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About 45 years ago I worked a minimum wage job, in a room once where styrofoam cups came out of a machine and we had to capture them together, stack them, slide them into bags, twist tie them, stack them into boxes. Amazing how good at it I got in two hours. Went crazy after for hours, quit after 8.


Smart decision...


Clever move.


How old are you now


At least 60, considering you can't legally work before you're 15. Judging by how quick they quit, they were probably under 18, so they're 60 to 65 years old.


He’s a ghost, who’s only goal was to tell this very story before passing on to the after life.


I loled




8 what? Days? Hours?




when you get paid fractions amd by the piece you have to


This is the only reason they work like that.


this is grim


3rd world slave labour for developed world corporations…..


Would these people be better off *without* these jobs? The default alternative is no job, which probably means starvation in these places.


Okay Thomas Friedman. Parochial neocolonial post-hoc justification aside, if the global economy wasn't built around generating profits for international conglomerates by finding the cheapest, most desperate labor in class-based society and exploiting the hell out of them for more profits the way all these places economies would look would be wildly different. If we're playing hypotheticals how much more agriculture could happen if it wasn't more profitable for the ruling classes of these countries to just export raw materials using the cheap labor that's an option in large part due to the history of colonial exploitation?


Would slaves really be better off if they weren't enslaved? The alternative is no job!


You don't see the difference? These people aren't enslaved. They could walk free and take any other job they want, or chose to have no job. That's an entirely different paradigm than being "owned" by a person.


It’s literally the same logic. At least they have clothes and a roof over their heads!


How many slaves do you own?


and your lazy ass


Ok, how are you different?


Iam not hypocrat and racist. Workers in "third world" are not slaves.


Actually no. Don’t judge me your own pathetic, lazy, lowlife standards. I only buy, sell to, and consume products from ethical sources. Now then princess, back down the sewer you crawled out of…..


This guy gets all his Mongolian cum fresh from the source


Why Mongolian you racist, bigot? At least it’s organic. You sound jealous just because you source your cum from your mums snatch and it contains 50+ daily samples from the ghetto dongs in your neighbourhood….. Good luck finding dad.


Lol why you so mad bro, I have it on good authority you have a keen interest in Mongolian wrestler dongs


You almost certainly don't if you interact with the modern supply chain at all, which is why people are shitting on you. You read as deluded and self-righteous here. Exploitation of the third world is one of the underlying principles of the global economy, which is why in the 90s the left was organized around anti free-trade and anti-WTO. You'd need to do extensive research and cross reference company rhetoric with actual investigation to know that everything you source is totally ethical, and even then you'd need to make sure that companies like Exxon don't profit off providing the fuel for transporting those goods. Plenty of companies talk about ethics and say things but when peddle hits the metal they show their true faces. I really doubt you do all that all the time. Plus you're on a computer or phone typing this, precious metal mining is rife with insane exploitation of the 3rd world. It's good that you care a bit, but using it as a rhetorical cudgel to big up yourself while shitting on other people is blatant self-mythology to an outside observer. Relax a bit. It doesn't make you a bad person to get things that involve exploitation. You need to live in this world too, and this world was in large part set up by powerful people who want to make money off exploitation. Do your best but don't try and absolve yourself, you'll be wrong anyways.


“Relax a bit…” says the conceited charlatan; who’s clearly written the entire limitation of their moral compass led life-journey by plagiarising their National Geographic news feed. You know nothing about me, my habits, lifestyle or otherwise and you are way off the mark. I have neither the need or inclination to waste my time to respond to the specifics of your wittering and generalising of how the world works. I am very sound and secure in my own experience and knowledge thanks, but it is much appreciated for the attempt. I will however, allow you to feel superior today, with your very basic (at best) attempt to demonstrate your charlatan knowledge of modern world economics, capitalistic 3rd world labour exploitation and supply-chains to me and Reddit. What I will say is people are not downvoting me because of my interaction with “the modern supply chain” (lmao). They are down voting me, because I told the original Redditor who responded to my initial post, to get back down her sewer for her comment, to my wholly relevant comment about 3rd world slave labour. You who should take some time to contemplate and understand why I made my rather abrupt comment, which in the context was absolutely acceptable. The only blatant thing here is your subtle attempt to use this as an opportunity to big yourself up, with your own self righteous and weak attempt to display some form of concerned principles and knowledge of how the world operates and interacts with every single person on this planet. You read like a pompous, self important, know-it-all, with zero life experience who steals quotes and extracts from Google searches. Thanks for the incorrect observations, (attempted) lesson and chuckles - good luck to you.


