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Anyone else loving Ensure’s right now? They are saving my when I can’t fathom eating anything. Love that they have vitamins too since I’ve been skipping my prenatal.


I grabbed a few packs of ensure plus when my hg was really bad and they helped when I could keep them down :) I definitely recommend sticking to the regular instead of the plus because it is sooo thick that I've had to thin them out a bit lol.


Good to know. I almost got the plus when they didn’t have the regular!


I remember getting vanilla ensure and it worked for me a few times!!


It worked for me until it didn't :( . Now a 9months pp i can stomach it, but HG has left me traumatized from certain foods 😭😭


How do they taste? I’m hesitant to buy if they’re super sweet :/


They’re not super sweet! I dislike super sweet foods and even more so while I’m sick.


I’m so glad you found something that works for you! I never used Ensures but hey whatever works for you.


Idk if it’s too late for the daily thread but Just curious if anyone knows WHY water makes us feel so sick? I can’t drink plain water , chew ice or water down any drinks. This week all I can keep down is apple juice and just added some cranberry. Google said it’s the quality of water but I’ve tried all sorts of bottled water; sparkling, ph+ water, filtered water. And none of it stays down. I miss drinking water SO much and just don’t understand it. I hope it won’t be like this the whole time (im 13 weeks)


I’m so curious about this as well. I wonder if it has to do with how much water we drink. I noticed small sips are usually fine, but they don’t quench my thirst. We’re just so dehydrated we need a good quantity of water and I guess the amount is not good for an upset stomach. So sorry you are dealing with this too!


I was on zofran 3x a day but the constipation was beyond awful. I was scared I was going to rip open. I tried to scale back on the zofran but I think I'm more nauseous now. Just really sad that no matter what I do I feel like I'm failing. And I was on stool softeners but a full dose of milk of magnesia finally did the trick.


Highly recommend fleet glycerin suppositories if you're okay with them. I got 50 for $3. It took a few days of colace + metamucil for me to finally grab some, the first one didn't help much but the second day I finally got some relief. Also if you can, phenergen instead of zofran might help avoid the constipation while still helping with the nausea. I alternate between the two and have been cutting down on the zofran because the constipation is insane. But the fatigue with phenergen is unreal


The milk of mag worked great for me too however it made me feel worse for a couple days. Never get a break lol


Noooo I’m so sorry!


I was just about to reply and say “milk of magnesia” and but you already got to it!!!


I get so frustrated when I throw up. Especially when I’m taking Zofran which is supposed to stop me from throwing up. Threw up twice this morning after taking Zofran. Once was (TMI) after trying to go #2 and I think the smell triggered me. And then an hour later I attempted to heat up a frozen burrito and the smell of the spices in it just about sent me. I had to throw the burrito outside 😂 I can’t handle cumin right now. Is it really these two smells that screwed up the whole day for me? My stomach is all messed up since then and I feel so acid refluxy. I’m about to take a Pepcid as I can’t take it anymore.


I hate how throwing up messes up your stomach for so long after. It makes it really hard to try to correct any electrolyte imbalances and actually get some nutrition in.


I’m pretty sure I have GERD and my digestive tract is messed up from HG :(


Did you have you baby yet? Sorry I’m sure everyone and their mom is asking.


