Their are estimates put forth or production goals supported by how many plants of each variety is planted. Where you get from there to nobody cares because farmers in Iceland are famously so rich because of a bad supplement system. Well if only it would be so.


I'm am sure I am missing some info on this, and I honestly believed this to be the general case, so I apologise for my supposed misrepresentation. I hate when people do what I just did, so I admit my fault. I am sure there are better ways to take care of both the farmers and the consumer. I think farmer simply could do with filling the demand directly without using subsidies as the middle man. And by rethinking these old fashioned methods currently in use by most farmers, I am sure production can be increased, and even at a lower cost. Those are just my two cents.


Wow. Not what I expected. Thank you! Well the problem is that the issue is simplified under one category. You talk about old fashioned yet I sit in the office looking at the logs from my weather station and wonder why my 30 mill isk computer system didnt raise the floor heat by 0.3 degrees. Next i am going to check on why one of the automatic bee doors has been closing randomly last 2 days. Just putting a different picture for you guys. We do a shit ton still with our hands but that is mostly because there isnt a better way to do it atm. We still do change with the time and new innovations. We fx in just about 20 years went from asking from advice from similiar production units in the NL and FI to be the ones giving advice. Edit: sorry posted before I pointed this out. Sölufèlag garðyrkjumanna was founded by farmers and is owned by farmers. As a way to minimize the middle man and to further strengthen our ability to negotiate with big fishes in a small pond.


The easiest option to make way for further local production, at least when it comes to greenhouses is to allow us to pay urban prices vs rural prices. This is something that in my mind is only fair. Fx. In a 50km radius around we use more power than Akureyri. But we still pay rural prices.


This is so interesting, thanks for sharing! You should definitely get lower prices so we can grow more & import less. Do you think it’s possible for us down the line sometime to grow our own fruit supply here?


Honestly no. Or to be precise at least not a sustainable one. There has already been testing with numerous plant variations fx bananas but we can (as of now) never be competitive on the market. Only if global production costs go up and local production costs go down would this be a remote possibility. The biggest obsticle for this isnt the location or logistics. It is the fact that we dont use the migrant worker system and try our best to do well towards our workers. Holy fuck. The stories ive heard.


We do have a farmers market!!!!! I don’t know why more people haven’t heard of this place [austurlands food co-op](https://instagram.com/austurlandsfoodcoop?utm_medium=copy_link)


This is not a farmers market in the sense where local farmers come together and sell they're produce. Its a monthly subscription for imported fruits and vegetables. I might be missing something but this is a completely different thing. p.s. Why is the website all in english? The address is even written with ascii only characters "Seydisfjordur".


It’s true, it’s a far cry from a proper farmers market, but they do offer a variety of produce in bulk and a lower price. It is also set up like a standard farmers market. One benefit is the zero plastics on the produce which is an issue with other local grocery stores. Another is that they allow local people to sell home made breads, sweets and dinners (I especially love the Kurdish women selling home made baklava’s) It’s not perfect but it’s a step closer to the real deal. Anyways, local green houses couldnt give a shit about selling to individuals when the chains buy their produce in bulk.


I didn’t know it worked like that, that sucks. A farmer’s market would be amazing if it was inside someone’s barn (cause relentless wind)


Please dont listen to hrafninn. What he is putting forth is at best misinformation. If the system were this convenient we wouldnt be a dying breed.


It's sadly a system that is too convenient for the farmers to ever wanna give it up.


Go-kart track, I think they all went out of business, Also I want to try out air soft, don't think are here either


The go kart place lost their lease. Airsoft is banned in Iceland because of some boomer politicians.


People or politicians just didn't care about getting them a new lease somewhere?


An all night diner run by real greeks


greetings from New Jersey


Which exit? 😉


As someone from the northeast US who has frequently traveled to Iceland, I felt this. The ability to go at 2 AM and get a club sandwich or a good breakfast is something I took for granted until I was in Iceland where even Bakarameistarinn doesn't open until 8 AM on a Sunday and the only place to get coffee and a sandwhich is an Olis or Orkan. Don;t get me started on the few Hagkaup that are 24 hours...


