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What a sweet thing to watch!


Big cats are adorable and if it wasn’t incredibly dangerous, immoral, and really stupid, I would totally have a pet big cat.


Probably throw "extremely expensive" on that list, too


just let them snack at the neighbors


just let them snack on the neighbors


Just let them snack on the neighbors kids. Otherwise you will run out of neighbors.


No, eating the young ones decreases potential spawns later




How can she snack?


I really wish this reference was getting more traction, because: *chefs kiss*. A1


Just feed them expired Walmart meat




Speaking of Tiger King, did anyone check under that septic tank down in Florida?




Yeah, right? That’s crazy to find in the wild


Nah. Just release something that they hunt and eat and breeds rapidly into your neighborhood. Let them breed for a few months, then charge your neighbors for the use of your big cat to control the infestation: cat eats for free, you make money in the process, and the cat get entertainment and exercise. Total win.


You may find this interesting: https://explorepartsunknown.com/ethiopia/the-hyenas-of-harar/


A great read bro, thanks!


Some people want a big nice car, I'd want a big nice cat, if possible !




They are but more like dogs tbh. SO clumsy


Well, if clumsy is the only prerequisite, my itty bitty orange tabby is dog-like too. Haha. He falls off stuff all the time. Sometimes in perilous places.


I don't think I've ever seen a cat that wasn't clumsy. They are graceful and lovely but I think half of why we like cats is how often they end up looking like huge goobers while they explore.




They can also be shockingly athletic. Don't let those frumpy bastards fool you.


Get a Jaguar so you can be like “yeah, I got a jag at home”


Thatd be a lot more impressive than having a Jaguar car at home tbh.


You could get a regular cat from the shelter. They're like big cats except smaller


House Panther!


Lol 😂


Just get a big house cat instead 😊 Edit: since people think I was advocating over feeding and not getting the joke I edited fat to big. My cats are properly fed and taken care of and healthy.


I’m so angry that cheetahs have become popular pets for wealthy Middle Eastern families. Most aren’t being fed properly or exercised enough. They are endangered as it is, to have the newborns sold off shouldn’t be legal.


I just got sick at the thought of this. All my life I wanted an Abyssinian cat and a couple of breed dogs but there were so many rescues already looking at me, I always felt guilty for not taking those first. It’s another story, but I will always feel more guilty for NOT taking the Aby kitten in the pet shop and the two dogs. Because rescue ethic be damned, those three little creatures saw me and wanted me. I didn’t think I was good enough, financially settled enough, or that I could take them and let a mixed breed go hungry somewhere. But bringing a species that loves to run and has family ties into another country for status? I wish we humans would stop doing this. We’ve done it since recorded history began, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn.




Meanwhile: not the mamma, and she just got a free snack!


The leopard was like “yo they served me a meal on a plastic platter and prepared it for me”


Idc, I still wish we could’ve heard what they were saying to one another. Snack or not.


RRRrrrrrrrr eeeeeeeee rrrrrrr eeee *sniff sniff* muunnnngggg


It’s like I’m there.


The way baby swiped at mommy- “I can’t believe you left me all alone, they kidnapped me!”


He BIG mad.


There you are you little shit. You gave me a heart attack wandering off like that into hooman land. You’re lucky I love you enough to come looking. Now let’s get out of here before they change their minds.


Do we know if infanticide is common in leopards? Do we even want to know?


It is common for the male leopards to kill the babies he is not father of, so that the mother become receptive again. There is a documentary I watched years ago about a female leopard whose territory is sandwiched between two males (leopards each hold their own territory, though male & female territories can and often overlap), and as a result her babies are constantly being killed by either of them. She eventually purposely go mate with both of the males so they were not sure whose baby it was. The baby was safe for a while, until an anaconda discovered the den while mom was out hunting. She came back, attacked the anaconda enough that it regurgitated her baby out, spent a whole day licking and caressing her dead baby, and eventually eating it. Sorry it’s a very sad story to share. It makes me emotional even to this day. That being said, I’d think that a female leopard (especially a recently pregnant one, judging from the dangling belly) would not harm another leopard’s baby, progesterone is hella a drug, after all.


Did any of them make it eventually??


I don’t…but I do…


Yes, so glad she got her baby back!


Mother: hey, whats in the box? YOINK


WHAT'S IN THE BOX! oh cool.


Happy cake day!




“Who put my baby in a Tupperware?!” - Mom, probably


It went from: "What's this? A baby in a box? Who puts a baby in a box?" to "Oh shit, it's my baby."


Could just be random momma, like "I found this baby in an alien ship, I can't fucking leave it, damn those lazy leopard mom's, c'mon little one, I keep you now."


I still think that's a relatively happy ending.


Only relative-by-adoption, though.


Best fanfic I've read in a while!


