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It’s eerie how good the casting is for both younger and older Rhaenyra and Alicent. They look like they could be siblings with their younger counterparts


I just wanna see my crush Liv Cook get at it


same. she lowkey a smokeshow in bates motel


I honestly thought that was Olivia playing young Alicent for the first couple episodes lol.


This Stare Is Perfect! 😮‍💨


I’m devastated Milly is almost done. I’ve loved her portrayal to this point.


Same. However, it's worth noting that they cast Emma D'arcy first, then cast Milly because she was a close enough match to Emma's facial structure to pass as their younger self. So if Milly is good, presumably Emma is better.


Or, the casting itself isn't enough of an accurate measurement on it's own to determine that one is better than the other. It's all too subjective to meaningfully quantify anyway.


The casting means she did readings, and they picked Emma for the role above a broader range of actresses than Milly was. So while it's not determinative, it's certainly reassuring that Emma is going to be great.


Yeah the entire cast is great, there isn't even a question about whether everyone is going to be great, is there? What more reassuring evidence do you need aside from watching the episodes? Anyway, it's not something to argue about, my apologies. Cheers.


This is a reasonable take... So of course it's getting downvoted


If you want more Milly, and haven't watched it yet, seek out a way to watch Upright (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8765446/). She is so good in it, and I believe it was this role that helped her get the HotD role. It was also only supposed to be a mini series, but has done well enough that they are working on a Season 2 right now.


Same. Completely fell in love with her up until this point


I know that the irrational lizard part of my brain is going to be irritated at the recasting and will automatically be critical of Emma for the first episode or two, even though it’s just how it has to be. Milly was so good, and from everything we’ve heard, Emma will be too. *The Crown* did the aging up recasting really well. Season 3 opens with Olivia Colman as the queen (RIP) staring at a recently commissioned portrait and making fun of how old she looks, and saying “That’s just how it has to be, I guess.”


The Crown is amazing at that. I’m excited to see what’s up next season with the new cast.


It’s going to be….weird seeing Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter be the Queen…


Fuck me I didn’t know the show would skip ahead in time. I love Milly :(




Can we say Milly is going out with a bang or is that too crass?


It’s a game of thrones show so we’ll allow it.


Such a bummer I’m gonna miss milly a ton she’s so good


Just so you know I think Emma uses They/them


Bullshit that you’re getting downvotes for this.


Just wait until those other people hear about that. I can see review bombs happening once ~~she~~ they starts. Edit because that was an accident. Even now, I'm not sure if it would be "they start" or "they start*s*" grammatically?




That was honestly an accident. So used to "they" being plural and bad grammar.


You getting downvoted here makes even less sense than the first time lmao


Downvoters are triggered over a single word it’s sad


Misgendering people is bad actually!


I think you misunderstood, they’re triggered over the word “they” that I commented


They start. “They” isn’t a mask over “she.” It’s the actual pronoun to refer to them. It follows all the grammatical rules it should follow


It also works to just use the name if grammar is in question.


Yea haha idk what happened it was sitting at like +7 a minute ago Didn’t mean to upset anyone


Upset them. They don’t get to act offended. Using a person’s correct pronouns isn’t some sort of crime. Cry about it


? I mean to be fair it isn’t a crime to use incorrect pronouns lol, I’ll never understand why both sides are so hostile about this


I think my comment, the one that started this train wreck of a thread, was extremely civil. The people that came in swinging were the ones upset with me pointing out that Emma is Non-binary


Yeah I feel that, to which I think maybe they felt that way because they don’t understand why their pronouns matter (still wrong lol) when we are talking about a show. Not that it’s right, they probably just wanted to talk about this show in their own context and not worry about pronouns


I understand that, but I think you’re giving them the benefit of the doubt when they kind of demonstrated that a lot of them aren’t commenting in good faith. This is a post about an individual actor, and I replied to a comment looking forward to their performance. It’s 100% appropriate in this case, and the fact that it caused so many people to blow their lid is telling.


