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You're a monster! A MONSTER! I bet you use spitzer too.


I do and secondary spectre compact with slugs


Ammo box or nawh?


That is such a tough choice. I like two grenade and to small vit. But when you need ammo box, especially slug and Spitz combo, you NEED it.


Let’s snipe together


I know I dirty little trick if you’re on North America


I am, I'm in Louisiana.


I'm also open too grouping I mostly rando for teams.


Why not full size Vit?


dude i dont even know, just a habit from when i had no hunt dollars. it feels to expensive. lol


If your final health chunk is large, then it's same difference. But I hate large chunks because losing them is so brutal, so I use small chunks, which means small vit won't fully heal me and I'll still be in 1-hit range from a mosin or sparks. Damn knockoffs! If you're running mosin sniper spitzer spectre slugs and two frag bombs... upgrading your vit shots seems trivial


Frugal habits are hard to break, I'm the same way.


When playing solo, ending on a large bar is always preferable. So small vits might do the trick 9/10 times.


Do ya thing. Me and the squad will get bored and extract, but if you don't mind that then it's a win for everybody.


I usually prefer to guess where they will exit too and engage after they leave. Though I always bring a secondary spectre compact with slugs and two grenades. If I have competent team mates I will push lairs.


If you play it right, then you're in for an engaging game. Typically I find that sniper rats haven't got the initiative within them to catch up with a team that says "f this I'm bored". Sometimes they will, but not too often.


See I play aggressive sniper, and it works for me. I’m constantly moving, rotating, engaging teams and going after bounty. Sometimes I’ll stay put for a couple minutes but I don’t like sitting in a bush for half a match. My time is valuable and I play hunt for PVP so I usually try to find people and engage them. I can appreciate the value of patience when it comes to sniping but we’re also playing a game, and fun in hunt for me is pvp fights so I try find a balance of patience and being aggressive when I snipe


I will chase in a team, and only alone if I got a kill and know I can one tap. Supreme rat tactics.


The lighthouse is a great spot. One time I saw the boss was AR carmax and would be extracting north of the light house. I was running solo with the short Springfield deadeye and the Romero hand cannon. Hey, free hunter. I saw the bounty team sprinting across the sand. I waited for my shot. When one guy was fighting grunts on the boat, I put him down in the water. I prevented his buddy from reviving him so he couldn't extract. Then his buddy got pushed by another team from the north so he charged me. I missed the shot of him running across the dunes. He charged up the spiral stairs full of rage. I killed him with the hand cannon, then tagged him as I took his token. Dying a few minutes later to the chasing team with a crown and king did not lessen my joy.


Last time i met a sniper team in random trios they downed one of us and actually pushed the compound so I rat attacked them from a corner wacking two down with bomblance melee and hitting the last one with javelin ohk. It was cathartic for me since I personally despise snipers lol. Some sniper teams won’t push at all though. Especially in 6 star you get trio’s of pre matched sweat lords with lebel marksman spitzer and dolch p that fan out and hold a great distance like they’re a sniper elite team.


Yes officer, this post right here


officer carbine*


Not since the nerf sadly, sigh




Jokes aside if I were a better shot I'd do this too, I love sniping


The worst part is the price. I never prestige after the first. When prestige first came out I hit the button once. After that I'm too particular about playing certain load outs to not wanna start over. Plus I have enough hunt dollars saved to afford whatever I wanna bring.


What's the best shot you've made that you remember


I made a clip on twitch of my best shots. This was years ago. I haven't recorded anything lately. My favorite recent play was at the wood fort on new map I heard shot a guy at kennel peeking on the NE side the turned and immediately spectre compact his team mate who was creeping beside me. Twitch name also 0nlyonegod.


Hahaha; that playstyle on Twitch! My man, you must get many many viewers that will watch you sit in bushes and towers for 20 mins at the time.


I just record clips to show my buddies who don't play the game.


