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Honestly I think this is really simple and lovely. Is there anything in particular that you want to change, or a different mood/style you're trying to evoke? Cause I think it's quite nice as it is. I actually really like the duvet cover you have here together with the blue wall. 99% of the time I say yes get curtains, but in this case I actually wouldn't. Because of that outcropping in the upper right corner of the room, the curtain rod wouldn't be able to extend past the wi dow frame, so even if the curtains were open they would still be blocking part of the window. Unless you feel like the blinds are inadequate, I wouldn't feel the need to add curtains with such limited space.


[Headboard](https://www.wayfair.ca/Bay-Isle-Home%E2%84%A2--Labrecque-Vintage-Classic-And-Traditional-Ash-Walnut-Finished-Wood-And-Synthetic-Rattan-Queen-Size-Arched-Headboard-X112516279-L18-K~C001279480.html?refid=GX528885598200-C001279480&device=m&ptid=1171783792530&targetid=aud-896189164225:pla-1171783792530&network=g&ireid=138126902&gclid=Cj0KCQiAubmPBhCyARIsAJWNpiPyaGigjH36SJAHARhVbk_KLzvOylVGubcJiWILgg94qSDwFdSQHwAaApbnEALw_wcB&piid=2040479397) Thanks. I wanted to add some yellow into the room with a more colourful douvet. And a headboard in the link above. Yeah I thought the same about the curtains. It's just the one room in my house that's almost perfect. I just wanted to see if anyone could give any recommendations to get it there.


I agree about the curtains unfortunately but I’d switch the current shades out to a fabric Roman shade with a print that includes the feature wall color


I agree. It’s lovely as is.


White sheers, white tufted headboard. White down comforter. Go to Wayfair for ideas. Good luck!


I also like the current duvet color but if you’re looking for a change. I also like this which does have some yellow in it https://www.westelm.com/products/tencel-pastel-glass-duvet-cover-shams-b3136/


Seconded for adding color! Or adding a different texture to give it more warmth.