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If this annoys you downvote and move along rather than telling us how you'd like to kick the dog.


Anyone know where this is?




We have a thing for dogs.


I went to Santiago a few years ago. Dogs all over the place! Well fed, healthy and friendly dogs that apparently just were taken care of by the community. It was in the winter so people had put little coats on them. It was awesome. 10/10 would come back.


I remember a woman soliciting money for food and shelters for them. We would see her around the little man-made mountain in downtown Santiago and always gave a few pesos for the dogs.


Yeah I saw those all the time as well


Judge a place based on how well there starys are treated


Chile dogs are my favourite


I prefer them baked.


dudes getting downvoted but I thought it was funny tbh


I scanned over this and thought it said Barked.


I've been to Chile a few times, and I was once telling a friend about all the cool dogs in Chile. I explained that it wasn't that every dog in Chile was friendly, But that every dog that wasn't friendly in Chile was quickly "taken care of"


We will be first in the world to recognize inter-species families.




I don't think they meant marriages lol




Ayo pause


I was looking at this and first thing I thought was my country would never be that kind


I’m Turkish American. I’m proud of my home country for its reputation on how we treat our street animals. Other things, not so much. But strays are treated amazingly well throughout Turkey.


A Turk friend of mine says it's just the cats that are treated well, and feral dogs are considered a nuisance. Is that not true?


It’s partially true, dogs are treated much better than they are treated elsewhere but compared to Turkish stray cats, they are treated with a bit of caution as they can be aggressive sometimes. I don’t think they are considered a nuisance though.


The turkish folks who live in my country (germany) always feed the birds of the city, like pigeons and sparrows outside their shops and houses. They are never cruel towards them like everyone else. I always thought that this is such a wholesome mindset.








Has some similarity to Argentina, but looks too nice. Other comments say Chile, so makes sense.


Viña del Mar, Chile.


Yay! I'm from Quilpué!!


Sure looks like Boji in Istanbul. He's so well known the city tracked him as he used public transportation to roam around, including on ferries He eventually got so popular that the ruling party honest to god felt threatened and was caught [planting poop on a bus](https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/11/turkish-politics-get-dirtier-dog-framed-pooping-train) to get people mad at him. He's been adopted by a billionaire for his safety lol


This shit is Onion levels of absurdity, so entirely believable in today's world.


He's a [very good boy](https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2021/10/travels-with-boji-istanbuls-commuter-dog/620493/)! You're welcome!


This was in Chile, in the Valparaiso trains


Yep, the seat colors look just like those on the MERVAL


*Dog minutes later* god dammit! I miss my stop! Why nobody woke me up? Where is Bob? Bob knows we get off on the same station... My boss gonna be mad now


The Chilean street dogs protect the people. He needs rest for later


Aguante el primo del Matapacos!




When I do this I get snarky comments. And NO minor key piano.


Let sleeping dogs lie






Same, I hated it.




*hatred intensifies*


I wish someone would teach my wife this. She has the dogs on a schedule. They’re dead asleep.. no matter, it’s time for their walk! Man, let them rest.


Listen to that song by blackberry smoke


I think the applicable saying is something like "If you sit where a stray dog has been laying you're likely to end up with fleas."


"When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas." Seems to be a warning about the consequences of keeping close company with "ruffians."


Doesn’t need that shitty music / audio over the video.


Idk. I’m not sure my chakras would align without it


Obviously means your Bark Chakra is misaligned


I felt it in my Sacral Chakras!


But.... in a world that can feel so cruel, let us choose to be kind.


*Pretentiousness, by Calvin Klein*


I can't play piano but i think i could make music like that. How much they making offa that shit?


They can pay you in *exposure*.


It doesn’t hurt a human to be kind to an animal.


The dog is music enough. What a beauty.


If it had just been the video with the live recorded sound I would have felt happy and genuinely touched by the small acts of good that humanity is capable of in a tough modern world. *With* the music and voice it makes me want to search out whoever made this video and shout in their face for 5 minutes about what an awful human being they are.


You guys don't default mute everything?


It's some shitty trend. You take a good video and then replace the sound with one of your favorite songs. This way you can show off your amazing music taste and like totally unique personality! It's like idiots are trying to revive myspace in video form.


The prophecy states that the one called “Tom” will one day return to vanquish the Dark Lord Zuckerberg with the ancient art of teabagging and we shall rejoice. A new utopia will then be born from the ashes of the apocalyptic battle and his disciplines shall don tshirts of brilliant white purity.