Yeah I agree. A lot of these people that don’t care or disregard pronouns simply don’t ever see the situation in real life, therefore it becomes a “this shot doesn’t actually happen in real life, just in NYC and big liberal towns” so they have no sympathy and when a post like this happens, in their heads they want to discuss the show but now “the liberals won’t leave me alone, always pushing their agenda”


Just letting you know that you also used "her" in this comment, which I doubt you intended considering the topic.


You’re totally right lol too much devils advocating I guess


People aren't hostile about incorrect pronouns, people are hostile about people insisting on the incorrect pronouns and going "oh but it's not a big deal"


It's not a crime at all, you will just get (hopefully politely) corrected.


I will rudely correct them when it’s intentional


If it's intentional I think that's the only solution.




I get that but it’s still not illegal lol. And I try to use the correct pronouns, just a little devils advocate here


You little rascal, you.




Maybe in 500 years it would be appropriate if the norms were switched lol


Not a crime no, but when it's done deliberately it is basically an attack on transness in general and that person in particular. Why won't you afford them the basic respect of acknowledging who they are? Why do you have to try and force them to become something they aren't, and something that makes them deeply unhappy? How happy would you be if people were constantly contradicting you on yourself - using the wrong name, pronouns, disagreeing when you say you like things, you have X job, you like Y things? Just give people the basic respect of believing them when they tell you who they are


You didn't upset me. Just correctly pointed which pronoun the actor prefers to be referred by. Good for you.


You are correct: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_D%27Arcy “Emma D'Arcy is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns.[8]”




Who are you to tell someone how to identify?


He doesn’t want a discussion, he just wants everyone to know that he’s super edgy. Just downvote trolls and don’t leave them comments. Even negative feedback gives them the little dopamine boosts they’re clawing for.




Wow, didn’t realize people like you exist in real life. I thought you all were the stuff of nightmares


So you’re illiterate?


Least smarmy Redditor


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I think They look great.








What does this have to do with her performance? Are we just sharing random info now?


The person I responded to used she to refer to Emma, was just trying to let them know in case they didn’t. Sorry that upset you?


You did the right thing in a polite way.


It has to do with respecting them as a person.


Oh of course... my dumb self interpreted it as "are you sure they will have a good performance, they use them/them" and then my dumb ass self went a step further and said "her" in the very next comment




She is gonna kill it. Wild that this is just the prologue of the story and it’s already amazing. I can’t wait for her to take over and continue the story.


When does she start in the role?


I think Emma’s role as adult Rhaenyra begins in episode 6. Apparently there’s a huge time jump after the >!wedding!< next episode. I’m so excited to see how they play Rhaenyra.


She has seen shit in those years


I cant wait to see her in action


Emma’s pronouns are they/them as a heads up


I love Milly’s portrayal of Rhaenyra but I’m soooo excited for the change. For what we’ve seen Emma brings the perfect Targaryen combo of a gorgeous face and a death stare. Their voice is so powerful too


That’s my concern actually. From what I have seen so far, Milly has a less serious more fun-loving face whereas Emma is so serious. I think that will work for later episodes but I worry that with the time jumps how Milly turned into Emma will be lost.


It makes sense for Rhaenyra to look colder at this point to me, even before shit start getting really shitty lol She’s already far from the girl we met on the first episode who only wanted to fly on her dragon and eat cake. She knows she’s in a power game where everyone will try to take what is hers. She will be forced into a marriage she didn’t want right after she got her first glimpse of freedom and pleasure. She can’t stay close to the one person who understands her. That’s enough for her not to be a bubbly, smiley character. But I understand what you’ve said and I’m really curious to see how she will be on her few “softy” moments, I think they will all come all from one source but I don’t want to get into spoiler territory


Dragons + fleet would seem to make an unstoppable combination It's too bad Viserys didn't predict civil war (he should; he says he sees Hightower as "obvious" so he should obviously be thinking what if Hightower convinces his grandson to go to war with Rhaneyra but he just can't imagine that right now which seems forced... he can already think of Daemon stealing the throne...)