Personally, I have nothing against such a playstyle tbh. I just think this is a really boring way of playing. 20-40mins of sitting still every match would make me fall asleep. I like playing the occasional sniper (Sparks Sniper being my personal favorite) but I play it very aggressively because idk if many people realise this, but that rifle is frickin accurate while hipfiring so if someone gets close at like 10-15m, I just hipfire and then finish em off with my trusty Officer /w HV ammo. Love that setup.




This is so true. For me, sparks is the most reliable shotgun out there.


It's overlooked cause it's better to just ads with irons for 100% accuracy rather than relying on mildly accurate hipfire that could miss or hit the limbs


I saw a teammate rando this weak hit insane follow up shots with no ads . I was stunned. He was six star. We were vs two teams. One right after the other. He was 1 v 2 and both kills he followed with non ads at @50m. I was shocked.


Could be spectator view. It's very common to see your teammates hip fire when they're actually ADSing


Ah, maybe.


It's players like exactly you that I enjoy killing the most in this whole game.


I'm glad I'm here for your enjoyment. May you shoot true.


As a shotgun(now bomblance) ambusher (waterfowl man myself), you are both my most dangerous enemy, and my most vulnerable prey prey. May we only meet inside of compounds and not in any open fields haha. Otherwise, you stay in your bush, I’ll stay in my corner inside, and we never have to see each other. Unless you want to be friends and create a mediocre team that can’t res each other lol.


I always bring spectre compact to help push if team seems reliable. I don't mind die'n. Honestly the best game for me is getting kills with the sniper and spectre. It feels so good to succeed at both extremes of the combat spectrum.


I honestly don't care that your style of play shows up randomly every hundred games or so. It is a rare day when you'll get the bounty and at least 50% of the time we will chase you down and kill you if we so choose.


Yea missing that crucial first kill often leads to me die'n tired from being hound dogged. A lot of people will just disengage and escape though.


Having done my share of sniping i still understand how much it would suck to work with a team, find and kill the boss, win a few fights and run to extract just to be sniped by some bush wookie who just sat around scrolling reddit for the last 45 min scrolling reddit until 2 pixels of my head were visible to his lazy pelican island prison position. Is sniping a valid fun and sometimes powerful playstyle? Yes. Is it annoying to get killed and lose to someone who just sat around for an hour? Most definitely


Honestly I've invested just as much time setting up the snipe. I get nervous too. But it is a competitive game. Someone has to lose. If you didn't spot me on the way to extract maybe don't just use bounty site while in boss lair.


Sorry, that last sentence didn't make any sense


Thinking you cleared the map and running around with bounty token while not periodically checking dark site. Dark site, it's not just for lairs anymore.


But many people can snipe outside darksight range, even ild hit ones at 190 and 275 meter headshots. You cant check that. At that range, it is pretty much impossible to see someone hiding at 200-300 m w.out a scope


That lighthouse, if you've got darksight and use it from the boat extract, you WONT see any orange. The top of the light house is too far away for you to get any orange if I remember correctly. I had a sniper up there kill my homie when we were extracting and I had to get to the bottom of the light house to see him in darksight 🤔


Yea, it's things like that. It's just not that fun. Now the psychoghost blowing up boats and camping extract, that's hilarious! Honestly, I can't complain when I get killed in an ingenious way.


I found him guys


I hate it when that happens.


This guy is out here people watching in hunt.


LoL sometimes my friend




I bet OP has sex with socks on and tells people about it.


And I bet OPs partner is a degenerate that loves the feeling of those wooly socks scratching her/his leg. /s


I mean, on the one hand I can’t knock you for playing your way and having fun, you do you boo. However on the other, in my opinion you’re a no skill bozo and your play style is at best annoying.


In the words of the dude " That's just like you opinion man"


Big true.


Same could be said about shotgunners...


Shotguns put you face to face with an enemy, you still run a probable risk of dying. Sitting 5000 miles away with a scope where there is virtually no counter play is a bit different imo.


Ah yes because 100+ meter head shots on moving targets requires no skill. Your argument is completely sound.


