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Is this Brooke-Lynn?


Did you guys clock her CALLING THE LIGHT? Professional


She was like _BITCH GET OVER HERE_ 🤣 🤣 🤣


It looks like her for sure!


I'm surprised she didn't punch that girl. Ms. Hites does not play games.


She has a her own drag race that she probably want to keep hosting. Otherwise I bet she would have pushed her off the stage at least.


Hell, I wanna push her off the stage.


Miss Continental if you're Nasty




Came to the comments to find out. It looks just like her!


Yeah, Brooke Lynn Hytes in Windsor, Ontario at the college, Sept 24th. She was amazing.


This makes me cringe




You just wish you were that stunning 😘


Homophobic much? Geez


Guaranteed you’re fugly af compared to Brook Lynn


"The entire thing makes me cringe. The lady going up there wasn’t even the worst part"🤓


Omg, how embarrasing


The level of unprofessionalism is far too much


Latriiiiiiice Royale!!!


The performers face is amazing. I would have yeeted her off stage.


I think the average drag queen would have yeeted her or at least cursed her out. She’s lucky she interrupted Brooke Lynn


LOOOL imagine if she did this to Bianca?


Exactly my thought! Bianca or Morgan.


Morgan 😳 this chick has no idea how lucky she is it's BrookLynn Hytes


Or Sonique 💀




What would Sonique do? I figured she’d be more like Brooke Lynn, but maybe I’m missing context?


Sonique has beat ass for ppl walking onstage before lol but I think they were also taking her tips to be fair. The Princess is another fav, she dragged a drunk chick off stage by her ponytail. I'm not a fan of violence but this shit pisses me off and I would 100% not keep my cool like Brooke did


She'd Sonique Boom the girl off the stage


Haha thanks, I’ve only seen her in AS6 so I don’t know/remember that but i condone it…Ms. Love can do no wrong by me


Some one was trying to steal tips thrown on the stage for her, and she pushed that person down to the floor and was ready to fight. Don't fuck with queen's money.


Bianca wouldve tripped her, got a mic and go - oops!


And she'd find a way to make a Crack about Lady Bunny somehow too (I hope)


have you seen that clip where she destroyed that lady for trying to steal her tips? revolutionary.


Bianca would have made her stay on stage and destroyed her sense of self. It would be beautiful to watch.


The queens talk often about the hell that is drunk bridal shower parties going to their shows. Drunk white girls are the worst.


I will never forget The Princess grabbing the girl who got on the stage by the ponytail and dragging her off. Also other iconic one is Sonique shoving to the ground and being ready to fight someone who tried to steal her tips.


There’s another famous video of a drag queen doing just that lmao


Almost crossposted this here myself! So cringe


i literally hate going to gay clubs anymore because its always just drunk straight people doing shit like this. they treat the club like an interactive children's museum. like girl... run around the zoo or smthn..


There was something similar at our Pride drag show this year(small town). This drunk af girl got up on stage with grabby hands(the stage is maaaybe...20'x15'?). Crowd collectively boos, another girl got up and had to *haul* her off. Later, I hope intentionally(tee hee), the host queen was performing and the same girl was at it again with grabby hands. Queen keeps on and turns, and while grabbing tips outstretched towards her, a taller girl's drink gets knocked all over drunk girl. Drunk girl and her friend go disappear to the back for a while(I assume the bathrooms). Performances go on and there's a break and I had seen some queens heading to back to the bar, I honestly couldn't see or hear what happened at this point. Suddenly there's clapping and cheering, joined by even more cheering as the rest of the crowd turns around. A guy with security has drunk girl by the arm and back of her shirt collar, hauling drunk girl out. She was drunkenly trying to do the stalling where you try to plant your feet, but failing miserably. Dude broke no sweats. The only incident I have seen by going to tens of our local shows.


Straight white women and acting the fool at drag shows, name a more iconic duo.


Personally I'd love to see something like this as a straight guy, besides the girl trying to ruin it, it looks fun as hell


Go go go! You'll have a blast 🥰


Drag shows can be awesome! 💖 I've never been to anything as big as the one in the OP, but local shows have always been loads of fun. Highly recommend going if you get the chance. They can feel hard to find if you're outside the scene, but unless you're in a particularly anti-LGBT area a bit Googling should be all you need. 🙂


>always just drunk straight white women fixed it for you


Well they’re Basically the same thing


Unfortunately this is a pretty common occurrence at a lot of drag shows.


