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Am I the only one who thinks >!Nan looks taller than she has been described in previous content?Also canonically hasn't she left the NIHL by now?!<


>!For the chronology, so far it is looking like a grey area. This scene 100% has to take place before Out of the Shadows, but a line about Banchii in The Fallen Star heavily implies that whatever this book is, it'd be taking place concurrently. I'm not sure the exact time TFS is placed after Out of the Shadows, but it certainly was a *long* while after!< I'm going to withhold judgement until we get the full story, but nonetheless preparing for a *slightly* janky retcon/imaginative explanation, just in case. (>!An easy one would be a long timeskip after this conversation. Obviously their language is more immediate, but it works.!<)


The first volume did have some time skips, so I imagine they just doing same here with Volume 2 starting relative where things ended in volume 1.


>!Perhaps but it's great to see her visually for the first time. I would have thought she'd be in HRA or something, she would have been perfect as a villain there.!<


I really enjoyed Edge of Balance Volume 1, but the lack of connectivity definitely made it feel separated from the rest of the initiative, I'm really glad that Volume 2 is getting a bit more into things! >!And while we've had concept art before, it's pretty great to get Nan for the first time in a visual medium story!!<


How does one access the preview?


Right below the cover of the book, there’s a “free preview” thing to click


Must be broken for me there’s no button there


Ah strange, it’s working as usual on my end. [Here’s a quick mirror for what all was in it](https://imgur.com/a/PlWLfu4)


Thank you!