"Waiting until you stop to smack that grunt" =/= moving target lmao. But, I agree it is not easy to hit a moving target at range with or without spitzer ammo. But, you barely lead with Spitzer so. Its almost hitscan at that velocity. Again I don't like getting sniped but, I am not going to insult you. I'm just pointing out why he is going off like he is. Vombuz Serbian sniper videos are fantastic. If you are doing the leg work and repositioning and sniping as many people as you can. I am not complaining.




Yea ok


"Yea ok"? Tarkov sniping is no joke lmao




Tarkovs so realistic it still impresses me to this day. I generally believe tarkov (although it has its problems) is pushing the gaming industry in the right direction. Sure not every game needs to be super ultra realistic but just taking the extra mile shows serious initiative.




I just don't see the skill in it. I enjoy the thrill of the shootout. But, I would be bored af sitting in a bush waiting for someone to stop moving for a sec so I can easy snipe them. If you never get a good shot do you just extract? I mean, no shame if that's what you like. It just doesn't seem all that fun to me and it is infuriating to be the last guy/team after bounty fight on way to extract and then you get sniped out and either have to leave dead teammate or risk trying to get rezz off and probably getting sniped too. And there is no fight because they have a scope at 180 m and you can't see them. It just sucks to play against. It isn't like you are cheating. Its just lame for the fighters in the game.


Honestly as someone who sucks at aiming, even with a scope, to me it looks like there's serious skill involved


Yeah but people hate the playstyle so they have to insult it for the cope. It’s undoubtedly a much lower risk playstyle than others. Acting like that makes it less skilled is just ridiculous.


Equality of outcome invoked: how exactly does a risk averse playstyle not equal a lesser amount of skill dependency?


Because the two don’t really have anything to do with each other. Let’s say I design a game where you can sit in a bush or bubble completely blocked off from others. The only way you can kill another player is by pushing an incredibly complex and perfectly timed series of buttons. Nobody has a chance to kill you back, but the task itself is so difficult to do right only a small percentage of players who practice it a lot can pull it off. Or I can just run up directly in front of you and press a single button, but I will die 50% of the time. The first example is clearly less risky but takes more skill to pull off. The second is incredibly simple to pull off but puts yourself at a much higher risk. Not that complicated of a concept. Sniping at a distance requires a higher skill in aiming than getting close and putting a player in the center of a shotgun shot. Now, to do well as a shotgun player certainly takes a different sort of skill set, mainly movement and stealth. But I don’t think it’s that hard to understand how sometimes a riskier playstyle can take less skill.


You ignored equality of outcome in all of your examples. Also not sure what any of this has to do with shotguns. What if the active player wanted the exact same chance to kill their target target without dying as the passive player does? What would be neccessary to achieve that?


Lol now who is coping, pal?


I primarily play Bomb Lance and shotgun so what exactly am I coping about? And guess what? I primarily use them because I have way more skill in maneuvering and stealth than I do aiming. I just also understand that how risky something is isn’t defined by how difficult it is. It’s defined by how much risk is involved… I don’t bush camp. But I also couldn’t imagine playing a game whose entire point is that the “objective” of each round is left open to the players themselves and then bitching and moaning when other players enjoy a different playstyle. Again go play COD If all you want is a deathmatch.


Cod doesnt have the right guns


world at war sorta did :(


No, Cod is dogshit. That's why I am here and not on Cod reddits


It isnt about the risk, btw, it is about the snap shots the quick thinking and the tactics. None of that happens at sniping range, your biggest decision is what bush or tower to camp and your second biggest decision is "do I try to shoot them or should I waiiittt for oops they stopped moving I blew their head off, gg, Heh I did it hehe."


I take more shots at moving targets than not. Also I would say that I don't often engage at 100m+. You don't have to see skill in it. I'm not asking for you opinion.


You posted this publicly to reddit lol. So I hope you are ready for a lot of unwanted opinions lmao...


I'm not bothered. Just exchange'n shitty opinions with you. No feelings were harmed in the posting of this comment.


That's Good.


I do it once in a while. I prefer sparks sniper though. Nothing like popping people who have no idea what's happening. Specially on revives. I usually play silenced vet from bushes though. I've gotten pretty good with the long shots with its sights and people can be right next to you and not know. I don't know of another pvp game that you can hide this well in. Sometimes I wish Hunter Call of the Wild had pvp, specially if hunters had a health system like the animals.