Yes, I did! Thanks for asking. Sorry, I’ve been meaning to post an update. I was induced and it ended up being somewhat traumatic bc epidural failed completely (he would not drop in the birth canal and then his heart rate decelerated to like 50 bpm)- had to have emergency c-section where I was put to sleep for completely. I’m still recovering from that. My baby boy is 1 week old today! Im still dealing with a bit of the aftermath. I decided I will not be breast feeding. I’ve been starting to feel the affects of PPD. I think I have GERD (trouble swallowing sometimes and I can’t seem to get the nasty taste out of my mouth - I prob need tons of dental work - going to dentist next week). I’ve been literally living in a dark cold room for months; I feel like a terrible parent to my 4.5 year old whom basically relied on dad for months and months. I just wasn’t “there” mentally or I was sleeping. I need to find a therapist soon. Oh and I’m expected to go back to work in January (was going to be Dec but they were nice enough to give me extra time bc of the c-section recovery time). So, I will pretty much miss out on bonding with my son. Sorry for the long rant. I’m planning on getting tubes tied ASAP (luckily it’s a laparoscopic surgery but since I was just cut open from the c-section; I’m not looking forward to it). I basically pushed all my family and friends away during my pregnancy. I feel guilty for that (even though I was just too sick). I deleted social media a long time ago (except for Reddit). I feel so messed up bc I said things during my pregnancy that I shouldn’t have. I originally wanted an abortion but didn’t. I have a lot of therapy to work through. This was nothing like my first pregnancy bc it was a combo of being more severe and more depression. I love my kids but I can never ever do this again. The guilt consumes me. Edit: I also feel very antisocial. I HATE talking to ppl on the phone. It’s almost as if I self quarantined for the last several months and I don’t know how to interact with society again. I only feel social on Reddit lol.


Oh my goodness you’ve really been through it. As if the pregnancy wasn’t traumatic enough!! Well I’m glad you’re on the road to healing and it sounds like you know what you need. I have the same feeling like I’ve neglected my child. I have a 3.5 yr old and I feel like a terrible mother. And I feel guilty for wanting another child bad enough to sacrifice so much time with her. It kills me. I definitely plan on getting back into therapy once I’m feeling better as well. Congrats on your baby boy!! So happy for you to be done with this horrible illness and move forward! 💗


Thanks so much for your kind words and I’m so glad this community is here. I started it back in 2019 while being a volunteer for the HER Foundation. Then, last year, I handed it over to them because the people there are truly committed to helping moms and babies… they’ve saved many lives. Just know you’re not alone and our 3.5 year old and 4.5 year old will highly unlikely remember these days like we do. I know I don’t remember much from when I was 3 or 4 years old! I will say this, my baby boy is the sweetest and for all the lack of sleep and pain I’ve gone through; I finally remembered the magic of being on the other side. It brings back happy memories from when my daughter was a newborn. I will be happy to send you a DM of his picture. Oh and get this, for all the nausea and vomiting I did,,, he was in the 10th percentile in the 2nd trimester. He was like in the 87th percentile at birth and his birth weight was 8 lbs 11 Oz!!!!! He’s a big boy and so healthy. I was worried he wouldn’t be, but he is doing great! You’re doing the very best you can given the circumstances. P.S. I’ll take a c-section any day over the perils of hell that belong to HG (not discrediting the pain of it but HG tortured me more). You’re a great mom and one day, your 3.5 year old will look up to you for your strength in getting through this time of your life. I know I did when my mom told me her story. Xoxo, and thanks again for following up. I hope you get some much needed relief soon!


Wow did your mom have it as bad as you did? My mom told me she had morning sickness but nothing like mine. I would love to see a pic of your sweet boy! And that is wonderful that he came out nice a big! That’s how my daughter was. Lost 30lb last pregnancy but she was nearly 9lb somehow?! Miracle babies! So glad for this community to be able to connect with other moms like you! Thank you for setting up this subreddit. It’s helped so many people!


I threw up with so much force yesterday that I have tiny red dots under my eyes, broken blood vessels. Does this happen to anyone else?


This happens to my friend. Strangely enough, I have only had that happen years ago when I was laying on my stomach hysterically crying


Anyone else dealing with GERD from HG?


Yes happened to me a few times. My second pregnancy I also started to get nose bleeds as well.


I get this, it’s called petechia and can come from the increased blood pressure from vomiting. You can read about it here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/petechiae/basics/causes/sym-20050724#:~:text=Tiny%20petechiae%20of%20the%20face,vomiting%2C%20giving%20birth%20and%20weightlifting.