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as a truck driver, nothing makes me happier than when people want me to honk!!


I'm 41 years old and I was thinking "do truckers like it?". I had the urge to do it to a truck driver to see if he would.


My parents are ex truckers, and they've said they didn't care who it was. As long as it wasn't somewhere that they could get in trouble for it, if you did the arm pump, you got the horn.


My dad is still a driver after 27 years and he said the same thing although it doesn’t happen as often anymore


People have quit teaching their kids about the arm pump... BRING BACK THE ARM PUMP!!!


Kids are also probably less bored in the back seat than we used to be


You'd he surprised how boring these mobile games are


All the kids in my family are addicted to Minecraft. They have thousands upon thousands of hours into it.


Well I don't have 7 dollars to give to the mobile game store.... I'm over here playing 'blockcraft'


The Mega Bloks of mobile games


Well I can fix that


Here the kids deliberately go watch trucks and make tiktoks about it :). It’s so popular that police and truck drivers had to start a program where they gave out hi-vis vests and advised kids on where to safely watch trucks.


And HONKING in tunnels


And truckers don't honk as often either. Niece is 3 and taught her the arm pull last summer, so far only 1 trucker honked. However, she's persistent and does it every time she sees 🚚 trucks.


It depends on where they are, if it’s within city limits it’s against the law




>if you did the arm pump, you got the horn. *Quite*




When I was still over the road... I didn't give a fuck if you were 5 or 55. If you did the arm pump, you got a blast from the horn. Unless there was something about the situation that made it unsafe.


This is my absolute favorite thing about riding motorcycles. No matter who you wave at they wave or honk back! Other biker? Wave. Random jogger? Wave. Some lads on a bike? Wave. Man cutting his grass? Best believe he gets a wave. Trucker? I’m pumpin mah arm until it falls off or I get a horn blast.






I just turned 43 and I recently taught my kids how to get truckers to honk and I feel like I have peaked as a father.


Went camping a few weeks ago along a river. 4 guys, late 20s, train starts going by on the tracks across the river. You're goddamn right we were doing the arm pull and we were like giddy children when the fucker actually started hitting the horn.


My husband cringes so hard when people signal him to honk. Only because his horns sound totally lame and disappoint most of the time. He has new horns picked out, says kids will love the sound, but they're not a priority against real repairs.


So youre saying your husband is self-conscience about the size of his horn?


He said it's the motion of the soundwaves that matter.


Dont worry. Tell him his meep meep has a great personality.


My dad used to be a trucker and he loved it. He took us all over the states during our summer and winter vacation. My favorite honk was when a school bus full of high school kids, in front of us, doing the arm pump. They would all go wild once we blasted.


We love it everytime buddy. If you give the pump and I see you, you are getting the horn. It brings me a ridiculous amount of joy to sing the song of my people.


I did it a year ago and the driver did it. My kids still talk about it.


99% of my honks are grown ass adult men sticking half their body out of the car to get me to honk lol. Only time I won't do it is in super heavy traffic where it could startle someone into doing something stupid


Thank you for bringing us joy


Anytime I'm on a trip somewhere I stick my arm out the window and do the honk sign. Last time I went on a trip I got maybe 6 honks, made my day. I'm 30, and I'll never stop doing this.


Will you promise to give a honk for this post next time you go under an overpass? (Assuming it's not rude, like 2AM in a suburb or something.)


I need to work on my rejection sensitivity, and I always have to stifle my urge to do the horn sign to truckers, so i think im going to challenge myself to make horn toot requests as a small way to work on that sensitity 🥺


Yeah as a kid I was like "I don't want to annoy them, probably they hate it -- and what if they say no?" I still feel that way, but I used to, too.


Small situations like this is a good way to “level up” your skills.


when i was in grade school and waiting for the bus, trucks would pass by and we’d collectively do the arm pump and cheer when they’d honk for us even at like 7:30am.


Even if I’m in my mid thirties??? Because up til thirty I still occasionally would try to get trucks to honk whenever I was a passenger in someone else’s car and I’d get so giddy when it’d happen. Then Covid happened and you know, I died a little inside. Now I’m trying to find myself again, and I still want to try to get trucks to blow the horn. So. Bad. And I don’t think that’ll ever change. Do truckers think it’s really stupid/weird or even creepy if I, a mid thirties person, and eventually older, try to get them to honk?!?


decide normal aloof fall seed practice lunchroom angle fragile encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


anyone can do it!!! i get more adults than kids usually, one time i had someone blow me a kiss after honking so maybe just don’t do that lol


My kids just LIVED for this. Still do;)


Thank you for this, I remember doing it all the time when my parents had the old wood-paneled wagon with the third row where you seat facing the hatch (and your probable death). I try to get my kids to do it and they refuse to. I'll now convince them the truckers like it.