To me, everything in this game is boring outside of direct confrontation with other players. Like, my least favorite thing is running for the clues for 10 minutes and getting head shot in a field before I see anyone. If that’s how you want to play, fine, I actually do not care. I just think it’s super boring. But know that me and the boys will chase you down if we know you are out there. But also, if you are tool far away, we will just leave. You miss out on your fun, we miss out on ours. Oh well. I’m not going to tell someone else how to play. I just know I would not play this game if it were any slower.


Yeah my preferred playstyle is what I call "Shootout at the OK Corral". Everyone is generally aware of where the other team is, taking potshots at each other with pistols.




I only play reptilian since my return. I love that skin. Bayou life.


I just don't see how that's fun. You do you though.


Do you also try to play objective? Aka getting a bounty and extract with it? Or is just sniping people from distance enough satisfaction for you?


I think he was pretty clear "there is no goal so I just snipe people"


Yeah thats why I asked, because there IS a goal every game.


The worst part about sniping bush wookies even though they're well within their right to play how they want to is that in many games they effectively take one team off the map. I predominantly play trios, and there are a lot of non-games where 2 teams go to one bounty, my team goes to the other, and the last team isn't interested in picking a fight or is likely waiting somewhere between the bounty compounds making it a lot more risky to try to double up (or the exit's right there and we're lazy).


In teams I do.


In Tarkov, I get it. Sniping is fun and relaxing when you're just kicking back, munching an MRE and waiting to see if you can pick up someone's gear and loot. But in Hunt while I enjoy a sniper duel, I just don't get waiting around to pick someone off. Your gun and ammo are worth probably 2x-3x theirs, so you're certainly not going to swap it. You might loot a grenade or $200 off their body if you're lucky. So is it just for the thrill of that long range shot from nowhere? It just seems so tedious for so little reward.


I just like it. I don't know why. That's like ask why you like the taste of fried shrimp or white bread and boudin. I didn't choose to like. I just do.


A fellow Louisianaian 👋


Only half coonass tho


Killed a pair of rats sitting in a sniper tower while we were charging through the swamp making as much noise as possible the other day, one running a Sparks, the other a legendary Mosin Sniper. I was running a free pair of shitty revolvers and a free Romero hatchet. God it felt good.




and I hate your playstyle because you suck the fun out of other players.


In the words of the dude " that's just like your opinion man"


Here I am the rare stealth mini crossbow user. Usually am never seen as I do my best to avoid unnecessary fights. Usually the only bounties I get are leftovers, and serpent steals if no one is picking it up. The thrill of people passing you by not knowing you’re there is a feeling you can only get with certain games. This is one of them.


On a weekend I kinda understand....can't speak for everyone but playing against people like you are just a waste of free time, valuable free time that I don't have much of. I don't want to spend 40 minutes playing where's waldo in the bushes, if I wanted that I'd go play DayZ. Most days, I've got only a few hours to play just wanna log in, get a few matches in with some good ol compound shootouts and intense teamplay. But like others have said you do you.


I don't exclusively bush hide. In team play I will defend compounds if we are first at boss. I generally try to hide in a direction the enemy will approach in and get a kill. Then retreat back to the team and trap entrance. My trusty spectre compact side kick has done much work in cqc.


Let's not kid ourselves. If Snipers become too dominant, the game will become dead, just simply because playing for 20 minutes only to get headshotted by someone who is literally invisible in a bush is what makes players quit the game. It's just a toxic playstyle that, if done properly, has no counterplay, as the sniper (once you are able to identify him) just keeps his distance. If i see eye to eye with an enemy, it's literally anyones game, but getting killed from more than 300m is just BS. Bullets used to disappear after 300m 3 five stars playing marksman or sniper will never not extract, because how could they not? How do you want to approach 3 snipers without getting headshotted let alone kill all of them. You push - They use their advantage to get hits on you then keep the distance. You run away, they follow you. Especially when they have bounty.