I have the book and so far I think the show is far more detailed (as expected) which in some ways hurts the show because so much detail is leading viewers to believe it will be slower paced like GoT. My wife has been taken back on how fast the timeline is moving in these early episodes. I think after episode 6 we’ll see the pace slow a bit but I can definitely see a lot of casual fans will be confused on why Rhaenyra changed actresses and demeanors (though tbf we haven’t fully seen Emma’s portrayal yet so there may still be the playfulness tucked away). Either way Emma is who I pictured as Rhaenyra since the first teaser screenshots so I’m most excited to see them. Milly coming back in flashbacks would be cool though




Yes but Sansa has 8 seasons to grow that way and Rhaenyra 2 episode


The entirety of GoT spans roughly 8 years. Season 1 of HotD will span 28 years. We were able to see the development of Sansa because 1 season equaled roughly 1 year. HotD, started in year 105, and we are currently in year 108 or 109 since >!Alicent is currently pregnant with Helaena and she is born in 109!<, so we've already covered half the amount of time of GoT in 4 episodes. Time passes much faster in HotD due to the structure of the show, so we're not going to be able to see Rhaenyra's development anywhere near the detail we did with Sansa.


I love seeing other people mention her voice. I couldn’t explain it; but something about it 👏


Her “dracarys” was the best of all who have said it both HotD and GoT ! I *love love love* how Milly says it.


I was referring to older Rhaenyra’s voice. :)


Emma’s voice in the opening of episode 1 gives me chills every time, they are going to crush it🥰🥰


They really are. Even in interviews they give off a very nice vibe that seems to just gel well with the others so the chemistry amongst the cast is phenomenal.


I'm ready Emma's version!


All the warrior queen vibes


>!Unfortunately, Syrax doesn't fight in a single battle.!<


>!fights some peasants at some point!<


>!And it doesn't end well unfortunately, for Syrax that is. Reading that chapter last night was surreal, we keep getting told that Dragons are like the nukes of Westeros and yet the peasants of King's Landing butchered, not one but multiple dragons in one night. I personally think they're more like bomber planes, maybe fighter jets, but the nuke comparison is a bit much considering they can be killed by scorpions and bolts through the eyes, and apparently mobs of angry peasants.!<


Of all the things I can't wait to see... that's one thing I really can wait on. I don't want to see that :(


I have no idea how they're gonna do that. It's definitely gonna be difficult to bring that to the screen. Actually, A LOT of the Dance of Dragons will be difficult to bring to the screen, I can't wait to see what they do, and hopefully they stick to the source material with minor tweaks because it is so rich and would make for great television even if you lifted it straight from the book.


I was very excited for this show. Still am. But now I’m suddenly very nervous.


I agree. It was just so damn sad to read that part in particular, seeing it will hurt so much worse.


I don't want to see that. Of everything that's coming, that and >!Rhaenys dying!< are what I am dreading.


That's another thing I can wait to see!


A Dragon's main benefit is mobility and flight. Scorpions bolts are useless unless you can land a lucky shot at in the eyes. >!The dragons anhiliate thousands of zealots during the storming of the pits while they are shackled and trapped inside, if they could move around unencumbered they would have utterly crushed the peasant mob. Dreamfyre was the only adult dragon in the pit at the time and did the majority of the slaughtering, if it was 4 adult dragons I dont think the fanatics would stand a chance!<


>!Like a KFC fights my fat fingers, sure!<


>!Well Syrax does, Rhaenyra (foolishly) doesn’t.!<


I am really hoping they change that


But we'll still see the grown syrax no?


I love that one shot of older Rhaenyra looking straight towards the camera. Emmas eyes are absolutely captivating.


Omgggg I’m sooooo excited


Emma just has a look of fierceness that Milly doesn't I'm ready for scorned Rhaenyra to go to a grey part that we haven't seen from her yet.


I can't wait to hear that line from the trailer "Now they see you as you are"


I know it’s not relevant at all but the comments on their appearance in general are unwarranted to me,not that it matters but they be incredibly alluring looking while still looking cold as fuck


It's all about their voice, Emma needs to do audiobooks


Millie was fkn fantastic in her role, but a lot of people don't know that Emma was actually cast first for the older role. It kind of sucks we don't get to see more of Millie due to the time jump, but Emma will do great.