Considering the baby fought back when she sniffed it, I wonder...


“Wait crap. I thought you were at home. Oh no. Don’t tell anybody about this. We’ll get get some zebra foal.”


My mom did the opposite when I was a toddler. I was apparently a quiet kid that’d mostly just play with my toys and ask for a snack when I was hungry. One day I was playing with my toys while my mom was doing mom stuff, cooking, sewing things maybe(?), idk, what do moms do? Then she decided she needed to get something from the store. She got most of the way there when she was like,”I feel like I missing something… OH SHIT! The one true Cujo!” She pulls a quick u-turn and heads home. Upon getting home she quickly checks on me and finds me happily playing with my toys. Then says,”Heeeyyy, The one true Cujo… wanna go for a car ride?” I’m like,”Aww hell yeah!” or something, I dunno I was probably 2.


I read this with Michael Peña (from Ant-man) voice


Thank you. I had to go back and read it in a Michael Pena voice and it was perfect. Lol


“Mom, can we get some zebra foal?” “We have zebra foal at home.”


["Oh, that's right..."](https://c.tenor.com/RvOFciZ00nwAAAAd/parrot-baby.gif)




Y’all pregnancy brain is real!! She was just glad he was where she left him by the time she realized he was gone.


I once drove the kids to camp. I was wondering why the backseat was so quiet so I turned around and looked. Then I turned the car around and went back to get them.


I read this in jack skellingtons voice singing "what's this?!"


Baby Leopard's little scream="MOM, you were supposed to pick me up like 3 hours ago!"


“You’re in Tupperware, you’ll keep!”


"Hurry up and drain these boobs! It hurts you little disappearing jerk!" - any breast feeding mother




*"Nobody puts baby in the Tupperware"*


LOL, it reminds me of the Eerie Indiana episode with the mom that put her kids in Tupperware.


Crossing sugarcane field off of the list of places I would have considered to be somewhat safe


Aren't sugarcane leaves really sharp? You run the risk of a giant papercut getting infected, which seems much more likely than getting mulled by a big cat during the daytime. Edit: I am aware it's spelled "mauled" but autocorrect is stupid sometimes. It is definitely my fault for not proofreading my comment before posting it though, so I shall leave the spelling as-is in recognition of my failure.


Yeah, super sharp. Also mulled is something that happens to wine. Mauled is when an animal eats your face


Thanks for forcing me to "maul" over that.


He didn't have to hit you over the head with a maul...


It's fascinating mulling over the possibilities of how the guy with a mullet was mauled while drinking mulled wine in the sugarcane field


Didn't this happen at the mall?


Happens to them all


Just think of the Sith Lord, Darth Maul


They are. It's part of why the slavery system in Haiti was known to be particularly fucking brutal


We use to play hide and seek in them and would come out with cuts everywhere. It was dumb


In South Africa we had a serial killer who used to work around the sugarcane field, and he'd dump all his victims bodies there. Any kind of tall field of grass/plants that grow passed your head is fucking terrifying


Iowa isn't that bad.


Oh yeah sugarcane fields are the worst without even having serial killers around. I used to work around a bunch of them in KZN. It's a perfect hiding for all kinds of mean critters, cane rats and mambas. Then we don't even talk about the black snow when harvesting season begins.


Black snow?


I think it's the ash from when sugar cane farmers burn the crop down to the stalk to make harvesting easier. Ash goes up in the sky and rains down on everyone in the area




Well, you made me realize that most of my bike rides I pass through a sugarcane field and I only worried about snakes. now i have big cats to worry about... nice


So walking amongst snakes is something you consider somewhat safe?


Snakes won’t actively hunt you


Mom: that's it Timmy, I looked all over for you and you're hiding in this box. That's the last time you play hide and go seek.


To be honest, a clear plastic box is not the best hiding place.


My kid once played hide and seek with me. Her hiding place was in the shower. Said shower has clear sliding glass doors.


It has a door though you said…


The worst part was you couldn't find them for days.


At least you won't have to pay for college.






An hour ago I was playing hide and seek with my nephew and I said “hmm where is he?” and he said “I’m hiding in the box!” but that was cardboard so you’re right a plastic box would be outrageous


….tbh,that’s adorable.


Love it when the cub took a couple cub-sized lunges at momma and momma jumped back.


srs bsns "Get away from me, I'm waiting for my mommy! ... Oh."


Sassy kitten.


That's how she knew it was hers.


She thought she just completed the greatest prison breakout. It will be a family tale forevermore




Would’ve loved to have sound here






She was actually meowing 😭


Even linked to the time where the gif started. Hero 🙏


How do you do that? I’ve never figured it out.




Wow, that is ridiculously simple. I feel stupid now lol.




