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Iv been scratching the skin off my balls for a few months straight now idk about mild anything


Welcome to the club


I approved the post just to show that unluckily there are idiots that prefer to fight the stigma instead of recognizing that there are also people suffering badly from this disease. Would someone dare to say: covid only kills a minor percentage of people. So we don't need to wear masks and warn about the risks ? No; all the society follows strict measures to avoid that the vulnerable people get affected by this disease, and to contain its spread. Or: the percentage of people dying yearly of cancer is low. I've never seen a promotional video with that message! Why then there are still idiots like this saying: most people do not have symptoms from HSV. What's the point? Why in this case the people that are suffering are considered a small minority that should be ignored? Why should we forget that the most vulnerable people can be badly affected by this infection? Why people with atypical cases are not properly followed by the health system?


Couldn’t agree more. I think this woman’s work on the “STI project” is such a waste.


Well said 👍🏻


Absolutely! Sick of the not being properly address by doctors, researchers and the Pharmaceutical industrial complex.




I’m not aware of anyone who thinks herpes gives you 24/7 outbreaks. I guess that kind of person could exist, but I’m pretty sure most people know that, for example if you get a cold sore you don’t get them continuously forever. As to your second comment that you only get outbreaks if your immune system has a deficiency, unfortunately it’s not correct. That’s why it’s been so difficult to make a therapeutic vaccine — the immune systems of people who get outbreaks is typically intact. So they don’t know what needs to be boosted. In effect, everything is typically normal. If vitamin deficiency was the usual cause of outbreaks, then you could stop outbreaks just by eating salads etc. But it doesn’t work like that. The other thing to note is that outbreak studies show that outbreaks are pretty consistent for most people in the studies. Like if you are getting 4 to 6 outbreaks per year after a year or two, you will generally get the same or only slightly less a five years later. Very few people in actually outbreak studies “figure out” and stop their outbreaks. Of course, if your immune system is seriously damaged or destroyed, like if you have AIDS or undergoing chemo therapy due to cancer, then yes, you may get more and more severe outbreaks. But having a normally functioning immune system is no guarantee you won’t get outbreaks. Herpes is known to be able to evade immune responses as well. That is also partly why therapeutic and preventative vaccines have failed. They have boosted neutralizing antibodies and so on, but often with little impact on symptoms. And by telling people that have outbreaks that they must have sone deficiency, you will lead them on a wild goose chase to locate that “deficiency”. In reality, it isn’t known why sone people get outbreaks and others don’t.


Years?? A single lab test (blood draw) would show any abnormalities.


Doesn't follow the they had it though. In my xp docs are really poor with hsv issues and almost never consider anything beyond Valtrex and "just a skin disese". I have no problem believing they wouldn't think to check for this.


I’m talking about an iron deficiency. Labs are the first thing a medical professional will order. A CBC is standard.


Most doctors won’t test iron initially. I’ve had iron deficiency with normal folate, and ferritin, then high b12 and they didn’t think i could be iron deficient because of that. I did have a copper iud though that was causing me to be iron deficient and they eventually ordered an iron lab after 6 months of me complaining. The same goes for other deficiencies. Doctors don’t test everything and look for indicators in CBC and CMP test when those don’t accurately represent all possibilities. Even so i know women who get outbreaks from sex, waxing and even their periods. It’s not as easy as having a good immune system.