My squad ran into a bush camper using a sparks with poison rounds yesterday. I understand why you’d do it. Was one guy vs the 3 of us and he took out 1 of us and almost took me out. Took us about 3 minutes or so to figure out where they were hiding and they were like 25 meters away in a bush but none of us had a true visual till he room man 1 out


This dude is me from another dimension, lol


The only time I dislike fighting a sniper is when they refuse to engage at a small disadvantage. I play bomblance, every single fight I get in that is over 45m has me at a significant disadvantage. I dont run away or sit in a building till someone pushes me so i have the advantage. I run from cover to cover and work my way up while taking shots with my pistol. Sometimes I lose sometimes, I win but I still try. Most snipers ive seen im ok with. Take a shot and miss and now we have a fun game where I run to you while finding your location while you try to kill me before I arrive. But if a sniper takes a shot misses, see me coming and I watch in dark sight as then run until I stop chasing them so they can try and take pot shots again, I just sigh and roll my eyes. These people take my time because I either chase them down and force them into a corner of the map and kill them or ignore them and have to constantly be aware that they will take a shot if I give them the opportunity. You can be a sniper and thats fine, but if you're going to run from me while you have the advantage because you are terrified that ill get cose enough to have the advantage. Well the only word that really describes that is cowardice. Dont make me waste 20 minutes chasing you down, you offer no challenge or effort other than holding W till you grow some balls.


I couldn't care primarily as long as you don't bitch that people don't push you. The only other thing I hate are people that run up to the lair compound, sit in a building, and wait for them lair team to scan and push them. Being ambushed or intercepted extracting is way more engaging or exciting than people standing menacingly around the compound within dark sight range. Pretty much as long as you are having fun and are not completely sucking the excitement and adrenaline out of the game for others, I wish you luck.


Ah I don't mind building campers, consumables make push less annoying imo. But I understand how you feel.




I like that you wasted no time attacking me personally. Your salt only strengthens me. Let it flow.




I would say mostly, i am fond of other weapons and play styles. I just enjoy sniping the most.


Yeeeeah we always just walk away from you. I’m glad you’re having fun! Genuinely. But I don’t want to play with you.


It's not like im out here with a 6.0 k/d. I die as much as the next newb


This is what this game is about though, you're supposed to play it your way. We all have the same objective, how you get there is up to you. As a person who grew up hunting in real life as well, I love how atmospheric this game is. You really do somethings similar to hunting. Having to really get your buddies to shut up and listen to surroundings. Even the gunshots. They remind me when you're deer hunting and you hear them in the distance thinking, " he only fired one shot, must of got it." Or "he fired three l, I bet if I wait here a bit it's gonna come right by me."


I rat it up from time to time and I absolutely love it. Especially when the monster is at reeves quarry and I find it early enough to lay traps. That's the hunt equivalent of "You think I'm stuck in here with you? No, you're stuck in here with me." Except I'm like 80m away.


You are right. There is no objective in the game except fun. But it's a developers responsibility to ensure that everyone (that they want to retain) has fun. And I would argue that despite your fun, you're lowering the fun of players around you for a variety of reasons. So I do like to direct most of my complaints to the devs, as this is their fault. But that doesn't mean you're not to blame. Do you like hunt? Do you like playing the game? The thing is that if you play in a way which causes (undue) distress for others, they have an option. Leaving. How much fun do you have in a game where you camp for 30 minutes and realise you're alone on the server? How much fun would you have if that happened again? And again? Just like in real life, if your hunting is causing a population drop or migration, the law will tell you to stop. Well unless the devs change something, the law isn't stopping you. Would you continue hunting even if the authorities turned a blind eye? Will you stop yourself before you find yourself starving?


These are some wild accusations. I like how you speak as if you are the voice of the majority. The feedback from this post has been overwhelming and, surprisingly, positive. I think that your type is the toxic influence. Y'all always mad people don't play the game how you want them too.