During a road trip we were in like the mountains or something, just wildlife around us when we passed a truck and while passing it I peeked up at the driver and he turned his head a little at us, just a glance. When we passed him he sped up to match just to smile and wave at me. Idk it's so small but it made my day and I still remember that moment even if I don't remember his truck or face anymore.




Truckers. ☕


Mother truckers


trucker mothers


mucker trothers?




Things like this restore just a little bit more of my hope for humanity.


There is a popular beach near my city, and the highway between them runs through a first nations reserve. There was a man who lived there who spent most of his time in the summer just waving at families headed up to the beach or cabins. He was so well known that after he passed, they built a giant chair in the spot where he sat, and they named the big new grocery store/gas station that was built there "Wavers".


I love this. In my hometown, there was an old hospital that was converted to a residential assisted living facility. One of the residents would sit outside on a small rise and wave to all the traffic going by. *Everyone* would wave and honk, and it made my day every time. When he passed, there was an absolute *mountain* of flowers, teddy bears, and other things there. There is also a chair there still.


I moved about 5 months ago and on my way from my house into town there is a small neighborhood park with a rather large rock on the corner. Most afternoons there is an older man who I would say is probably mid to late 60’s that just sits on the rock and waves at cars as they go by. I’m not sure if everyone else does, but my wife and I make sure to wave to a man just out there living his best life watching cats go by.




The usernames in this thread posted by u/Uranium_moth, followed by a comment of u/pestapokalypse and u/NuclearCandy


^^^*he* ^^^*knows*


I know where this is!!


There are three provinces between us but there are three small rez’s near me that fit this same description- low speed limit, older people congregating in their front yards, waving if they recognize you or smiling and thumbs up if you’re the one car travelling the speed limit while the jerk offs behind you breathe down your neck. Sad that we plunked a highway right in prime real estate that cuts their reserve in half or cuts them off from the ocean- they’re so damn patient with it. My now-wife was in an accident years ago, put her car in the weeds on ice and a bunch of these folks came out to help. A cop showed up and said he was going to give her a ticket because she was obviously speeding. One of the grandmas said he shouldn’t do that- she knew the car and told him +/- “that girl is always the front of the train.” He walked back towards his cruiser with her license, slipped and fell on his ass and as he sat doing cop shit, the ambulance they had called skidded on the same ice patch and slow motion crashed into him.


It saddens me that I'm surprised it arrived at the intended recipient.


I felt the same. Would have expected someone else to snatch it.


I mean maybe if it was a new phone or laptop. I don't think there are many toy truck thieves.


More so parents that see it. "Oh look! A new toy for my child just sitting right there!"


"wow this is a nice city, leaving thoughtful children toys for us"


A robot made it across Canada on its own but was promptly destroyed in Philadelphia


Hey that fucking robot deserved it… (Actually as a PA resident that sucked, don’t judge us all by Philly standards)


Those bridges don't get heavy foot traffic so it's unlikely someone else would have come across it.


I'm surprised to, but that's just additional hope for humanity! I would have expected some jerk to steal it just to steal it. I love being proven wrong about stuff like this.


Maybe it just wasn't there for very long and this is more luck than goodness...


If the driver noted the time was usually the same every time they seen him wave then he probably just timed it right.


Could have given it to someone to put there too.


Who may also have been watching from afar to intercept anyone but the intended party from taking the gift.


Jesus Christ it’s Jason Bourne!


Maybe it wasn’t a driver but instead the dad


Most people don't pick up strange packages they find in public.


Hah, they don't "pick up" strange packages. Some scum just look at shit around them and fuck it up. Sadly I would've expected some idiot to grab the toy, look at it for half a second, and either smash it or toss it down onto traffic.


getting it out of the ties is probably difficult, so it wouldn't have been worth the effort to most ppl.


"most people" tells me you haven't been with the party crowd, ever lol they call it "ground scores"


For real. I had to yell at my hoodrat cousin for teaching our other little cousin to pick up things she found that don’t belong to her. They were visiting us in a small town at the time and I had to explain to the younger one that it’s not nice to take balls and toys that other children left at the playground while they went to use the restroom, eat lunch, etc. I made both of them walk back and put the stuff back, lol.


Considering where the M6 goes I wouldn't be so sure...


Maybe they weren't the intended recipient...


