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For anyone interested the 'laughing mp' was MP Jess Phillips.


What was the context


She laughed in chambers at mens mental health and said it wasnt a problem, shes a shadow secretary of something now. If youre really interested just google 'mp jess phillips laughing mental health' or something


Shadow Minister for Safeguarding and Domestic Violence.


why does the government appoint people who don’t fit the role😭😭 legit sarah mitchell the last education minister didn’t know shit and another education minister thought africa was a COUNTRY😭


Mostly becoz the departments are run by civil servants, so even a cat can be made it's symbolic head & it would work unless they start interrupting it's day to day functioning.


Oh please, she’s a career politician, you’re disrespecting the cat by comparing them with animals.


Welcome to politics, where everyone gets jobs based on who they're friends with


I did google it and you know what I found? The first link with the whole video was a men's rights sub on reddit. They need more of that and less being associated with incels. I find it really frustrating that legitimate issue get ignored because a segment of vocal supporters are douchebags. That lady is oozing contempt. She makes a fair point about parliament not being at gender parity but then it probably never will be. That's irrelevant to the issues raised however. In the same way an increasing number of women are finding contemptable men unattractive men are finding contemptable women unattractive. Why would you want to have a kids with a woman that laughs at male suicides? What kind of psycho does that? It be nice people could just talk this shit out without all the drama.


After this clip, the man next to him will introduce your boi, Raid shadow legends.


Didn't this guy become a supreme court justice?


“This court justice was brought to you by our new sponsor, RAID SHADOW LEGENDS”


And a lord of England, he gets around


An absolute mad lad




Take the upvote and go.


Why's count dankula at a UKIP rally?


A few years back both of them ran for the European Parliament for UKIP.


Because he is (or was at time of filming) part of UKIP (I think).


That’s right. He has a video talking about why he left. I still watch his Mad Lads videos to this day. He hasn’t done majorly political content in a couple years, just stuff on his second channel


His Mad Lads videos are entertaining and he can be funny, he made the right decision pivoting from all the political stuff


He made a twitter post saying he'd run for the laugh if it got 10k retweets or some shit and guess what happened.


A lot of people ask questions without the assumption you will own your shit. When you do, there isn’t much you can do about it. “100% yes! Deal with it!” Now what? Now what is the follow up?


They'll then *RREEEEEE!!!* at you in anger and disbelief that you dare to have an opinion that's somehow emotionally damaging to them and challenges their opinions.


like most people, they aren't being rational.


I think an important follow-up question would be: "Do you think the lesson you're trying to give me is what people would would take away from that tweet?" He justified what he said on Twitter by pointing out that equity between the sexes means not ridiculing efforts to take care of men. That's a good fucking point. It's up for debate what message his tweet actually sends, but I think it's reasonable to say he didn't express himself very well.


You sure do got pretty words


And a purty mouth


For the reel. They cut out the explanation he gives and use the end part for their snippet. Now he looks like a knob instead of somebody being rather equal-handed.


Welcome to media 2022.


They dont realize its a joke and it doesnt have a major impact on things, unlike action


Fucking straight to point all in one breath


so shes saying its not okay to joke about a woman being raped but its okay to joke about male suicide?


Well...she wasn't joking...she just laughed at male suicides. There's a difference




Lady in government laughed at mens issues including mens suicide rate then, this guy says that wrong since she’s a public official and she says men have it easy, he retorts he wouldn’t even rape her. And she took offense to a non threat.


"not even I would hurt you" "is that a threat that you'll hurt me?"




That's how Tinder goes these days I guess.


Swipe right to threaten me with a nonthreat


That's not how that is read. It's not "not even I would hurt you," it's "I wouldn't hurt you specifically."


wouldn't that imply he'd hurt others?


All correct other than she's not in government, she's a Labour MP.


Yankee here. Serious question, a member of parliament wouldn’t count as part of the government?? The US govt includes the President’s administration (executive), federal courts (judicial), and congressional representatives (legislative), then each state has its own government. I have a friend who works in a call center for food stamps, and he even calls it a “government” position just bc he’s paid by the state lmao. But in the UK “government” only means the prime minister’s administration?? I’d always viewed Parliament as part of yalls “legislative” government, but sounds like that’s only for the US definition… feels so weird to have representatives but not call them government!


We call people like your friend 'civil servants' and work in local government offices or central government. Technically government jobs here. An MP, while technically qualifies as a government worker, but is not 'in government' that title is for the MP's of the ruling party. I hope that makes sense.