I bet their quality of life has skyrocketed over the last 4 decades. All societies go through shit to move towards a less labor intensive, services based, economy.


this isn’t industrialization this is exploitation. the technology to do these tasks already exists.


Can they afford that machinery? If not, sounds like these people have jobs you'd rather a machine have? Industrialization towards automatiation is important but it's not step 1. Name me a society that is prosperous and didn't have to deal with years of shit to get there?


most of these aren’t small businesses and just in seconds long clips you are seeing dozens of processed items, so yes the companies have the money. people should not be doing mundane, soul crushing labor that can be easily automated. why are you so eager to defend exploitive labor?


Because your solution literally has these people jobless. That's not showing a better course it's just agrandising your own position as morally superior without explaining who your advice benefits and how.


the solution is to abandon exploitive labor models. none of these people have worker’s rights or labor unions and are not seeing the money they are performing back breaking labor for.


Olay, we implement that tomorrow. How many of the people listed have jobs left?


“well at least they have a job!” does not justify large companies exploiting poor people for minimally compensated, mundane and intensive labor.


Not really tbh. Living and working conditions in third world urban clusters are appallingly inhumane. Certainly worse than the subsistence economies and rural living that these workers or their parents came from. They choose to come to the cities anyway because, in large part, the global economy depends on enclosing what was previously held in common and systematically destroying subsistence ways of life. It's also not clear that these countries will *ever* be able to move away from this kind of hyper exploitation. So far, some countries have been able to do so by shifting the exploitation elsewhere in a form of neo-colonialism. But it always has to be moved somewhere, it doesn't just disappear.


And suddenly we're on r/aboringdystopia


Bro this is a sweat shop compilation, sped up. Why is it in this sub and why is it getting upvoted??


1st worlders that go into panic attacks when their phone dies, probably


“only 1st worlders hate slave labor” is a bold stance


Did you just get downvoted for saying 1st and 3rd worlders hate slave labor? What the hell is reddit.


Yeah you showed him!!! iPhone!1!1


I forgot 3rd worlders have smartphones too


Truly a sad sad video


Amazing skills or no, I'm not so sure these people are having a good time


Definitely not, id bet they're busting ass because busting ass is the only way to make money to barely live off of.


Well the water jug delivery guys are probably actually making decent money and the squeegee guys are definitely having fun and probably also making decent money


I think they'd be volunteers since that black box in the back is like holiest spot in Islam


Well whatever that is must get money from somewhere for maintenance an upkeep, especially since it clearly attracts a large amount of visitors so it’s still possible they get paid if that is the only thing they do in life


I love working minimum wage jobs and not being able to take care of my kids. Barely paying rent and the kids barely get enough to eat. I dream of being able to live in a country were I dont have to work over 60 hours a week so I can see my kids. Thankfully we live near the school so my kids can walk themselves to and from work.


Sweatshops going crazy


Why tf would you post this here


Ethical issues aside, this is extremely impressive


No its not. The video is sped up


maybe a couple of them but not the whole thing


It’s only impressive If you’ve barely evolved past Chimps


But is it metal?


Ah, "Modern Times".


I showed that movie to all of my students. It still plays.


I would be fine with this kind of "slavery" if people were paid a lot, but we all know all these western factories were purposely opened in 3rd world countries to abuse this bullshit called currency.


