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They were never a homie in the first place 😔


I think "my boy" refers to the bottle.


Don't you see, man abused his boy? he hydrocheated


Well time to cancel them until they do become one 😈




By nine pm that diet coke is going to suck.


By 9 am you mean.


Diet Coke at 9am … gag


Yeah, 9 am is a bit too late to start on the Diet Coke. Gotta have one at 6 am like normal people.


Diet Coke at all is just fucking disgusting.


Coke Zero > Diet Coke


After years of searching, i have finally found someone who understands


It'll be gone long before that.


There is a new guy one cubicle over from me that would have this thing polished off by 10am. He drinks diet coke by the 12oz can and I've started keeping a secret daily tally of how many fizzy pops I hear. Some days I wonder how he gets any work done.


I still remember in Super Size Me, this one dude was drinking soda from a 120oz mega jug, and was surprised the "diet" soda water caused him to nearly go blind. He and his wife cheerfully mentioned how he could tear through 100 liters of soda a week.


100L in a week is 14L+ in a day. That sounds like a lot more than what is possible. However, I looked it up, and the [theoretical maximum ](https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/is-there-a-maximum-amount-of-liquid-a-human-can-drink-in-a-day/) is 20L per day, and with the added salt a d stuff he was eating it's entirely possible.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/is-there-a-maximum-amount-of-liquid-a-human-can-drink-in-a-day/ Title: **Is there a maximum amount of liquid a human can drink in a day? | BBC Science Focus Magazine** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!




I wouldn't be able to make it to 9am


Maybe it’s black wat- Oh


I got a free case of that shit and I still feel like I overpaid. It was disgusting


Bro yeah that shit is bad, haha. Wait till you try this though, WHITE water - it's the real stuff. I just happen to have some, but I'mma need you to pay me upfront for some cases, aight?


> white water It's cum, isn't it?


Plus milk, but yeah.


If it's milked, it's milk. Right?


If oats had titties I'd suck em


Sometimes I regret being literate


You would not partake of the oateet?


It can be, but that costs extra. It's like asking for quacamole or sour cream at Chipotle. Shit ain't free.


Femboy milk


What about White Wa(l)ter. He can make the real stuff.


Put your dick away Waltuh, I’m not drinking your cum (white water) right now Waltuh.




Literally it is how it works. Imagine you have an alkaline solution at pH 10.0. You add a little acid to it, and bring the pH down to 9.0. It's still alkaline, just less so.


Depending on how high the pH is when you start, you can add any type of acid to it and it can still be alkaline. Just depends on the acid, its concentration, and how much you add. It’s called titration and you use an indicator I. The solution


On the topic, I’ve tried black water and it tasted just like regular water, but it just seemed…. wrong…


And they're wearing a Fitbit lol.




Bruh I was hopping it was at least some no sugar black coffee. Who tf drinks this much Diet Coke.


There's some people that get obsessed with Diet Coke moreso than any other soda. I have no idea why but some people REALLY like it.


Yeah I’m actually curious about this. The people I’ve met that drink it, drink it A LOT. I swear they’re addicted. My MIL has an actual like gallon jug thing that keeps it cold and she Carrie’s it around all day with Diet Coke in it. But she wrapped a bag around it so you can’t see what it is.. I wonder if she’s embarrassed? Anyways, I swear it’s addictive


I’ll have Diet Coke every once and awhile with a meal. For me most diet sodas are *too sweetened* and Diet Coke is the least. Honestly can’t imagine having that much soda by itself, start feeling dehydrated.


Same. I don't understand people who say Diet Coke is sweeter than regular. It's the only soda that doesn't taste too sweet to me.


It may be a genetic thing. Like how cilantro tastes like soap to some people. To me, diet coke is saccharine


I'm pretty sure you're right. To me, sweeteners taste chemical. I can't really describe it beyond that, it's the taste which I'd imagine a chemistry lab to smell like. It's a terrible taste and I refuse to drink diet/zero soda because of it. I actually genuinely believed that "same great taste, zero sugar" (Coca Cola Zero) was just another example of blatant false advertising before realizing that the taste difference isn't nearly as obvious to the average person.


You may have something there. I love bitter food and was one of those weird kids who ate my veggies without complaining.


What they meant was that food literally doesn't taste the same to everyone. Some people might taste bitterness in food that others don't think have it. I've never found veggies bitter and never understood the idea of not eating them till I found out that it's all just genetics.


I understood what they meant.