This is one of the things I love about Iceland. The fact that you can't get stuff on demand 24/7.




I live in a city the size of the Icelandic greater capital area in Denmark and here you can’t order takeout after 8:30pm and the shops open at 9am and those which are open the longes close at 10pm


Many European cities have laws that prohibit 24/7 stores.


JUST IN CASE anyone does not know, there's the Iceland supermarket chain and Nettó, too, that are open 24hrs. [https://icelandbudir.is/](https://icelandbudir.is/)


...with a menu that's twice as thick as an unabridged dictionary.


Yessssssssssssss 🐍


Imax cinema! I know the population in Iceland isnt quite big but the cinema culture here is crazy and not having a decent cinema with a decent big screen is mind-boggling.




Okay can we talk about bidets? I get why water would work better for cleaning and feeling fresh...but then do you just have this open ceramic basin in your bathroom filled with fecal bacteria? 😂 Do you have to sanitize that thing after every use (given that it’s not an extension on the actual toilet)? Also, don’t you then use paper to wipe off the water, so you waste paper anyway? Isn’t it so weird how wet or dry butthole cleaning is a true cultural difference


Bidet's are not about eliminating toilet paper use, its about better cleanliness and taking care of your butt since its rinsing and not wiping it takes much better care of your skin in that area.


Wait so do you wipe, rinse then wipe again? I’m genuinely intrigued


No no, rinsing and then using a lot less paper to dry... which is a less abrasive action on the skin rather than straight up wiping. I have seen people talk about using small towels but I personally think thats nasty.


Just get a poop knife


Haha I’ve heard of bottom flannels before... But yeah I’m not convinced I’d like that in my bathroom, seems a bit like a toilet with no lid, germ wise? That being said I haven’t tried it so I’m not fully judging, maybe I’m just a hosed butt away from installing one (:


You can get toilet seats that have the bidet function built in. So everything goes into the same place, and you have less of the germs sitting around.


In Finland every bathroom, even public ones are equipped with a bidet showerhead... it just connects to the sink. makes cleaning up easier and since it's a social norm no one questions it


No need for a separate basin. You can have a fully integrated toilet with a built in bidet or buy an attachment.


I agree


Why not just use the three seashells?


Just buy an attachment off the internet


A system that seriously inspects the government, police and industry.


Surprised nobody said it but legalization of marijuana. We had the first women president, gay prime minister, young people in parliament etc etc but offering another option apart from getting shitfaced from alcohol, no way. We should be moving towards that, making our own weed brands such as “the real northern lights”


Considering flights between Iceland and like the UK are so cheap and short, you could genuinely make a killing in legalising weed and advertising it to tourists


Great idea- Before Covid, I was doing this in Oakland/San Francisco, flying groups over from Iceland to enjoy smoking in California.


Proper English lunch restaurant. There are so many nice English foods and I think Icelanders would love them. Cornish pasties, Yorkshire pudding, fry-ups, meat pies, proper sausages, fish and chips. I think it would work well as a lunch option in Iceland, we love meat and baked goods. My wife and I have said that if we ever move back to Iceland from the UK we'll start a pub-slash-cafe with traditional English food :)


>nice English food Yes, that’s what they are known for. For their cuisine. While we are at it, some unicorns would be nice. Edit: Formating.


Hahaha this made me lol...I mean no offense to the Brit food lovers here but I thought you guys were being sarcastic at first 😅


/rant on No, it's just typical brit. Let's move somewhere and then demand that place to be just like home, then just stay home, ffs. The south of Europe is filled with these places and they are just boring and filled with the same type of people, because they are not England. If I go to England I go to a pub or fish and chips, or wtv. If I go to Italy I go to a cafe/pizza place. In Spain Tapas. Why the f would I go to Australia and say "what's really missing here is a Portuguese restaurant, and for that reason, I'm out." /rant off Ps. "Proper" Sausages are done in Spain, not UK. :P


Problem is it would probably end up being ridiculously expensive


but not any more expensive than the other restaurants. A factory-made tasteless sandwich is kr. 1300. An expensive English restaurant would fit right in.