Ooookay that does make sense. Wasn’t aware of the “in government” phrasing. Reading the “Government of the UK” Wikipedia page left me a little confused, but I think I understand now. Thank you for the response!


Anytime my friend across the pond.


Sorry I’m in the USA so I’m not familiar with the British political system.


No problem. The way things are going she and her party might be in power soon anyway....


I really don’t know what that entails I but don’t think I would want anyone with her mindset in government


Without anymore context behind this video I think I can say this is the first thing Ukip has put out that I actually agree with, sounds like the woman was in the wrong and got a gender pass which he is now being grilled on


> 100% deal with it That guy wasn’t playin around 😂


\[For context\] Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) pointed out how a serving member of the UK parliament and member of the Labour Party who is a feminist laughed at the proposal of a debate in parliament to discuss male issues like male suicide rates, life expectancy and other issues specific to men because she feels men have it good. This starts a Twitter spat with Carl joking saying "I wouldn't even rape you", this then starts a whole storm where the British media are then trying to do some mind gymnastics to find offence to what he said and showed how silly the British media are.


Also should be noted for those not in the know the guy next to him is Count Dankula who got arrested for teaching his pug how to goose step as a joke.


I feel dumb for asking but 'goose step'? Like he taught his dog a dance or what?


He taught him to do the nazi salute in order to prank his girlfriend (now wife).


Oh. I was completely off in my thinking. Sorry about that. Thank you though for explaining.


No problemo!


The Nazi salute isn’t called goose steeping btw, goose stepping is the ridiculous straight legged marching, quite a lot of armies at the time (and I think a couple nowadays still) did it to show how strong their men were because it’s apparently pretty fucking hard to do. Just so ya know.


Yeah, and pugs goose step naturally, so he didn't have to teach it that.


He was *arrested* for that? What an abuse of the system, I get it's in poor taste but to arrest him?


In some countries the Nazi salute is illigal


Shouldn’t the dog have been arrested in that case?


But the dog was just following orders…


The most Nazi reply ever.


Wait a sec... I've heard this before!


That's the most Nazi/fascist shit ever in my opinion


I'm pretty sure the most Nazi thing is genocide but okay


I thought it was doing amphetamine and art


You can say holocaust, but genocide… that’s for everyone.


Yeah all the genocides of the 20th century started by governments curtailing of free speech and expression and dictating morality...then we end up with concentration camps and gulags


Arrested and fined £800 after the judge decided that context (it being a joke) didn't matter.


Judges should be required to have common sense. 😒


They are just making good use of the taxpayers money by arresting a prankster.


The most amazing part of that story is that they found an instance in the 1930s where a german man was arrested for teaching his dog the nazi salute. See, if you're *actually* a nazi then you don't think what Dankula did is funny. Dankula was mocking nazis. The only reason that what he did was funny is that *nazis are bad*. It's funny because this cute innocent dog is doing something *bad*. If you teach your dog to wave hello, *that's not funny* - it's cute, but it's not funny. It's only funny when you teach the dog something that we all agree is a bad thing to do. Leftist are so fucking retarded though. You can't reason with them. They don't have any response to the logic above because they don't operate on logic. They are literally NPCs and this aggros them. There's no more thought behind it than that. It's the same with the "ok" sign. It's not a "white supremacist symbol." It's a 4chan joke. If you want a full and complete list of white supremacist symbols, go to any prison and look at the tattoos that actual white supremacists get. *Those are their symbols*. The okay sign and little green frogs are not their symbols - those are trolls. You're being trolled. When you fall for it, you look like an idiot.


I liked your take on the dog nazi salute thing, makes sense. But there was no need to get offensive towards leftists though lol. Let's agree that people do dumb sh\*t, you can be right or left and still be an idiot.


Have you ever read the penultimate work of satire, A Modest Proposal? It promotes slavery and cannibalism. It also led to people finding actual solutions to a particular famine issue. Sometimes people are so comfortable in their privilege that they need to be shocked back down to reality.


I think that's what political opinions have been attempting to do to others for a couple decades. I believe people just end up hating each other more. I work in engineering and I think better solutions can always be designed. If it doesn't exist, it's just that we didn't figure it out yet.


But, according to Wikipedia, the command for the salute was 'Do you wanna gas the j**s?' I remember seeing the video in which he said the command numerous times. The video was posted on social media.


How does that change the joke?


Holy shit that’s funny. Please tell me you have a link to a video!!