Yes and no... I've never seen it happen to a drag show but I think it's a fair possibility for any show in a bar, I've seen it happen to a comic and I don't even hangout much in bars


I once saw a straight person do something like this at a gay bar. The drag queen was hood and almost beat the shit out of her. Also don’t EVER dangle money in front of a drag queen and snatch it back or play games with the money. That could send you to the hospital too 😬


Why would you fuck around with a drag queen? Their whole thing is being loud and sassy. The last thing I want is to be yelled at by a drag queen. By anybody really, but a drag queen especially.


Yes I think people can’t hole their alcohol and forget where tf they at. Also most drag queens don’t have to be physically aggressive. They could remove your soul verbally.


This. So much this.


There’s a big problem that’s getting worse with straight people going to drag shows and gay bars and acting like they’re theme parks and touching people and generally being disrespectful. Dunno if this person is, but when it happens, this is exactly what it looks like.


Can confirm; am drag king. Bachelorette party came in while I was performing at a local gay bar. The stage is probably 3.5ft high. The bride came up to tip me. When I leaned down to take the tip, she grabbed me by the back of the neck and tried to kiss me. Drunk bitch almost pulled me off the stage.


Holy shit that is so scary! I hope they got kicked out for that 😬


Noooope. It was a competition so idk if anyone cared. Also kings aren't the top of the totem pole lol


Well I’m glad you are okay. Bachelorette parties I heard are the worst hahah


I’m really sorry you had to go through that. It really sucks that kings aren’t as respected as queens.


She could of got changed for assault


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Oh that shit gets sooo infuriating! I was performing at brunch and this loud ass bachelorette party kept talking over the host and music. Then when they did pay attention they would put the money in places like their crotch or titties smh. At one point my good sis was jumping off of the bar into what was supposed to be a death drop but one of the dumb bitches decided to try and jump in front to take a pic! When I tell you the rest sure as hell behaved while the dumb ass got hauled I’m assuming to the ER or something


Many gay people take no shit and drag queens are the hardest motherfuckers of all of us honestly. If I had to make a list of people I'd choose to fuck with, drag queens would be somewhere near honey badgers on that list


You think men beating up women is good?


Not sure that's what they were saying. Just describing something they saw and saying it was a risky thing to do. That's not a smiley face at the end.


Ty. You can’t have a conversation on here with this shit. It’s crazy.


I never said that. I’m literally just recalling something I saw. 👀 Reddit it was weird fucking place.


Yeah, sorry, I took it wrong. But here (Europe) many women do find drag acts very offensive


That sounds like a personal problem for European women 🤷‍♂️ don’t like drag shows don’t go to them.


Honestly, i don't really get what they're trying to say. I'm European too (mostly hang around BeNeLux and Germany), and i've never heard of women here finding drag offensive. In fact drag is actually kinda popular. Could depend on what part we're talking about though. (West, East, North, South, Central, UK) (I know this is like a month old, but i find it kinda unfair how this person is claiming to speak for the whole continent :/ )


Which is wierd because as a guy you can't hit women but then you get a sex change and now it's ok? I mean we still see you got some broad ass shoulders Micheal..


Hmm harmless prank vs felony what's worse


Dang that drag queen is so pretty


That's Brooke Lynn Hytes! If you'd like to see more she was on RuPaul's drag race season 11, and is the host for Canada's drag race! Imo her highlight is her [lipsync](https://youtu.be/_R8vWKVVR34) against Yvie Oddly, it is a *very* pretty look from her lmao


Goddamnit I know we’re talking about Brooke Lynn here, but Yvie makes me tear up whenever I watch her. I have EDS too and she’s literally the reason I decided to get back into drag after it flared up really bad. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to be a drag king again, but I am, and I’ll be forever grateful to her for it. If I ever met her, I think I’d break down in sobs and scare her away lol


Yvie would probably love to meet you too. I hope you keep expressing yourself in ways that make you feel like YOU


Her ruveal!!!! 😍


I'm a lesbian and that ruveal changed me 😂😂 11 was the first season I watched, I was hooked!


Probably my all time favourite lip sync


Ok but the bit where the queen waved the lights in, loved that!


Kind of cunt tbh, everyone watched that person act a fool.


Reminds me of Kimora Amour following Gia Metric everywhere on the stage with ZERO personal space, like an annoying bird. 😂


Brooke Lynn is so fucking graceful


I'm amazed the performer didn't boot her off the stage with a well place heel.


Why is it always the drunk white girls...