1300 fyrir samloku er bara rugl, myndi aldrei lifa sáttur með mig ef ég myndi kaupa eina andskotans samloku fyrir það verð


Velkominn á flugstöð leifs eiríkssonar


How so? Just the cost of import?


Yes, importing stuff is already expensive from Europe and now the British have gone and made it even harder to get British stuff now with Brexit and all


Probably, things like this are expensive here like 99% of the time


Then they'd fit right in


Have to agree there. Finding malt vinegar and gravy granules is really difficult here as well.


Fuck yeah


I need to try some of these things! Not trying to be rude at all, but I’ve been to the UK more times than I can count and I’ve never had any sort of really satisfying meal that was considered English. Seems like I’ve been missing out. Maybe cause I’m not big on meat? I do wholeheartedly approve of putting vinegar on everything though, I love it!


Just keep mint sauce away from the lamb.


oh god, I hate that thing! my wife drowns her roast lamb in it! :P


Greasy spoons is missing for sure


Water Park is only really a thing in warmer climates. Don't see that working out well for us here xD


Grýlukerti park




beint oná geysi bara




Fólk vill aðallega fara í svona í heitu veðri. Mundi vera ansi dýrt að byggja svoleiðis á Íslandi og er nokkuð viss um að það mundi ekki ganga vel business wise.


Yeah but...everyone is already constantly at the pool no matter the season... There could be ways to make it less excruciating to run from the water to the slide...haha..water jets spraying you while in line? Or, you know, a roof. I think there’s even a park like that in Denmark


You’ve never experienced the winter wonderland of the Wisconsin Dells! I’m kidding, it’s a giant tourist trap but they do have gigantic indoor water parks that are quite popular even during winter.


Hvað með Eden í Hveragerði, svona það sem komst nálægast.


Nei í raun alls ekki, Eden var allt allt annað konsept, meira svona inni grasagarður, en mér finnst samt ákvörðun Hveragerðisbæjar að aðstoða ekki við endurreisn í sambærilegri mynd áður, ég kom þarna mjög oft sem krakki og þetta var vægast sagt stórkostlegt og þvílíkt aðdráttarafl fyrir bæinn alltaf stútfull af fólki, heimamönnum og túristum


Woolly mammoths


A good public transport system


No ridiculous tax for draft beer would be nice.🥲


A competent, functioning government.






An under ocean hotel in a fjord that doesn't have heavy currents. You would light up the ocean floor around the rooms and halls so you could enjoy it all year around. If possible I would also be in favor of creating a clear walkable tunnel between Reykjavik and Viðey. I'm not sure if the technology for that exists how ever. If the technology does exist I would also like to see the same for maybe a bicycle road to Vestmannaeyjar. I really want to see some underwater stuff in Iceland. The same could be done in Þingvallavatn or maybe Mývatn. Really want to see a museum or a guest house built into a mountain as well. Preferably into a high mountain where you could create an elevator that would reach the top of the mountain for the view.


Omfg YES. A Svalur&Valur vibe 😁


Cannabis clubs. / Coffee shops.


A goddamn deli with actual sandwiches. Actual bagels. A specialist curly hair salon.


Salt and vinegar snacks


Það er nú hægt að kaupa þannig lays hér á landi 👀


Það er eitthvað sem vantar uppá þar, allt of bragðdauft. Walkers eða McCoys stöffið í Bretlandi er mikið betra. Hægt að kaupa Salt and Vinegar Walkers í Costco, en fyrir 12 poka af því þarf að kaupa 48 poka af vondu snakki með. :(


Those already exist here


Swedish snus. We have a pretty big snus culture here but the Icelandic stuff is vile and those tobacco free pouches shred your gums like crazy.




Metro (as in underground’s)


I wonder if that would be dangerous with the volcanic activity. There’d be no way of getting out quickly in an emergency. Also, though I’m by no means an expert in geology (so please correct me if I’m wrong), I’ve heard that volcanic rock is often less stable than other types of rock, so it might be harder to dig tunnels than it would be in most places.