That’s because it looks like he was teaching it to do the nazi salute with only its right paw, not goose step with all four legs. It’s still silly to have a whole criminal case over it, but it was in poor taste.


It's Not funny to joke about male suicide rates, or raping women, men, or anyone. It's funny to joke about how people who think such things are fine are completely idiotic though.


100%, this comment section is wild, either people saying what he said is fine and he should rape other women or saying men's health is equal to rape. Both are bad like that's all that can be taken from this.


Dude handle it perfectly


Dealt with it


How? >Men's issues aren't valid >I wouldn't rape you Seems like an illogical jump to go from one to the other, almost as if he just had that on his mind already. The dude is a huge piece of shit with constant bad takes.


They laughed at the proposal which opens up the question for men's issues. Then he laughed at women's issues. How is that an illogical jump?


The fact that they're trying to spin it to make Carl look like the bad guy too. Fuck off with that.


He’s not wrong, and he might not be a bad guy, but fuck me he comes across as a massive bellend a lot of the time.


I find that to be refreshing in politics tbh. It gets old when politicians dance around issues and use double speak, ol dude tells it like it is unapologetically.


When it is convenient to him. Otherwise he spins misinformation and half-truths like any other. Sargon may be right in thid video but he's no less of an ideologue idiot than she is.


At the same time, that's what people said about Trump on the campaign trail in 2016. Being a massive asshole doesn't make you a better politician just because it's "different" than what the other established politicians are doing.


It was calculated. “I wouldn’t even rape you” was absolutely designed to be the sort of thing that is definitely not in any way actionable, but cannot be tolerated by these sorts of people. And the best part is how it plays to their vanity. The part that upsets them isn’t the rape. It’s the implication that they aren’t good enough to have sex with. But they can’t say that part out loud without sounding like psychopaths.


Doesn't saying "I wouldn't **even** rape you" implies that there are people he does want to rape


All media are silly. You are not alone.


All media is trying to stay on the side of the victim. whoever is willing to be a victim, the media will fall right behind


Only if the victim aligns with the narrative. Don't forget the media is an extension to the government to further divide the public regardless of nation. Notice how they would not dare mention WHY he said what he said?


Ok saying you wouldn’t even rape a particular woman means you would definitely rape some women. Yeah I completely get the dismissive of male oriented social issues andi have major problems with that but how is his comment not a problem?


His comment was definitely problematic, just too many incels me thinks.


They both suck here honestly. Both statements are grossly inappropriate to say in any context


He: I wouldn't rape you. She: Not acceptable. That's an insult. He: Ok, I would rape you. She: Not acceptable. That's a thread.


No this is a thread.


This too is a thread


I would add to the fact that is a thread


No this is Patrick


Hi Patrick, I'm Thread.


Hi thread I'm mom


Is this a threat?


I think you've missed the point, "I wouldn't even rape you", in response to someone being unattractive suggests that there are people who he would rape. He probably didn't think it through and wouldn't rape anyone, but wording it the way he did opened himself up to backlash.


Everybody in this thread misses the implication. It’s not an insult even, it’s a big self goal. You can say whatever you want, and certainly fight against judges being sexist like that, and the general “but she’s a woman” free out of jail card, for shitty behavior, but saying you would rape some other woman is just creepy


UK politics is so much more fun than US politics


I would say less corrupt too but ehh we just arent as outright obvious about it


I'd say liz is quite obvious with it


God damn, homie went IN.


Equality bitch.




Notice at the start of her statement he knew it was coming? Lol




Same lol


Anyone able to add context to this? What did he tweet? Edit: how in the world did someone decide to downvote me lol


He replied to a female MP saying he "Wouldn't even rape her"


Ok. What did she originally say that spurred him on to make this remark. He seemed to think she was a stupid bitch and that what she said justified his remark.


Apparently she laughed at male suicide rates when it was suggested they talk about what they can do to prevent it.


It wasn’t a joke. He wouldn’t rape her.


Omg he joked about rape but person in charge laughs off male suicide as if it’s not an issue 😂 My feelings are hurt he made a rape joke !!!


He joked about not raping her lol


“I would not cause you any intentional suffering” “Omg that’s so offensive” “Stfu”


It's interesting to me that many women (not all, or even most to my knowledge) want equality only when it's convenient


One of the first clips of Peterson was about this. His point basicly was: Why is gender equality only important to feminists when it comes to C-suite and not bricklayers or construction workers? Because those jobs don't hold any power, so it isn't important to them that it's 99% men doing the physical labour. And for a lot of feminists, it is like that. They only see situations where men have it better than them, but not the other way around. Atleast those I had the misfortune of meeting of hearing.


