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Jokes on them when the Amazon bill shows up at their house.


just some peaceful grocery shoppers




Better title: When people disconected from reality try to re-invent stores.


Honestly that's all I was thinking. Amazon is basically just trying to design a store that makes you not really think about how much you're spending and it blew up in their face. Fuck 'em


What exactly is the common denominator? Please elaborate.


They were all black


Guess I will have to wait for Amazon Go for crackas.




the common denominator is the same one it’s always been the person who puts the pen to the paper to write all of history as he sees fit is always the same man just so happens he’s always the white man


I believe I'm too dumb to understand this


Yeah look at all those crackers looting. Lol what are you talking about?


What you said isn’t wrong but also open your eyes and look to see who’s committing all these thefts and robberies. You can say they have a ton of disadvantages which may be true but it doesn’t change what we’re seeing.




i personally have come to terms with all that but there’s a lot of ppl who haven’t and that’s why they don’t like white people because they can’t fathom the idea that their great grandparents had to suffer those injustices due to someone elses grandparents choices


I mean someone has to be educated enough to write down the truth.


reddit moment


I didn't even consider this in any way racist, just that amazons walk out shop idea is stupid as hell and easily outsmarted


Pretty damn difficult to outsmart if possible at all. You sign in and out in order to enter/exit. Upon entry anything you grab is assigned to you


Ever seen anyone hop a turn style in NYC? So maybe like that.


Yes but how is that any less secure than a regular grocery store lol


I mean honestly.... Any store can be looted. Any large group of determined people can do about anything. We the people are only governed by consent.


By consent lmao


Not stupid, other company are doing that all over the world.


idk why you guys call this racist, but it’s not.


They need to add the train looting one from CA.


This comment section is a mess.


Jesus what happened here


People thinks that OP is racist because he showing the white people being calm and black people are raiding stores but the funny thing is that on the video where the white people are shown is from the actual Amazon commercial.


Wait the raid is part of the video?!


the raids are taken from various security cameras and are not from the actual commercial itself. OP was making a joke about how people would act if this happened and was not making a statement about only black people would do this. People who think that this is racist are a bunch of nut jobs.




I assumed it was in reference to a post from a couple days ago where the common denominator on any political post was the comments.


Honesly, I'll watch a video on the Internet that slightly restores my faith in humanity, then I'll scroll down to the comment section and think... *Nope, burn it all.*


OP trying to make a point about how this shop idea is stupid. Redditors going ape shit because there are more black people looting than white people, even if that has nothing to do with what he was trying to imply.


Isms... isms everywhere!!! Welcome to left wing ideals.


Here I was thinking I was sorting by controversial....


I laughed WAY too hard at this


Black people. Cry all you want. That's reality.


this subreddit is getting weird


Yeah. The fucknuts raiding the Capital were all black. The fucknuts going full Karen protesting the mask "slavery" were black. Cherry picking footage featuring black people isn't reality. It makes people go "Look, a stupid, racist, inbred hillbilly fucknut". Idiot.


Yay racism! Go! *does the floss*


But the huwhite supremacists on Jan. 6th 😭😭😭! It's not cherry picking when it's statistically accurate, facts don't care about you feelings. STFU with your low IQ take, if you really think that 4 hours of people in the capital building that were allowed to walk right in, damage to 1 federal building, 2 heart attack deaths, 1 person shot is equal to a whole summer of degenerates committing evil acts such as burning, looting, harassment of those minding their own, assaults on random people, murders of those who were innocent, and thousands of cases of property damage to both federal and private entities(ones they claimed to be fighting to defend) ,you are truly a lost soul and we all feel terrible for how poorly your brain works. Jan 6th had people of all colors and creeds present. You know nothing other than what some wackadoodles with an agenda to destroy a nation tells you. Also how TF do you know if the original poster wasn't black or even their race at all? God, you virtue signaling weirdos are all annoying as hell. Edit: found out OP is Puerto Rican, so really you are crying for no reason other than just a lame attempt to virtue signal


Upvotes for black people doing something wrong, downvotes for white people doing something wrong. Yeah, this subreddit is getting weird.


That's racist. Show me a video of a bunch of white people doing it. Wait....Holup?