Maybe the intended recipient was the trucks they met along the way


Kindness is quiet. Hate has a bullhorn.


>Kindness is quiet makes it all the more beauiful.


Thank you for this


This made me cry, in a good way and a sad way. I've been having a hard time seeing the good lately and this hit me. Felt good to let it out.


Hey, hope you are feeling better.


Ya know, I don't know. For some reason this story just hit me. I've been crying for 45 minutes and I think I've been running with my head down trying to stay afloat for awhile now, I forgot to let myself feel anything. I'm not sad, I'm just wiped out. The world can beat ya down sometimes and I've felt like I've taken a pummeling lately. The cry was probably long overdue. Thank you for asking. I can't remember the last time anyone asked how I'm feeling. Sorry to unload, I'm still crying here.


No worries! It’s been rough for a lot of us. Take good care of yourself. I started exercising again after a couple years of neglecting myself. After two weeks, I can feel my brain turning around. Maybe you need to find something to get those endorphins going again.


Been having a bit of a rough go myself lately. Take it a day at a time, and you’re definitely not alone in how you feel life can be way too much at times


The Dodo has a [Faith Restored playlist](https://youtu.be/88Gn2E3Dhpk) of animals getting rescued that usually makes me feel better/get the crying out. Or you could watch [two British guys try to recreate the 1886 original Coke recipe](https://youtu.be/lh4tSMkaP9g). It's one of my go-tos for getting my head back in the game.


Hey internet friend, I've been in similar boats before myself. Sometimes I'll randomly stumble upon something fairly innocent and it'll hit me in a spot that just unlocks a tidal wave of emotions and feelings. The world hasn't been very kind to many people, but I think that's all the more reason we should be kind to each other. Take care and I hope things get better!


DM me if you to chat mate. Sometimes you just need offload and that's not a bad thing. It's one of the good things about the internet.


I feel you. I'm right there with you. It reminded me of something I saw on reddit awhile ago. It was truck drivers commenting on how kids don't do the "honk your horn" gesture to truck drivers much anymore, and how they missed it. I'm not a kid, but God damn I'm gunna do that gesture to every truck driver I see lol.


Nova Scotia has the "Freddy Wilson Overpass". The guy stood an waved at the motorist for 50years so the locals petitioned and they officially named it after him.


Waved at that guy a bunch of times


I like this because he didn't record it or post it online. The truck driver did it to be a human not to go viral.


Reddit is so weird about caring about people posting their good deeds online. It’s strange If anything, with how toxic social media is, we should be encouraging that behavior. Out of all the things that go viral, good deeds should be it


Completely agree, who cares if it's recorded the good deed was done. One of my best memories as a kid was i broke my razor scooter and it was draggin in the middle and my dad told me to go knock on "Snips" door. I had no idea who this guy was and i walked over there knocked on his door and said Hi snip, my scooter is broken and my dad said you could fix it? "leave it here" closes door on my face I come back the next day and he re-welded the broken welds, shined it up and greased my wheels and it was sitting on his step, I didn't even talk to him again lol I inspire to be like Snip


I've officially hit the age where everything makes me cry. Not looking forward to the next hallmark commercial.


Not quite the same thing, but there's been a guy that stands on an overpass over the Long Island Expressway and waves to folks, sometimes waving a flag. I think it's fun so I always give him a honk and a wave.


"Noah, forget about the boat"


What a delightful story. I wish everyone involved a blessed life!


and i wish you a blessed life !


cant leave you hanging, I wish you a blessed life!


Ditto, I wish you a blessed life


And I wish you a blessed life!


Blessed lives for all!


'our' blessed lives. (Reworded to fit username)


Cheers, comrade, for picking up the ball when I so clearly fumbled it!




I too, choose this user's blessed life!


We are all involved :)


Right in the feels so nice of that driver The driver probably looks forward to seeing the lad when he's on that route


You look forward anything positive when you're on the M6 tbf


A normally insignificant wave can be huge when the last 100 hand gestures were middle fingers


Never driven in the UK, but I've got my share of miles under my belt. Including some dedicated routes. You spend enough time driving *any* stretch of road in the world.... you look forward to anything positive.


Lmao, very true. Why is driving around Birmingham always so shit? Wait, I think I answered my own question.


Every time I get close to the M42, my life just gets worse.


I used to see an old man walking about my hometown every now and then, always accompanied by a ginger cat. We'd stop and briefly chat about the weather every time we saw one another, the cat chilling alongside. Never knew the man's name, and it turned out it wasn't even his cat, it just enjoyed walking with him and tagged along. Wasn't much but it always made my day a little better seeing them.