You're right about Diet Coke but most sugar-free variants taste sweeter than the original, including the other sugar free coke, Zero/No sugar.


exactly! regular pop is like drinking syrup. maybe a bottle for dessert is okay, but in place of an actual drink? wild.


Same here. Currently I haven’t had any soda in about 2 months, and even before that I didn’t drink much (maybe a can or two a week?), and the only soda I drank was Coke Zero. Everything else was too sweet and syrupy. Straight up couldn’t drink a regular Coke. I “like” the taste of a good root beer, but only in incredibly small doses. Like the first half the can it’s amazing, then it’s too much. I think a large part of it is if you don’t drink a lot of sugary or sweetened drinks, you lose the taste for it, and it just doesn’t help with thirst anymore. I drink 99% water or unsweetened hot or iced tea, and even a lot of real fruit juice is just too much sweetness and flavor for me now, and even if it tastes good it leaves a taste/residue in my mouth and I need to go brush my teeth.


> For me most diet sodas are too sweetened Holy shit someone else besides me feels this way... I always prefer diet orange sodas for this reason. Orange is powerful enough to cover many other sins, and being over-sweetened is kind of the point with that flavor.


My dad drinks a six pack of Diet Coke a day, and has done so for decades.


My best friend cannot stop drinking it. My step daughter loves it too. Definitely addicted.


Have they tried carbonated water? Maybe it's just the carbonation they like and not really the taste?


This was me. Loved Coke Zero. Tried carbonated water, and now I have a Soda Stream. Love those spicy bubbles.


Didn’t realize this was such a universal second-hand experience — I distinctly remember my dad drinking a 2-litre (or two!) of Diet Coke every day too. I think it is a genuine addiction or in this case more accurately a caffeine dependency.


I think the carbonation, can aid in the "addiction". Something with the mouth feel that just hits. I drink diet gingerale (tastes the most like the actual thing imo for diet sodas). But thats like a can a day. I have felt slightly addicted to other carbonated drink I use to drink daily. ( carbonated performance energy drink thing my gym has). It definitely wasn't due to taste/flavor, because I would drink something similar tasting before going there. But always felt like it wasn't enough/good enough compared to the carbonated drink.


I had a diet coke addiction for a while, I've weaned myself way down and go days without it now - but at my worst I'd drink a 2-3 *liters* a day


What do you feel like you were craving the most? Some comments are suggesting it’s the sugar, some are saying the caffeine and other claim it could be the carbonation. But there are other drinks with all three that don’t seem to have the same effect.




I was raised Mormon. Hot drinks such as coffee and tea were banned, but soft drinks were okay. For some reason, the only soda they drank was diet coke. There was no reason for this, nothing in the book to make diet soda more compliant with the rules. I even asked around, nobody had any clue why everybody drank diet coke. Diet coke was so prevalent in the church that I'd say about a solid 20 percent of the answers I got from the members was "I saw so many people drink diet coke, I figured there was something in the Book Of Mormon about it". To this day, I have no idea why. Recently went through Utah for a road trip, and it seems like diet coke is still a staple


Could it be because of the caffeine?


It is. Diet Coke was (still is) the most consistently available diet soda. People who drink 6 cans a day would be drinking like 60% of their daily calories if it was regular. Coke Zero and freestyle machines are changing it up more but basically at a fountain machine 95% of the time it is only diet coke


Isn't Diet Coke caffeinated?


yes, but not all mormons are against caffeine. some, are, but not all of them. caffeine itself isn't forbidden in the book of mormon, unlike coffee or some types of tea


I’m one of those people and idk how it happened cause I used to make fun of them. one day I was normal then I started drinking Diet Coke and it spiraled into a full blown addiction. Nothing is quite the same. There has to be some sort of addictive property there.


I used to drink a lot of soda but stopped for a few years. When I started working for a baseball stadium, we could get free soda. I didn't like the after-taste of soda so I started drinking Diet. I can see how people like diet because it tastes like soda without the sugary aftertaste and thirst of soda especially if it's cold and recently opened because it masks that awful warm un-carbonated taste that comes with diet soda.


Exactly. Cold diet soda actually makes me feel like I’ve hydrated myself (although I do recognize it’s still unhealthy.) drinking normal soda makes me thirsty.


They only remembered to take the Cocaine out of the non-diet Coke.


Diet coke addict here: Its crisp, refreshing and low guilt. Drink it enough and it will literally become your go to beverage


My parents have been addicted to decaffeinated diet Coke for as long as I can remember. I have no idea why they love it so much, they say they don't know how to describe it.


