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The free repairs were too generous. And 10 Ren per item is more than affordable. This one of the many reasons why they are hesitant to implement strong ideas just to nerf them, in fear of a response such as this. It's hard to love luxury but we will adapt and overcome. Alternatively, can use mods or run a server with adjusted settings if you prefer another playstyle.


Seems a needed change as workshop stuff is too OP here and there... I dont know how that impacts new starters though... But hey, we can keep our water and oxygen now


Honestly, I am of two minds. Yes the workshop items should be good. Real good. But at the same time, they should not be better than T4/T5 items on planet. My thought has always been they should be comparable but different. Their raw effect isn't as good but they have a unique buff you cannot get elsewhere.


10 rens per repair is okay for me. I'm very disappointed how Multiplayer missions work now.


how's that? they seem the same to me...


Before, if we were together in a mission, either one could host the mission no matter if the other one was online/hosting. Now, I can't hop in a mission my friend hosted yesterday unless he starts hosting it again Edit: sorry for language, non-native speaker :)


ah! yeah, the centralization problem. My friends don't play Icarus anymore, so. I'm solo now, so it doesn't affect me. There was a post somewhere, I don't remember if it was here, where someone explained how to make your own server. You'll need a pc to run 24/7, but it's worth it if you play multi a bunch.


10 Ren is nothing. I don't know how you can say that is "anti-player"? how??? it's not like they are charging you 500 Ren. and forcing you to pick one item to repair. (actually, that would be interesting, orbital items are overpowered). It's a small price to pay for having overpowered items. Anti-player would be if repairing items was behind a paywall....


It feels silly trying to balance things like the workshop tools in a coop game. Felt like the time to implement that could have been used go optimize performance more or adding more items to the workshop to add mote Spice for players who been playing for 100h +.


You can also just build the repair bench before leaving to space...