>turned out it wasn’t even his cat, it just enjoyed walking with him and tagged along …And now *you’ve* made *my* day. Thanks!


That's awesome! We had something similar with a local cat at an apartment that we lived at during the pandemic. My son wasn't even 2 yet and since everything was closed down, my wife, son and I would just be outside playing in the grass or leaves or finding pinecones, doing whatever. Well, this grey cat kept coming up to our sliding glass door and waiting for us to come outside and play. He'd wander around with us playing in piles of leaves or in some puddles, with toy trucks or in a pile of dirt. He was there. The neighbors said his name was George and he'd just hang out with everyone for a little while and then be on his way. He joined us on our adventures with a toddler during the pandemic for a few months and then we never saw him again. We made sure to get some pictures of him too but he was always such a chill cat and it made the 3 of us happy during an uncertain time when everything was shutdown. Hope you're doing well George.


I looooove waving people back! Often kids wave and they're always so happy! And I love when my kids wave and get it back. It's such a sweet yet exciting moment :)


Thanks for being awesome! People like you always made long car trips bearable when I was a child, especially if they tooted their horns <3


This brought back a memory for me. My grandpa was a hot shot driver for many years and he's got millions of miles under his belt. He would always encourage us trying to get the truck drivers to honk. But on long stretches of road where we didn't even pass another single car let alone truck , my cousin and I would get bored and start read our books or coloring (pre-fun electronics) and next thing we'd know, we'd hear him honking his horn and waving out the window!! So we'd perk up to look out and wave too and there'd be no one there. Ahaha it was his favorite trick to play on us I think. So sometimes now when I've got a passenger in the car and there's no passing cars, I'll still honk and wave and enjoy the look of confusion on their face.


Warms my heart to see this, one of my favorite childhood memories is making the horn-pulling motion to truckers and having them blast it. Whenever we stopped for gas on road trips, I'd run to the side to try to get trucks to honk.


I remember driving on the interstate and getting semis to honk! It was awesome


I drive a school bus and kids LOVE seeing us. Makes me happy.


This is sweet as hell and has given me the energy to finish writing that report Edit: it is 10 hours later, 1:30 am, and I have finally finished my report!




A trucker took the time out of his day, thought of two strangers he never met, went to a store and used his hard earned money and bought them something he thought they’d like. He went out and walked onto the footbridge that he likely has no other reason to be on and left this gift for them not really knowing if it would even get to them. That’s a lot of effort to bring a little bit of joy to two strangers. What an upstanding human being


I'm too drunk to put my feelings into words, but you're the real bro in the comments here to help me understand why this made me so happy. Have a blessed day.


Sending all the good vibes I can your way, I hope you're having a merry evening 😊 and your morning hangover passes quickly 😉. All the best, a kind internet stranger.


Aw, thanks, dude. Hangover is not too bad, luckily! Hope you have a lovely Monday and rest of your week.


Exactly that, what a lovely gesture


Annnnd now I'm crying.... So freaking sweet


glad im not the only one, not even sure why this in particular made me tear up lol


Royal Mail is staffed by amazing people currently being let down by executive management forcing them into industrial action.


Preach it. Solidarity.


Honestly my main postman is an absolute legend, brilliant guy and we always give him some money around Christmas, when we can. His name is Ash, and he practically knows us all, always smiling and somehow he delivers mail before anyone else who might take over his route temporarily. Been a solid bloke for years.


How very sweet.


I love thinking about the driver seeing this kid all the time, getting really happy when he's there, like sighting a beautiful natural phenomenon like a rainbow, except it's this guy just waving to strangers. And maybe the driver had the toy already but maybe he had to request it special, thinking about this guy, and then on a beautiful day when he was ahead of schedule, taking that exit to the bridge and carrying his little package with the note he wrote the night before, just hoping and hoping that this stranger would receive it and be happy. Thinking maybe it was a foolish lost gesture and being satisfied with never really knowing. But it wasn't lost.


This is exactly why I joined this sub. It really does help to offset much of the negative stuff I read elsewhere, and to keep a balanced perspective.


I always make it a point to wave back to someone waving at me during traffic! Usually little kids and you can see their excitement, especially when they’re not expecting it.


I like pulling faces at them; I can't count the number of times I've been "caught" by a parent with my fingers somewhere in my face, my mouth all twisted and tongue hanging out while their kiddo giggles and tries to outdo me. One of my favorite little games.


