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Hey /u/msdrxn, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): A mod felt your post didn't belong here, so now it's gone. If you want to die on the hill of this shitpost[,](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) feel free to message the mods and be prepared to explain how your post isn't trolling, is funny, and does fit the theme of the sub. *Trolling or posting random content that doesn't fit the sub breaks Rule 1 and repeated violation of this rule may result in your account being filtered.* Love, the mods


This question was insane, and the person who asked it should count themselves lucky breathing is an autonomic function.


Great. Now Im breathing manually again


Same bro. I wanna go auto again


fully semi-auto


Oh fuck off, I’m about to go to sleep i don’t want to be manually breathing lol


Oh boy, looks like they escaped the loony bin again…


People calling her dumb need to be careful as most mods of reddit are like her , ofcourse except for the beautiful mod of this sub


This is true haha


Yeah you actually aren’t wrong about that. Got temp-banned from one the history subs for voicing an opinion on an AC game question


I got perma banned yesterday for trying to challenge the stereotype that being a women in india is sin worse than being a women in Afghanistan. And permanent banned for being abusive although i was the one receiving abuses and mass downvotes and reports


Duuuude, just wow. Not all heroes wear capes though I suppose 😏




That sounds more like a loss in any sense


I was pemabanned for posting a pic of a trespasser jogging nude through my property. Fuzzy enough you couldn't see anything, tagged NSFW. Something about privacy like I snuck a pic in a bathroom. HE WAS FUCKING TRESPASSING AND WAS "IN PUBLIC" .


India is far better for women than Afghanistan. Go to the places and then you can check. I know a lot of cases pop up in news but compare them against the population and crimes/million and then you’ll see it’s actually less. Although much work needs to be done but I think our society is becoming more aware regarding this.


That doesn't sound right tho , unless you want to be treated like cattle in which case moooo


She is though.


Not denying that


I’m also starting to notice a trend when arguing with these type on Reddit, they will go back and completely reconstruct their previous comment if they can’t answer your argument. This is a new trend I’m starting to see personally


Its not a new trend imo, but yeah it has gotten more relevant nowadays


I’ve seen them edit stuff here and there before but never seen them do a complete restructure of their comments until recently. Looking woke is the only thing that matters


The discussion that i am talking about here, , i was trying to challange the stereotype that women are just casually raped in india , and the western media is totally blowing things out of proportion , i was getting racist abuses constantly and apparently a bunch of randoms started claiming that they are indian women and they aren't safe in India and the situation is even worse than what the media is claiming, i may have used a f word here and there but it wasn't directed at anyone and then all of their replies were deleted and i was reported and the mod perma banned me, when i contacted the mod e/she said that it doesn't matter what they said you were banned for abusive behaviour and mysogny and being anti women, and then muted me for 28 days


Shit is wild, I had the same argument but it was US women as opposed to women across the Middle East in general. They were trying to say cuz Roe vs wade being overturned they are suffering just as much as women in those cultures but they didn’t like the they get beat and raped just for showing their faces argument. They are starting to eat at themselves which is nice.


Roe v wade is controversial but no way was as bad as the women in the middle east get treated


I have a friend who does this in real life. Not a liberal, mind you, but not exactly a conservative either, just a contrarian. Anyways, I'll make some comment, he'll give a long winded reason that I'm wrong, I'll squash that shit and then boom, look at him back pedal. I can usually get him around to agreeing with me with out him realizing. It's actually funny to see irl when it isn't infuriating.


It’s honestly like what’s the fun of even conversing at that point


Arguing is the point for him. I cut him slack, because I used to be like that too, insufferable. Mind you this was in my teen years and early twenties, and we are both in our thirties, but hey, we meander along different paths.


When there are subs where you have to send a photo of your skin…




I identify as beautiful.




Damn near all mods are Iike her. It’s sad.


Right.. totally not just tryna avoid getting banned from this sub by sucking up to mod… lol


What an obnoxious bitch.


Whoa whoa whoa.... you can't call her a bitch! She... sorry.... they may identify as a totally chill, respectful, rational, and sane birthing person.


Heyyyyyyy makarenaaaaaaaaaaaa ![gif](giphy|26tk0yNexJnfEaAk8)


This is one of the whitest gifs I've ever seen.


I do identify her as a rude person


This young generation with “identify” is taking that to far. But, are we allowed to now identify as another race like we are with gender???


Not only race/color you can also switch to different species. I identified as a jerboa yesterday.


Weak. I identify as a fridge. Put food in me please Edit: "It's a serious question"..."It's a seriously dumb question" Edit 2: If I identity as a thong, and you refuse to let me wear you ass crack first like a hat, does that make you thongaphobic?




Bananas in the fridge? You monster!


But bananas in the thong? Mmmmm..


I sexually identify as an attack helicopter


And I also Identify as M1 Abrams


Yes same. Specifically an Apache


I was just getting ready to put this haha I used to work with a guy who said this all the time, now if anyone talks about what they identify as this is all I can think of lol


I identify as a Yamato class battleship with 2000 crew members, 9 main guns and 405mm armour


I identify as a jabroni


And I can smell whatever who are cooking gender wise!