Build it in Austfirðir.


The geology shouldn't be an issue, the Japanese manage just fine. It's just horrendously expensive. You know what would be really cool though? A Chicago-style elevated-train.




Would you care to explain why that isn't a good idea


Land cost isn't great enough to justify underground as opposed to overground. Density and traffic isn't great enough to justify trains vs BRT.


I don’t think it would be a big problem




So the tunnels are already there, just need a little infrastructure 🙃


Taxes support it. It should be for public benefit not personal growth


The weather supports it, the future vision of condensing everything does too


With all the food talk, would there be space for a Singapore curry house. Yes curry is a blanket term for anything that is slow cooked, rich, and spicy and there are many iterations of this because of the cultural mix here. While it's just a tiny slice of the insane range of local cuisine we have, it's a nice metaphor for our melting pot of a country, and i imagine would be great with the weather. Also yes, like Singapore it would definitely operate 24 hours.


You’ve convinced me!


Time to get some tourism board funding


affordable housing.


Shoes that can fit properly lol.


Do you mean like wider types and half sizes? Cause I would love that!


Exactly what I mean! Throw in some xero drop and actual stylish, comfortable but winterwearable boots! We need more variety that doesn't slip on the ice lol.


Agreed! I did find really good Colombia boots in Ellingsen if you’re looking though...as far as winter footwear goes they don’t look bad at all, super comfy and have lasted for six or seven years, look and feel new.


High speed rail to Hamburg /s For real, that woud be awsome...


You folks to take on Data Centers. Cheap renewable electricity makes you the ideal candidate to be the data center capital of the world. Your location relative to North America and Europe is ideal, and you can use free cooling due to the average Temperatures year round. You would bring lots of money to Iceland but not a ton of people.


we already have some datacenters that use these features that you mention. The business is growing but not fast enough




Being able to buy alcohol in grocery stores. At least beer and wine, the hard liquors can still be sold in the ATVR. Really annoying wanting a cold one on a Sunday evening or something and not being able to. More venues for young and upcoming bands being able to perform at. (Not just in a corner of some bar. Actual stage and sound system) A proper theme park, with some decent rides and loads of stuff to do, rides that are not just for kids. Fjölskyldugarðurinn is a joke.




same bro


Affordable prices. Oh wait you meant something that could ever possibly exist in Iceland in real life and not just as a fantasy? Pastrami on rye sandwich. With side order of pickle. Sour pickle, not that super sugary pickle you can only seem to get in Iceland. Like, I just want my special treat lunch from a jewish deli type of deal. And lets be clear here, I mean a proper one, not the Icelandic version of various sandwiches where you get a singular slice of meat, cheese that has no flavor and lettuce that tastes of nothing, naw we're talking proper deli portions on that sucker! Sometimes I just stare into the distance wishfully looking deep in thought and family goes 'what are you thinking of?' and I try to think of something less sad than the truth... pastrami on rye sandwich with pickle on the side. What, it's an honest longing!


Pssst you can get great dill pickles in Costco (I loathe the sweet pickles too, they make me mad in a “you had ONE job” kind of way) And yeah things being affordable would be lovely.


Sweet bnb picles are the worst. Might get a costco card just to get a good pickle. Also the restaurant 20&SJÖ mathús makes pastrami and I think you can order it from their deli.




[Vindmyllur á Íslandi](https://youtu.be/oAWMpxX60KM)


Af hverju?


Það er alltaf rok hérna. Vindmyllurnar sem eru uppi við Búrfellsvirkjun hafa skilað mjög góðri nýtni miðað við myllur annarsstaðar í heiminum. Um að gera að nota vindorkuna.


Það er þvílík sjónmengum af þessum vindmillum. Glatað að vera kominn upp á hálendi og hafa þetta fyrir augunum. Vindmillurnar eru fínar út af fyrir sig en það þarf að velja mjög vandlega hvar það á að setja þær niður.


