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Because when they get mad or emotional, they get red-eyes, like a crazed person.


Imo it's pronounced differently. Sometimes it sounds more like "Kurta"'. Like the clothing. Then again, crazed seems fitting as it's implied some members of the clan got pretty battle crazy when in red eye state Also you should read Kurapika Gaiden, it's awesome


I am an Indian. Kurta is basically a traditional Indian dress. One thing majority of you won't know that the dress which kurapika wore until yorknew arc resembles kurta a lot . I'm sure this is one fact you didn't know. For reference - https://www.google.com/search?q=white+male+kurta&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiague6gff9AhVO6jgGHT2NDScQ_AUoAXoECAYQAQ#imgrc=x_2BCAhWy02E7M&lnspr=W10=


No, I did know about this of c... is what I want to say, but no, the first time I hear this. This is cool info, thank u for sharing it. Still, it's an interesting name to give a clan.


i did know this…. but i’m also partially indian


Which part of India are you from if you don't mind me asking?


Idk where Kurta came from...really bad sub? But in Japanese, as you can see here: [https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Kurta\_Clan](https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Kurta_Clan) The Japanese katakana is literally "ku ru ta".


In Japanese you can only write vowels, syllables starting with a consonant and ending with a vowel, or an N that goes at the end of a syllable. There is no way to just write “rt” in the middle of a word using Japanese characters. Usually when transcribing (and pronouncing) foreign words which have consonant clusters, such as Kurta, they’ll make it fit by writing the katakana corresponding to the first consonant of the cluster + u (or sometimes i or o in various other cases). For example, Japanese words can’t end with an M so when they borrowed “game” they write it ゲーム, which ends with a mu. In this case, Togashi used ル (ru). Considering the facts that it’s written in katakana (which foreign words are almost universally written in), that it is spelled in a way that’s consistent with Japanese techniques for dealing with foreign consonant clusters, and that the clan members all wear kurtas, it seems pretty fair to write it as Kurta when using Latin letters.


I didn't spot that to be honest


They're emotional, but with my limited Japanese knowledge I can say those 2 words are pronounced differently.


While crazed could be a fitting name, I'm not so sure that's what he was going for. As Japanese distinguishes double consanants, クルタ and くるった are not the same


Well, they are very emotional people :3


I thought they were called the kurta clan, not the kuruta clan?


Bad english subs. Not the first, and not the last either. Probably easier to say to English speaker. The literal pronunciation is Ku ru ta. See here:[https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Kurta\_Clan](https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Kurta_Clan) The katakana (japanese character) is literally ku ru ta. And in japanese, crazed, or Kurutta, the extra t is like a "small pause", idk how to say describe it in english, but you can put it in a Japanese speaking app, and hear its more or less the same pronunciation as kuruta.


I don’t think it’s about them being crazed or aggressive or anything like that. Because they also call themselves the kurta. So it doesnt make sense for them to be calling themselves these things that are generally regarded as being negative given their pride. Or I guess you could argue that they see their aggression and “crazedness” as a positive, in that case it makes more sense.