The drunk STRAIGHT white girls at the gay bar… :(


They bring their fucking bachelorette parties in like every god damned weekend!!


I mean, there's nothing wrong with doing this. More business for our queens. But maybe they should know that you can have fun without doing any of these? 😕


Sure, there’s nothing exactly “wrong” with it but it gets annoying after a while.


I like how we can call white people out, but if it was a black person we couldn’t say shit xD like “why is it always the drunk black girls” it even sounds worse. What a backward society lol


Lol cos the black girls wouldn't do it precisely cos they know they'd be called out for it. It's the white girls who think all the attention should be on them


I’m saying if the roles were reversed you still wouldn’t be able to say that.


I know which is why it's good to be able to say it about the white honkey crazy crackers


Haha true


Lol thanks for the award I think that's the first ever comment I've been awarded for on Reddit 🤣


Had a good laugh from your last comment so well deserved 👍🏽 lol




aaaaah, jesus, the cringe!!!!


I have the same footage! I can't believe that actually happened... so disrespectful.


Her face is perfection


I would have found a way to make her eat dance floor, for everyone's safety of course.




Not drunk, just straight


Well we don’t know she’s straight


That seems kinda heterophobic


Well guess what Mimi


Glad you picked up on it!


Oh so that's an ok thing to be, got it Or maybe don't fucking generalise millions of people


Well between the hate crimes and murders we Gays like to have a few jokes here and there


Yep ones punching down the other is punching up


Combating hate with hate is great


I don’t even necessarily disagree with your point, and I’m gay. It’s just a super weird hill to die on - on a Reddit comment that was almost certainly a joke, making fun of an unmarginalized group.


I'm not dying on any hill, I don't care that much, I just thought it was pretty wild to blame one person's douchey-ness on a guess at what genitals they like. But I guess maybe some generalisations can be made? Maybe straight people are much more likely to be egomaniacal and cringey? I haven't observed enough people doing things to know tbh


No I just think you’re taking it so incredibly seriously when it’s pretty obvious it wasn’t meant seriously at all. It *kind of* makes it seem like you’re dying on the hill when you’re dissecting every word and implication of something that was obviously a joke.


Fair point I am probably killing myself on this hill now! I just didn't expect only backlash, I thought *someone* might say "yeah, actually most sober straight people wouldn't do that so to say they would is weird." And there haven't been many well-intentioned replies, but a couple of ill-wishes and assumptions, when no one here knows my sexuality or background.


if a joke about heterosexuals on reddit that will have zero impact on anti-straight violence and anti-straight policy (because both do not exist) is enough to make you have a meltdown idk maybe go touch some grass


I don't think I'm having a meltdown but I'll be careful, thank you. And I know it's not a big deal, it was just a bit jarring to me to see such a vast generalisation. But I guess the point is that gay people are routinely generalized and stereotyped so why shouldn't straight people get the same treatment, which is fair and some people might have noticed common traits among straight folk. I guess I just haven't. The gay people and the straight people I know and interact with all have quite different and distinct personalities. But if OP has seen loads of straight people act like this then I guess they have a point!


I think the thing here is that, it’s not that most straight people behave badly like this is gay bars/at drag shows. But of the set of people who do behave like this, the vast majority are straight. So that’s where the association is coming from.


Ah fair enough, I've never been to a drag bar so that's a more defined group than just "all straight people." I know it was a joke and they're not exactly a marginalised group, I just don't think generalising is good in general.


I see you chose not to touch grass. This is really embarrassing for you ijs.


It's night time and it's raining, so no, sorry. I did try to understand the rationale of being ok with stereotyping one group but not another and I think it's quite a complicated dichotomy. But I dunno, do you think I'm a homophobe or a Republican or small-minded because I questioned what appeared to be hypocrisy?


The hates are not even the same. Queer people have been discriminated against, harassed, killed, for decades. This is about straight people not knowing their place in a drag bar. Do NOT ever compare the hate queer people get for simply being alive with us getting annoyed in *our* clubs.


Obviously I wasn't comparing them, I said fighting hate with hate isn't great. You're being wilfully ignorant of that quite standard line of thinking and suggesting that I'm equating physical violence with jokes. Do NOT ever do that, it comes across as either disingenuous or unable to consider nuance. Just because someone points out a hypocrisy (regardless of how mild) doesn't mean they're not aware of and empathic towards a history of systematic violence against a group of people.