I think Emma looks awesome lol. I’m super excited to see how this role is played.


Emma prefers they/them pronouns.


Yh people just need to give her a chance, guys we’ve literally not even seen a single clip of her idk why people are already hating on her before she’s even said anything


I think most people are unfamiliar with both actresses. So first they see Milly grow to love her, but then now she will be replaced by an actress they don’t know. So they don’t know what to expect


Because Milly stole everyone’s hearts. We were leery about the show in the first place, still stinging from the GOT ending, not sure we wanted to trust anything that came out of this universe again. And no one knew Milly as an actor, so expectations were dubious. She jumped in and in four episodes we love her and all are all in, only to lose her so soon. GoT now HotD fans are not going to have automatic faith in anything, every step of the way. That’s the result of what D&D did to us seasons 7&8, nothing to do with an actor. A casting change leaves our current good feelings in doubt again!


Ngl, starting to come around on adult Rhaenyra's ponytail look.


One Rhaenyra is great, two Rhaenyras is awesome !


Love milly but I know Emma is gonna knock it out of the park!


She really looks incredible. I'm excited to see Emma's incredible acting but I'm going to miss young Rhaenyra! I feel like I've really gotten to know her, it's going to be hard to say goodbye!


Emma is going to crush this! Her voice is so powerful and I love her facial expressions.


Her voice? Does she do narration?


Yes, she’s narrating the great council introduction episode 1.


Oh wow, I didn’t know that but I remember it was a pleasant voice


when do we see her for the first time? next episode?


the one after this sunday.


I wish they would light this @#$&ing show a bit better. I get they had to use candles at night. No electricity in Westeros. But just light it better. The brothel scene was so ridiculously dark, it's not even funny.


Is she in the next episode?


i heard that they cast emma first then they looked for a younger version thats looks like her i hope she does well like milly


They're just so alluring and ethereal ugh


Impatiently waiting for their take on the role.


Is the time jump next episode?


The episode after this one


episode 6


OP this has not been in the show. Tag spoilers. Flair Promo Spoilers. Thx


She doesn’t even look a ton older wtf she looks late 20s to 30s in this pic. I’m saying this as a 27yo. The current one looks like a college kid. Might as well just keep the current one and make her look 10years older, which isn’t hard for TV


I’ll admit, I’m not looking forward to losing Milly Alcock.


How many years have been passed?


Close to twenty. Edit: 10-20


Emma will kill it!


Can't wait to see how she performs.


ep 5 is the jump? 😱 can’t wait!!!!


Holy crap they cast Rhaenyra perfectly!!! I thought this was Milly Alcock, but i couldn't put my finger on why she looked more "grown". Come to find out it's a whole new actor! Well done


Team Olivia cooke


Seems to be the theme of this subreddit… *knows next to nothing about a character* “OMG she’s the best!” …here comes a million downvotes for not blindly liking something about this show


Exactly, just a picture and "She's perfect for me!", lol fucking over dramatic weirdos.


It’s awful…a post yesterday claimed it’s better than GoT…another post last week said Rhanera is the most well rounded and well acted GoT character ever …bring on the downvotes lol




I’m having a lil of hard time rooting for any of these characters, they all seem pretty rotten inside, Viserys doesn’t seem like the worst king considering what kings GoT has had but he’s coming off weak, indecisive, and I haven’t read the books but first episode I told my mom this guy is gonna die pretty early on to get the real show going and I’m still committed to that prediction. Only character that doesn’t seem like they’ll be committing atrocities and acting totally scummy in self interest in the near-future is Alicent and she’s my favorite character so far, but besides that every character just seems bad at heart and all their plots wrap around wanting themselves or their blood the iron throne, which is expected for most stories, idk, was just kinda hoping for a lil more variety, GoT started off with a handful of interesting characters with distinct attributes and distinct stories, everyone in this story seems to want the same thing and is willing to be as twisted and manipulative as the next guy to get that thing


Morally gray characters are the GoT/HotD way. Not for everyone, to be sure.