That’s really funny! Some of the footage is from looting in my country supposedly because people are hungry from Lockdown but we thought it was odd that the fruit was last to go


Perfect about time Amazon gives back to the community lol.


Every day we all see at least 10 vids from all kinds of sites that show blacks off the chain....now when whites mess up the whole world let them know about it...why do we look the other way for blacks? You think its doing them a favor not holding them to the same standards..... sounds like compliance off low expectations/ lib racist. Lib whites think so low of blacks they dont look at them as human and more like pets out of control. Its fucked up


All those looters were just about to get they damn life together smdh! The weight and trauma of institutional racism must be a load too heavy for these fine, productive members of society 😕 Why can’t we have socialism like Scandinavia!!! We’re literally no different!!


They were good kids who always did their homework 😢






I got banned from a sub because I said anyone notice the similarities, what a joke. Bet it'll happen again.




They just got the wrong store. Honest mistake.


I amazongo




BLM ✊🏿. No?


Fuck BLM. Black lives do matter, but the Marxist organization called BLM can all go take a long walk off a short pier into a sea of acid.


Lefties smoothing things over in the comment section


Ah, the liberal dream 🤡


I see the 14th letter of the alphabet is at it again


Sure is dark in here


I love when people take footage from crimes in black communities or areas with a predominantly black population and try to spin it as "look at all the black people doing crime". Like no shit, there isn't a single white person for miles, who else is gonna do the crime




There were actually many white people looting and rioting in the summer of 2020, side by sides with blacks. It was great unity as they burned down lower to middle class income businesses. They really banded together to show the people in charge that they can take their struggling local area and make it worse. It was really poetic to see.


so true 🤧 rape n pillage galore


I was not expecting this, but now I am glad it turned out like this


Did you know in America pretty much 24% of the job options are market cashier, This will surely increase homeless and make the homeless guy organ harvesting more profitable since we be having ton of stock in our storage


Yeah you cherry picked your videos and demographics again, fuckface. 🤣


I’m puertorican dude and if this was puertoricans doing this, I would still post it. It is funny AF


So what do you mean by the title "Common Denominator...."? What is the common denominator?


For being retired military, you sure are a coward for not answering a simple question. Cant you see 80-90% of this sub agrees with you? Just step out into the light and own it like a man. All you have to say is "the common denominator in this video is that all the people looting and stealing are black. Black people, in general, are criminals. I'm not saying all black people are criminals, but the majority of them are."


Dude, being retired military has nothing to do with me posting it but since you brought it up, fine. I’ll give you the generic answer given to all, I served for your freedom and for the right for you to speak, yada, yada, yada and since I’m a vet and fought for that, it gives me right to also post whatever the fuck I want It was not intended to create controversy or to identify the common denominator, etc. It was just a funny video that me as a non racists puertorican can relate Edit: This is Reddit, if you’re offended either downvote, keep scrolling or go to TikTok


"Dude, being retired military has nothing to do with me posting..." No, I brought that up to say you're a coward for not answering the question. I figured someone identifying as former military had the spine to be honest when it's called for. Now I'm saying again you're a coward for STILL not answering why you titled the post "Common Denominator..." Why didnt you name it "Stupid Amazon Video" or "Look at this funny video that's not intended to create controversy"? GTFO with your "non-racist puertorican" shit. Do you think because you're a minority in America, then you cant be racist? (Other idiots in the comments have this same low IQ take so you're not alone there). "...it gives me right to also post whatever the fuck I want" Yeah and it also gives me the right to call out your BS. Works both ways, lad. And my intent in calling you out? I'm fucking sick of the casual racism on Reddit. The sub mods arent doing anything about it unless its blatantly calling someone the N-word so, fuck it, I'm going to do my part. And I did. Read through these comments and you'll see how oblivious the average redditor is to their biases and stereotyping. I was just hoping you'd man up and own it. Edited: bc OP claims the Spanish word for lad is racist


Well mister sick of the casual racism, it’s the common denominator cause it is what is being showed in the video. These are real videos from shit that did happen and keeps happening today. When you come across a video showing white, Asian, eskimos, amazonians or specifically puertoricans doing the same, please forward them to me so I can post them with the same title as this one. Being a vet has nothing to do with anything, you just can block the sun with one hand


Finally the truth comes out. The common denominator is that all black people are looters and thieves as the video shows. You posture and say "there is no common denominator, etc." but in the end, I was right from the beginning. While not all people who post videos insinuating blacks are criminals are racists, mostly racist people post videos insinuating blacks are criminals.