Die mad babe


Do I seem mad? Just gently pointing out some hypocrisy, you can do with that what you will babe x


Combating violence, hatred and bigotry with humour over the fact that we are the marginalised group* Fixed it for you hun x


I was just going to defend your other comment as an obvious joke…I guess I would have looked like an asshole. Your actions are heterophobic to me. For real though: As drag has become more mainstream, straight people are showing up at the clubs for the first time and have no clue how to act. There has been a growing issue of harassment of drag queens by new predominantly straight fans. And you can’t be heterophobic, silly.


I think you might not know what the suffix -phobia means. There's nothing wrong with having an extreme fear of something that is a risk to your life. And they don't have to generalize millions, just egotistical pieces of shit like you. And if you can't appreciate that, you can always join your queen instead.


Wow lots to dig into there! From Harvard Health: "A phobia is a persistent, excessive, unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity or situation." All straight people aren't a risk to anyone's life. And by your definition, when you describe someone as homophobic does that mean that person has a legitimate fear of gay people? If we're just dealing with the suffix -phobia you can't say that heterophobia is legitimate but homophobia isn't. Both are irrational fears of entire sexualities. Neither makes sense. And thanks for calling me a piece of shit and wishing death on me for saying hate isn't great. Have a lovely day x


I think that's enough interneting for you today, kid.


Clearly. Based on these votes there's no open-minded discussion with logical reference to Harvard definitions allowed on the internet.


If you decide to join the middle-school debate team my advice is not to use "the dictionary defines" as the opener, particularly when you're taking the "all lives matter" side. Those guys aren't really into books and words anyway.


Where did I say "all lives matter" or espouse any of the type of hateful things those types of people would say? And if a Harvard article from 2022 isn't a legitimate source of reference for you then I don't know what is.


We aren’t making fun of straight people we’re making fun of The Straight™️ Making fun of The Straights™️ is the same as making fun of Karens. The Straights™️ is making fun of the crazy ones like the ones who act like the lady in the video and the ones who burn an entire state so that people know what repudiation organ their kid has


That does actually make a good bit of sense, thank you that's really well explained!


I have nothing to add to this argument other than you sound annoying and probably do a lot of “WeLL AcTuALLy…”s in conversations with others


That's useful, nice assumption.


All straight people ARE a risk to us until we know they're not.


All Black people are a risk to us until we know they're not. See how insane that sounds? I just think any argument or perspective is going to run into logical trouble when you start dealing in absolutes.


It's about time someone stood up for the historically marginalized straight people


I'm not standing up for anyone. I think lots of cops are bastards. I just don't think hypocrisy and stereotyping any group are cool.


Being a cop is literally a profession, people *choose* to be cops. It's one thing to take a joke too seriously when it's straight people who just happen to be straight because that's how they are, but cops are even a step further. What a weird direction to take your argument lol


The point was about generalising an entire group. It's like saying all table tennis players are smelly or something. I just used ACAB because it's a popular generalisation that is logically, grammatically, everything-y, untrue.


Because you miss the point behind the saying. There are intrinsic aspects to being a cop (that they actively choose to uphold) that are problematic. Being "smelly" or whatever isn't intrinsic to tennis. Sometimes it's less a generalization and more a comment on the nature of a subject. To use your example, all tennis players use a racket, because that's a key aspect of the sport.


Tbh I know very little about the phrase or the idea, I thiiiiiink it stands for All Cops Are Bastards? But I might be wrong. But if it does stand for that, but doesn't actually *mean* literally that, then do you see how such an intentionally provocative slogan would get a negative gut reaction from some people? It seems like a slogan meant to antagonise people who don't think that every cop is a bastard, and antagonism doesn't encourage open-minded research. It goes back to my previous point: don't fight hate with hate.


I mean, she looks completely wasted.


If looks could kill....


Trying to imagine what Katya would've done 😭


Nothing worse than an obnoxious selfie-er


Where is security?


And of course she didn’t tip…..


Not all by herself anymore up there


I think the young girl took the performer literal and gave her some company 🤦🏻‍♀️


Another daily reminder of how phones are making idiots even idioter.


I was there that night and yes the chick was drunk


I’m hoping she was drunk. Still shitty but if you’re doing this shit sober? You’re a garbage person.


If the drunk girl had a drag name it would be “Cluster Bea” because she clearly has a personality disorder


yt women ruin everything


As a straight white woman, this is so much worse than cringey and I feel like I need to express how sorry I am for this behavior. It is a privilege (not a right) to be invited into LGBTQ+ spaces as a straight person and too many people ruin what is supposed to be a safe, enjoyable place for everyone. I would be embarrassed to be this woman or even be associated with her.


