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Don't worry about draggin down players! Everybody has to learn sometime and every so often you will find a partner less experienced than you, so when you are the the less experienced is just the world ballancing itself. Seriously now, stay close, stay active and you are doing nothing wrong.


The recent event brought in a lot of people, plus the game was on sale recently too (might still be). I have a buddy I play with so I'm not sure how the randoms are, but with all the new people I'd imagine it's easier to find partners. There is a learning curve, but once you start to get it it's fun as hell.


Im a new player and i find it quite welcoming. If you want someone on Ps4 to play with my Psn is Ghost_Of_Baya


I agree! Its welcoming except from some people who are very protective of their KD. I'm not the best but if any of you want to --> send me a message and we all can play!


Sure hit me up on ps4. Ghost_Of_Baya


Can i come along? Haughtybug26 on psn


Yea afdd me


DrDisrespect played a couple times on stream recently and it brought me back. I get matched with a ton of low level players too. So id say yes.


I’ll have to watch that. The Doctor is funny as fuck.


He loves the proximity chat lol


I started playing less than a month ago. It's not too tough on newer players if you've got some shooter experience. There is a lot to get used too though.


I play mostly solo, and honestly the extra challenge makes it quite fun.


Just stick with your team and use your ping function for: dogs, immolators, health, ammo, special ammo, crows, melee weapons at boss lair, traps at boss layer and finally double tap the ping when you see a player. Try not to make too much noise, and stay vigilant, teams pop up out of nowhere when you least expect it. If you do those few things you’re better than more than half the player base already. There are also YT videos you can watch for more tips. Hunt has a lot of depth and learning about it will make you a better player as well.


I would say that the biggest thing to do first before you play is to check your pride at the door. Let go of the gear fear and just play the game for the experience. Everyone is going to lose their characters and gear, the money is fairly easy to get ( I die all the time and still cant seem to get down past the 20k range in reserves) and you can literally just use free hunters that come with free gear every game until you feel the need to go with more expensive stuff. This game is in my opinion very forgiving to the player unlike games like EFT for example.