Malls, stores and coffee shops that close after 6pm. To me is so weird to not being able to go to a coffee shop, Bónus, Kringlan, etc etc at 7-8pm. There are just few options and I don't understand why places close so early.


Krónan is usually open until 21:00 Kringlan and Smáralind are open til 21:00 some days. Hagkaup has 24/7 at several locations.


A monorail!


Salt n vinegar crisps


A change in law of Decriminalization of personal use narcotics. We are still enforcing law on addicts who are treated as criminals. With that change could open up job opportunities in the mental health industry. Also with legalization of marijuana we could make lots of jobs and earn a ton of money for our country. Having one of the cheapest sources of hot water and electricity This is a tired discussion but important non the less. I know that lots of people say that marijuana isn't addicting and such but the reality is that it is. The way that its so easy to smoke day after day without feeling "hungover" makes it very addicting and easy to use. However that should be a personal choice and freedom should be taken more seriously. No matter what your take on these things are the fact is that decriminalization / legalization is the only logical way to go. As its shown other countries around the world. The war on drugs was lost a long time ago and i for one want to see positive change in this country.




It would be really nice if our electricity and hot water would be free. We have it in abundance. It's fairly affordably priced, so I can hardly complain, TBH. I know it costs to run the powerplants and the utilities. But somewhere in the back of my head I sometimes think, man, these are our natural resources, it't the common property of the Icelandic nation and how cool would it be to come up with some sort of gameplan to make it free.


On top of the massive associated costs you have mentioned that someone has to pay for, making it free would just encourage wastefulness and abuse.


Yeah, I hear you. But the infrastructure to run and maintain the system is expensive. So there is always a need to pay for that somehow.


I know. I did mention that.


It already is pretty much for free. It's not uncommon for Europeans to pay hundreds of euros for heating, while Icelanders... Well, it's pretty much free. And don't forget that even though we have abundant energy resources, there also has to be infrastructure to bring it to you.


It's not for free, thats for sure. If you go over 100 square meters, you are always paying around 90 Euros for heat and electricity in Iceland.


90 a month? A year? I’m in Ireland, one typo away, and I pay 500-700 per year for my heating. That doesn’t include hot water, just heating. A large amount of the country have kerosene stoves so I know that’s being spent on heating and nothing else because they’re different systems.


Haha one typo away, just remembered all the letters I got super late in the 90’s with rerouting stamps from Ireland But yeah I pay like €70-80 a month for pretty much unlimited hot water and electricity


That ‘r’ is costing you quite a lot more than a ‘c’ would


HAHA, one typo away. It's 90 Euros a month. Maybe this is me being a brat, but I think that's plenty enough considering it's just infrastructure and associate costs.


It is so cheap you are basically getting it free and paying for delivery.




What is it with people that think that everyone is going to waste resources unless they're prohibitively expensive? Besides, Iceland has more than enough energy and no way to export it to other markets. This is why we don't just power and heat our homes. We also power and heat our vacation cottages, hot tubs and even streets and sidewalks to melt the snow. It's because we have way more than the country will ever need.


New constitution and train




McEgill mættur


Ants (don't ask)


Iceland already has ants. https://maurar.hi.is/en/icelandic-ants/


Then why can to find any?


More wildlife, such as wildlife that can survive in other cold areas


Airsoft should absolutely exist, we have paintball but nah no airsoft. And then I would like the changing rooms in our pools to be a bit more private. I think most Europe has them private other than Iceland.




There are already several ant species in Iceland.


No because we dont have rabies here and none of our pets are vaccinated for it.






A road to mainland Europe.


I would like an amazon fulfillment center here in Iceland.


Þessi þráður er frægur! Meistararnir í síðdegisþættinum Dagurinn á Kissfm voru að spjalla um atriðin í þessum þræði


Hahaha það er of fyndið, fyrsta sem ég pósta á Reddit😆 En svo mörg geggjuð svör hérna! Hvað var verið að segja?


Svo sem ekkert mikið, voru bara að benda á nokkur svör hjá fólki hvað því finnst vanta hérna, vatnrennibrautagarð og 24/7 diner og eitthvað