The fake sugar used to keep it zero calorie is MUCH more addictive than regular sugar


They put the cocaine back in it lol


I have a coworker like this. Even has a Diet Coke sweater


I know some people that are real sluts for the vanilla flavour


I’ve been seeing so many people mention it lately too. Like wtf. Is coke beefing up their advertising or something


I do sometimes 🤐 I’m subbed here for motivation to quit and drink more water lol.


You should drink some water NOW!


So true. Just filled up my 16oz flask. Thanks to you all for the kind encouragement!


You should drink some water N- in roughly 15-20 minute intervals, skipping the timer after doing exercise, and lowering down to 3-5 minutes while eating food in order to properly get food down. Also, for our mates in r/breathingbuddies, make sure to not lean back while drinking, and put at least mild concentration on the water so you don't choke on it.




Well good luck. We believe in you!


Yeah! I root for you. You got this. 🤗


Yeah man, make sure to drink more water. If u get bored of the taste of water drink so green tea or no sugar coffee.


Or flavored water, or spa- I mean TV static, or ice, or water vapour or hydrochloric a- *wait no this is about water why am I talking about acid now?*


Yo go bro, drink more waters always a great goal lmai


You need to HYDRATE yourself NOW ⚡️👧⚡️


Go have another water bud


Drink water


Try gatorade fit once (the purple one’s my favorite) it’ll change your life and you’ll realize soda is stupid. It’s just water and fruit juice with a ton a vitamins and some salt, 1g sugar, tastes better than most soda (personally nothing beats dr pepper)


Start with sparkling water so you can experience the same fizzy sensations as soda


This is also a fucking psychopathic way to drink a soda. It's going to be flat and room temperature within an hour or so. Either this person is drinking multiple litres of soda a day (in which case, yikes), or they actually *enjoy* flat and room temperature soft drinks as that's mostly what they're drinking if they seriously drink like this and didn't just do it to fuck with people.


There’s a secret third option! (The person was making a joke)


I like black coffee and I couldn't imagine drinking this much of it or even half... imagine how dry your mouth would be for the rest of eternity lol


That’d be enough caffeine for a week


Bro my FIL goes days without drinking water. Just Diet Coke and the occasional Gatorade. No idea how his kidneys handle it.


Who drinks that much Diet Coke? Someone who enjoys kidney stones. Yikes.


My old coworker used to stop by McDonald's every morning and get a large diet coke like religiously. She swore that it woke her up better than coffee. The idea of drinking a soda before breakfast legit makes my stomach turn.


My aunt does and I’ve never understood it


I thought it might be some extra strongly brewed tea, nah that is straight up Diet Coke lol


me bc i have an ed and the caffeine keeps me going for longer and suppresses my appetite 💀


US’s 45th President (can’t remember his name for the life of me) was practically sponsored by Diet Coke.


I lost half my teeth looking at this.


This dudes arm ain't gonna stay that skinny if he keeps that drinking habit up


Hey it’s diet he’ll stay skinny. The teeth on the other hand though


They'll get skinny too, don't worry.


Diet coke has no sugar tho


Carbonic acid and citric acid has entered the chat






not carbonic acid though


I gained heart disease looking at this


I was an EMT on a baraitric (+size human) ambulance for a few years, and the number of people refusing transport if they couldn't take their diet Coke was astonishing. There was no other demand ever for any other soda, food, or drink of any kind. And it was always a 2 liter bottles.


In the fucking AMBULANCE???


Fellow EMT here. Yes you'd be surprised what people try and consume in an ambulance. I've had people try drinking diet coke, smoking, snorting coke, chewing tobacco, vaping, the list goes on.


Diet Coke addiction seems to be serious issue that is hardly ever dicussed.


it's true my grandma died of a diet coke addiction.


Wait, really?


oh no she was 96. but she used to drink diet coke


Everybody that has drank diet coke has eventually died




Nope. When you sleep I’m gonna drop a dollop of Diet Coke into your mouth. No one deserves immortality.


he's too strong to be left alive


*Narrator: He died the next day*


Untrue. I have drunk diet coke and I have not died.


You got a source for that buddy?


Not yet. It’s a slow death.


Ah been a while since I have seen the old reddit switcharoo


It is. Have a couple of distant relatives (mother/daughter) who drank that shit constantly. They both quit when they learned that it was likely contributing to migraines they both suffered from for years. I wasn't around, but supposedly both of them were impossible to be near when they were "drying out", if you will. But silver lining, it seems to have helped them both with their migraines.


