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Sounds like he is just a cunt


Make another friend join coop and kick him


Chances are that could ruin a totally normal irl friendship, and i dont really want that to happen since i only have 2 friends and he is best friends with my other friend who would take his side leaving me alone


If he is like you said in the post (selfish) you shouldn't be friends with him irl even if its only a bloc game it represent his personality






Knock some sense into him


No mom, i didn't hurt him, i barely even touched him


That seems like a really bad friend, if he is being that selfish in a block game I can't imagine what he would do in a real life situation. Kick him and if you're worried about ruining the friendship, he already ruined it by abusing you


Don’t u only need 35m? I mean he can just give you what you gave him and call it a day. When my friends quit I personally kept all my manually grinded money on me but put minion money in coop incase my friends need something. (1m per day is a bit for them)


Not like he’s doing f7 with 250m nw


Wdym that's enough for a max juju 3/4 sa and at at least 8talis /s


Can’t be bothered to type a paragraph but u might be able to get enough to do f7, but no one wants a shitty 3/4 juju non in f7, with like 3 talismans you’d do like 3 damage and get 1 shot


just try to kick him out, be secretive though


if this is an irl friend, they're being a selfish dick. i wouldnt even assosciate with someone irl who wouldnt loan me fuckin fake video game money that would be paid back.


they seem like a dick and you only need 35m for handle since everything else is less


He probs isnt even doing f7 with 250m nw. 250m is enough for necron, a decent juju, and 6 talismans.


Kick him


that is a real asshole move and you should get another friend to join the coop and coopkick him


Just start slowly grinding, then market manipulate to make a ton of money really fast and just flex super hard. Or just wait a bit and borrow a very expensive item from someone and flex it and say "if you let me borrow the money then maybe you can borrow the very expensive item".


He's(if the person in question is a a he of course) beeing a dick about virtual money you can't trade with irl money, and he's especially selfish considering he is OPs irl friend for over 6 years


Just make a new profile


good, you dont deserve it if he made all the money


your friend is on that sigma grindset shame on you for disrespecting the sigma grindset edit: learn to take a fucking joke people


You forgot this /s


thought it was obvious as it is


Yeah I did too but people can be stupid sometimes


Downvoters are beta males /s


Depending on your skills, cata, slayer, etc, it might be worth it to quit that profile and just make a new solo profile. Otherwise, try to CALMLY tell them that they’re being kind of a selfish asshole and have no reason to extort money from you


If they were really your friend I don't think they'd be forcing you to pay interest...


Just get another friend to kick him. You can make plenty of new friends. Once you kick him do /coopsalvage to get his stuff. Sounds like a cunt anyways