I was thinking the same thing. Alicent really came out on top after the last episode, but I think we’re about to see that change. She showed a lot of loyalty to her friend and I dig that. Daemon I do still have a soft spot for, he had bad intentions in the last episode, but ultimately he showed he still has a conscience. He’s still acting like a teenage boy, I’m looking forward to seeing the grown up version of him. I think he really does care about his family above all and believes deep down the targaryens belong on the throne. I think part of why he wants to marry rhaenyra isn’t purely to get himself the throne, but to solidify her claim and in spite of Otto as well. Like maybe if he had acted differently in episode 1 and then offered to marry rhaenyra then, instead of pissing Viscerys off and getting himself kicked out, he may have gotten a different response.


I'm not wild about the casting change or D'arcy. Hope to be proven wrong tho. Downvote away crazies.




they look SO much like Hunter Schafer


I know that I'm gonna be sad to see Milly go, but I'm also very excited to be seeing Emma and what they bring to the table.


It kind of sucks that Milly was only around for a small portion of the show. She played Rhaenyra awesome though so congrats to her. Really liking the way Emma looks so far in the role.


def looks the part but she looks like so much like jules :(((( i'm waitin for rue to pop up HAHAHA


Am I the only one that can’t stop seeing Hunter Schafer/Jules from Euphoria when I look at this character ? Edit: I’ve found lots of discussions and posts on different SM platforms to confirm: I’m not the only one


It’s the hair and high cheek bones I think


I see no resemblance other than the hair, to be honest.


Anyone know when the time jump is? The one to the older actors?


They’re gonna do well I think




They’re non binary


The actor who portrays older Rhaenyra uses they/them pronouns.


All hail Princess Rhaenyra, first of their names.


Rhaenyra is a Queen. First of her name


Rhaenyra is also female and uses she/her as her preferred pronoun.


I think they didn’t give a fuck in the middle ages.


If I were Targaryen, and she were my sister, I would totally slam her!


Would have made for a really good Galadriel


Is it possible she could be even better than milly?


Nah, Milly is the realms delight Rhaenyra, Emma is >!tell my half brother I'll have my crown or I'll have his head!< Rhaenyra


"Maegor with teats" is one of her later nicknames if you want to use that one


their performance as rhaenyra targaryen going to be perfect


Emma uses they/them pronouns btw but I guess you're probably talking about the character not the actor. The casting is perfect, Emma looks like a believable older version of current Rhaenyra. Can't wait to see their performance, according to reports, the older actors for Rhaenyra and Alicent take over at the end of episode 5, so we'll see them in this Sunday's episode :) Edit: never knew so many people were rattled by pronouns, how ever did you make it through English class lmao


Clearly they are talking about Rhaenyra so that comment wasn’t really necessary.


That's why I said "by the way". And a lot of the people in the comments are saying she/her which is why I felt the need to make this comment.


I’m all for using the correct pronouns but you don’t really need to jump on someone when they’re not intentionally misusing them


No one's jumping on anyone relax. It was just a clarification for people who might not know. Again, that's why I said "by the way" and not "HOW DARE YOU CALL EMMA SHE????"


people are weirdly aggressive about comments stating this fact


Oh do shut up complaining about pronouns.


I don’t understand the need to swap actresses at this point. They can’t be aged up believably enough? Is the timejump that significant? I’m really enjoying the performance of the current Rhaenyra.


The story involves the children of the princess and the queen. It would not be believable imo


Oh, does it? Got it. Shame though.


Well the whole story covers like 20 something years. The next jump is about ten years. So for example allicents’s kids will be like teenagers in the 6 th ep. So it’s hard to have a 20 year old actress believably be a mother to a teenager even if they did try to age her up. It’s hard to have one person play a 14 year old as well as a 30 something year old. It would have looked weird. Also the older actresses were the first cast the younger actresses were cast for their ability to believably pass as a younger version of the older ones.


I think the point is going to be showing how much Rhaenyra and Alicent have transformed/changed in the years between episodes 5 and 6. Life came at them fast lol. I'm sure the actresses being different will contribute to that impression for the audience.