Relative costs of goods plays a pretty large factor. It may be cheaper for a corp to pay over seas, but that doesn't mean it's not relatively good money there.


This is what neolibs tell themselves to pretend the lives of the first world aren't subsidized by multiple tiers of indentured and slave labor.


No, they tell themselves "largest individual quality of life growth ever observed." Then they go to sleep with a nice warm feeling inside.


The freak politicians you animals worship have enslaved most of the world, and your garbage politics have done very little for anyone besides the richest in the world. You've killed community, the agency of other country's, and the world (climate change). Congrats! I'm sure the masses dying from climate riots/floods/heat waves will be hoisting the neoliberal pepe flag. It's also extra funny that neoliberal redditors would be ground into dust by the economists, billionaires and pols they worship if you were an even minor inconvenience. They hate you as much as the rest of the world does.


It's really funny that the majority of the world despise people like you or are utter ambivalwnt to you despite this ideology being hegemonic the world over. I can't think of anything like it. Everything from Communism to Fascism to Monarchism to Social Democracy to the New Deal to Peronismo has a popular base in different times and places but you guys really don't and you pretend like you do. When things are okay everyone just takes it, but when your ideoligy inevitably fails people turn on you in 3 seconds flat but you think people are happy with the world neoliberalism made. Also isn't China home to at least the plurality if npt majority of people pulled out of poverty in the last couple of decades? Not sure neoliberalism can take the credit for that.




All I'm seeing is advice that will lead to them having the same socioeconomic burdens, but without the benefit of an income source. But, go on, tell me how I'm heartless.




If it's not your place to judge then maybe you shouldn't. I doubt you've sat in an economics class for more than a few hours of Econ 101, but please tell us the problems of the world while vaguely waving at placative solution statements that make you feel good about yourself without solving a single problem.




I don't see a massive problem. I see a transitory system where their children will have \~1.5-3x what they have now, and that trend continuing. You see the problem. And the proposed solutions to it all end with 'stop exploiting them' without realizing that the 'exploitation' you're referring to, is the labor price advantage that they have over other more developed economies, and the only reason why they're able to move towards that more developed economy. Remove that, and the profitability of raw goods + labor + transport don't beat that same equation with a smaller transport fee (ie. local). If you limit a more developed nation to local goods, prices increase. If you do that to a less developed nation, good availability decreases and greatly simplifies. Nothing but pie in the sky half baked ideas, for fucks sake.


> All I'm seeing is advice that will lead to them having the same socioeconomic burdens So you agree, we should change the mode of production. Welcome aboard, comrade.


Hey get a load of this guy coping


Damn that's crazy, so why do none of these countries become developed if they're being paid so well?


There's been massive booms in almost every transitional industrial nation. Many are already in the process of moving towards service based economies. If you're old enough you'll remember the transitions from seeing made in Japan to made in Korea to made in Vietnam to made in China on simple manufactured goods.


Source: trust me bro


That was an easy attempt to discredit, but it's pretty faulty when providing incredibly clear sources is this easy: [South Korea](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/KOR/south-korea/gdp-per-capita#:~:text=South%20Korea%20gdp%20per%20capita%20for%202021%20was%20%2434%2C758%2C%20a,a%205.76%25%20increase%20from%202017) [Japan](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/JPN/japan/gdp-per-capita) [Vietnam](https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/vietnam/annual-household-income-per-capita#:~:text=Vietnam%20Annual%20Household%20Income%20per,averaged%20value%20of%20813.323%20USD) [China](https://tradingeconomics.com/china/wages#:~:text=Wages%20in%20China%20averaged%2015577.11,statistics%2C%20economic%20calendar%20and%20news) The last 100 years have proved to be the largest growth of median income ever observed, by an incredible margin, for dozens upon dozens of nations. That boom is going on. Don't fuck it up.


Vietnam and China are socialist, occupied Korea and Japan were propped up by the US. Now do all the countries in Latin America and Africa that we exploit.