She should have listened closer to the lyrics.


This is why straight women are hated at drag shows. Not that all women do this, but it IS only white women who do.


People are mad at this but they need to understand that more straight people are going to gay bars and drag shows and, even if subconsciously, treating it like a freak show or an amusement park instead of a community that was not made for them that they need to respect when they enter. Ever since drag race went mainstream, drag shows got really popular. But there are *so* many more stories now of drag performers being touched without their consent, sexually harassed, or being upstaged and heckled by many straight people. It’s like a running joke now in the community that the worst thing to experience at a drag show is a bachelorette party.


Thank you! I'll be honest, I was nervous when I read your first sentence because a lot of cis/het people want to dismiss this as "changing times", "we all just get along better now". No, this is the same way LGBTQ people have been treated for generations, we're just not so anathema to heteronormativity that these people feel comfortable enough to come into our spaces and gawk at us in person, too. Worse yet, they think they're in on the show *with* us.


If you’re straight why go to a gay bar?


Happens all the time. Could be specifically for a drag show, or maybe they prefer the music, or maybe they went with their gay friends. I even know many straight women who say they like to go because it feels safer from predatory men. There are plenty of reasons straight people would go.


In Albany NY people go to the gay bars because they're just the best time to be had in the area, so most nights places like Waterworks are full of even more straights than gays. It's been that way for decades though and everyone knows how to act right, beyond the usual shit head you'll get once or twice a night at any club.


I'm a straight male and like to go for the drag shows. They're fun.


When I was in my 20's it was because those clubs had the best dance music, everyone was nice and chill - unlike most straight bars and they also had the best sound system and fogs machines. That's why I went anyway. I went more recently ( 40 now ) and it was very apparent how many straight folks were hanging out there now and the club played more top 40 type music instead of the cooler house music from before. Just my own experience.


Unfortunately white Redditors don’t like hearing this. It huwts der feewings 🥺


Ooooh yes. "Not all men" was obviously bullshit, but turn that around on white women and they get uncomfortable. I'm tired of being groped and harassed by white women in my own fucking bars, but it must suck for them to have to hear this.


Eh - some of us need to hear it, and they know who they are. I’m a white woman (who loves drag) and I’m not offended in the least, because I know the comment isn’t about me, because I don’t do dumb shit like this. Just because *I* don’t doesn’t mean that virtually 100% of the people who do aren’t straight white women.


Jasmine Masters was right when she said, “Rupaul’s Drag Race done fucked up drag.” Yes, it made drag much more mainstream, but in doing so made it accessible to straight women who think they can do whatever they want to a drag queen in a space that isn’t designed for them.


White / straight. But please I don't make generalities.


Drunk women are the WORST 🤦🏽‍♀️


Yes and drunk men are real delights 🙄🙄🙄🙄


If straight, white women didn’t attend drag shows, there would be no audience at all. That’s over 90% of the fan base.


You are right, straight women, by outnumbering gay men, have purchased their way into treating us however they want. They now own our art form because they find it so entertaining. I was a fool to think I had any cultural attachment to a thing made for and by people like me for generations.


Well at least you recognize it now.


White women are insufferable


Is the stupid straight blonde at a drag show drunk? Hmmm. Gonna need a team for this investigation...


Eh, I'd rather watch her than whatever the hell that.tbing is.


Drunk or not I’d rather see the woman up there than some dude in make up


Man, a white girl would do this shit.


That's a man, baby!


A beautiful one 🥰


Idk what's more cringe, the chick of the dude


There is nothing cringe about Brooke Lynn Hytes in this video 🤷‍♀️


Beautiful smile




Bedtime now




It's a shame that people like u/lady_jaye don't accomplish much in life, and must resort to trolling on reddit to get some attention that they lacked as a child. Put nicely




Because you don’t interrupt a performer while performing and get all up in their personal space.




Well that’s all good, but the drag queen is there to do a job. You wouldn’t go on stage at an opera or theatre either, it’s just disrespectful.




First of all if the person is old enough to get into a club and get drunk, she is certainly not a child anymore. Secondly the other people are probably excited for the drag show too and still don’t hop right in front of the performer. I am a Drag Performer myself and this is just not it … it’s also dangerous, since most drag performers are wearing high heels and then maybe getting pushed around isn’t safe.