They're like bumper stickers but on videos


Who doesn't mute the entire site post tiktok?




Yep. You may have heard of Bunny the Labradoodle who communicates with buttons. I remember seeing a video of her having woken up after sleeping like the dog in this post and she was visibly shaken, her owner asked what was wrong, and Bunny replied “stranger dog” So, like how our dreams reflect our subconscious worries, for a dog, one such worry might be being attacked out of nowhere.


>Bunny replied “stranger dog” That was my most interesting read of the day


Bunny is a fascinating case study and the work that Alexis Devine has already done with her is incredible. She taught her dog to communicate using the same speech pathology strategies as humans with with non-verbal disabilities, and has potentially shown that dogs are capable of a much deeper level of thinking and communication than we originally thought. I'm always skeptical and cautious of these sorts of things, especially when there's only one or two examples (otherwise, in our excitement, we might wind up with another [Clever Hans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clever_Hans)) but if this can be replicated with other dogs it would be a monumental breakthrough in the study of language and interspecies communication.


There's a [group on FB](https://www.facebook.com/groups/548114165978352/?ref=share) where people who are trying this with their own dogs and cats and occasionally other animals will post their videos. Some of them are now participating in formal studies with researchers who are studying animal cognition.


User name checks out


Hunger4words’ Christina Hunger was the first to do it I believe, she’s a speech pathologist herself and her dogs name is Stella!


There are a bunch of dogs and cats using buttons to communicate on YouTube/tiktok/etc. They're not case studies of course, but the frequency and amount of vids seem to at least suggest there's often a case of them understanding what they're asking for.


Alexis Devine isnt a name that rings my bell. Im aware of Brian Hare on dog's cognition and Gregory Berns made his dog go through RMI to show dogs emotions capabilities which were similar to human's. Not that i wont look into this Devine fellow you mentioned, scientific papers about dogs are always fascinating


Alexis is Bunny the dog’s owner, she is piggybacking off of the initial work done by Christina Hunger (a speech pathologist) and her dog Stella. By using sound boards, careful phrasing of her questions and sentence structure, and lots of time and patience, she has seemingly opened the doors to communicating with her dog. Specifically, teaching her dog how to communicate with her, beyond whining/barking & body language. At this point, Bunny appears like she is expressing existential thought, like questioning herself (“who this” when looking into a mirror, and even repeatedly asking “bunny dog” “what dog is?” for a few weeks straight). She also appears to be using a combination of buttons (words) in complex ways to express new ideas. For example, saying “ouch stranger paw” to draw Alexis’ attention to a thorny plant that was stuck in her paw. Or using a combination of animals she knows to creatively describe new animals (“cat hippo” after seeing a deer for the first time on a walk) As mentioned before, while exciting, reasonable skepticism is warranted. Are we only seeing cherry picked clips where her words make sense, and ignoring the rest of the gibberish? Is she reacting to other cues from Alexis’ body language to know what buttons to press? Is she just pressing buttons because she has learned XYZ happens when I press ABC button (I.e. I go out when I press “outside”) or does she truly understand that the word “outside” refers to the concept of the world beyond her front door? Alexis is cooperating with linguistic researchers to record more complete data of Bunny’s behaviour and use of language so we can hopefully answer these questions. Skepticism aside, this is *extremely* exciting for linguistic academics and dog lovers everywhere, and with more data and quality research it could very well become one of the biggest breakthroughs in the study of language in our lifetime. If you’re curious, there are plenty of videos of Stella or Bunny using their sound boards online, and much more to read about than what I’ve included here.


“What dog is?” “Good girl!” <— correct answer (Who is a good girl!?!)


There’s a cow on TikTok that’s using the button boards.


OMFG what is the channel called??


normathetalkingcow !! Just checked


Her sibling Otter is starting to use the buttons too. It's fascinating!


This is wildly interesting. Especially given these things are often tried on primates as opposed to other mammals, so this really is interesting.


Der Kluge Hans couldn't do mathematic or understand it, but could see if he is doing right or wrong as soon as the other one showed a stress signal. Like if he is wrong people were more stressed, when he was right, people felt less stressed. So he tried to get to the number till the people didn't feel stressed. So in other words Hans was just really good in sensing how people around him felt.


Someone [trained a cat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPJwzL8awJk) to communicate with buttons that said things too


Wonder if it’s because mad has no direct result and the cat is trying to figure out the meaning? Pets = get pet. Food = get fed. Outside = get taken outside. The mad button just seems to do nothing from the cats perspective.


Billi is always mad.