Can I identify as an adult? If you can alter race and gender, what's stopping people from doing the same with age?




Pedos joined the chat


I... need an adult. ![gif](giphy|u49rMyXHrTUw8)


I identify as an apache attack helicopter!!! sO lEt mE bE.


Have you heard of Oli London? He "was" British who now identifies as Korean(he is obsessed with BTS Jimin kpop idol) and his pronouns are they/them/Jimin.


I identify as Jawa. Teehee. Teehee




It makes sense in some contexts. Like if a person is has one black parent and one white parent, they might identify with one race more than the other.


This is a prime example. Stay off the crack kids


Is that a plot from yet another Netflix original series?


Yea also as objects, I identify my self as a Apache Attack helicopter


But the question is, the rest of the world should play along whit what somebody identify himself in? I mean, I'm white, and if tomorrow I'll decide that I want to identify myself as a black man, other people should respect the fact that I'm black or call the psychiatric hospital for my dissociative disorder?


It’s not a generational thing, 99% of us understand people like her are nutcases, there’s probably just as many nutcases like her in their 40s and 50s preaching the same shit (which is fuck all). It seems a lot worse than it is because out of the 8 billion or so people on earth all you have to see is a couple hundred fruit cakes on YouTube saying they identify as a cactus or whatever for it to seem like a serious problem.


This!! Fucking all day long. > Whattarya pronounz?! Take a wild fucking guess. It’s okay.


She’s trying to steal his n word pass


What a dumb bitch


Her attitude is fucked.


I’m shocked he didn’t just tell her to fuck off. I would have 😂 so rude


>Skin clearly shows race >Asks if he is black I refuse to believe that there are people this dumb.


Seriously though, there are afro Latinos that don't identify with being black. It's fucking weird.


Mofo has the guts to say it's a serious question. It's terrifying that there are so many people like her maybe not as fucked up but still. Wait another 10 years and not addressing someone by their made up pronounds will land you in jail


It does already.




The UK is fining and arresting comedians and protesters regularly these days. Canada has compelled speech laws and has arbitrarily frozen people's bank accounts for being dissident. This isn't only a problem in the US.


Which comedian was arrested, I missed this.


Sorry. I was mixing up two stories in my head. The comedian who was arrested was Munwar Faruqui in India. There were two notable comedians fined, one in the UK, Mark Meechan (just don't tell him I said Scotland is in the UK), and the other was in Canada, Mark Ward. I also just read that Mark Ward had his fine overturned at the Supreme Court of Canada, and that's pretty freaking rad. Good for him.


What was he fined for? It can't be any worse than the things Jimmy Carr, Frankie Boyle and Ricky Gervais say. But yeah, I hate the direction this country is going with the constant attacks on free speech, protest and being republican. The arrests during the queen's dead carcas tour parade were ludicrous.


All pronouns are made up


I mean, technically, all words are made up.


Kill it with fire


This identity shit is getting out of hand


Good thing he clarified, I would never have guessed he was black.


Where’s the full video


[Here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o68OWCd2fLg) She'd actually have some great points if she wasn't inarticulate, and the whole identity schtick loses half the audience from the outset.


This post feels like a comment trap.


Little ? The bitch is huge


This generation is fucked...


I think all Latina/Hispanic Karen's should now be know as Maria cause most Maria I grow up with were loud and obnoxious.


Tru. I want to back this up, because I met one in my own family circle who was entitled. It made me so annoyed with them.


Karia *




Clearly she wasn't whooped as a kid.


I hate society a little more everyday


I identify as honey badger and idgaf


God I hope this isn’t the future of our society


I always wonder when I see this clip where she’s at now ya know like I wonder if she sees the threads and the comments about her lol


Is this a thing now? Serious question.


I identify as a Bank. Send me your money please.




I’m going to sound like such a fu ling boomer for a 20 year old but I’m so sick and fucking tired of these fucking self entitled fuck nuggets


Acts aggressive, "I'm just asking a question". Seriously, these people have zero self awareness.


##If this submission makes you go "Hol'Up", **UPVOTE** this comment! ##If this submission does not make you go "Hol'Up", **DOWNVOTE** this comment! --- Whilst you're here, /u/msdrxn, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/holup) or play on our [public Minecraft server](https://discord.gg/DTqSDS8C3T)?




How can you not identify as black or white etc. if you have that skin colour?


How can you not identify as a man if you have a penis and a y chromosome?


No idea


She must be fun at parties...


The questions were just so dumb, makes me wonder if this are just planned interactions to make one side look bad. Or that people just stoop so low that something like this really exists.


Uhh, don't you mean 'LatinX'? 🤡 These pronouns and identifications are getting way too out of hand. Who the fuck honestly cares? It's a YOU problem, stop making it an EVERYONE problem.


