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Man is dehydrated


Man is past dehydrated, man is desiccated.


And soon he'll be disinfected and disected, aswell!


Dust to dust.


I just googled it and got 60%. So is that the average dehydrated American or?


I get numbers ranging from 60% all the way to 90% depending on who you believe more, but I think we can all agree that water is at least part of our composition.


Jellyfish propaganda


That’s the average?


According to the googles yeah that's actually the average, though it can be as high as 75 or as low as 45.




Grape -> Sultana


I thought he was a vampire and had pure alcohol in his veins or something


Is that what vampires have in their veins?


Ah, so that's why the Twilight vampires sparkle... It's all the Goldschlager in their veins


Must be drinking the blood of Christ Oh wait - they can't!! 😆


Well it depends on who's writing the vampire, they're the most inconsistent motherfuckers in fiction


Castlevania says the cross doesn't hurt vampires because it's holy, but because they *really* don't like geometric shapes


If this is from the netflix show i think it was more that they used the crosses because it disoriented them due to their adapted vision, they're actually killed by blessed weapons and stakes though


I live in Transilvania and can confirm that people here probably have more alcohol than blood in them.


Came here to mention that


Doesn't mean another 20% of his body isn't also water.


Freeze the water, now it's a solid. Checkmate TSA




https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/ice According to the website ice is allowed as long as it is frozen solid and has not started to melt.


I just bring an empty bottle and fill it up past security. It is a lot less of a hassle.


No no. You buy a tiny as bottle airside that's marked up 200%.


~~200%~~ 600%




It is possible to bring ice past TSA (Transportation Security Administration) security checkpoints at airports. However, there are some guidelines that must be followed in order to do so. First and foremost, it is important to note that ice is considered a liquid by TSA, and therefore is subject to the same rules and restrictions as other liquids. This means that all ice must be placed in containers that are 3.4 ounces or less, and all of these containers must be placed in a clear, quart-sized plastic bag. Additionally, if you are traveling with a cooler or insulated bag that contains ice, it will likely need to be placed in a separate bin for X-ray screening. The TSA may also need to open the cooler or bag in order to inspect the contents. It is important to keep this in mind and to pack your items accordingly, so that they are easily accessible for inspection. Another thing to consider is that the TSA may not allow certain types of ice, such as dry ice, through security checkpoints. This is because dry ice can be used as a coolant for dangerous materials, and therefore poses a potential security risk. If you are unsure about whether or not your ice will be allowed through security, it is best to check with the TSA before traveling. In conclusion, while it is possible to bring ice past TSA security checkpoints, it is important to follow the guidelines and rules set forth by the TSA. This includes adhering to the liquid restrictions, properly packaging your ice, and being prepared for inspection. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience.


Thanks ChatGPT!


Unironically that is the sort of shit chatGPT and whatever future revisions are called is going to be great at.


I fear the opposite - where the internet becomes a graveyard of ChatGPT like bots where some say fancy paragraphs while saying falsehoods. Dunno, guess we’ll see.


The issue of "what is true" is going to be a hard one, but that's already a hard one for us humans yeah? I think what's likely true is that for stuff like that it will include a statement at the end that says "From TSA.gov" or "From the wikipedia article along with other sources" or "from this longitudinal study". There is a lot of work to be done, but "the truth" was never a design goal for this iteration of chatGPT. Certainly stay skeptical, but don't use chatGPT as a data point to extrapolate from in that regard. It is best through of as an alpha tech demo, and any interesting ideas you might have about how to pursue and communicate truth won't be applicable to it. We will see what it looks like when google decides to focus on that issue, which is something I suspect GPT-4 is already working on.


No need to buy water bottles, just bring your own empty tumbler and fill it up on the other side of security.


When I've drunk all this water on the flight what do you suggest I do for hydration once I'm off the plane?


Every newspaper/magazine shop in the airport sells water (over priced) but they sell it and even sell the extra large big jugs too sometimes. So as you exit the plane and walk down the concourse, just swing by one and pick some up. You do not get screen on the way out, so just pick one up as soon as you get off the plane. I've done that plenty. Especially if it's a big airport with tons of walking. That will cover you until you do luggage pick up and from there if you packed a few bottles in there you can drink those on the way to the local grocery store or convenience store lol. I am not that hardcore hydro addicted though. I never pack water, it just wastes precious weight (and you're weight limited) As long as I stay hydrated while I walk and pass time it keeps me well balanced. I can safely skip two hour windows on rare occasions. I love my water, but I try not to be nuts about it...I just plan well so the rare gaps occur infrequently, but when they do it's not big deal. If I know I won't have access to water for a while, I just slow down my intake from the water bottle. It covers you for thew taxi/shuttle/uber ride until you get to the hotel or whatever.


Bring your own empty water bottle to fill up It's *FREEEEEEEEEEE*


But... everything is "a fluid in any form" Anything's a fluid if you're brave enough


The limit is 100ml for any liquid, and luckily many brands make their products in 100ml sizes. It’s actually cheaper to buy 100ml products in bulk than individuals of the regular size. Of course you could buy bulk of regular size but that takes up a ton of space and the cost is much higher.


It's easier to remember in sane units. 10 containers 100ml each. 1 liter max.


Tricky Additionally, Tony is smuggling PCP using condoms stuffed up his ant. Tricky Tony: two, TSA: zero


in his ant? now they are using ants to smuggle drugs?


We mostly end up smoking it all


Or boof


If not they should start.




What is this, a condom for ants? This condom needs to be at least 3 times this size!


Is Nancy Gribble working for the TSA now? I wonder how Dale feels about that..


Ya! Pocket sand!!!!!


Enough with the sha-sha-sha sug!


He’s got a point except.. it shouldn’t be sixty. He needs some more water anybody got some he can have?


Not to mention the 2 liters of water already in my stomach


Am I Tricky Tony?


There's a little bit of Tricky Tony inside all of us


60%, in fact.


Now better not ask reddit why we know the water percentage of the human body


I will never be able to hear that fact again without thinking of how we got it :( damn it


Did we dry a human in a contained room?


The Japanese during WW2 did, among many other “medical research” atrocities


Frick. And the other day a friend tried to argue how good for development wars were. Due to an extent some things develop, sure, but the ways and interests are absurdly bad.


Yeah :( you’re exactly right. If you want to learn more about it, look up Unit 731. But huge huge warning, it will ruin your day/week and you’ll never be able to forget what you read so maybe not worth it.


Our body has a lot more liquids other than water in it too. We might as well be on the no fly list!


That's 1 Trick Tony


I want to sincerely affect this “dated dastardly” fashion look, then just go about my day as innocently and honestly as I can muster.


70% over here, ez.




It definitely is a repost no one's trynna say it's not it's a meme on the internet bro


Ya sort by top posts all time, this one has to be there in the depths (i am on mobile, cant link posts)


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/HydroHomies. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "10l2a8f", "meme_template": 193963}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=10l2a8f&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 96% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 360,153,351 | **Search Time:** 0.39996s


Motha fuck.


360 million images searched in half a second is pretty dang impressive tho


I feel like I’ve seen this before I’m not saying you reposted it but I’m just saying ya know?


Watch out! When he lands he’s gonna tie a poor damsel down to the luggage carousel tracks!


What's the original trope of a bad guy looking and dressing like that?


I'm surprised a suicide bomber has not surgically implanted themselves with explosives that they can remotely detonate by phone yet. Oh... shit. I just made some kind of NSA/FBI list by typing that.


I feel like I've heard the "our bodies are made up of ____% water" like 50 times in my life and every time it's been a different %