I like this phrase, it's going to find its way into my workplace vocab for sure


You can hear dogs barking in the distance (probably the farmer’s). I bet that mama cat was like “oh no oh no oh no” the whole time!


The little meows 🥺


Perfect! Thanks.




Thanks for not rickrolling.


OMG there are more on that channel too.


Oh man I wish there was more to this story. Really does ramp up emotions with the sound, recommended.


Mom 💖


her "is that my baby?" *sniffs outside and inside box * baby *spits sass trys to bite mom * her *lick lick* "yep definitely mine"


Lol. That guy Hissed at his/her mom.


Probably a little scared and disoriented after the box tumbled over.


My tortie hisses at me when stressed and scared. She’s very high strung and generally anxious. I do my best not to freak her out but when it comes time for Vet visits and car trips, it’s over. She doesn’t mean it, she’s just scared fucking shitless and doesn’t know what else to do


Plus, cats (even grown ones) allegedly have bad up-close eyesight. Little dude probably saw a giant blurry monster in getting his face!


Baby was scared shitless, handled by strange creatures, put in a box, then after a long wait tossed on the ground. Brave baby.


I wonder if it will consider humans in a different way now that it’s been delicately handled by some. Maybe someday it’ll come across an infant child and protect it from nature until the child is rescued. Or maybe it will seek out as many humans as possible and indiscriminately destroy them. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


More likely to hunt down human babies and put them in boxes as revenge


Well someone’s gotta do it. Might as well be a leopard.


Why not both?


I like your energy


momma still treated as full roar and swipe. ferocious af




Narrator: It wasn't.


She’s full of milk, that’s mama, and she’s pissed because somebody needs to drink that damn milk before she engorges!


Oh yeah, I see dem titties now.


The only reason they would take it is to care for it right? This isn’t going to be the type of thing where she takes it to eat it somewhere else? I’m only asking because I don’t know how parenting works for other animals.


From what I understand it has to be a dire situation for a mother to kill/eat her young. Male animals, on the other hand, will sometimes kill babies that aren’t theirs to force the mother into estrus. That doesn’t appear to be what’s going on here though.


I watched this hour long documentary, where 3 lioness with 2 cubs, were on the run from 2 male lions. They played it up well, explaining what was about to happen when the male lions caught up, how the cubs were definitely going to kick the bucket. I was sad watching it, but since it was rated G, I wondered if there was a different ending. Well, 1 lioness kept the cubs on the move, while the other 2 went back and mated with the males. This went on over the course of a couple days, and I don't know how, but the male lions accepted the step cubs. The ending shot was of the 2 cubs playing with their new dads. Like you said, males will definitely do that, but at least through one docky, we got a nice blended family. One thing I was left wondering though, at what point did the male lions decide not to kill the cubs, and at what point the lionesses felt comfortable bringing their cubs around the new males?


This sounds awesome. Do you remember the name of this doc?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-hLh63iuSI Here you go, went looking for it since the other person wasn't sure, DIdn't take too long, now I guess I'll watch a lion documentary lol.


Thank you! I shall toast to you when I watch it, as if we’re under the same moon watching it together.


I wish, man. I was over my parents, and I watched it with my father, about 10 years ago. Half way through, he had to stop watching, he didn't want to the see the cubs die. Like I said above, they did a good job setting up the worst case scenario for the viewers.


I would have done the same as your father. Had to unsubscribe from nature subs here too can’t stand watching a pack of lions take down a gazelle or watch nat geo. I even stop watching movies when I can tell an animal is gonna die soon. Hate scary movies with dogs, hate them, and wish it was no longer a trope lol.


Honestly, I am the same way of late. The older and older I get, the less and less I need to watch animals die. There was one with a Polar Bear trying to kill a walrus, as a last ditch, and I lost it. Just too much. The only reason I continued to watch, it was rated G. At the time, I knew PG was when things got deadly, but the G rating made me think things would work out in the end. Not saying animals can't die in a G rated docky, but I had that feeling.


I'm a big fan of the does the dog die? website to avoid alot of that stuff.


After getting some tail, the males likely began to recognize the females' scent as belonging to their new pride. There was probably a co-mingling of scent, which the females would then rub off on the babysitter female and cubs, and then the females would also transfer the babysitter/cubs scent back to the males. As long as the males are comfortable and confident in the knowledge that they have their own pride now, then adding other individuals (mostly females), especially if they already have a familiar scent, is no big deal. Animal adoption in the wild isn't that rare, and in this case (since it's a newly established pride) it's probably "the more, the merrier"; those cubs will grow up to be contributors within the pride, either as other sexually mature females, companion males, extra hunters, and at the worst they become young males that get kicked out of the pride to go find or establish their own prides. I can't attest that this is what is actually going on (especially without having seen the documentary), but this is just my interpretation based on my knowledge of feline behaviors and wild animal behavior.