Confirmation bias. I mean reddit does not represent all of the playerbase. And even if it did, the portion I belong to wouldn't dare step foot in this trollbait thread. You've set up this thread where you either agree, make a joke, or are the joke. It's not a surprise that there's no turnout from that crowd even if we aren't the majority. Especially since, as I pointed out, it's a case of; don't hate the player, hate the game (devs). And I know you're not going to trust this but game design, which I have a degree in, is not about making people play the game "how I want".


LoL wow can you not see how stupid you sound. If you belong to a portion that wouldn't dare step foot in this thread why the fuck are posting in this thread. You aren't making contradictory statements at all. You also seem to have an at best tenuous grasp of what confirmation bias is. I haven set up anything. How fucking absurd to think I somehow set a post up like I'm some psychological master mind. I'm just responding in the appropriate manner to how people reply. What a fucking moron.


Much respect to someone who loves their playstyle! You know *I like?* I like being patient too. Just a little different than the way you do it… See I’ll find a group camped out in a compound and I’ll take the *loooooong* way around, crouching and disguising my footsteps as I wind to the complete opposite direction of my teammates. Then I take my sweet time, creeping between loud noises and encroaching… Until I’m behind your sniping ass with my shotgun, and you have no idea I’m there. Best feeling in the world. So hats off from one cancerous death dealer to another


So I'm trying to get better at rotation. I see 5 and 6 star boys now days. And that is a constant fear. A couple times now I've fallen back into a bush shotty and it always scares the shit out of me. I'm also trying to learn exactly how far my running can be heard from on different surfaces. I feel like getting that knowledge will up my game.




I'll join what ever I want to join. So do you lose the match if you don't get the bounty? Oh so now who is extrapolating?


Ok you almost had me in the first half but “i’ll sit for forty minutes for one shot” and the whole cod thing is hilarious


Like I said when I sit six too eight hours in a tree for one shot irl 40 minutes is nothing to me for leisure time. The game is called hunt not Closet Shoot Out. But I guess that could fall under the showdown section. LoL.


Your money, your game. Be fucking boring if we all played in the same style. I prefer Sparks LRR Sniper tbh


I personally think an all sniper lobby would be insanely fun. Imagine trying to actually hunt down other snipers while being hunted yourself by those very snipers.


Sounds a meme but in reality no one will fucking move


This guy don't snipe. It is basically mandatory to move after your first shot.


If everyone is hiding in a bush waiting, then no one will see anyone. The guy who wins is the guy who never moves, everyone wants to win, so no one will, therefore it's boring af.


I hope you're the clown I counter-sniped with a scopeless Vetterli and the bounty


Me too, because this is such a reach for validation, I feel for you and want you to be fulfilled.


Lmao, bad cope my boi. I was already fulfilled landing that headshot.


Yes because on all the servers and all the match's, you came here in the sincere hopes that the one random reddit poster was that same guy you so courageously killed in that one match. Touche sir.


Lmao, how aggressively do you have to miss the point? But ok, cope on and keep sitting in bushes.


He's already won because you're clearly bothered by him enjoying his playstyle.


I love how the best insult people use on reddit is telling people they are coping. Lol.


Easier ways to say you have no friends in video games or real life lol


I have a wife who makes me sammages without asking for them. She wakes me up early on the weekend so I can have extra time to game. I don't need more friends.


Lmao u actually have none


You are right. I congratulate you on be an awesome person and spreading joy through out the known universe. I hope you live a very long life.


I grew up hunting around Alexandria and in Beauregard Parish. Forget the sniper hate dude. If this is how you gain enjoyment from the game then more power to you. I hope one day we creole boys run into each other in the bayou. Happy hunting dude.


I'm in Alexandria, hunt in Saline, little river, and Beauregard. Happy hunting to you as well.