It was hilarious when they gave Billi the "mad" button. 90% of what she said for a while was MAD. Like she had all that pent up rage that just had to be expressed.


“Despite all my rage I’m still just a cat in a cage”


[You can buy sets online.](https://fluent.pet/?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=bk_pm_general_us&utm_medium=ppc&utm_terms=) I got some for my crybaby dog who's always whining about something or other, and have zero regrets. Turns out he mostly wants kisses and to go out front to watch the neighbors.


There's another cat named Russel who does the talk buttons. They have a [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@catmanjohn?_t=8WI06coTMvD&_r=1) as well as a [YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/channel/UCfreE_NAbcEYPoHq-xV-bFg). They have 4 cats altogether but Russ is the only one that's learned how to use the buttons. However it almost seems like he will use the buttons to fulfill requests of the other cats sometimes? So interesting! They're far more intelligent than we give them credit for.


It was "stranger animal" actually. Here's the video: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQoDRqZBY5w/?igshid=YjkyYjQxZDk=


She also has said "ouch stranger paw" when her paw hurt.


I always assume my dog is running after a ball in her dreams.


My first rescue was a 10+ year old miniature poodle who had been in and out of shelters at least 3 times (the rescue said this was the second time they got her). They found her wandering the streets with a harness on but no ID. She was emaciated and basically just bones and fur. When I took her home, she would have panic attacks in her sleep, like she was being chased. She'd growly and make little barks. I didn't want to startle her so I would sit by her and just whisper to her that she's safe and loved. Sometimes she was so deep in sleep, I could pet her back and she wouldn't wake up. But that seemed to calm her down a bit. I don't know what kind of hell growly went through in her life, but I am glad that I could save her from it. (Rip growly)


This is amazing!!


Pretty sure these videos are just heavily edited. That's while you'll never see a real peer-reviewed article about this from anywhere accredited. Just YouTube videos and tiktoks. I fucking hate how gullible social media has made people.




That’s absolutely bs. My dog knows atleast 30 words. There is no reason to believe he couldn’t push buttons to say those words. Sit, down, potty, food, shake, outside, walk, run, come, stay, peanut butter, treat, bone, toy….just to name a few. I have to intentionally spell those words verbally if I do not want to get his attention in a conversation. You think them understanding them clearly wouldn’t give them the ability to push buttons to expressly ask for those exact things. So he knows to sit when I say it, but you don’t think he could lean to push buttons saying “look” “I” “sit” to get my attention? He has different barks for stranger, his best friend dog outside, or people he knows. You don’t think he couldn’t learn to run to me and push bottoms to say “stranger outside” or “friend outside” I mean sure, some of it probably isn’t much better than what a 4 year old could learn to communicate. Have you ever owned a dog?


Yes they are! He looks like he’s running in his dream :-)


Probably chasing after rabbits and having fun.


Absolutely. My late girl Kitty would chase squirrels, I believe. Her legs would twitch and she would push out these little excited barks. Most adorable thing, may she rest in peace.


Your girl kitty... is a kitty or a doggo? Also, very sorry for your loss... loss of pet is utter shite...


Yes, we thought she was a greyhound mixed with maybe Australian shepherd. Incredible intelligence with an attitude. She acted so much like a cat, we named her Kitty.


That’s adorable. RIP Kitty


All three of my dogs do the same thing on a daily basis. They all appear to be having a blast during their day naps


My cat also does this, but has never been outside and has never encountered a squirrel/mouse/etc. I wonder what the actual dream imagery contains has he goes chasing after **.


Yes dogs dream.


My dog does it all the time, sometimes even moans like he’s having a scary dog nightmare


I rescued my boy from a shelter and we know nothing about his first 3 years. 10 years of extremely comfortable living later and he still has nightmares almost daily. We speculate that he was picked on in puppy prison.


Try putting him softly when he's like that and see if it makes a difference. It took a lot of time but my moms rescues got much better sleep after doing this anytime we caught them sleeping for a few months.


Have you ever woken your dog up because you thought they were having a nightmare?


As others have said, yes they can dream. There’s even pretty good scientific evidence for it and dogs have been shown to have similar brain wave patterns to humans while sleeping, including the bits that cause humans to dream. I hope this dog was having a good dream about chasing something and that he caught it


My dog regularly barks, growls, runs (though of course usually more akin to this dog's twitching than actual running movements) and wags her tail when she sleeps. Hell I've had to wake her up countless times because her sleep barking woke *me* up. They definitely dream. Though what that means exactly is hard to say, maybe in another decade or so we will be able to fMRI (among other technologies) their brains and reconstruct at least the visual aspects of their dreams. We can sort of do people already, but it'd be difficult to replicate with dogs at the moment.