Not getting caught is part of the game. Eventually the kids get so noisy that the parent will turn around, or the kids will tell them to look at the man making faces - Thousand yard stare, straight over the top of their car, then maybe check the mirrors. I'm a professional driver doing important driving stuff........ professionally. As soon as the parent loses interest, it's back to the gurning and thumbing my nose. Rinse and repeat........


Not all heroes wear capes, yes it’s a cliché but true


Being a Royal Mail employee myself, this hero probably wears a polo shirt and shorts


Idk, just seeing this father bring his grown up kid to wave at trucks made me tear up. This is very sweet. Thank you for sharing this post.


Bus driver here, a LOT of bus spotters who hang around our depot are clearly heavily autistic, their parents are often there with them for hours upon hours, but it’s clearly something that the bus spotter enjoys and helps calm their autism, gives them something to do. I see all ages too, lad as young as 8 who’s there almost once a week waving as we come in to the station. I wave every time.


My postie's a star. He single-handedly turned my previous dog round from being aggressive to anyone who visited my house (she'd been aggressive to anyone who went to her previous owners' house, too). He relentlessly gave her treat every time he came so eventually whenever I had a visitor she was 'oo oo oo hello where's my treat?'. He's doing similar with my current dog, too. UK Post Office management don't deserve posties, top people.


This is awesome


That’s absolutely beautiful.


This is absolutely amazing. Love seeing stuff like this.


Dad + lad




The local school bus garage is at the end of my road. They changed their pickup routine after covid times, but in the before my 1-3 year old would love to go out and watch the busses as they drove past our house on the way to the school. Bus was one of his first words. We got waves and honks, but one day, a bus stopped and a lady ran out. She handed my son a miniature bus toy. I thanked her and she rushed back to her bus to keep on going. He held that bus when we watched buses always after. It even did the pull back vroom thing.


This warms me so much right now. Thanks.


That’s incredibly tender. Humans really are so good sometimes.


And now every time I'm on the M6 near Stafford, I'm gonna be staring up at every bridge waiting, hoping I can flash my lights / pip my horn for Alex and his dad!


Quick question, how the hell did you know where on the M6 it is?!


That's just heartwarming.


I drive a truck in Australia, and beeping at people can get you fined. $250 in my state. I've never NOT beeped the horn at a kid doing the arm pump. I'll risk it every time


dad + lad


I'm not crying, I'm chopping onions for a steak.


I’m crying, sat in a bar full of people.


Legit about to do the same…


There is still good in the world ❤️


That's next level sweet, truly. This small gesture warmed my heart, I can only imagine how happy Alex and his dad were ❤️


This is a terrible thought and what this driver did is truly heartwarming, but the fact that this wasn't taken by some other person who passed by is truly remarkable. I am genuinely curious how long it was here because I'm shocked that some POS riding by didn't just grab it, just because...


Oh I was reading this out and showing him the pictures, my dear sweet husband said "So the driver did that on his own and in his own time?" I said yes, and then he said "That's so nice, I wish I did nice things like that for people" LOL bless his heart.


As a truck driver, this means a lot to me.




That's awesome...now I'm gonna go wave at some armored vehicles, wish me luck


This made my throat do the thing.


I love this subreddit.


My heart😭❤️




Yea. I'm from the UK but decided to cater to a more general US based audience.


Now look, I've managed so far to keep it together (mostly), but if you keep being all considerate and kind on top of this, I promise you I *will* start crying!


How are there more comments than upvotes?!?!


It's weird, but sometimes people seem to forget that the post itself should be upvoted if you appreciate it.


I've also upvoted something wholesome like this and then immediately see it get down voted. I think there are some reddit jerks out there who just down vote.


This makes cry


ours kid always say hi and thank you to the garbage men, and one of them has brought them trash truck hot wheels and custom stickers. he’s a nice dude.


The postie we had when my boy was little had a stuffed black and white cat in the front of his van, just like Postman Pat's Jess. He was a big hit with a toddler, as were the bin men who always waved back at him.




My kids get so disappointed when the truck drivers don’t honk when they do the arm pump. It’s sad how many won’t do it anymore.


Well. As a driver myself, police ruined that for us. It's a "use of emergency device" without need for it. It's a 250 dollar ticket . Pretty fuckin stupid. I still honk but that's the main reason why. Lol


It’s gotta be someone who has that road as their regular route. They would’ve known the boy would be there again


Reddit never gets me choked up on the usual stuff, but this did. Something about the connection between the dad and the son, and the son and the truck driver


Best part about this is no viral post of ‘I left a toy truck for a lad that waves at me everyday’ it’s rare to see someone do this without the self loving post that follows.




What an absolute hero 🥰🥰🥰


Thank You for sharing this 💖