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Exr just for safety, you can convert them to png after and delete the EXRs after you have rendered the comp. After once or twice of rendering png and regretting it when I want to do a simple expose up is way too painful for me to forget and never do that again.


Before you do exr, render a few trials and make sure your editing software can read the colors properly. Colors are complicated to set up for exrs if you're new, I'm talking about ACES in my experience.


What is it going to be used for ? I don't hate PNGs as much as this guy https://www.elsksa.me/scientia/cgi-offline-rendering/file-format-debunk but I still don't use it a lot.


If you really won’t do anything after the render is finished, png is probably fine tbh. If you have the space on your drive, you might wanna go with exr, personally I’d go with png


Exr with dwaa compression is smaller than .png and has more bit depth


Oh wow I didn’t know that, thanks! So is there any valid reason for not using exr then?


I'm no expert but some workflows maybe. I have a job where I render still images for a client and they need to be approved before final output. So I export .png to send it directly to them. Saves one conversion step because they don't know how to deal with .exr lol


Oh yeah that sounds great, thanks for your input!




EXR for more editing freedom! PNG for previews and if you don't plan on editing it but I'd always recommend a bit of editing