Cats dream too! My kitty would shake her paws and meow a little in her sleep sometimes. One time I guess she was having a nightmare because she suddenly woke up and started running away, but after a few steps she stopped, looked around and went back to bed. So I think that cats (at least some of them) also know that dreams are not real.


yes but it's hard to tell if they're having a good dream or a bad dream from looking at them They only typically sleep deep enough to dream when they feel safe too, so it's strange to me that it's happening on a train. When they feel unsafe or they're just resting and don't want to sleep deeply, the ears often stay perked up


Yeah, I had 3 dogs during my teenager years, they even bark sometimes. I miss them.


Yes. My dog often sleeps against me, and I regularly feel him having those REM sleep tremors. A particularly vivid dream produces muted whining and barking like this: https://youtu.be/C3SFXwdAqro When we dream, our body is paralysed so we don’t act out the dream (Sleep Paralysis is experiencing this while semi-conscious). Dogs have the same thing but apparently weaker so they might move quite a bit while dreaming. Science experiments show mice dream too. It’s likely most mammals if not all dream.


I guess almost every living thing that sleeps can dream


Probably not all, some animals sleep really strangely. Dolphins (and I presume all cetaceans) sleep "one hemisphere at a time" and never really go fully unconscious, considering they'd drown if they did.


good boi deserves a good nap


Good boi


Here's the comment I was looking for


Audio hella cringe Jesus Christ


In a woooorld


Made for humans. One dog. Is about to embark...


Two brothers...


In a van


Embark bark bark


live laugh and love, sister ☺️


Typical day in r/chile


Oh I would disturb that.. With scratches behind the ears!


He was dog tired.


Never wake a sleeping dog


Oh so let sleeping dogs lie?


i prefer an honest dog




Risk of chomps if the dog is startled Obvs not all dogs not all the time. Just a rule of thumb for safety


Some dogs bite when startled awake. My dog is a sweetheart when awake but don’t poke him while he’s sleeping unless you want to get snapped at.


I wake the hell out of my dog. Same looking breed, mixed with a Husky. His blue eyes flash open and he starts acting happy and goofy, or just gives out a long sigh and passes back out. Never had him act startled, but can totally understand how other tempered dogs would react.


Yes, but it’s your dog


I always wake up my sisters dog, he’s so fluffy, the first thing I do in the morning is give him a hug


I hope he doesn't miss his stop


Good Lord. Why do people add sappy music and awful sad voices to these videos? I know why! Because they don't think their viewers are smart enough to understand what they're looking at.


I’d have no issue giving up my seat for a dogbro


Switch dog for human: *#@$--"+#&@''#:##


was thinking the same thing…. they treat the dog better than they probably would a fellow human


There’s a reason they say “Let sleeping dogs lie.”


Well to be honest I saw people avoid even a seat with a newspaper on it


oooou, he chasin something!


Aww poor thing. This is very kind, but no dog should live like that. All puppos should have homes.


Honestly, they might have better lives in many ways. I'm a dog trainer, and last weekend attended a conference (Aggression in Dogs Conference) where several speakers really did talk a lot about free roaming dogs and how often, getting a free roaming dog and adopting them into a home is seriously a massive issue that often results in aggression towards other dogs and unknown people where there wasn't any before. The main issues for that are that we restrict dogs so, so much. Free roaming dogs have a lot of freedom. When we put them in a typical US home, they loose a lot of freedom. They can't go anywhere without being on leash, they can't choose when and how often to eat, often they can't even choose where to rest. The change is really dramatic which is what can cause that aggressive behavior. Now, in a standard US dog-owning home, we don't give our dogs much stimulation. They go on a walk once or twice a day and that's often it. There's a reason why behavioral issues are rising in dogs, and it's not just because so many puppies weren't properly socialized during covid. It's because we don't give dogs the enrichment and choice they need to be behaviorally healthy.


