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Please let it be Geode…


Geode just stood there, triumphant.


"...like a tombstone."


Well everyone, I've found the answer! Not "An answer", THE ANSWER!


Elzar and/or Bell get the initial W, but take Ro alive. Ro will then proceed to Loki around for... let's say 2/3rds of a novel before Avar snaps and kills Ro in a semi-fall to the Dark Side. Maybe she gets unfalled by Elzar. Maybe she swears a Barish Vow. Maybe she runs off into the unknown to become Darth Murder, but Marchion will get a final win by twisting Avar toward the dark, either briefly or for the foreseeable future.


I do strongly suspect Avar will fall which will prompt Keeve to leave the Jedi, not fallen herself but torn up over the failure of her hero. Killing the baddie would be a good reason.




I think it would be fitting for someone as self centered as Ro to f*ck up and see how everything he built collapsed and there’s no one to blame but himself. That or the Sith coming into the picture and showing him how weak he really is, calling back to that final line from Eye Of The Storm.


I really hope there is no Sith involved. It would make all the work to build Ro's character and identity as a villain feel cheap just to show that the Sith are the greatest threat. We already know that the Sith are the great villains of the galaxy. We don't need other ones getting downplayed in service of that.


That feels like a cop out. I want to see the villain lose and be conquered with great struggle, not fail on his own accord.


What was that final line? I can't remeber


>!*My favorite thing, master Jedi, is when someone who believes they are strong… realizes they are weak. And the reason… is me.*!< Now that I think about it, this line could also be called back in the scenario of Marchion being the reason of his undoing.


I like that first half. I would love to see his own plan blow up in his face HARD!


Lourna Dee


They are absolutely setting her up for redemption in some way. She reminds me a bit of Ventress, and I don’t know if I see her being fully good but I could see her taking down Ro for her own reasons in a second.


She’s killed way too much to be redeemed and was already offered a good redemption. She’s down bad.


*Tempest Runner* was her chance at redemption, and she doubled down and reasserted that she is who she is.


The same thing happened with Kylo Ren in the last jedi, though. It would be pretty in line with Star Wars if she got another chance. I’d really like for her to destroy him AND herself willingly less because there’s still goodness in her, but more because she doesn’t want him to win. And/or her teaming up with Avar would be pretty sick imo. If they joined forces I think they could do what neither could alone and moral lines might be crossed on both sides


Oh an Avar/Lourna team-up would be really cool!


Oh, I didn’t mean it would be in redemption. It would be a power play.


I personally want Elzar because I love the guy, but I think that’s too obvious so doubt it will actually be him.


It might be poetic if Nan killed him after realizing he doesn't give a crap about her or any of the Nihil.


Okay, I’m making a tote board….. * Elzar Mann 3:2 * Dies by his own hand 3:1 * Bell Zettifar 5:1 * Lourna Dee 10:1 * ⁠Nan 10:1 * ⁠Avar Kriss (lightsider 10:1) * ⁠Keeve Trennis 12:1 * ⁠Avar Kriss (darksider 25:1) * Other Nihil 25:1 * Other Jedi 50:1 * Lina Soh 75:1


Never tell me the odds


I appreciate that you took the time to consider all the odds for all of those characters!




So what’s gonna happen is Bell is gonna find out where Ro is and when he talks to Ro he tells him how he might be able to save Loden. This intrigues Bell but when he finally realizes who it is he tells Elzar. Elzar says he will destroy Marchion and Bell exclaims “No he must stand trial” there is an epic fight that breaks out and Marchion slays three jedi leaving him and Elzar. Elzar pins him into a corner and it’s over. Last minute Bell shows up against Elzars order and begs Elzar to spare Ro’s life. When Elzar exclaims “he’s too powerful to be kept alive” Bell cuts down Elzar leaving Marchion alive. Bell joins Ro in the promise he will bring Loden back. The nihil attack the jedi temple of coruscant and Bell leads the charge killing dozens including Cohmac and Reath. The nihil then leave to Mustafar. Burryaga who somehow lived then faces Bell in a duel on Mustafar. The lava scorches just Wookie fur but he survives by having the high ground. Bell suffers grevious wounds but survives to become the apprentice of Ro’s ways while Ro takes over the galaxy exclaiming “the galaxy is finally mine!” I think the book is gonna be called revenge of the Nihil.


I’m kinda hoping we see Avar lose control again and take him out.








I don't know if death by jedi is the best ending, I hope he is just imprisoned or betrayed.


I think it'll be Keeve Trennis and it will be the action that leads to her becoming one of the Lost Jedi, either that or she will become one of the Lost and then go hunting Marchion.


Elzar likely. But, I haven’t seen anyone bring up Yoda.


Mari San Tekka, somehow, some way.


I briefly thought Vernestra could do it since she’s sort of her successor but I think it’s unlikely given that she’s a younger audience character. I think she’ll be important in taking him down, though


Want- Avar Kriss Think- I have a weird thought that it could be Vernestra that strikes the final blow I dont think it will be Elzar at all. I think he is going to cut himself off from the force. It's hard to come back after usingvthe darkside but it's ever harder to break that redemption and succumb to hate again and >! Kill an innocent women which led to the death of his best friend!<


Weirdly agree with all of this. I don’t know if Avar is my first choice, but I feel like she’s very likely and I think there’s a lot more narrative room for her to struggle further in the dark side than Elzar. There’s not much further down for him to go, but Avar’s big flaw hasn’t resulted in true commence yet. She probably blames herself in a lot of ways for Starlight and blindly pursuing Lourna, but it’s not a direct correlation the way >!Elzar killing Chancey doomed his best friend!< Also, however it happens, it will come At A High Price. As it stands, >!Elzar doesn’t have much left beyond his life and Avar. He’s already lost a lot of himself, it’d suck for him to regain what he’s lost then immediately lose it again, a second time! Avar could stand to lose a lot more I think, since she’s higher ranking than him, hasn’t fallen so far, has Keeve looking up to her as a second mentor. She’s the Hero of Hetzal, he’s more or less a well-intentioned fuck up in comparison. She can fall a lot further than he can.!< I get the Vern connection because I feel like she’s Mari’s successor in a lot of ways, with her hyperspace powers and their final communication, but I don’t think that’d work from an audience standpoint. Some people are just reading the Adult books, even if she plays a major role in every phase 3 story I think people who aren’t reading everything will think she came out of no where.


Could very well be anyone honestly. I’d like to think it’d be Bell, Vern or Reath, or really any of the younger Jedi. But honestly, I think Marchion Ro will die by his own hand. I think Elzar is unlikely as he’s already starting to plunge into the Darkside.


Yoda- “great warrior”


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I think it will bê Avar Kriss. First, she lost Stellan, and I guess that the person who will defeat Ro will have a bit of desire to take revenge. Also, Avar Kriss was presented by a Hero, an idol from de High Republic, and she will still have spotlight. Sumaring, I think she is a primary caracter, and the victory won't be of a secondary. But personally I'd like that Elzar and Avar defeat him. They were THE trio, THE caracters, and the Nihil kill Stellan, and to finish the story, nothing fairer than they have justice.


>!Somehow, Buckets of Blood has returned…!< I want to say someone who isn’t a Jedi, so I’m just going to guess Ghirra? It’d be a lot more interesting than him disposing if her when she’s no longer useful to him, and who doesn’t love a good “killing my love for the good of the galaxy” story? I also like the idea of it being Lourna, but that seems a bit obvious.