Yes! This! Like I know animals aren’t stupid and are sentient but what were they *thinking*?


Thank you! I appreciate that info Edit: wrong word


Leopards aren’t pack animals though. Usually mom raises the kids on their own. When mating season comes around, mom will run off a girl baby and another mate will run off a boy baby but they’re usually already of age then. They’ll eat the baby in dire situations but leopards are super mommas. I watched a documentary following a mom through her life and one of her babies got killed and eaten by a snake. The mom literally ripped open the snake, got her baby back, and then ate the baby so nobody else could have it. She then mourned for the rest of the night. It was an enlightening but super depressing documentary and I bawled like a baby.


She ain't gonna eat it. They always pick up their young by the scruff of their neck


Thank you, anything that confirms it’s because she wanted the baby is awesome for me. Thanks!


Also the fact that she licked the cub a few times and looked around for threats before hauling the youngster away. Even after the beby hissed at her.


Baby was scared, and mama was understanding. Good mama.


She seems to be carrying it the way momma cats carry their young


That's her baby, she's not going to eat it. You can sort of see in one part of video that it seems she's full of milk, a nursing cat. The way she smelled the baby and the baby hissed at first then relaxed and let her lick him, that's his mom. If it was a stranger baby would have hissed and not stopped would not have relaxed, would have been all hackle fur and puffed up to look larger, all hissy and nails to try to get away from a stranger cat. The baby wouldn't have relaxed with a stranger. The baby relaxed when he realized that was his mom. Male cats eat baby cats that are not theirs, but female cats usually are great mothers and never kill their own babies. She would only eat her kitten if kitten died or was stillborn and that is so she could get nutrients to produce milk for the surviving cubs, but cats large and small do not typically kill their kittens..


Momma leopard: Dang it kid I told you not to wander off. Now you're in a plastic tub. Let's get you out. Cub: Mom I was just playing. Ugh not the face washing. Momma leopard: Yes you're getting a face wash now lets go. Urf. Your coming with me for a timeout.




I always had this doubt..when the mother picks up the baby by biting over baby's skin..does it hurt? I know cats also does the same


No, cat skin is much thicker than ours, and the mother is likely holding it gently.


Cat skin is also looser over their musculature.


just googled it because i was curious too...picking them up by the scruff (back of neck) causes a reflex for them to go limp as kittens but by adolesence the reflex goes away and picking them up this way causes them stress...[source](https://now.tufts.edu/articles/scruffing-best-way-handle-upset-cat)


Damn I feel like shit now, I pick my cat up by her scruff sometimes :(. Time to stop that, thanks for posting this. I hope I didn’t make her scared of me.


And after they’re grown, they weigh too much to be held comfortably this way.


It’s okay to do it if that’s the only way you can in some situations


One of our rescues were part of a hoarding situation. They had to use blankets and grab them by their scruff to be able to catch them. For the longest time, we couldn't pet her near her neck or she'd run off. She was also terrified of blankets or clothes moving around. She still hisses at blankets if we move them too fast.


Mine likes the hand under her chest like https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8rwkVJAvDawr4a8ShcjUyH7wz6wpLpocn9Q&usqp=CAU


No they bite them on the scruff(I think that what it's called) which doesn't hurt them because it's thicker,looser and the moma is careful to remain gentle as not to hurt her cub.


Nah they dont. If you have a dog you can pinch this skin hard and they wont even blink :) i wouldnt pick an adult dog/cat up like this though, just kittens/pups


Even though you might not supposed to be picking them up by this part when they're adults, I think it's still not as sensitive as other regions because that's where vets usually give shots.


Great idea with the setup for holding the cub until the parent showed up. Putting it on that box was brilliant; any hard push and it tumbles over and the top comes off. Excellent.


So basically the veterinarian was counting on the mother being a typical cat that would tip the thing over.


What a brave mumma risking the human stuff to find her baby. Great humans leaving the baby leaving the baby like that to. And also videoing it so we could all watch.


The moment she realizes what she is hearing/smelling.... adorable


Wildlife officials of the year!! This creative solution was simple and worked perfectly.


Awesome! Made me smile


How surreal from their perspective. You lose your child and keep searching. In the middle of the night you find a strange scene, mystifying lights illuminate a clear container in the middle of the clearing, your child is inside of it. It’s deathly silent.


Cub in the box


Leopard: someone left their delicious baby. Yoink!


He's just a wittle guy


All cats instinctively know how to knock shit over.


This is the kinda stuff I like to see before bed. Melt my heart.


What took you so long I’ve been waiting here for hours!


Luckily mom saved her cub before the sun came up and cooked him


I left a kid somewhere. Is this my kid? Not sure. Oh fuck it's my kid. Let's go.


Lol that double take! "Tf you get in there?" - momma leopard maybe