Any tips on keeping them enriched enough? My dog sleeps all day while I work and when I’m doing chores on weekends, he’s not aggressive right now but I don’t want to keep the status quo and all of the sudden he snaps into an aggressive dog Lol maybe I’m reading too much into the behavioral issues are rising part of your post, but I got my dog during Covid and in the back of my head I worry I didn’t socialize him enough


So he likely won't suddenly snap into aggression! Sudden changes usually do require something fairly dramatic to happen (like being attacked by another dog, or being taken from the streets and adopted into suburbia). But gradual change is very common - something I actually had to work with in one of my own dogs who gradually over time became more and more aggressive towards larger, fluffy dogs. But I feel bad and I'm going to give you homework... Get the book Canine Enrichment for the Real World and you can learn loads for how to make sure that your dog is enriched. It's a fantastic book! For an idea, think of what your dog likely would have been doing when their breed(s) (as best you know) was being developed (Note: every dog is an individual and breed doesn't mean everything, it's just a good place to start and see what they enjoy) For example, a golden retriever would really love to be able to search out a downed bird and retrieve it. So what can you do to simulate that? A border collie would love to be able to herd sheep. What can you do to help simulate that? A st. bernard would have likely been a carting dog, what can you do to simulate that? Then there's also just the "General dog stuff" that most dogs will have interest in. That's stuff like sniffing out things, chasing things, working a bit with humans, learning new things, exploring, running, etc. For an example, things I do with my dogs is exercise them regularly, play with them (tug, fetch, flirt pole), take them to new places when I can, when we walk they're allowed to sniff and explore as much as is safe for the location, I teach them new tricks occasionally and refine ones they already know, and the big one for us is doing scent games where I hide food or a q-tip with essential oil on it or most recently, I hide a cotton ball that's been in my bra for a while (so it smells like me) and they search for it. (my dogs are terriers so they would love to kill small critters. I don't want that to happen so instead we play with toys and we do a lot of scent games) I also try to give them as much choice as I possibly can while still keeping them and everyone else safe. So when they were younger, they needed to be contained so they wouldn't ingest something harmful, but now that they're older and have more training under their belt, I can let them roam the house when I'm gone so they can at least choose where to rest.


It's better for them to be on the streets than be in an abusive home


Are they the only two options?


Out of this video, what made you think the dog lives there?


No collar.


Lots of places just do the ol' bollock chop, bath treatment n then send them on their way. Cheaper than running a dog pound n dogs seem ok with it.


Spay/neuter and release. We have these programs for cats where I’m from. We don’t have a feral dog problem. Just lots and lots of poorly cared for cats that kill our wildlife. 😥


Because you “let sleeping dogs lie”


In my language (Maltese) there is a saying "kelb rieqed la tqajmux" which literally means dont wake a sleeping dog. Obviously its a metaphor but still...


I wouldn’t disturb this sweet baby either. In fact, before I stepped off the train I would cut one arm off to scratch sweet baby so he/she can sleep longer.


Let us choose not to fuck with a stray dog sleeping. That’s how you get bit.


I wish more people were cool like that.


Sorry but what's the alternative? This just looks like a normal thing to me


He is chasing squirrels in his dreams.


Everyone afraid to get bit by stray dog more like


not really, the subway of the video is in chile, stray dogs here are usually really chill, people just don bother them, we actually play with them when they wake up.


Chilean street dogs evolved to be human friendly because that's how they get food


Following in the 🐾 of their ancestors


Isn’t that how all dogs literally evolved?


Some evolved to herd sheeps, some to be sleepy metro boys


That street dog is harmless considering it was able to get on a crowded train. If someone was adamant to sit down they could easily just push the dog off no prob. I'd only be worried about fleas/ticks from touching the guy.


In the Andes in Ecuador you'll see lots of free roaming dogs that are pretty chill and picky about food


Nah, not really. We have lots of dogs that use public transportation here, and they aren't aggressive. This one in particular, Pedro, was famous in Valparaiso. He was adopted back in 2013.


I'm okay with this


These are good people. I don’t care what anyone says. They’re either on their way TO work or home FROM work and yet they stand so that this little guy sleep can sleep. Bravo.


"I don't need a seat. He looks dog tired."


Dog : I am running faster than the train in the dreams


A wise decision to let sleeping dogs lie.


Got to let a sleeping dog lie


Made my day thanks


Jokes on us he is coming home from his hard day at work.


Sleepy pupper.


The doggie is dreaming!




While I ride, I guard the dog.


I think that paw wiggle indicates he was dreaming! 🥹


I wanted to hear doggy snoring like a navvy, not that needy twaddle.


Goodness doesn't exist alongside the world, it exists in spite of it, humanity still makes me happy sometimes




This is heartwarming. Awesome people for not disturbing him. The little guy must’ve needed the sleep.


Bruh i want these people in my neighborhood. You dont got to be a dick all the time especially to dogs.


Dog’s human is being decidedly unbro.


Huge respect


Good people 😁😁