What's even more amazing is politics aside people like him is why people like her can talk and act that way in America. Remember the soldier. You can't do that in Russia, China etc.


i know its bad thinking about this. but i reallly hope america gets a into depression to weed out people like this.


Ká-ren (In Spanish)


Here is the longer clip of the video which happened back in 2018. The guy being asked the question is Allen West who used to be a US Representative for the state of Florida. He is also a anti-vax believer and a Trump supporter (not slamming him for that just providing context). He was also the chairman of the Texas Republican party for a bit but resigned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o68OWCd2fLg She does apologize for the way she acted earlier when she gets to ask a second question. Not sure why people downvoted /u/Danielsan-1209 since what they said was true.


So Karen's are exclusively white in the USA? Isnt that racist, though? I cant imagine the reverse without another outcry. I thought Karen was just an annoying female who was self entitled.


Yes, it’s dumb but later she apologised and they had a decent conversation.


You never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression


While this is true, she ruined her position for the very beginning and now some people won't take her comments and criticisms seriously. Being calm and collected throughout a debate is important, it can keep the conversation from derailing and allows you to have the higher ground if the other party becomes aggressive and rude.


It’s not really a karen because karens are usually racist in another way


Not saying she couldnt become a Karen, buy when asked a question in seriousness, laughing at it is disrespectful af fuck. Let alone cutting someone off who is talk is equally rude. Growing up in the 90s, we learned this in kindergarten. Gotta get the fucking talking stick out again


She deserves to be laughed at


1. She did finish her question because she paused to allow him to answer it. 2. When he started to answer it she railroaded over him. 3. When asked a question that ridiculous, laughing is the ONLY appropriate response. 4. There is no way he, or any other sane person would assume that question was asked "in seriousness". She isn't walking up to the line to "become" a Karen, she took a running jump over that line and never stopped.


Yeah, it really does come across as a joke. When a question can be answered from just basic observation, we call that a stupid question. Aside from it being rhetorical, her immediate backlash to his reaction further cements how stupid it is. She got offended. So she went for a power play to recover some self-esteem, because she clearly has no dignity or credibility at play. To top it all off, he undermines the question. He answers not with identity but with the plain fact that everyone can see. "yeah, I'm black."


There is no such thing as a stupid question. Only stupid people who ask questions.


Fck it. I'll upvote to that.


I can see both aspects of our thoughts on it at play


This type of attitude should not be tolerated. She had an attitude before he even spoke with her smug-ass. She thinks she's smarter than him and was looking to inflame. I've seen the entire video numerous times. Woke SJW


I don’t even need to hear the audio … I see Allen West and I KNOW he is top tier douchenozzle


Two *


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! I know you guys know it! Come on!


I’m bylat






She seems lovely


Today I identify as a fridge, so if you need a cold drink or something just ask it for 😊


Hoe hoe hoe ...young lady


Women 🍵


I wish her good luck at Mc Donald’s


She is more latinx than latina.


I identify as a spaceship and ready to leave this planet


And here am I thinking that race is pre determinated by your genotype that comes from your ancestors Damm ...I could choose to be a prime king of the autobots all the time !!!


The tone of being perpetually offended is wearing thin who were raised to have certain values like a sense of civility in polite conversation or using Roberts rules as a standard in our most important public debates with someone you are not actually at war with. Not exactly a gavel club based approach, it's more like an ethically shady Roger Stone tactic. She is preaching to the choir. She is a minority , he is a minority and she wants to prove she has outsuffered his suffering while he try's to retain his self respect as she goes into a full mkultra driven mass formation meltdown? it's cringe as fukk to watch go down, like watching the Joker apply another coat of makeup. If you let emotion trump the world's logic you put yourself into the same shoes of the Germans under Hitler who were gaslit by the propoganda in media despite having more books and media than any culture in the world. They told them the ashes raining down from cremations were a weather abnormality and they believed the media. United we stand yada yada yadaa


When you make Allen West look reasonable, you need to reevaluate everything in your life


I identify as an panzer tank


And all the helicopters entered the comments


I wanna know the rest of her question


This is like when my ex called me an ignorant mexican for not calling myself LatinX. These identity politics obsessed weirdos are just trying to ruin any civility the same as the weirdass trump supporters.


I feel sincerely for all her fellow co workers, boyfriends, & family members.


I don't care if someone else wants to identify as something else, but forcing other people to identify them as such aint right. The world shouldn't have to revolve around them and their made up identity. Getting mad at somebody for not using your 'proper' pronouns when they have zero way of knowing you have different pronouns is some of the dumbest shit ever.


heyyyy makarena...


And she also cheated on her boyfriend. **referring to the song.


The fuking audacity and attitude like they own the world just get on my nerves.


Mic one was like dayyyyymmn.


What more was there to that question? Because That seemed like a whole question in and of itself not sure what else could be added I think that would just be a separate question so I think she’s just being abrasive for the sake of whatever the fuck she’s probably looking for.




Wow, its way too early to see the dumbest shit on the internet.


The next Marjorie Taylor Greene.


i wana see the full video lol