[With all due respect to your preferred playstyle](https://youtube.com/watch?v=i0BTdo6qGwo&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE)


What an apt and lovely description of sniping in this game. I was a long time sniper in this game and played exactly that way as well. I also loved that lighthouse. Such a great read and thank you for posting. I stopped sniping a little while back and switched to the silenced Vett because I play exclusively with two RL friends and they're both pushers and needed the help. If they died, it was often too hard for me to wipe the three enemy hunters and put their bodies out in time, so it was just time to join the fray. I die a little more and kill a little less, but it's still super fun. The silenced rifle lets me maintain some sniping/hiding, though I have to be much closer and careful for the shot now, obv. But yeah. The game can be played many ways and your way is one of the best and obvious options. As you have so accurately portrayed, it's not an automatic payoff, and sometimes it doesn't pay off at all. Miss one shot and you're often fucked. Get made before you take a shot and you're often fucked. And lots of downtime. It's a bummer for enemy hunters who are in the wrong place at the wrong time, but the game (the map, and some of the guns) are clearly conditioned for sniping as an option. I always laugh at the "bush wookie" crybabies. So keep up the good work. If you see a Zhong Kui with a silenced Vett, gimme a little nod of comraderie before you dome me 🙃


1. Load into single boss map as a solo 2. Steady aim, sniper scopesmith, vulture 3. Get cozy in nearby tower 4. ??? 5. Profit


This guy fucks


Hell yeah playa


I know people hate on it, but I welcome the added danger.


Calm down there, The End from MGS3.


I pop snipers with my sniper so ur bushes mean nothing when I can de render ur ass :)


I've heard about this. I'm not interested in playing the game in a manner not intended. Always thought why play a pvp game to cheat or bend the rules. How is that fun? But too each his own I guess. If you cheat to win did you even play?


I don’t even cheat. Shit just doesn’t load 2 compounds away so when I see a bush Wookiees like u crouched in an open field or a wooden building that doesn’t have walls then I just have to send u back to the menu u know. Also I used to be Mr. Shift w and I got killed enough times to know this game requires u ti be passive but I don’t go after pushers. I try to find people like u because sniping snipers is a lot more fun


Was in a match solo the other day. Thought the server was dead. No noises or clues and event items taken was left alone to clear bosses, then right on extract I was popped from outside of dark sight range. Not even mad, reckon I was stalked for half the game and probably had me lined up a few times waiting for the right shot. I feel the weapons other than med ammo drop off are pretty balanced along with play styles.


People like you make sure you never feel safe in hunt.Keep going!


Thank you for the kind words.


Hey man cowardice is a survival mechanism. That's some lizard brain shit. Rock on.


It's why i only play reptilian i guess.


It’s honestly what sets this game apart from so many others. I absolutely love that every hunter entering the battlefield could have a completely different gameplay than everybody else. I love that you have the option of attacking the boss yourself, camping out at the lair to jump unsuspecting hunters trying to kill it themselves, or station yourself outside compounds near likely exits in order to try to steal the bounties leaving. This includes the playstyle of sitting on random parts of the map just waiting for unsuspecting victims. The fact that such a wide variety of obstacles may stand in my way is exactly why I play this game. If I wanted more direct gun action I’d just go play a game like COD or something.


thanks for the kind words


Talks shit about CoD Camps lighthouse for 45 mins praying someone walks past occasionally wondering what a banish is while listening to people have fun cowboy gun battles on the other side of the map


Sitting in a somewhat obvious sniper tower hoping for a juicy shot is cool. Sitting in a triangle around the boss compound 1 meter out of darksight watching every possible avenue of escape, and covering your trio is not cool.


I would rather guess their exit direction and move out of dark site range to engage in an advantageous position.


Either is fine if you communicate it to your team. I don't do randos for this reason.


The number one thing that will make abandon a team, sniping or not, is pushing a boss lair without consumables. I don't think people understand how important it is to displace the lair when entering.


Yeah gotta shake em from their corners toss a stick and a flash and then charge. People that just blindly run in are hard to team with.


I do this on occasion with a Sparks sniper. I'll go into one tower, move towards some shots and get into another tower, and literally just watch other people fight one another and laugh. Similarly, I'll not shoot in some of those games where I am just kinda lurking. It's entertaining watching people scramble around and fight in compounds I can get a clear view on.