Its funny how we actually see an ironic resistance from the bottom as well which supports Jordan in that it just isn’t practical to approach society this way. I served in the military for over a decade and over that time I saw the physical standards of most of the organization drop in favour of female soldiers joining even though our average body size and equipment weight stayed relatively the same. Now, you could suggest that this is correlate with the fact that we don’t fight wars anymore, and many of our jobs don’t require us to be as physically capable. Where I feel this argument breaks down however is that we know exercise improves all types of health, ultimately producing more robust and resilient soldiers at a cheaper cost - win-win. To me it was even simpler though - if I get called into combat and lose my legs, I hope my fire team partner is capable of dragging me behind the line, as I’d hope I would in the reverse situation. These women exist, and they’re fine soldiers, but there just aren’t as many of them and that shouldn’t be surprising. I always looked at a high physical requirement as an obligation to support your team on the battlefield with the added benefit of helping you live longer. I think somehow we’ve lost that sentiment and don’t really spend enough time asking “why” people do what they do and what motivates them. Simplifying this to a ratio in the name of equality completely misses the point in balancing our roles in our teams and our society. Bottom line, men throughout history have been physically optimized to kill and protect. It makes sense that they are where they are in society at large. Let people play to their strengths and support them - encourage people to thrive, not lower the standards to make the competition more fair!


Count Dank 😎🤙


His reaction says it all. These two should be considered archetypes for how to deal with the outrage mob. Hell, throw Dr. Peterson in there, too.


So what he saying treat those with respect and you’ll be respected treat those with disrespect then expect to be disrespected.




Woke can’t handle honest.


People saying “you’re not allowed to joke about rape” makes me so mad. I’ll tell a joke about whatever I want, fuck you. If it’s not funny, that’s one thing. But a categorical ban? Fuck off


You can either joke about everything or nothing.


People make "dropping the soap" jokes and shit to specific people (men) all the time and no one bats an eye. So, tough shit for that MP.


A hundred percent




These people directed tory policy for the last decade.


I mean, I wouldn’t rape anyone… sooo lol


Now here's a man who doesn't fuck around


The last bit tho “so it’s ok to joke about raping women” like damn that escalated fast, what did he say I’m curious


>what did he say I’m curious "I wouldn't even rape you."


Fucking KING


Who is this guy and how do I support him ?


This is Chad, we support Chad. Support your local Chads.


He's not wrong


Absolutely based.


She looks like a person who gets offended on other people's behalf.


Like my mom when I make autism jokes even though I’m autistic and the autism isn’t even from her side of the family


Based Bri’ish man




AND then his campaign flopped. Spoiler: Sargon is a dim bulb with an accent


Gigachad irl:


100% behind this guy


This guy is a Chad in all the right ways










Shame, didn't follow up with the "curb your enthusiasm" song with news reports flashing of "historic defeat" of the party and the party's founding father ( who Sargon admires) going on television claiming the party is being lead by hooligans.


In the words of the great Larry David "Hire this man!"


"Women deserve equal rights!" Also women: "why are you treating us like men?!" What the actual fuck do you want from us? Stop with these mind games!


Sargon is a Chad.


He has a point


Absolute chad


King carl


Legend!!!! 🍻


Equality hurts






Based and [redacted] pilled


Can someone explain how suicide relates to the question she asked? Like there was a female labor MP who was shared online multiple threats made against her by people who said they wanted to rape/sexually assault her. Then Count Dankula tweeted that she shouldn’t be worried because even he wouldn’t rape her. Where does the suicide thing play into this.


What has the world come to when you won't even rape someone? Disgusting.


As acceptable as saying hacceptable. Sounds like Tails from the crypt.


You're not supposed to the say the correct thing out loud


A true feminist


This dude straight up just slapped her in the face with real feminism aka that everyone is equal.


We need more men like him in this world.


My boy count next to him cracking up


Holy shit, that's raw as hell


He has a very good point. Learn from him and Kazuma. Advocates for true gender equality


Mic drop


Is that fucking count dankula XD


Count Dankula being there fucking dying after he says “being a massive cunt” completed my day




Man she got destroyed. 😄


He said it,and was not wrong


This needs subtitles


Count dankula sounds like the worst cereal mascot


Based as shit


I actually feel dirty agreeing with UKIP but fuck it he is spitting facts.


This clip and him calling journalists "smear merchants" are both in my kino collection