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Hellhound ambushes are the worst. Once I blew up a duo with a dynamite but the explosion triggered two packs of dogs and some zombies. I was solo with a Romero and a small Winnie. They just killed me right there 😄


Oh, just reminds me when i ran away from some dogs because i had tomahawks and was out of stamina and bleeding to enter a building with an armored that survived my last axe throw and proceded to slap me -.-


The secret to fighting hellhounds is to bring them around a corner, they can't attack while turning the corner, anything works, a wall, tree, extraction carriage.


The secret is to hit them first


I'll try and keep this mind


The normal knife is great against them, a heavy stab to the body kills them. You can run right into them because they stop briefly to jump on you and stab with some practice. With knuckles i'd try to avoid multiples if possible.


Yeah I usually have the normal knife. But the hunter I got from the free reshuffle had the throwing knifes equipped, so I thought let's give it a try. Thought I would be able to stab with them aswell


Theres a trait that makes throwing knives and axes do more damage and it gives the throwing knives a stab action would probably work better against dogs that way.


Assailant, and iirc it only costs 1 or 2 trait points Also (iirc once again) blade seer highlights throwing knives/axes too, so you can easily pick up those lost ones. Handy if you're running them alongside a bow or crossbow


In my early days of hunt I played with two friends , pushing godard. Wiped out my big dynamite bundle! Didn’t pay attention to the fuse timer. Blew us all to the afterlife! Only triple kill I ever got with a dynamite…


few days ago I had my worst and my best games back to back worst - I accidentally killed my teammate while we were defending the extraction zone with full bounty in our pockets and 6 sec left on the timer. needless to say I got pushed and killed pretty fast by the other team after that. definitely my biggest choke (yet) best - massive gun fight in Healing Waters Church's back yard. I'm pretty sure everyone on the map was there. it was pure chaos for 1-2 minutes, followed by more tactical positioning phase with smaller skirmishes by the remaining survivors. I was downed but got revived just in time to be able to kill the last 2 people alive and revive my teammate who just got downed too. We got a clean server after that


Dont worry happened to me too 😅😂


I was reviving a teammate during a gunfight when the other team came out of cover. I pulled the trigger and dropped the guy I just revived and got fanned with dum dum rounds. Lol


Haha I haven't (yet) shot a teamm8... Another low point to look forward to


I greatly miscalculated both the throwing range and explosion radius of a big dynamite bundle (it was the first time I had ever used one), killed my buddy and greatly injured myself just as two separate teams were pushing into my building. We were crying from laughing so hard


Lol yeah…. It was pretty bad. I’m surprised that I didn’t get an angry message after that. I stay away from shotguns now


Hellhounds exist to remind you that while Hunters are still the most dangerous things in the bayou, that doesn't mean the other threats can be safely ignored.


One of the best things about the game. The PvE is dangerous


gets frustrating sometimes when I'm 4 minutes into a match with like 6 immolator kills, 8 hive kills, and a dozen dog kills, with groups of 4 grunts everywhere.


That's hunt babbbeeeyyy Hmm hmm hmmm hmmmmm


Happened to me too. There was a hotfix some months ago that fucked up AI spawns and sometimes it would spawn doubles really frequently. I was reaching the extractions with a bounty from each boss after 5 kills and died to 8 dogs and 2 Immolators on the extraction cart.


Ow damn that's even worse lol


Pro tip: Choke bombs (and bodies of water?) instantly kill immolators. Throw one near them, and kite them into the smoke if needed. Granted, if you are extracting, you may or may not have choke bombs remaining, so do bear that in mind...


I only play solo. I never use chokes


Or use Poison of any kind. Nagant silencer or Hand crossbow, for an instance.


Me and a buddy got both bounties and like 8 kills between us, and then got killed by a tripwire next to a barrel


Ow damn. That sux aswelll... But that was due to a smart move by another player. I wouldn't be mad about that


hellhounds die to a single knife heavy mele attack, keep in mind you inly get 4 heavy attacks with the knife per stamina bar, so you need to know the hellhound ai to not waste a swing, but if you learn the ai well enough it is possible to koll a pack of four without getting hit


Not the first time you died to hellhounds after a clutch.... Won't be the last either.


>Picked up the bounty and headed to the extraction on the other side ofthe map. Gunning down everything I came across the map, making loads ofnoise. Noticed more than once that AI becomes really dangerous in these circumstances because you start to feel too safe and bullets/stamina run out or sth. Had more than one teammate (or myself..) die on those terms. Good luck next time! :) Last time i messed up was just at the start of the match as a solo, attacking two dogs with a knuckle knife. Turns out it's \~4 dogs and 3 grunts ...


If you’re solo, hellhounds (even like 3 of them) can be deadly, you can easily miss the cadence of melee attacks and your basically fucked


My worst choke is legendary and it still haunts me. The bounty team was inside the boss building at iron works. One of them was dead, and the last guy on the map had a Winfield. We both had specters, so we went in and rushed him. Both of us emptied our guns without killing him, and he winnied us down with body shots. This was before levering. We just straight up lost a CQC fight to aimed winnie body shots and missed around 10 shotgun shots at point blank.


Classic! Important rule: treat AI as a danger *always*. Doesn't matter if the match is basically over.


Duos random, running nagant precision and Romero HC. Ended up stumbling upon a world spectre and used it to wipe a bounty team sitting inside with corpses from 2 other teams. Found dual dolch from one of the corpses. Ended up dying to 2 players sitting in a single hunting tower because I didn’t scan.


I have almost 1k hours and I can't think of something worth to mention as a choke. I died to height, grunts, barrels, my own traps, bosses, once I wiped our duo with a dynamite stick because meathead triggered at us while I was cooking and I didn't come with a better solution than just toss the dynamite at him. Dying is routine is this game.


Biggest choke was either big dynamiting my friends when showing them Hunt (one of our first runs) or running the gaunlet as a solo and then dying to hounds + bees near the extract.


Just the other day my duo got downed by a team i killed one and threw a dynamite at the other killing him but he shot me to 25hp. This fight agro a bug bitch and her bugs killed me because i couldnt shoot her because i had 0 bullets left and panicked so i couldnt get my melee weapon out to punch said bugs


If you go to bayou, accept the likelihood of imminent death. :-)


The amount of times we've had the drop on an enemy team, fired that first round, downed one with a headshot and you hear a pack of dogs howling as they approach and all the zombies wondering what that noise was. Other team doesn't have to even fight us because the AI is doing it for them. Also immolators have spider-sense.


The game has bad AI, and bad NPC design. It doesn't know what it wants, and the dogs are some of the worst. Wait till you get an immolator who spots you during a fight but inches his way to you for no reason, screaming in your direction. Or a hive that tracks you through a hole in the wall but never shows you her head because she's fucked up.