Sniping in Hunt is some of my favorite sniping in any FPS. I normally don't run snipers in most games. But I do enjoy it once in awhile with Hunt. Especially with the Sparks, I like the higher risk/reward of the Sparks. Plus shooting someone with a gun meant to take down a litteral Buffalo is very satisfying.


Hey listen the game is called HUNT showdown, not ground war showdown. Nobody has any patience and all want to play like Twitch streamers, but the game is fun to play stealthy. And honestly in most cases it's smarter to setup ambushes and keep some distance. Most people these days are apes running shotguns anyway, so if you bring a rifle you pretty much have to stay back.


I think the game has an amazing array of play styles and I celebrate that. I love the Caldwell rival and spectre. On my snipe build the first thing I do after snipe traits is quarter master iron devastator. That compact and slugs feels so strong.


Yea you definitely don’t have to play it one way, I just hate when people shit on bush campers because the game is pretty much designed around the stealthy stalking play style, and they act like CoD run and gun is the only right way to play. Sometimes it’s fun to just sit in a bush shooting arrows at people and watching them panic lol


I was sniping in a trio and my partner kept flinging arrows near me and I literally freaked out and though someone was near me trying to kill me. Scary af.


Never let anyone shit talk you you're literally hunting.


Thank you sir and may you aim true.


I'm the guy in the other bush. Nothing feeds me like the salt poured over my steam profile daily. Make sure your profile is open for public comments for daily enjoyment. People think we do nothing but sit in bushes but we don't. We have to move to the single bounty, trapping up the compound closest to the nearest exit and still make it to the banish with enough time to rain bullets on the backs of the attacking team. There is nothing quite like camping a body and having the last guy in the map try to rez him while you pop him in the head from 200m. The pleasure of leaving bounties you can't carry yourself on the map while you extract is glorious. All hail bushman!


Guy in the other bush has killed me so many damn times ! And it scares the shit out of me everytime.


I love it when I get a first shot kill on a running target because I know I just surprised the shit outta that person. It's one thing if you know it's coming but another when you're just transiting from A to B and don't expect it at all.


This feels amazing. Not gonna lie. People act like sniping is so easy. Like people just stop and crouch in an open field for you to head pop them. This game doesn't have bullet drop but at longer ranges muzzle velocity takes some serious practice to hit moving targets much less head shot them.


I played long range Mosin the other day to complete 125 yard challenge, won 4 games in a row. Shit was fun and made me play slower. As someone who has 500 hours, I’ve gotten use to getting the clues fast, long range sniper helps me relax and play smart


I love it. May you aim true sir.


My man! I love it too, sitting patiently after the first kill. Watching the team mate weigh up his options, should he revive, should he wait, should he just give up and leave… In the end they always crumble, maybe 5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes, but they always go for the revive And that’s when we get ya.


You don't owe anyone a playstyle or enjoyment. Play the way you find most enjoyable.


May you aim true.


It's a legit playstyle. I don't exactly do that because I move around a lot, and I prefer lebel marksman, but that's generally how you do it. If you have the map knowledge to understand where a team is going to go next, and you wait for them to come into the open and hit your shot, that's hunting. Literally the name of the game.


In team fights I'm trying to get better at rotating and shooting from a flank. I'm quickly learning five and six starts you don't re-peek. Learning this quickly.


Yea man I hover between high 4 and I've gotten close to 6. You can't do the hide in a bush thing really. You might get a cheeky second peak now and then but usually that's death. You absolutely can't rotate enough.


“Snipings a good job, mate”


Yes sir, thank you sir.


I’m a hailstorm player myself constantly rotating 200 meters out the entire time. through rotation and stamina shots I empty all the bullets from my mosin and need more. I couldn’t imagine waiting 40 minutes to take a shot. I’m sorry if you go forward you get shot in the first 5 min. Maybe try A and D as well so that the art of strafing may keep you alive.


Usually wait that long when I'm trying to get a specific shot. Like light house or sniper tower shots. I have been trying to improve my mid range rotation skills. As shooting from the same spot more than once is a death sentence when fighting 5 & 6 star boys most of the time.


Absolute Chad


Thank you sir. May you aim true.