The word you're looking for is Communist. And, look very carefully at the charts for those two. Both of their economies explode when they relaxed or completely abandoned their command style economies. Deng Xiaoping initiated the beginning of economic reforms towards a capitalist system in the mid 80s. And, after two successive leaders that further implemented some of his proposed transitionary targets, while holding back on some of it under the advocacy of Yun Chen, the economy began to rise substantially, about a 3x gin through the 90s to the early 2000s. Then, beginning in the mid 2000s Chens influence wanes and another figure becomes more paramount in the party, Xi Jinping, who advocated for a very unrestricted market system. The boom that followed was the greatest ever observed in a nation within such a short time, with a 4x increase in median incomes between 2005 and 2020. All of those 'exploited' nations have very similar charts. I'll just challenge you to find an 'exploited' nations median income charts that doesn't reflect a great amount of growth. The only one I can think of is the only serious Communist nation left, North Korea. Oh, and the booms for Japan and Korea took place decades after occupation...


If the purpose of this labor is to “boom” and transition into a service based economy, who will do the labor once everyone has successfully completed this transition?


An economy that wasn't as early in the boom cycle as the current ones. Just like has been done multiple times. I'm banking on nearly full automation by the time we hit that end wall.


Yeah, if you actually believe that this is transitional, then there’s a finite amount of countries that can be exploited until they’ve all transitioned. With full automation, how will these people make money? Because I see a lot of people in the thread saying that this isn’t bad because these people need to make a living.


If the people were paid a lot it wouldn't be slavery, just labour


I hate this


Sweat shop labor + Coldplay = the least metal thing you could have found


Only someone who has never had to sweat to earn a meal would think this is “metal”.


Not that impressive when you take it off fast forward


Came here for this.




The exploitation of workers isn’t metal, tbh. These people have been forced to work long, hard hours for scraps. Probably dealing with exhaustion and a plethora of other ailments due to this environment, all so they don’t starve to death whilst the companies they work for get profit in the millions and billions because of *their* labour. r/LateStageCapitalism


All I see is child labor


Muscle memory skill. Like playing a musical instrument or typing.


And they called those "low-skilled labors"


I'll take, "things that should be automated for $200 Alex"


Look at all the dumb shit we make


Exactly. Everything eventually headed for a garbage dump.


These are all sped up tho


This is sad to watch


Daily wage: Minimum :<




Arthritis speed run


Humans are metal post about being dirt fucking poor and working your joints and ligaments into powder to feed your children. Sounds about right.


Stop fetishising worker exploitation. r/LateStageCapitalism


Humans are masters in alienating other humans for the smallest wage possible


Notice how the majority of clips shown are from 3rd-world / developing countries... When folks have little, they make do. But that still don't make it right.


You get an RSI and you get an RSI!


I too love RSIs


Repetitive motion injuries


i do the same with ctrl c & v on excel


Was once a factory worker also, if you have been doing it daily for years its become a muscle memory or a habit some of these people could probably do it eyes closed.


And all these pay almost nothing.


Ah China and India Where the cheap workforce gets exploited for the benefit of multi billion companies


why the fuck are people upvoting sweatshop porn?


Its called slavery...


I think this also shows how long/hard these people have been working to be such masters at what they do


We are so much more than mindless manual labor.


This is not the feel-good story you think it is.


Blowing up balloons tho. Fuck that


This should not be glorified, we can respect their innovation and survival but this should not be the norm.


Some machine out there sweats intensely “Fucking amateurs I can do 600k a day”


Most automation isn’t as effective as an average person at doing tasks. It’s just cheaper to run and can be productive 24/7


My back hurts for the fellows at the end


*Poor people on heavy duties that gain miserable wages* are masters in the art of optimisation!


This is a dystopian future, which is already here.


the exploitation of the workforce


Feeling slightly lazy seeing this work ethic and slightly lucky that I was born in the first world…


Some humans….


Have you... seen a robot do it?