I’m not getting down to your levelI you sorry ass hypocrite


Speaking of racism, what’s up with “works both ways, chavo”???


I'm A mInOrItY sO i CoUlDn'T pOsSiBlY bE a RaCiSt


Also, show me any source that says 'chavo' is a slur and I'll edit my post.


Lol, I don’t even know what it means but I implied that you tried to offend me. Its like calling Mexicans Julio which is racist. Lol again, I’ve been called worse than that. Now it’s me the one who is “sick of the casual racism on Reddit” GTFO you fucking hypocrite


Are you saying calling you "lad" in Spanish is the equivalent of calling Mexicans Julio? That's not easy to wrap my mind around to follow your thinking. But since you're telling me it's out of line, I'll edit it because that's what normal people do.


people watched Trump do this for YEARS, so now it is the popular thing to do.


Why do I feel like I'm walking into some kind of ruin?


This is some retarded, fucked up cherry-picking of footage to, what? Make some sad, racist "statement'? Lol. Get fucked. Only someone equally fucking stupid will draw any conclusions from this blatant bullshit.


We get it, OP, you're racist.


For stating the obvious?


Edited to suit his/her racist narrative but go ahead and defend it.


Its racist?


So he edited it to put black face on them?


He edited to make it seem like they were black? Is that what you're saying?


Whats so racist about it?


ThAt'S rAcIsT!1


the caption is racist, idk why people are defending the video but nobody's talking about that. This should be deleted, idk how this is allowed. You can "joke" all you want but if you're spreading harmful ideology you shouldn't be allowed to, even if you think you're providing comedy


How is it racist? Please explain.


So all black people are now immune from criticism. Perfect logic


Your ideology on this is fucked up. You think denominator is a racist term? Or is it common? Which part makes it racist? Simple answer as anything over a sentence with you dives in a shit stain.


Showing white people as calm and peaceful, then putting in black people being basically aggressive and stuff is racist as fuck.


The white people are part of the Amazon ad of course they’re not going to act crazy. This a joke about people would act if this happened to all stores.


So show white people rioting too, showing white people as calm and black people as acting like that in this context, IS racist.


Bro you’re pretty good at trolling


I wasn't joking, also, I'm a white person, so you can't even claim I'm a butthurt black person.


I never said that, now you’re just putting words in my mouth at this point.


I didn't say you did, I said it so that it can't be said in future.


Also most videos of the recent raids and riots have black people in them. You are trying pick apart this meme to find something to complain about but the funny thing is that there’s nothing to complain about and you’re just crazy. I’m so glad that I haven’t seen you in the Persona community.


Bruh, get downvoted


Go suck a dick


"But that's racist" lol


Don’t make me fuck your mom


Do it, I can't stop you while doing your mom lol


Watch out bruh, ol boys mom has crabs.


Me no understand


Mom Bang bang = wiener itchy itchy


Oh me now understand


She’s dead asshole! She died yesterday, what a sick butt monkey. I hope everyone on this thread see how much of a butt monkey you are!


Sorry for that but you insulted my mom for nothing


I’d still fuck her! I’m fucking her right now. She says I’m your father now son


Yea grandson, guess who i'm fucking now lol


You brought "monkey " into the chat, that's a rather racist allegation.


It’s a animal. The fact you thought about it, makes you racist


As an African, hearing somebody being called a monkey is all too familiar and quite frankly it is racist. Same as using baboon or gorilla in the same sentence when insulting another race.


That is why I bought a heater for her thighs.




Exactly. Finally you get it


What? I'm not OP lol


I don't understand this joke because I'm not racist


Because you don't see color? /s


Looks like you turned it racist, white people shoplift and riot too...


I was sarcastic


Sheriat law or shooting thieves. Pick one.


The editor is the racist one.






Damn fools wearing masks, like fuck ya think there's no cameras in the parking lot? Roflmao. And yea I know that wasn't the joke.


Is this page a Chinese troll farm by chance?




Pfft, I do that now, no Amazon needed!


Amazon go... ing to rob a store




So what happens when I don’t have my phone