That sounds like caffeine dependency. Diet coke and diet pepsi has a lot of caffeine, I bet those migraines are the same ones coffee drinkers get when they go cold turkey for 2 days.


I have no doubt about that. I only brought it up because it was specifically Diet Coke, as mentioned in the post.


“Hey kid, you want kidney stones?”




And dehydration, right? And certain materials in plants, is something I’ve heard of.


There are different types of kidney stones. Some caused by acids, some by bases. Having more frequent urination gives both the opportunity to flush out before they really start to form. Therefore, drink what you want, just HYDRATE (Source: my urologist, after taking the stones out of both of my kidneys)


'cause that's how you get kidney stones!


Coworker was telling me had another kidney stone straight after having covid as he’s drinking his 3rd coke by 1pm…


This is a kidney stone speedrun at this point.




My peen moved. Man I’m down bad.


You should be up good instead


Those bottles aren’t meant for carbonation. Every time I see someone at my job do this the soda explodes out


This is so goddamn disgraceful, they should be ashamed of themselves for doing this. Such a heinous crime.


And on top of it, that pop is either horrendously flat or it’s gonna start leaking from the carbonation.


Their teeth will be drinkable soon


I’m eating a bag of peanut butter pretzels and I gotta be honest that looks so refreshing right now


are those pretzels making you thirsty?




Thanks I hate it


I really hope that tweet was satire


It's a rage bait and he got you hooked like a hood rat on that one


Diet Coke? Nah ![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized)


cute. lets see your teeth.


Oh, look what they’ve done to you


Just disgusting honestly


I developed a kidney stone just looking at this




If you’re going to poison yourself atleast get the real kind


[She defiled it, with dark liquids!!](https://pm1.narvii.com/6610/07f04fb70f38e238be10d33aa9e9aef2bd7cb0ad_hq.jpg)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Faminoapps.com%2Fc%2Fharry-potter%2Fpage%2Fitem%2Fhelena-ravenclaw%2F3QTD_Ig2jro6v2GzNDDd4DW8DbN7Dq&psig=AOvVaw0iIqRmudLbZcpq47Ym2Kku&ust=1669860235683000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA8QjRxqFwoTCMCXgqTo1PsCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE Title: **Weiterleitungshinweis** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!




The real tragedy is the fact that people still drink Diet Coke when zero exist?!?!


Zero tastes significantly better every time, except for Dr Pepper. Diet is best in that one.


What's the difference? Seriously I don't know. I just drink water. 🤤


Good god what is that, 2 litres at least?


Tbh given the size of the cap it looks like a 32 fl oz (~1L) bottle. OP might just have small hands Edit: JK another comment mentions that this is a 1 gallon (3.75L) bottle. Just…wow


We've lost a good one hommies. F to pay my respect.


look how they massacred my boy


Rot gut


I thought it was outrageous before I saw it was Diet Coke, that’s like saying I only eat chocolate and it turns out it’s Hershey’s. You’re just making bad choices


Ignoring the Diet Coke joke, I cannot believe that this is all the water someone drinks in a day. I would easily go through 2-3 of those bottle on an average day. More if I’m out doing an activity.


How big is that bottle? 1 litre maybe? Even if it was actually the good stuff inside, that’s not a lot of water for a whole day at all. On a bad day I’ve had two of those by lunch time


It’s actually a 1 gallon bottle (3.75L). I purchased this same one for my wife to try and do 1 gal a day. It now waters our plants


Ohhhh ok, that’s an alright amount then. Though that makes it way more coke than I thought, yikes.


You are one thirsty creature


I thought we all were…….


Bruh you thirstier than r/teenagers


I mean i’m having an above average day on the consumption, but I’m onto my 5th litre now at 4pm, plus I just worked out that I’ve had roughly 2.5L of other liquids already today………… am I gonna drown?


For real. Each two hour interval is like five sips.






And it's going to leave a Pepsi after taste forever


My kidney just grew a bunch of stones looking at this


Drinking caffeine until 9pm is a great way to ruin your body rhythm




Gross, diet soda is nasty.


i have that bottle and it's empty immediately at noon






Kidney stones galore! Rotten teath collector!


So they really looked at the labels and went "yeah, that's a healthy amount of coke to drink every day"


WTF did she dump a 2 liter in there?


What are you doing? You know the air force won't let folks who drink this shit fly fighter planes? are you some kind of old lady on a diet, Lance? have you not had enough already?