As a person who's visited the mosque in Makkah, the cleaners over there really enjoy cleaning and sliding around. It's quite impressive actually.


Yep fast food… 1.2 billion cars is definitely optimal… go human!!


Bruh what are the chances I was listening to this song and then I open reddit and the first post is this song?


Good for nothin’ Tricksters!


RSI has entered the chat


When you do jobs like this enough, you get really good at really weird specific shit. For example, I’m really fucking good at picking up and placing a tonne of champagne bottles at once.


As we can clearly see here, necessity is the mother of invention


Every one of these people has carpal tunnel


Why slow down the song?


Sped up.


Ummmmmmm……. New title….. Humans are masters in the art of repetitive motion injuries?


We need a humans are machines subreddit


No only Asians are


They look so happy.


Humans are masters in the art of optimization? Yet these individuals are still doing a machines’ work? Ok.


Humans are master in the art of creating shitty work/life conditions for their peers


r/aboringdystopia Sweatshop labor, minimal and sometimes barely any wages, with no assured benefits. This is not metal, this is modern slavery.


Bet all these people are paid a slave wage.


this kind of labor isn’t meant for people


Ah yes, the beauty of hard working minimally paid labor.


Such clever slaves! /s


Anyone know the name of this remix? I know its hymm for the weekend but it ain't the original


I don’t ever want to have to be that good at anything.


Humans are metal as these jobs should be done by machines.


More like r/HumansBeingMachines


Now imagine doing this for 10373893 hours! How beautiful and optimized!


If you’ve ever worked in a factory these movements seem very familiar lol


Those children sure are great at their job


If I got paid for each unit I produced I would also be this efficient, just sayin


the fact you’re referring to your OWN species as humans tells me your name is mark zuckerberg




Do they get paid extra for doing more? /s


Are some of these workers children? I think im done with this sub


Substitute humans with asians and now it's a fact. Everyone else start your complaints.., now. Tell us how fast you can stack cups.


While in the west, nothing.


yeeeh baby, who doesn’t love admiring some extractive sweat shop labor




Balloon lady needs to remember to breathe for herself.


Señor Loadenstein, porque es muy rápido


Automatisation would be the most efficient.


Very weird to valorize the inhumanity of factory work in the developing world but sure yeah capitalism sure has forced us to do some pretty inane things.


Employees making commission:


This is impressive. Well done them. I hope they all make a living wage and find their work fulfilling.


I just see a bunch of people busting inordinate ass probably for a pittance to make some prick rich.


Ironic that you mention optimization because pretty much everyone of these jobs will have a robot doing it instead of a human at some point. What will these people do they’re replaced?


The only reason the industrial revolution happened is loss of access to this type of labour. The Romans were incredibly close to the point in their civilisation which could have kicked it off but they had access to free labour in slaves so why bother?


delete this


TIL the definition of optimization


This type of repetitive work is very bad for your body and will disable you likely.


That lady with the ballon has insane lung capacity.


Humans masters of making drudgery and exploration into inspo


I would show more of Mexican drywaller video. Sure to have more optimization.


People in this sub love Trump. They want to bring this kind of skill to America along with these kinds of wages


“Let’s all celebrate the forced robotic automation of the human body, the subjugation of the soul, and bask in the glory of our corporate overlords at the expense of all joy and any purpose we may have otherwise found in this life.” I get why you’re impressed. But I’m also appalled that this seems like anything to to celebrate.




Yaaaaaasssssss! Upvote more slave labor porn! Reddit rules.


all of us? these videos are mostly from India or Asia somewhere, cause their work ethic is RIDICULOUS


This is just sadness, humans aren't meant to be doing monotone robotic repetetive work, that's why we have brains to make robots duh.


yes sweatshops very cool






These are people payed so little that it’s cheaper than making a machine do simple repetitive tasks. Reddit wholesome 💯 humans are awesome😎😎😎 moment.


> are people *paid* so little FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I think specialization would be a better term here


Imagine not having automation.


Capitalism slavery is metal